View Full Version : Electric Tricycles Puerto Princesa Palawan Philippines

27th November 2010, 04:12 PM

This a great place to visit for a holiday.

I was just over there and the place is absolute paradise.

The only draw back to the place is the pollution in the main city at certain times of the day it is worse.People are driving open to the elements in most cases and breathing this foul stuff in everyday.

The worst thing is probably the triple wheel motorcycle for carrying passengers and goods.

The Mayor of the Puerto Princesa is very popular and he seems to be trying to bring in these electric transport bikes.

If this did happen then PALAWAN would be a true paradise.

Our project is not just about converting the gas trikes to keep our air clean, our advocacy is to create new jobs that go with making the e-trikes. We are working with local trade schools and PSU to create programs that will benefit the new industry and the local workers. When eventually the units converted here in Puerto are put on the roads, we would be overwhelmed with service calls, just to fix operator errors if we don't start training people as we go.

While the Philippines still does not have all the BEST components for the main electrical systems, essentially, the heart of the units, the assembly is still a very large part of this manufacturing process.

The future of the e-trike conversion depends on the units being properly serviced and maintained. I have watched others in the industry deal with this problem. We have even had our partner PHUV, Inc., contacted by a competitor for service related issues. That company has at least 200 units on the market and yet, not enough skilled labor to keep them up and running simultaneously.
Dave explaining to Mayor Ed Hagedorn
the different between closed cell batteries
and regular.

I think the schools in every city receiving the new e-trike should be brought in to train the local mechanics to service and maintain the sustainability. They can provide OJT's initially to help offset the cost of their training and lessen the cost to the business making the newer units there.

Welders are needed, fiberglass body makers, as well as certified electrical mechanics. The manufacturer of the electric motor we use, is willing to send his technicians to train others on the proper assembly of the components as well as maintenance. Eventually local private entrepreneurs can open up service centers and offer aftermarket accessories as well.



27th November 2010, 05:27 PM
While the Philippines still does not have all the BEST components for the main electrical systems

Possibly an understatement.




Going to check into them links... work for like 8 dollars a week would be better than I'm doing here right now.

27th November 2010, 05:33 PM



It looks like if there is a problem they simply run another line.