View Full Version : If your home were to be in Palestine.....

28th November 2010, 09:53 AM
I only saw the first 2.5 minutes and I had to turn it off........I am not angry with the Zionist Israelis, for that is what they are, but I am REALLY angry at the rest of the world for allowing this to happen and specially with the Arab world.........and those are their plans for Amerika.


28th November 2010, 09:59 AM
You know the sad part? When this shit becomes real and you talk about Israel and the palestinians, you'll still be called antisemitic.

28th November 2010, 10:11 AM
And you lay no blame on Hamas or Hezbollah.

28th November 2010, 10:36 AM
Spectrism.........if China were to invade the US, as the Zionist invaded Palestine, I would only hope that you acted as Hamas and or Hezbollah are doing.........it is no crime to defend yourself or your land against invaders.

cthulu.............the people must be re-educated into learning the distintion between the Semitic Jews of the Bible and the invading Khazar-European-Zoinist-Israelis wanabe "Jews".

Our land has already being invaded by the Zionist political party, for that is what they really are, and the American people are doing nothing about it.......in time you will pay for the errors of your way.

28th November 2010, 10:52 AM
Amerika is not just being invaded by zionist conspirators. There are also Mexican criminals, a Kenyan posing as president, Chinese businesses, Chinese spies, corporate research traders & thieves, global bankers in collusion with politicians (many of whom are ex-banksters). You are the reason for this.

This country, like most others, has turned away from God. Amerika and the roaming zombies of the land have told God that He is not welcome here. So God left. Now we have a very God-less world- just the way YOU like it. So stop complaining because it is people like you who have asked for what we are getting.

28th November 2010, 11:01 AM
The guy was driving a German made car which is anti-semitic.

An interesting documentary to watch is Checkpoint. It's made by the same dude (Yoav Shamir) who produced a more recent documentary on the ADL called Defamation, and Flipping out, a doc on how Israeli soldiers are doping out to numb the reality of what they are made to do.


28th November 2010, 11:30 AM
Espectrism...........everything has a beginning and if you were to look at everything that is going on you would find the Zionist Neocon political party hands in it........look at who allowed the illegals to freely into the US? who are trying to kill Chistmas and the Christian religion in the US, like killing prayers in schools?

So, I blame the Zionists for 85% of what is happening in this world........

PS: I have no religion and don't need one to believe in the one that you call "God".

28th November 2010, 12:16 PM
Espectrism...........everything has a beginning and if you were to look at everything that is going on you would find the Zionist Neocon political party hands in it........look at who allowed the illegals to freely into the US? who are trying to kill Chistmas and the Christian religion in the US, like killing prayers in schools?

So, I blame the Zionists for 85% of what is happening in this world........

PS: I have no religion and don't need one to believe in the one that you call "God".

I do not doubt what you are saying. I think there are global forces who have a zionist plot- those who call themselves jews but are not..... but how did these scum get into power?

It is the permission of the sheep that allowed their new masters to come in. Those who refuse God as Master have made themselves a different evil master in the rulers of this world. You say that you endorse no God of any religion. In that, you have fallen into the trap of the ones you hate.

28th November 2010, 12:24 PM
Decent, well done propaganda film, makes a good point for those who care about Palestine, I do not, Not the issue here.but all in all decent work.

28th November 2010, 12:42 PM
cthulu.............the people must be re-educated into learning the distintion between the Semitic Jews of the Bible and the invading Khazar-European-Zoinist-Israelis wanabe "Jews".

lol good luck with that. Some people are so dumb when you ask what if this happens to you, all they can answer is about some palestinians. Remember to ask these poeple for help when tsa sticks a finger up their ass. :lol :lol

28th November 2010, 08:19 PM
I'm not trying to stick up for anyone here. I don't believe in a particular God or Savior. But I do believe in the "God" of morality, virtue, and understanding (by understanding I mean "knowledge" for knowing means being 100% sure, there is no 100%). Perhaps if more people worshiped this "God" we would not be where we are.

29th November 2010, 05:42 AM
And you lay no blame on Hamas or Hezbollah.

IF Hamas and/or Hezbollah are working for "the people" - which i doubt - then what is wrong with helping people defend their homes against the military aggression of the US & Israel ?

most of us don't know Hamas or Hezbollah because most of what we hear about them comes from Zionist controlled news sources.

to top it off, both Hamas & Hezbollah are heavily infiltrated by Israel.

29th November 2010, 08:32 AM
And you lay no blame on Hamas or Hezbollah.

IF Hamas and/or Hezbollah are working for "the people" - which i doubt - then what is wrong with helping people defend their homes against the military aggression of the US & Israel ?

most of us don't know Hamas or Hezbollah because most of what we hear about them comes from Zionist controlled news sources.

to top it off, both Hamas & Hezbollah are heavily infiltrated by Israel.

They wrap themselves in the bodies of the women & children while attacking the Jews. They make things worse for all the "palestinians". If Israel wanted to aggress against these people, they could wipe them out quickly. The Jews are not interested in wiping out palestinians.

If I were an Israeli and subject to all the bombings done by the savages, I would be a bit edgey too.

29th November 2010, 09:20 AM
And you lay no blame on Hamas or Hezbollah.

IF Hamas and/or Hezbollah are working for "the people" - which i doubt - then what is wrong with helping people defend their homes against the military aggression of the US & Israel ?

most of us don't know Hamas or Hezbollah because most of what we hear about them comes from Zionist controlled news sources.

to top it off, both Hamas & Hezbollah are heavily infiltrated by Israel.

They wrap themselves in the bodies of the women & children while attacking the Jews. They make things worse for all the "palestinians". If Israel wanted to aggress against these people, they could wipe them out quickly. The Jews are not interested in wiping out palestinians.

If I were an Israeli and subject to all the bombings done by the savages, I would be a bit edgey too.


Clearly the zionists are employing a slow bleed strategy regarding the expulsion of the Palestinian Arabs. Part of the zionists game is a public relations / media game of propaganda, whereby through rhetoric, they seek to maintain the high road - - and it plays well in America, were Israel is generally seen as an ally. This is why the zionists will not employ a fixed bayonet or bulldozer strategy to completely rid themselves of their Palestinian problem tomorrow. They perceive that time is on their side, (as do the Arabs) and continue their oppression at the pace of Chinese water torture.

29th November 2010, 09:22 AM
Spectrism..........you use the word "SAVAGES" when talking about the Palsetinian Freedom Fighters and say that they "wrap themselves in the bodies of the women and children while attacking the Jew"?????.........I don't know where you are getting your info from (it must be from the state of Israel) but read the news from all over the world and you will see who the real "Savages" are.

The Zionist Israelis try not to "wipe" them out but rather kill them slowly........the state of israel don't like being a state in Palestine but want to be a country and as long as they are called a state they cannot be a real country.

Sounds to me that you will be one of those who will welcome the Chinese with flowers, instead of bombs, if they were to ever invade the US.

29th November 2010, 09:32 AM
They wrap themselves in the bodies of the women & children while attacking the jews...The jews are not interested in wiping out Palestinians. If I were an israeli and subject to all the bombings done by the savages, I would be a bit edgy too.


November 17, 2010

Israel finds common cause with evangelicals

By Michele Chabin

JERUSALEM (RNS) When Texas megachurch pastor John Hagee wrapped up a visit to Israel on Monday (Nov. 15) with 40 pastors in tow, he sought out the places where Jesus walked, preached and prayed some 2,000 years ago.

But there was another meeting on the itinerary that was a must-not-miss event for Hagee and his host: a sit-down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The fact that Netanyahu—knee-deep in contentious talks with Palestinians over a freeze on Israeli settlement construction—found time to meet Hagee’s contingent speaks volumes about the ties between Israeli officials and evangelical Christians.

Christian Zionist support for Israel is at an all-time high, observers say, and Israelis, American Jews, and Palestinians are all taking notice—some favorable, some not.

While Israel has long courted financial and political support from evangelicals, many Jewish American leaders have viewed the alliance with suspicion, leery about potential proselytizing and uncomfortable with evangelicals’ domestic agenda at home.

Recently, though, the American Jewish community has found a new appreciation for evangelical support at a time of mounting international criticism of Israeli policy and financial hardships for many prominent Jewish groups.

Hit hard by the economic downturn and the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme that decimated Jewish charities, American Jewish groups are sending less money to Israel. Dozens of evangelical groups “have definitely stepped in to fill some of the void,” said Dan Brown, creator of the website e-jewishphilanthropy.com.

One of those groups is the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), a Chicago-based evangelical group that has donated as much as $70 million to Israel in 2009 alone, and another $30 million to Jewish causes in the former Soviet Union and elsewhere.

Five years ago, Hadassah magazine, a mainstream Jewish women’s magazine, rejected an ad from Eckstein’s group. But this year, after a large donation to a Hadassah-affiliated hospital in Jerusalem, Hadassah honored Eckstein’s group at its annual gala.

“We still haven’t been embraced by the establishment Jewish organizations, but I do think there’s a growing admiration because we’ve been able to grow by leaps and bounds over the past three years while the Jewish federation system and other sources of Jewish philanthropy have suffered declines,” said founder Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

Evangelical leaders say their reliance on thousands of small donors—rather than a few mega-givers—has helped them weather the recession and actually increase their funding to Israel. No one knows how much Christian Zionists give Israel in total, but the amount is substantial.

The organizations, including many based in the U.S., support Israeli hospitals, schools, and social welfare programs. A few pay for bomb shelters and ambulances, and assist elderly Holocaust survivors and victims of terror attacks. Hagee’s San Antonio-based group has donated more than $50 million since 2006, including $8.5 million this year.

Monetary support, however, is just part of the equation.

For the past four years, another Hagee group, Christians United for Israel, has held an annual Washington summit to push Israeli concerns on U.S. lawmakers. Christian Zionist groups sponsor letter-writing campaigns and are active on college campuses.

Joshua Reinstein, director of the seven-year-old Knesset Christian Allies Caucus in the Israeli parliament, said there has been “an explosion of support” from evangelical political leaders. The group now has pro-Israel “legislators of faith” caucuses in 18 countries, including the U.S.

Palestinian Christians, who have successfully cultivated their own powerful and wealthy allies in the mainline Protestant and Roman Catholic churches, are vocally opposed to Christian Zionism. Many of their church allies are active in the so-called Global BDS movement—boycotts, divestment and sanctions of Israeli goods and citizens.

Christian Zionism is “a heretical and false interpretation of Christian theology” that “justifies violence and oppression in the name of God,” said Jonathan Kuttab, chairman of the West Bank’s Bethlehem Bible College.

Ari Morgenstern, a spokesman for Christian United for Israel, reads the Bible differently.

“The biblical mandate for Christian Zionism is Genesis 12:3,” he said, referring to a verse where God promises to bless those who bless Israel, and curse her foes. “As Pastor Hagee has said, Christians should support Israel because it is simply the right thing to do.

Ironically, just as American Jewish groups have warmed to Christian Zionist partners, several prominent ultra-Orthodox Israeli rabbis have forbidden their followers from accepting funds or services from organizations funded—even in part—by evangelicals.

David Parsons, spokesman for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, said hard-line rabbis pressured Israeli dignitaries not to attend the recent opening of a home for Holocaust victims that was partially funded by Parson’s group.

“It’s a real shame they tried to spoil the event,” Parsons said. “We don’t missionize, and the focus should have been on the needs of destitute Holocaust survivors.”

Shimon Sebag, whose charitable group Yad Ezer L’Haver runs the home, said it “never crossed my mind” to refuse the Embassy’s assistance. Sebag said the 55 elderly residents now have “a warm home, meals and medical care.”

“The Talmud says, `When you save one life, you save a world,’” Sebag said. “The Embassy saved 55 worlds.”


Hard to believe we still have one rabid "Christian-Zionist" at GSUS...lol.

29th November 2010, 09:39 AM
Sure- you can ridicule those who speak the truth with your jew-hating bias. You take it to an extreme and miss the truth entirely. The plain truth is that you folks also hate christians as much as you hate jews.

Any of you jew-haters care to cite how many bombings of civilians were conducted by "palestinians", hamas or hezbollah? Care to look at who the victims were? Yes- I call that savagery. And when they attack Israel with mortars or rockets from populated places in "Palestine", I call that an attempted use of human shields.

29th November 2010, 09:47 AM
Any of you jew-haters care to cite how many bombings of civilians were conducted by "palestinians", hamas or hezbollah? Care to look at who the victims were? Yes- I call that savagery. And when they attack Israel with mortars or rockets from populated places in "Palestine", I call that an attempted use of human shields.

What's your criteria for savagery? Number of people killed? Israel's killed more palestinians in the last lebanon war than palestinians have ever killed Israelis. Number of civilians killed? Israel has killed more civilians. Use of rockets? Those things are more like firecrackers. Less than two dozen israelis have been killed from those "mortar" attacks in the last 10 years. Israel kills that many palestinians in a white phosphorus attack, which is illegal by international law. Human shields? Israelis use human shields, steal palestinian organs, and other disgusting acts.

29th November 2010, 09:49 AM
Sure- you can ridicule those who speak the truth with your jew-hating bias. You take it to an extreme and miss the truth entirely. The plain truth is that you folks also hate christians as much as you hate jews.

Any of you jew-haters care to cite how many bombings of civilians were conducted by "palestinians", hamas or hezbollah? Care to look at who the victims were? Yes- I call that savagery. And when they attack Israel with mortars or rockets from populated places in "Palestine", I call that an attempted use of human shields.


Nice try pal...Your beloved israel is a malignant jew tumor now growing upon Palestine and the entire world knows it...lol.


29th November 2010, 10:13 AM
Sure- you can ridicule those who speak the truth with your jew-hating bias. You take it to an extreme and miss the truth entirely. The plain truth is that you folks also hate christians as much as you hate jews.

Any of you jew-haters care to cite how many bombings of civilians were conducted by "palestinians", hamas or hezbollah? Care to look at who the victims were? Yes- I call that savagery. And when they attack Israel with mortars or rockets from populated places in "Palestine", I call that an attempted use of human shields.


Nice try pal...Your beloved israel is a malignant jew tumor now growing upon Palestine and the entire world knows it...lol.


Look clown, I have made it clear that I see ALL the world governments as corrupt. I see Israel as a fallen nation under corrupt powers. Your juvenile rants are irksome and boring. You praise the muslims and the savage bombers of jews. I do not find anything patriotic or wonderful in your chosen thugs. They are animals ruled by hate. You want to bow down to allah and the islamic scumbags who have no problem murdering westerners or rival sects of islam. Just son't expect that everyone here will get down onto the prayer clothe with you facing Mecca and the ass in front of you.

oh- btw... since Israel is a malignant tumor... why don't you just go do something about it? Go try to remove that tumor so the world will be a better place. Your fat will fry faster than you can blink your eyes.

29th November 2010, 10:41 AM
I see Israel as a fallen nation under corrupt powers.

Whose powers are "Isreal" under Spectism?

I have no "dog in this fight". Just curious to learn.


29th November 2010, 10:55 AM
The jews are not interested in wiping out Palestinians.


God forbid Spectrism look at the map...lol.

If we all politely held our nose in an elevator after a jew farted Spectrism would call us all anti-semitic "jew-haters".


7th trump
29th November 2010, 11:14 AM
The jews are not interested in wiping out Palestinians.


God forbid Spectrism look at the map...lol.

If we all politely held our nose in an elevator after a jew farted Spectrism would call us all anti-semitic "jew-haters".


Just what makes you think that land that makes up Isreal belongs to muslims or for that matter palestine.
Dont say they were there first..................cause they weren't.
Jerusalem was a town that God refers to as having an unclean birth which eventually became a beautiful woman as he describes her. The muslims and islam have nothing to do with the birth of Jerusalem.

29th November 2010, 03:24 PM
I see Israel as a fallen nation under corrupt powers.

Whose powers are "Isreal" under Spectism?

I have no "dog in this fight". Just curious to learn.


Every government of this world is OWNED by the devil. Israel of thousands of years ago was a nation with the mission of bringing the Messiah to the world. Before they had a human king they were ruled by God and they had the temple for their meeting place between the priests and YHWH with elaborate practices for purification. They chose to become like the nations and were given over to their enemies for their choices.

The history has come full circle. The re-establishment of a nation in the land of Abraham and passed on to Isaac has been certified numerous ways. The first is the advent of the Messiah through the tribe of Judah and the last was the indrawing of the Jews from around the world. The clock is winding down to the last minutes.

Mat 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. [now more than ever before]

Mat 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
Mat 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
[israel is the fig tree and since 1948 it has put out its branches]

Mat 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
[70 years alotted for lifespan of the generation to see these things]

Mat 24:20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
Mat 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Mat 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

29th November 2010, 03:52 PM
I think the problem starts when you declare yourself a state, and then proceed to raid, and expel at gunpoint approximately 500 or so villages to the tune of 750,000 people, and deny them right of return or any form of self determination.

Otherwise known as the Nakba.

29th November 2010, 04:00 PM
Why would anyone actually care what happens to the Israelis or the Palestinians? Really, our own countries are so F*****d up.I am not an Arab,nor a Muslim, I consider them and Khazars the filth of humanity,Neither are heirs to that territory, they are both invaders.Palestinians argue they developed and settled the land, no, they murdered indigenous people and then claimed it, destroyed the heritage of the place and installed their own monuments under their bloodthirsty false prophet,Just as they did in the Balkans,and Asia.The others lied about their origin, stole a culture and religion,and claim rights as well, even going so far as to claim birthright to it. Its a mess, let them kill one another,who cares.

29th November 2010, 04:08 PM
Here is something I can tell you that is as sure as the fact that you are seeing or hearing this message.

Prophecy will be fulfilled.

Forgetting about who is right or wrong- who is good or bad- if we look at the face value of the prophetic words and consider their content, we can know certain things.

Israel will be a nation at the return of Messiah. The world nations will hate Israel and attack that people gathered in the land given to Abraham. The armies of the world will be destroyed there. World calamities will also wipe out much of the world.

I have chrisitian brethren among the "palestinians"- very few. They are hated by both jews & muslims. The age of the gentile (a time when the kingdom of heaven is open to the nations of the world because of the rejection by the jews of Messiah) is coming to a close... soon. For almost 2000 years the salvation of the world has been allowed because of the jews. They got the crap beat out of themselves (granted- through foolish choices) and this to our benefit IF we embrace the gift of life offered to us.

I cannot hate the jews for being the entry of this gift to our world. How foolish they were and how sadly they will lament their losses.... we all will.

29th November 2010, 04:10 PM
Here is something I can tell you that is as sure as the fact that you are seeing or hearing this message.

Prophecy will be fulfilled.

Forgetting about who is right or wrong- who is good or bad- if we look at the face value of the phetic words and consider their content, we can know certain things.

Israel will be a nation at the return of Messiah. The world nations will hate Israel and attack that people gathered in the land given to Abraham. The armies of the world will be destroyed there. World calamities will also wipe out much of the world.

I have chrisitian brethren among the "palestinians"- very few. They are hated by both jews & muslims. The age of the gentile (a time when the kingdom of heaven is open to the nations of the world because of the rejection by the jews of Messiah) is coming to a close... soon. For almost 2000 years the salvation of the world has been allowed because of the jews. They got the crap beat out of themselves (granted- through foolish choices) and this to our benefit IF we embrace the gift of life offered to us.

I cannot hate the jews for being the entry of this gift to our world. How foolish they were and how sadly they will lament their losses.... we all will.

The "Nation of Israel" you speak of, will be those of faith and devotion to God, not a physical nation with borders.

29th November 2010, 04:15 PM
Here is something I can tell you that is as sure as the fact that you are seeing or hearing this message.

Prophecy will be fulfilled.

Forgetting about who is right or wrong- who is good or bad- if we look at the face value of the prophetic words and consider their content, we can know certain things.

Israel will be a nation at the return of Messiah. The world nations will hate Israel and attack that people gathered in the land given to Abraham. The armies of the world will be destroyed there. World calamities will also wipe out much of the world.

I have chrisitian brethren among the "palestinians"- very few. They are hated by both jews & muslims. The age of the gentile (a time when the kingdom of heaven is open to the nations of the world because of the rejection by the jews of Messiah) is coming to a close... soon. For almost 2000 years the salvation of the world has been allowed because of the jews. They got the crap beat out of themselves (granted- through foolish choices) and this to our benefit IF we embrace the gift of life offered to us.

I cannot hate the jews for being the entry of this gift to our world. How foolish they were and how sadly they will lament their losses.... we all will.

The "Nation of Israel" you speak of, will be those of faith and devotion to God, not a physical nation with borders.

Yes! But there is also a physical gaging of things to show the fulfillment of prophecy. The plan of YHWH is like an intricately woven net. It has multiple strands interlaced. We think we know what will come but our presuppositions are usually flawed. The true Israel is the nation of those with clean hearts.... jews inside. The flesh (our sin-tainted flesh) counts for nothing in the judgment of God, but the flesh is used in this temporary world to fulfill the promises He gave us.

29th November 2010, 04:22 PM
Why would anyone actually care what happens to the Israelis or the Palestinians? Really, our own countries are so F*****d up.I am not an Arab,nor a Muslim, I consider them and Khazars the filth of humanity,Neither are heirs to that territory, they are both invaders.Palestinians argue they developed and settled the land, no, they murdered indigenous people and then claimed it, destroyed the heritage of the place and installed their own monuments under their bloodthirsty false prophet,Just as they did in the Balkans,and Asia.The others lied about their origin, stole a culture and religion,and claim rights as well, even going so far as to claim birthright to it. Its a mess, let them kill one another,who cares.

If only it were so simple. Unfortunately the entire situation is driving US military foreign policy atm, which is affecting everyone.

29th November 2010, 04:27 PM
Why would anyone actually care what happens to the Israelis or the Palestinians? Really, our own countries are so F*****d up.I am not an Arab,nor a Muslim, I consider them and Khazars the filth of humanity,Neither are heirs to that territory, they are both invaders.Palestinians argue they developed and settled the land, no, they murdered indigenous people and then claimed it, destroyed the heritage of the place and installed their own monuments under their bloodthirsty false prophet,Just as they did in the Balkans,and Asia.The others lied about their origin, stole a culture and religion,and claim rights as well, even going so far as to claim birthright to it. Its a mess, let them kill one another,who cares.

If only it were so simple. Unfortunately the entire situation is driving US military foreign policy atm, which is affecting everyone.

You are correct, the Zionists, having been expelled from everywhere else for being rotten manipulators,smartened up and now control most of the Western world,using them as a bought protector for their aims.The Muslims however are no friend to the West either, irregardless of what some say here, Islam has NEVER been tolerant of Christian Europe, only when they are at the disadvantage militarily are they civil.

29th November 2010, 04:36 PM
Espectrism...........everything has a beginning and if you were to look at everything that is going on you would find the Zionist Neocon political party hands in it........look at who allowed the illegals to freely into the US? who are trying to kill Chistmas and the Christian religion in the US, like killing prayers in schools?

So, I blame the Zionists for 85% of what is happening in this world........

PS: I have no religion and don't need one to believe in the one that you call "God".

I do not doubt what you are saying. I think there are global forces who have a zionist plot- those who call themselves jews but are not..... but how did these scum get into power?

It is the permission of the sheep that allowed their new masters to come in. Those who refuse God as Master have made themselves a different evil master in the rulers of this world. You say that you endorse no God of any religion. In that, you have fallen into the trap of the ones you hate.

You have a god of a religion too endorse?

Why have any religion at all?The only reason I can think of is if a person dosnt sense God in the first place and so must borrow from others knowledge.What if a person has their own knowledge/experience of god as a personal experience and the only way they can continue this experience is by not joining a religion.As soon as a person joins up they must have doubt,doubt in themselves,doubt in God,doubt in everything except other peoples second hand beliefs that may stem back 1000s of years.

Its still possible to co exsist happily with God.

Religion has failed.

Too believe in other peoples versions of God in an organised manner is like being a second hand human being.

There is no experience like the real experience

ps to try and brainwash the unbrainwashed is futile and that includes religion.

29th November 2010, 04:46 PM
Espectrism...........everything has a beginning and if you were to look at everything that is going on you would find the Zionist Neocon political party hands in it........look at who allowed the illegals to freely into the US? who are trying to kill Chistmas and the Christian religion in the US, like killing prayers in schools?

So, I blame the Zionists for 85% of what is happening in this world........

PS: I have no religion and don't need one to believe in the one that you call "God".

I do not doubt what you are saying. I think there are global forces who have a zionist plot- those who call themselves jews but are not..... but how did these scum get into power?

It is the permission of the sheep that allowed their new masters to come in. Those who refuse God as Master have made themselves a different evil master in the rulers of this world. You say that you endorse no God of any religion. In that, you have fallen into the trap of the ones you hate.

You have a god of a religion too endorse?

Why have any religion at all?The only reason I can think of is if a person dosnt sense God in the first place and so must borrow from others knowledge.What if a person has their own knowledge/experience of god as a personal experience and the only way they can continue this experience is by not joining a religion.As soon as a person joins up they must have doubt,doubt in themselves,doubt in God,doubt in everything except other peoples second hand beliefs that may stem back 1000s of years.

Its still possible to co exsist happily with God.

Religion has failed.

Too believe in other peoples versions of God in an organised manner is like being a second hand human being.
There is no experience like the real experience

ps to try and brainwash the unbrainwashed is futile and that includes religion.

Ever study math? When you add 2 + 2, do you feel like a second-hand mathematician if you get 4?

Truth is true, regardless of who has known it before. You drink water not knowing who had that water before. You breathe air as if it is new. You walk roads and paths that have not been free of man's feet for centuries. You live with things made by human hands.

I tell you these things knowing that to educate the willfully ignorant is futile.

29th November 2010, 04:59 PM
Espectrism...........everything has a beginning and if you were to look at everything that is going on you would find the Zionist Neocon political party hands in it........look at who allowed the illegals to freely into the US? who are trying to kill Chistmas and the Christian religion in the US, like killing prayers in schools?

So, I blame the Zionists for 85% of what is happening in this world........

PS: I have no religion and don't need one to believe in the one that you call "God".

I do not doubt what you are saying. I think there are global forces who have a zionist plot- those who call themselves jews but are not..... but how did these scum get into power?

It is the permission of the sheep that allowed their new masters to come in. Those who refuse God as Master have made themselves a different evil master in the rulers of this world. You say that you endorse no God of any religion. In that, you have fallen into the trap of the ones you hate.

You have a god of a religion too endorse?

Why have any religion at all?The only reason I can think of is if a person dosnt sense God in the first place and so must borrow from others knowledge.What if a person has their own knowledge/experience of god as a personal experience and the only way they can continue this experience is by not joining a religion.As soon as a person joins up they must have doubt,doubt in themselves,doubt in God,doubt in everything except other peoples second hand beliefs that may stem back 1000s of years.

Its still possible to co exsist happily with God.

Religion has failed.

Too believe in other peoples versions of God in an organised manner is like being a second hand human being.
There is no experience like the real experience

ps to try and brainwash the unbrainwashed is futile and that includes religion.

Ever study math? When you add 2 + 2, do you feel like a second-hand mathematician if you get 4?

Truth is true, regardless of who has known it before. You drink water not knowing who had that water before. You breathe air as if it is new. You walk roads and paths that have not been free of man's feet for centuries. You live with things made by human hands.

I tell you these things knowing that to educate the willfully ignorant is futile.

Truth is a living thing not something from the past to be relived over and over thereby killing it.

So you are saying you have the formula to God by making maths an example.

There is no formula

I have built my own house made my own roads.

Why would you want to educate me unless you had a motive.

I have no motive to educate people to believe a certain way.I am free,I have no belief to cling too ,I am free,I have no political party to hold dare,I am free, if this is what it means to be wilfully ignorant then so be it.

The best part is being free of the mass insanity that grips the planet mainly being mindless beliefs and thoughts that have piled up to infinatim :baa :baa :baa :baa

29th November 2010, 06:43 PM
Truth is a living thing not something from the past to be relived over and over thereby killing it.

Truth cannot be killed. Yes- it is living, but the PERSON of Truth is alive forevermore.

So you are saying you have the formula to God by making maths an example.
There is no formula

It is as simple as a formula but, no, it is not a formula. It is a personal relationship and the concept is simple with all the complicating issues handled for us. Have you ever been in dire need? Have you ever been in extreme pain? What if someone came along and looked at your need with understanding eyes- or even better, showed you your need that you did not even know you had, yet your life was in danger?

Yeah, well I met that PERSON. It turns out He is the Creator of the universe. He is the embodiment of truth.

I have built my own house made my own roads.

Pride makes it very difficult to receive charity from others.

Why would you want to educate me unless you had a motive.

Yeup. I have a motive. I have a low tolerance for needless pain. Oh, I can hang with some pretty good hits if I have to. And I would rather feel the pain than see others in pain. But if it is not necessary, I will prefer even more that nobody has pain. Sometimes there is no way around it and sometimes you have to cause pain to relieve pain.

I received freely and I am COMMANDED to give freely as I received.

The One who cared for me cares for you just as much and will give you more than you need. But He is not a dispensing machine.

I have no motive to educate people to believe a certain way.I am free,I have no belief to cling too ,I am free,I have no political party to hold dare,I am free, if this is what it means to be wilfully ignorant then so be it.

The best part is being free of the mass insanity that grips the planet mainly being mindless beliefs and thoughts that have piled up to infinatim

There is no worse slave than one who thinks he is free, and there is no worse leader than one who leads his people astray.

29th November 2010, 08:00 PM





3rd December 2010, 07:21 AM
Prophecy will be fulfilled.

Forgetting about who is right or wrong- who is good or bad- if we look at the face value of the prophetic words and consider their content, we can know certain things.

Israel will be a nation at the return of Messiah. The world nations will hate Israel and attack that people gathered in the land given to Abraham. The armies of the world will be destroyed there. World calamities will also wipe out much of the world.




Jesus wants us to help the jews murder all the Palestinians?


3rd December 2010, 08:58 AM
Prophecy will be fulfilled.

Forgetting about who is right or wrong- who is good or bad- if we look at the face value of the prophetic words and consider their content, we can know certain things.

Israel will be a nation at the return of Messiah. The world nations will hate Israel and attack that people gathered in the land given to Abraham. The armies of the world will be destroyed there. World calamities will also wipe out much of the world.




Jesus wants us to help the jews murder all the Palestinians?

Book- nobody can be this stupid. Tell me you are just trying to be an obnoxious juvenile and a christian-hating, jew-hating, fear-filled nutcase and I will know that you are not that stupid.

3rd December 2010, 09:03 AM
Prophecy will be fulfilled.

Forgetting about who is right or wrong- who is good or bad- if we look at the face value of the prophetic words and consider their content, we can know certain things.

Israel will be a nation at the return of Messiah. The world nations will hate Israel and attack that people gathered in the land given to Abraham. The armies of the world will be destroyed there. World calamities will also wipe out much of the world.




Jesus wants us to help the jews murder all the Palestinians?

Book- nobody can be this stupid.



Christian Zionists buy his books and send him millions of dollars.


3rd December 2010, 09:10 AM
Spec? if the Plestinian had killed as many Zionists ans Zionists have killed Palestinians we would no be in WWIII or there would no longer be a Palestine.

About those who keep on talking about the Bible......we don't live in the time of the Bible but rather in the here and now of 2010.........five millions ago my 375,000 greatgrand daddy was the founder of the first town in what is now called Palestine but that does not give me the right to call it mine now.

Anything is what you wanted it to be and not what it really is........

3rd December 2010, 11:04 AM
Spec? if the Plestinian had killed as many Zionists ans Zionists have killed Palestinians we would no be in WWIII or there would no longer be a Palestine.

About those who keep on talking about the Bible......we don't live in the time of the Bible but rather in the here and now of 2010.........five millions ago my 375,000 greatgrand daddy was the founder of the first town in what is now called Palestine but that does not give me the right to call it mine now.

Anything is what you wanted it to be and not what it really is........

This is why I told BOOKster to go and try to kick out the jews. Prophecy has declared what is to be and we will see it unfold. Right or wrong is not the question. It just is.

Not all palestinians are terrorist thugs. Unfortunately, the few downtrodden are also overrun by the creeps who bring war upon them. The possession of ANY land is ONLY by the hand of force. If you look through history, the powerful took what they wanted and those without power became the slaves or died. It is not right, but that is how it is. Power makes decisions.

If you don't like how it is, wet your pants and set your hair on fire.... then come back to tell us how it helped.

I have to chuckle Ponce- that you admittedly don't care a hoot about people but you take up the cause of palestinians. I know why. It is your hate for God. I have seen this in many people and can spot it in a second. Book looks for any chance to attack jews and christians. This is exactly what the devil does. The devil hates everyone but attacks those who would potentially seek God. So, why would such people love the muslims? Just to use them as a wedge and hammer. I would bet that there is really no love for them either.

3rd December 2010, 11:54 AM
There is a massive difference between the home-made bottle rockets of Palistine and the white phosphorus bombs of israel.

There is a major difference between the fish in the barrel and the person shooting.

3rd December 2010, 12:27 PM
There is a massive difference between the home-made bottle rockets of Palistine and the white phosphorus bombs of israel.

There is a major difference between the fish in the barrel and the person shooting.

Tell me about white phosphorous. Have military experience? It just so happens that they are used for smoke screens and marking points.

If they were just shooting "bottle rockets" at Israel, I hope they learned that it was not too smart. BTW- since they are harmless, mind if I visit your house and lob a few things like those "little bottle rockets" at it without prior warning? If you had a neighbor who habitually threw handgrenades into your yard and you had children that liked to play in your yard, would you think it was harmless? After all, you aren't in your yard most of the time and they are just harmless with nobody around.

If you got a problem with the jews, go do something about it and stop whinning like a baby here. If you survive, come back and tell us about it.

3rd December 2010, 01:22 PM
There is a massive difference between the home-made bottle rockets of Palistine and the white phosphorus bombs of israel.

There is a major difference between the fish in the barrel and the person shooting.

Tell me about white phosphorous. Have military experience? It just so happens that they are used for smoke screens and marking points.

Do some research. Here. I guess I'll do some for you. (As seems to be typical around here lately)

White Phosphorus (WP) - Incendiary

WP is a colorless to yellow translucent wax-like substance with a pungent, garlic-like smell. The form used by the military is highly energetic (active) and ignites once it is exposed to oxygen. White phosphorus is a pyrophoric material, that is, it is spontaneously flammable).

When exposed to air, it spontaneously ignites and is oxidized rapidly to phosphorus pentoxide. Such heat is produced by this reaction that the element bursts into a yellow flame and produces a dense white smoke. Phosphorus also becomes luminous in the dark, and this property is conveyed to "tracer bullets." This chemical reaction continues until either all the material is consumed or the element is deprived of oxygen. Up to 15 percent of the WP remains within the charred wedge and can reignite if the felt is crushed and the unburned WP is exposed to the atmosphere.

White phosphorus results in painful chemical burn injuries. The resultant burn typically appears as a necrotic area with a yellowish color and characteristic garlic like odor. White phosphorus is highly lipid soluble and as such, is believed to have rapid dermal penetration once particles are embedded under the skin. Because of its enhanced lipid solubility, many have believed that these injuries result in delayed wound healing. This has not been well studied; therefore, all that can be stated is that white phosphorus burns represent a small subsegment of chemical burns, all of which typically result in delayed wound healing.

Incandescent particles of WP may produce extensive burns. Phosphorus burns on the skin are deep and painful; a firm eschar is produced and is surrounded by vesiculation. The burns usually are multiple, deep, and variable in size. The solid in the eye produces severe injury. The particles continue to burn unless deprived of atmospheric oxygen. Contact with these particles can cause local burns. These weapons are particularly nasty because white phosphorus continues to burn until it disappears. If service members are hit by pieces of white phosphorus, it could burn right down to the bone. Burns usually are limited to areas of exposed skin (upper extremities, face). Burns frequently are second and third degree because of the rapid ignition and highly lipophilic properties of white phosphorus.

If burning particles of WP strike and stick to the clothing, take off the contaminated clothing quickly before the WP burns through to the skin. Remove quickly all clothing affected by phosphorus to prevent phosphorus burning through to skin. If this is impossible, plunge skin or clothing affected by phosphorus in cold water or moisten strongly to extinguish or prevent fire. Then immediately remove affected clothing and rinse affected skin areas with cold sodium bicarbonate solution or with cold water. Moisten skin and remove visible phosphorus (preferably under water) with squared object (knife-back etc.) or tweezers. Do not touch phosphorus with fingers! Throw removed phosphorus or clothing affected by phosphorus into water or allow to bum in suitable location. Cover phosphorus burns with moist dressing and keep moist to prevent renewed inflammation. It is neccessary to dress white phosphorus-injured patients with saline-soaked dressings to prevent reignition of the phosphorus by contact with the air.

Some nations recommend washing the skin with a 0.5-2.0% copper sulphate solution or a copper sulphate impregnated pad. Wounds may be rinsed with a 0.1%-0.2% copper sulphate solution, if available. Dark coloured deposits may be removed with forceps. Prevent prolonged contact of any copper sulphate preparations with the tissues by prompt, copious flushing with water or saline, as there is a definite danger of copper poisoning. It may be necessary to repeat the first aid measures to completely remove all phosphorus.


Anything else you would like me to school you on?

If they were just shooting "bottle rockets" at Israel, I hope they learned that it was not too smart. BTW- since they are harmless, mind if I visit your house and lob a few things like those "little bottle rockets" at it without prior warning? If you had a neighbor who habitually threw handgrenades into your yard and you had children that liked to play in your yard, would you think it was harmless? After all, you aren't in your yard most of the time and they are just harmless with nobody around.

Tell you what. How about you shove me in a cardboard box and give me a toothpick to defend myself.
Then get all your buddies and surround me from all side with baseball bats, and swing away.

You're beyond hope if you don't see that the palistinians are pent in a prison ghetto, surrounded on all sides, and out-gunned.

If the jews tried this sh*t on North American soil, you can bet that I would be doing whatever I had to do to REPEL THE INVADERS and PROTECT MY HOME.

If you got a problem with the jews, go do something about it and stop whinning like a baby here. If you survive, come back and tell us about it.

What do you suggest? Violent revolt? Loser.

Do some research and come talk to me after you pull israels dick out of your mouth.

3rd December 2010, 05:09 PM
It seems that Awoke & Book are whinny little bitchmates.

I tell Awoke to go do something about his gripe with Israel and he hasn't got the kahunas to do anything but whine like a little girl. Hell... I've seen little girls braver than that.

All you two want to do is slander the jews and slander the christians. Why not try to a actually do something? I can promise you this, if you mess with the plans of the One true God (and He is real), you will have a real bad day.

This has nothing to do with what I believe or who you think I support. Absolutely nothing. Its all about you two clowns going and taking on God. So... go on and show us what you can do.

AS for the willie pete... you obviously don't know anything about it. I have fired it before. There was even a time when we had tank main gun rounds of wp. Boy- that was a disaster in a tank if you got hit. But it would sure clear out a house or bunker real well. I've called in wp artillery for smoke. The pics that you like to show are clearly HIGH airbursts. If they were intended to burn people, they would have been ground bursts. The burns appear to have been unintended consequences. While you defend Hamas, THEY brought the fire in to the civilians. Hamas is a pack of whinny little bitches. Hey- you guys ain't Hamas, are yuh?

3rd December 2010, 05:48 PM
Spect? you are about to be banned for using those words on two of our members.......

LOOK AT MY AVATAR.........is not much, but for now is all that I can do, that sign has been in my front yard for the past eight years.

3rd December 2010, 06:24 PM
Its all about you two clowns going and taking on God. So... go on and show us what you can do.


3rd December 2010, 08:16 PM
That's pretty lame, spectrism. Over the years of posting on forums with you, I had come to respect you.
Then you start acting like a philo-semetic douchemonger, totally out of the blue, almost like your password got hacked by the ADL. You're sitting there at your computer, tasking me to get out there and take action like you're some kind of tough guy, but you're not man enough to put your directions into writing.
...just vague challenges of "get out there and do something" and "Awoke is acting like a bitch", etc.

Is there something in particular you think I should do to "take action against the jewish conspiracy"? Please. Spell it out.

If you don't know the truth by now, after all the time you spent on GIM and GSus, you're fucked. (And I don't just mean "in the head")

Oh, and regarding willie pete, it comes in various forms, and can be applied in various ways.

The jews used it like napalm on the Palestinians. Guess that doesn't mean anything to you, because you're down with "the one true God".
Who knows who that is, according to you; but I know that I love and worship the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, who is the one true God....

Oh, and please: Show me where I slander Christians.
(True Christians, not jewish infiltrators)



3rd December 2010, 08:17 PM
Actually Ponce, I have grown tired of the crap from Book. Same old bs.

His racist, religious and ignorant slurs against me and other people here need to be opposed. How many jews would it take to put one in every closet, under every bed, in every position of power and 10 more plotting the destruction of Book's hometown from his basement?

3rd December 2010, 08:21 PM
This has nothing to do with what I believe or who you think I support. Absolutely nothing. Its all about you two clowns going and taking on God. So... go on and show us what you can do.

OK, I just re-read this tripe, and I have to ask:
Are you suggesting that I am working against the Father, because I accuse the jew of plotting against humanity?

If so, you should understand by now that I am against the apostate jews, who reject the Father, and who choose lucifer willingly and carry out the satanic plot against the globe.

Now that I typed that out and read over it before hitting the "post" button, I can't believe I bothered explaining, because my opinions on the satanic jews are as clear as day, and if you don't know where I stand on the issue, you don't know how to breathe.

4th December 2010, 03:53 AM
Spect? you are about to be banned for using those words on two of our members.......

LOOK AT MY AVATAR.........is not much, but for now is all that I can do, that sign has been in my front yard for the past eight years.

Id personally ban you for your subtle CONSTANT accusations of labeling people Zionists every time they disagree with your Muslim loving stance.

4th December 2010, 05:17 AM
I think Fortyone can see it clearly too. There is some weird muslim-loving crap going on here that is beyond any reason. All we hear about are the evil jews but we never hear about the islamofacist murderers and their jackal way of life.

Just to make this clear, I am not declaring hate on the people who suffer under the evil reign of islam. I am deeply sorry for their hardship. Those who CHOOSE that way of life are free to do so. When they think they can impose that on others or that they have superior rights over the "infidels', then such become the oppressors.

If you hate christians and you hate jews, fine. I am not going to cut anyone's head off for that. Want to bad mouth them? Fine. So much of it I will take. Then I speak out myself. Still no heads are cut off. Just try talking critically about the murdering rogue Mohammad that they claim as the only prophet worthy of following. And do that in Iraq, Egypt, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Turkey, etc. Your neck will be ventilated.

I call you cowards. You pick on the group that does not fight back. You pick on the group that brought you your freedoms. You are worse than dogs that bite their master's hand right after a feeding.

Yes Awoke- you are working for the deceiver. Sure, the global controlling scumsuckers use one group against another and the muslims are a useful tool. So are the welfare mommas who pop out more babies to increase their "entitlements". So are the honorless mexican infiltrators who bring nothing but crime and destruction. All those who play into the game are tools of the global coordinators. But that does not mean the tools are guiltless.

So, buddy up with Book and spread the fine message of islam. Forget about the heritage of the jews. Disregard the fact that the Creator and Savior of those who would simply accept His faith came through the Jews and chose them to show His own righteousness and mercy among fallen mankind. You see, it is all your choice. Your choice narrows the road you travel and hardens the options with more restrictions. This is progressive blindness.

4th December 2010, 05:30 AM
Forget about the heritage of the jews. Disregard the fact that the Creator and Savior of those who would simply accept His faith came through the Jews and chose them to show His own righteousness and mercy among fallen mankind.



4th December 2010, 05:36 AM
For the record, Im going to state, IMHO, I care nothing what happens to Jews and Muslims,they are both inhuman filth when it comes to outside their own,and are both enemies of the West, which is my only concern.

4th December 2010, 05:54 AM
I think Fortyone can see it clearly too.

I don't take exception to anything he has posted at GSUS.


4th December 2010, 06:14 AM
Tell us about Islam, Book. Tell whether it is good or bad. Tell us about the exploits of Islam.

Since "Jews" describe a people group that is diverse and can mean different things, perhaps we should ask about the arabs, edomites, or variety of other groups that "oppose" the jews.

I sure don't sing any praises of the jews of modern day israel. And the crowd of scum that call themselves jews in Amerika with accomplishments in hollywood, our legal system and politics are worse than dog scat on the bottom of my shoes.

So, if you want to take up the plight of the palestinians, go do something about it. I think you will find the cause of their troubles is not the jews but the islamic savages that run over them.

4th December 2010, 07:43 AM
I think Fortyone can see it clearly too. There is some weird muslim-loving crap going on here that is beyond any reason. All we hear about are the evil jews but we never hear about the islamofacist murderers and their jackal way of life.

> we never hear about the islamofacist murderers

must not listen to talk radio. that's all they talk about. you expect to hear more hear at G-S.us ?

1/3 of those "islamofacist murderers" are merely people defending their homeland against invasion, as many here on G-S.us claim they would do.

the other 2/3 are Jew/Israel-controlled. if you don't like "Islamo-fascists", how do you feel about their creators - the Zionists ?

if you don't like my percentages, use your own. 50-50, 20-80, whatever.

how is growing olives a "jackal way of life" ? that is what the Palestinians were busy doing before Israel stole their land starting in about 1948.

7th trump
4th December 2010, 08:47 AM
I think Fortyone can see it clearly too. There is some weird muslim-loving crap going on here that is beyond any reason. All we hear about are the evil jews but we never hear about the islamofacist murderers and their jackal way of life.

> we never hear about the islamofacist murderers

must not listen to talk radio. that's all they talk about. you expect to hear more hear at G-S.us ?

1/3 of those "islamofacist murderers" are merely people defending their homeland against invasion, as many here on G-S.us claim they would do.

the other 2/3 are Jew/Israel-controlled. if you don't like "Islamo-fascists", how do you feel about their creators - the Zionists ?

if you don't like my percentages, use your own. 50-50, 20-80, whatever.

how is growing olives a "jackal way of life" ? that is what the Palestinians were busy doing before Israel stole their land starting in about 1948.

It has never ever been the palestinians muslim land. Jerusalem itself was born of an unclean birth not of Palestinian settlement. Jeruslam became and is still today Gods favorite place in the universe where His Thrown will be reestablished after the Great White Thrown Judgement is over. It will be brought back to its beautiful state instead of the desert it is today.
Heck the whole earth is rejuvenated back to its original state at that time. The firmament is put back and the earth is watered by a heavy dew and not rain and thunderstorms like before the flood of Noah.

4th December 2010, 08:56 AM
For the record, Im going to state, IMHO, I care nothing what happens to Jews and Muslims,they are both inhuman filth when it comes to outside their own,and are both enemies of the West, which is my only concern.

Forty one? why are the Palestinian "inhuman filth?" and enemy of the west? when all that they are doing is defending their land.....I would really like to know.

I no longer will say "good morning".......I never get an answer back.

4th December 2010, 09:02 AM
I no longer will say "good morning".......I never get an answer back.

It's nothing against you. It's just the general lack of ettiquette over the internet.

You are a true gentleman Ponce. Stick to your guns and your pleasant salutations it may be what the internet needs.

Good morning, my friend.


7th trump
4th December 2010, 10:47 AM
For the record, Im going to state, IMHO, I care nothing what happens to Jews and Muslims,they are both inhuman filth when it comes to outside their own,and are both enemies of the West, which is my only concern.

Forty one? why are the Palestinian "inhuman filth?" and enemy of the west? when all that they are doing is defending their land.....I would really like to know.

I no longer will say "good morning".......I never get an answer back.


They are filth because they murder, rape and plunder in the name of God.

In all reality they are no different than the tares, in sheeps clothing, who call themselves the chosen, but are off the synagog of satan.

4th December 2010, 11:36 AM
Yes Awoke- you are working for the deceiver. Sure, the global controlling scumsuckers use one group against another and the muslims are a useful tool. So are the welfare mommas who pop out more babies to increase their "entitlements". So are the honorless mexican infiltrators who bring nothing but crime and destruction. All those who play into the game are tools of the global coordinators. But that does not mean the tools are guiltless.

So, buddy up with Book and spread the fine message of islam. Forget about the heritage of the jews. Disregard the fact that the Creator and Savior of those who would simply accept His faith came through the Jews and chose them to show His own righteousness and mercy among fallen mankind. You see, it is all your choice. Your choice narrows the road you travel and hardens the options with more restrictions. This is progressive blindness.

Lets see it. Where have I worked for the deceiver?

I love Jesus, The Father, The Spirit.
The Trinity.

Show me where I have worked for the deceiver. Show me.

I do nothing but seek the truth.

You show me, accuser.

4th December 2010, 11:49 AM

the land stolen from the Palestinians by Israel belonged to the Palestinians for centuries before it became allegedly "owned" by Israel.

if any party has a dubious claim to the land, it is the newcomers (Israel).

4th December 2010, 12:03 PM

the land stolen from the Palestinians by Israel belonged to the Palestinians for centuries before it became allegedly "owned" by Israel.

if any party has a dubious claim to the land, it is the newcomers (Israel).

Follow members gave a thank to your post:
For this post, 1 member gave a thank you!

Lets see it. Where have I worked for the deceiver?
I love Jesus, The Father, The Spirit.
The Trinity.
Show me where I have worked for the deceiver. Show me.
I do nothing but seek the truth.
You show me, accuser.

Your endorsement of Book and gundriller here in their lies contradicting the bible are all I need to see. Accuser? LOL... and you pretend you have not seen Book constantly attack jews but muslims are all good?

Abraham was given that land BY GOD and it was inherited by Isaac. The tribes of Israel are THE ONLY people authorized to hold that land. They were given AUTHORITY and anyone who wants to try taking it will lose. That is why I invite you to go make your best effort. Any other group would be well advised to leave ASAP.

4th December 2010, 12:18 PM
1) Muslims follow a false prophet and are not defended by me. I have never once said that Muslim are "good" I just don't fall for the "Booga booga! The Muslims did it!" strategy because I know it's a strawman. I don't see the muslim hand behind every portion of the conspiracy. I do see the jewish hand in every portion of the conspiracy though.

2) I support a lot of Books posts because book knows that the jews are trying to kill us all off, and he is not afraid to show that fact to people.

3) I believe that the Palestinians are the actual true jews from the time of Christ.

4) The land was given to the jews by God, as long as they remained faithful to the covenant. If the palistinians are the true jews, they belong there. The Khazarian and apostate jews do not keep the covenant, and reject God and embrace evil. They have no jurisdiction over that land, because they have broken their promise with the Holy Father.

EDITYed to clarify #4

4th December 2010, 12:20 PM
Abraham was given that land BY GOD and it was inherited by Isaac. The tribes of Israel are THE ONLY people authorized to hold that land. They were given AUTHORITY and anyone who wants to try taking it will lose. That is why I invite you to go make your best effort. Any other group would be well advised to leave ASAP.
Have you heard that there was a new covenant establish 2000 years ago? Did you not hear of the distruction of the temple in AD 70 and the disasters that happened when it was attempted to be rebuilt? Did you not hear that salvation comes from the grace of God through the sacrifice of his son rather than an earthly kingdom?

A lot of the dispensationalist belief (especially the fascination with solomon's temple) is based less on the book of Revalations and more on the freemason infiltration of the church particularly in the last century. For 2000 years we looked towards Jesus. Now many are falling for this death cult of the establishment of an atheistic regime mandated by the UN. Seriously ask yourself who desires a recreation of Solomon's temple when there is no longer a need for a scarificial lamb. We have one Who made the sacrifice "once and for all."

To be honest it has been about 3 years since I read the Book of Revelation in depth. With what's coming I'll try to get that read before New Years.

7th trump
4th December 2010, 01:42 PM
Abraham was given that land BY GOD and it was inherited by Isaac. The tribes of Israel are THE ONLY people authorized to hold that land. They were given AUTHORITY and anyone who wants to try taking it will lose. That is why I invite you to go make your best effort. Any other group would be well advised to leave ASAP.
Have you heard that there was a new covenant establish 2000 years ago? Did you not hear of the distruction of the temple in AD 70 and the disasters that happened when it was attempted to be rebuilt? Did you not hear that salvation comes from the grace of God though the sacrifice of his son rather than an earthly kingdom?

A lot of the dispensationalist belief (especially the fascination with solomon's temple) is based less on the book of Revalations and more on the freemason infiltration of the church particularly in the last century. For 2000 years we looked towards Jesus. Now many are falling for this death cult of the establishment of an atheistic regime mandated by the UN. Seriously ask yourself who desires a recreation of Solomon's temple when there is no longer a need for a scarificial lamb. We have one Who made the sacrifice "once and for all."

To be honest it has been about 3 years since I read the Book of Revelation in depth. With what's coming I'll try to get that read before New Years.

If you think the old testiment has no bearing today you are sadly mistaken. Not one letter of the laws has been changed.
The only thing that has changed since the cruxifiction are two things:
1. No more blood sacrifices
2. and Christ shortened satans time to fool those on earth from 7 years to 5 months for the Elects sake.

7th trump
4th December 2010, 01:50 PM
1) Muslims follow a false prophet and are not defended by me. I have never once said that Muslim are "good" I just don't fall for the "Booga booga! The Muslims did it!" strategy because I know it's a strawman. I don't see the muslim hand behind every portion of the conspiracy. I do see the jewish hand in every portion of the conspiracy though.

2) I support a lot of Books posts because book knows that the jews are trying to kill us all off, and he is not afraid to show that fact to people.

3) I believe that the Palestinians are the actual true jews from the time of Christ.

4) The land was given to the jews by God, as long as they remained faithful to the covenant. If the palistinians are the true jews, they belong there. The Khazarian and apostate jews do not keep the covenant, and reject God and embrace evil. They have no jurisdiction over that land, because they have broken their promise with the Holy Father.

EDITYed to clarify #4

No the jews are not trying to kill us all off. If that was true then whats the point of satan playing acting as christ to get all he can in his little red wagon of perdition. satan wages war with the Elect!
The true chosen People are the German, English, Russian, Swizterland, American, Canadian, French, Italian, Norwegian, Poland, and so on.
These were the ten tribes that went over the Caucaucian mountains of Georgia to settle Europe and migrated to America, Canada and Australia. Two tribes stayed within the region and the palestinians are not one of the two who remained in the region.
If my memory serves me the only reason the palestinians are even there today is because one of the tribes made a covenent with them. And that was not something God was pleased with, but it happened.
The palestinians at that time were nomadic or gypsie's if you will.

4th December 2010, 01:50 PM
If you think the old testiment has no bearing today you are sadly mistaken. Not one letter of the laws has been changed.
The only thing that has changed since the cruxifiction are two things:
1. No more blood sacrifices
2. and Christ shortened satans time to fool those on earth from 7 years to 5 months for the Elects sake.
Of course the Old Testament is extremely relevant. It heralded the coming of the Christ. Reread my post.

My contention is: how can you say that a group who does not follow the Torah or the law, but a totally different book called the Talmud... A large portion are self-proclaimed atheist/agnostic... The palistinians actually have a closer bloodline than those claiming to be Israel... How is questioning these contradictions be considered working for the deceiver?

ETA: And this regime was set up by the UN (NWO), NOT by God.

4th December 2010, 01:54 PM
The tribes of Israel are THE ONLY people authorized to hold that land.


You can't even use the excuse of being drunk when repeating what this guy says...lol.


7th trump
4th December 2010, 02:07 PM
If you think the old testiment has no bearing today you are sadly mistaken. Not one letter of the laws has been changed.
The only thing that has changed since the cruxifiction are two things:
1. No more blood sacrifices
2. and Christ shortened satans time to fool those on earth from 7 years to 5 months for the Elects sake.
Of course the Old Testament is extremely relevant. It heralded the coming of the Christ. Reread my post.

My contention is: how can you say that a group who does not follow the Torah or the law, but a totally different book called the Talmud... A large portion are self-proclaimed atheist/agnostic... The palistinians actually have a closer bloodline than those claiming to be Israel... How is questioning these contradictions be considered working for the deceiver?

You understand, but cant see it.
There are tares within the wheat, the wolfs in sheeps clothing. Know them by the fruits they bare.
The tulmud ones are Kenites, the wolfs in sheeps clothing.................the sons of Cain, the first murder, that Christ said their father is the devil.
They, like their father satan, are fakes and will latch onto anything that to hide their ways. They will blend in that you will not realise the difference, but by their fruits.
They are deceivers just as their father satan is. They have rewritten the history books, even portions of the Bible if you are not to careful to spot their work.
There was an episode of the shepards chapel where Arnold Murray read passages from the KJB where these Kenites infiltrated the temple and started to rewrite the Bible which infuriated God. I just wish I had taped it and book marked the chapter and verse for this very discussion to show you just how deceptive these wolves in sheeps clothing are.

4th December 2010, 02:44 PM
You understand, but cant see it. With all due respect, I don't think you read what other people post. From reading your posts, I'm not really sure what you and I are arguing about.

4th December 2010, 02:46 PM
Anyone with a semblance of a conscience would know that to harm or deny another human passage for medical treatment based on race, religion, cultural or moral beliefs is equivalent to becoming a barbaric animal. It doesn't matter which side of the fence you are on. Ignorance and indoctrination are the cornerstone to all barriers between ethnic genocide.

Why are these barriers and checkpoints needed? Why are Israelis drawing a line between them and the Palestinians? These questions must first be answered before finger pointing and legitimate lines can be justifiably drawn.

In my opinion there would be no Hamas or Hezbollah if Israelis had not first created the segregation. Is it justifiable for innoncent Israelis to be slain from Palestinian retaliation? Of course not. But I see far more Palestinian victims than the other way around. This is the truth. It is well documented. And there would not be a need for these videos to be created if it didn't exist.

4th December 2010, 03:56 PM
For the record, Im going to state, IMHO, I care nothing what happens to Jews and Muslims,they are both inhuman filth when it comes to outside their own,and are both enemies of the West, which is my only concern.

Forty one? why are the Palestinian "inhuman filth?" and enemy of the west? when all that they are doing is defending their land.....I would really like to know.

I no longer will say "good morning".......I never get an answer back.

Ill answer my own questions to the others, thank you,Ponce, they are filth because they are Muslims,Non Muslim Palestinians I do not regard as filth, but of the lesser semitic peoples. Islam to me ,along with Jewry is the two worst things a person could be, If you cant see what Islam is doing to Europe to their culture, you are blind.In my opinion the Palestinians are whats left of the original Hebrews and Canaanites of that area, mixed with outsiders over the years,so by blood, they are entitled to the land,but their entire rock worship and crazed beliefs will never allow them to be fruitful.The Adamic races of Europe are God's chosen IMHO, and will one day have a great purge of the evil of Islam and Jewry and once again rule this world according to God's laws.

4th December 2010, 04:45 PM
I didn't bother reading this thread till today....Sad to see two of my bothers not getting along. :(

But Iron shapens iron...I guess :-\

Awoke (and anyone else) have you heard of a guy named Sayyid Qutb ?

I have only recently heard of him and haven't studied much yet....seems to be worth a look though.

4th December 2010, 05:16 PM
I've been avoiding religious type debates unless I see something that's a flat out lie about what I believe.

My questions to Spec goes out to any dispensationalist, as an honest question. I accepted Christ into my heart from reading the Left Behind Series. However after seeing who runs Israel, how it's run, and how it was established, I've had some serious questions.

Especially after reading who is behind freemasonry, seeing the obsession with Solomon's Temple in both Freemasonry and Talmudism, and how it has become an obsession with certain Christian groups almost in opposition to the basis of Christianity of "Salvation by grace through faith." I've been seeing more and more that people are saying that you are not really saved unless you buy into this.

4th December 2010, 05:16 PM
You understand, but cant see it. With all due respect, I don't think you read what other people post. From reading your posts, I'm not really sure what you and I are arguing about.

He is a believer in British Israel, wheras the "covenant Islands" are where some of the chosen went too.They use the Stone of Jacob as their proof.They then divide the other Germanic tribes of antiquity into the various tribes of Israel.

7th trump
4th December 2010, 05:36 PM
You understand, but cant see it. With all due respect, I don't think you read what other people post. From reading your posts, I'm not really sure what you and I are arguing about.

He is a believer in British Israel, wheras the "covenant Islands" are where some of the chosen went too.They use the Stone of Jacob as their proof.They then divide the other Germanic tribes of antiquity into the various tribes of Israel.

No the Bible says the ten tribes after captivity went over the Cacaucian mountains. Whats north of the Caucaucian mountains of Georgia? Europe including Russia to the east. There was no means to sail the high sea's then so where did they go? They didnt go anywhere except to settle Europe and become Christian nations to be as numberous as the sands of the seas and fullfill the prophecy that Jacob would become many nations.
I get a real kick out of you people that come up with this island stuff when God promised that Jacob would become many nations after that date in time.
It isnt rocket science but maybe you people should at least use what little common sense you have.
I dont know what "covenant islands" even means or is. And I have never even heard of "germanic tribes of antiquity" before. Please explain that before putting words in my mouth........thank you very much!
Furthermore, Britian is not Isreal. Britian as far as I know is the tribe of Benjamin. Scotland comes from Scota who was a daughter of ................shyt I cant remember now. Just slipped my mind!
Where do you people come up with this stuff?
I've always said read the Bible for what it says and learn how the greek language is structured, so when you need to go back and look at the manuscripts (if you even do) you can see how the translaters of that time used english words to do the best they could do to translate. Sometimes the translater didnt use the best english words when translating to get the most out of translating.

4th December 2010, 05:50 PM
Muslims don't believe in charging interest on a debt. From a control perspective that's about as far away from evil minded as one could imagine.

Regardless, it seems pointless to jockey for religious pedestals when discussing the various types. It always leads to blatant hypocrisy.

I don't see the point in putting absolutes to words written by some (most likely pedophillic) priest of the day (power is always abused don't kid yourself) that happened to scribble some lofty laws that were punishable by death in a big book of "almighty supreme laws" otherwise known as the government of the day.

It's all a control structure based on man's fear of the unknown, and desire to control others to conform their thoughts and beliefs. Social engineering at it's finest.

Older weaker men wrote laws, that forced stronger more virile males especially, by convincing everyone around them to believe in something they can't see or possibly ever prove, in order to suppress them, in order to ultimately retain their power structure. They couldn't do it physically, so they had to do it psychologically through peer pressure. Burn the heretic, burn the witch. Good old witch hunts. Mind your tongue or burn. Very effective, and barbaric for sure. Still happens today. Back then it was a past time.

Follow the ultimate most righteous law, or burn in hell forever. And not one single person, ever, could even possibly know if there even is a hell. Honestly...this is some kind of joke. Full stop. Absolutely ludicrous.

Amazing how it was all "proven" back then, but no one has even the slightest inkling of any proof of anything today, not a speck of any physical affirmation has manifested itself, or ever will. Not one single person that has ever lived, in all of time, has ever been able to prove anything outside of their own imagination.

It's the ultimate psyop con game.

Humans were a lot more naive back in the day, (heck look at just 20 years ago). People literally believed in anything, similar to today, but far, far worse. If one can even imagine how unbelievable it must have been to be alive and witness that stunning group of "sheeples"

They even called the lost sheep "sheep" back then ffs... ::)

Focus on good deeds v.s. bad deeds, the rest is "government" control nonsense.

Perhaps the last 6 commandments (the most important). Notice how they are the most important, but look at the first 4. All about control.

So we see the control mechanisms are the first items on the agenda, very telling.


7th trump
4th December 2010, 05:56 PM
Muslims don't believe in charging interest on a debt. From a control perspective that's about as far away from evil minded as one could imagine.

Regardless, it seems pointless to jockey for religious pedestals when discussing the various types. It always leads to blatant hypocrisy.

I don't see the point in putting absolutes to words written by some (most likely pedophillic) priest of the day (power is always abused don't kid yourself) that happened to scribble some lofty laws that were punishable by death in a big book of "almighty supreme laws" otherwise known as the government of the day.

It's all a control structure based on man's fear of the unknown, and desire to control others to conform their thoughts and beliefs. Social engineering at it's finest.

Older weaker men wrote laws, that forced stronger more virile males especially, by convincing everyone around them to believe in something they can't see or possibly ever prove, in order to suppress them, in order to ultimately retain their power structure. They couldn't do it physically, so they had to do it psychologically through peer pressure. Burn the heretic, burn the witch. Good old witch hunts. Mind your tongue or burn. Very effective, and barbaric for sure. Still happens today. Back then it was a past time.

Follow the ultimate most righteous law, or burn in hell forever. And not one single person, ever, could even possibly know if there even is a hell. Honestly...this is some kind of joke. Full stop. Absolutely ludicrous.

Amazing how it was all "proven" back then, but no one has even the slightest inkling of any proof of anything today, not a speck of any physical affirmation has manifested itself, or ever will. Not one single person that has ever lived, in all of time, has ever been able to prove anything outside of their own imagination.

It's the ultimate psyop con game.

Humans were a lot more naive back in the day, (heck look at just 20 years ago). People literally believed in anything, similar to today, but far, far worse. If one can even imagine how unbelievable it must have been to be alive and witness that stunning group of "sheeples"

They even called the lost sheep "sheep" back then ffs... ::)

Focus on good deeds v.s. bad deeds, the rest is "government" control nonsense.

Perhaps the last 6 commandments (the most important). Notice how they are the most important, but look at the first 4. All about control.

So we see the control mechanisms are the first items on the agenda, very telling.


Perfect example of the blind trying to convince himself hes not blind. And cant tell you what blind is because he doesnt know.
Hahahahahaha..............................pass the great value carrots please!

4th December 2010, 06:14 PM
You understand, but cant see it. With all due respect, I don't think you read what other people post. From reading your posts, I'm not really sure what you and I are arguing about.

He is a believer in British Israel, wheras the "covenant Islands" are where some of the chosen went too.They use the Stone of Jacob as their proof.They then divide the other Germanic tribes of antiquity into the various tribes of Israel.

No the Bible says the ten tribes after captivity went over the Cacaucian mountains. Whats north of the Caucaucian mountains of Georgia? Europe including Russia to the east. There was no means to sail the high sea's then so where did they go? They didnt go anywhere except to settle Europe and become Christian nations to be as numberous as the sands of the seas and fullfill the prophecy that Jacob would become many nations.
I get a real kick out of you people that come up with this island stuff when God promised that Jacob would become many nations after that date in time.
It isnt rocket science but maybe you people should at least use what little common sense you have.
I dont know what "covenant islands" even means or is. And I have never even heard of "germanic tribes of antiquity" before. Please explain that before putting words in my mouth........thank you very much!
Furthermore, Britian is not Isreal. Britian as far as I know is the tribe of Benjamin. Scotland comes from Scota who was a daughter of ................shyt I cant remember now. Just slipped my mind!
Where do you people come up with this stuff?
I've always said read the Bible for what it says and learn how the greek language is structured, so when you need to go back and look at the manuscripts (if you even do) you can see how the translaters of that time used english words to do the best they could do to translate. Sometimes the translater didnt use the best english words when translating to get the most out of translating.

Never heard of Germans of antiquity?, you do realize there were Germanic peoples before the time of Caesar right?,that would be antiquity.Scotia comes from "Scoti" the Celtic invaders from Ireland.You have a real bad word association habit and get pissed every tiem someone doesnt agree with you, care to back up your word games with facts.?Im Serbian, so my Greek is probably much better than yours and yours sounds pretty fucked up.

4th December 2010, 06:19 PM
Muslims don't believe in charging interest on a debt. From a control perspective that's about as far away from evil minded as one could imagine.

Regardless, it seems pointless to jockey for religious pedestals when discussing the various types. It always leads to blatant hypocrisy.

I don't see the point in putting absolutes to words written by some (most likely pedophillic) priest of the day (power is always abused don't kid yourself) that happened to scribble some lofty laws that were punishable by death in a big book of "almighty supreme laws" otherwise known as the government of the day.

It's all a control structure based on man's fear of the unknown, and desire to control others to conform their thoughts and beliefs. Social engineering at it's finest.

Older weaker men wrote laws, that forced stronger more virile males especially, by convincing everyone around them to believe in something they can't see or possibly ever prove, in order to suppress them, in order to ultimately retain their power structure. They couldn't do it physically, so they had to do it psychologically through peer pressure. Burn the heretic, burn the witch. Good old witch hunts. Mind your tongue or burn. Very effective, and barbaric for sure. Still happens today. Back then it was a past time.

Follow the ultimate most righteous law, or burn in hell forever. And not one single person, ever, could even possibly know if there even is a hell. Honestly...this is some kind of joke. Full stop. Absolutely ludicrous.

Amazing how it was all "proven" back then, but no one has even the slightest inkling of any proof of anything today, not a speck of any physical affirmation has manifested itself, or ever will. Not one single person that has ever lived, in all of time, has ever been able to prove anything outside of their own imagination.

It's the ultimate psyop con game.

Humans were a lot more naive back in the day, (heck look at just 20 years ago). People literally believed in anything, similar to today, but far, far worse. If one can even imagine how unbelievable it must have been to be alive and witness that stunning group of "sheeples"

They even called the lost sheep "sheep" back then ffs... ::)

Focus on good deeds v.s. bad deeds, the rest is "government" control nonsense.

Perhaps the last 6 commandments (the most important). Notice how they are the most important, but look at the first 4. All about control.

So we see the control mechanisms are the first items on the agenda, very telling.


Perfect example of the blind trying to convince himself hes not blind. And cant tell you what blind is because he doesnt know.
Hahahahahaha..............................pass the great value carrots please!

I do know. I went to church every single Sunday from birth to about 22 years of age. You could not convince me of anything outside my beliefs during that time. Literally, and completely impossible. Folly to even try.

My mind absolutely could not compute outside of that box. It was literally wired as set into physical patterns of thought to only believe in the word of "god" that was taught to me.

I evolved out of it once my education in life began on a more serious level. I saw through the whole mind control charade.

Total wake up experience. I can't believe how naive I was looking back. It's shocking.

It's just a cult like any other, just like people get caught up in them all the time. It's the exact same process no matter what religious following. Figure that. So many deities, and flavors it's ridiculous.

The thing is you will have to wake up on your own. There is no person, or thing alive or dead that can ever convince you. Trust me, many in the day tried. It just would not compute. Not even close.

Your brain will literally have to rewire through growth, through knowledge of all things, and many aspects of reality, rather than focusing on "the one"

Think about it. When you pray you speak to yourself, literally, as in voices in your head. They are all yours.

It literally borders on a mental affliction of some sort. Repetitive brainwashing if you will.

Some grow out of it, some never do. My mother never did. One of the most involved religious people I've ever seen.

7th trump
4th December 2010, 06:49 PM
You understand, but cant see it. With all due respect, I don't think you read what other people post. From reading your posts, I'm not really sure what you and I are arguing about.

He is a believer in British Israel, wheras the "covenant Islands" are where some of the chosen went too.They use the Stone of Jacob as their proof.They then divide the other Germanic tribes of antiquity into the various tribes of Israel.

No the Bible says the ten tribes after captivity went over the Cacaucian mountains. Whats north of the Caucaucian mountains of Georgia? Europe including Russia to the east. There was no means to sail the high sea's then so where did they go? They didnt go anywhere except to settle Europe and become Christian nations to be as numberous as the sands of the seas and fullfill the prophecy that Jacob would become many nations.
I get a real kick out of you people that come up with this island stuff when God promised that Jacob would become many nations after that date in time.
It isnt rocket science but maybe you people should at least use what little common sense you have.
I dont know what "covenant islands" even means or is. And I have never even heard of "germanic tribes of antiquity" before. Please explain that before putting words in my mouth........thank you very much!
Furthermore, Britian is not Isreal. Britian as far as I know is the tribe of Benjamin. Scotland comes from Scota who was a daughter of ................shyt I cant remember now. Just slipped my mind!
Where do you people come up with this stuff?
I've always said read the Bible for what it says and learn how the greek language is structured, so when you need to go back and look at the manuscripts (if you even do) you can see how the translaters of that time used english words to do the best they could do to translate. Sometimes the translater didnt use the best english words when translating to get the most out of translating.

Never heard of Germans of antiquity?, you do realize there were Germanic peoples before the time of Caesar right?,that would be antiquity.Scotia comes from "Scoti" the Celtic invaders from Ireland.You have a real bad word association habit and get pissed every tiem someone doesnt agree with you, care to back up your word games with facts.?Im Serbian, so my Greek is probably much better than yours and yours sounds pretty f*cked up.

Ok so whats so hard with what I'm saying about the ten tribes going north over the caucaucian mountains?
Eqypt was before caesar's time so naturally there would be already the true Isrealites settling Europe before the time of ceasar?

I dont get pissed and I dont speak Greek so how could you say my Greek is f*cked up?
And being serb or not and being able to read speak Greek has nothing at all to do with your inability to understand mathematics and time lines.

Sounds to me you just want to spar senselessly just for the sake of sparing even when you prove yourself wrong and ignorant of the issue at hand.

7th trump
4th December 2010, 06:55 PM
Muslims don't believe in charging interest on a debt. From a control perspective that's about as far away from evil minded as one could imagine.

Regardless, it seems pointless to jockey for religious pedestals when discussing the various types. It always leads to blatant hypocrisy.

I don't see the point in putting absolutes to words written by some (most likely pedophillic) priest of the day (power is always abused don't kid yourself) that happened to scribble some lofty laws that were punishable by death in a big book of "almighty supreme laws" otherwise known as the government of the day.

It's all a control structure based on man's fear of the unknown, and desire to control others to conform their thoughts and beliefs. Social engineering at it's finest.

Older weaker men wrote laws, that forced stronger more virile males especially, by convincing everyone around them to believe in something they can't see or possibly ever prove, in order to suppress them, in order to ultimately retain their power structure. They couldn't do it physically, so they had to do it psychologically through peer pressure. Burn the heretic, burn the witch. Good old witch hunts. Mind your tongue or burn. Very effective, and barbaric for sure. Still happens today. Back then it was a past time.

Follow the ultimate most righteous law, or burn in hell forever. And not one single person, ever, could even possibly know if there even is a hell. Honestly...this is some kind of joke. Full stop. Absolutely ludicrous.

Amazing how it was all "proven" back then, but no one has even the slightest inkling of any proof of anything today, not a speck of any physical affirmation has manifested itself, or ever will. Not one single person that has ever lived, in all of time, has ever been able to prove anything outside of their own imagination.

It's the ultimate psyop con game.

Humans were a lot more naive back in the day, (heck look at just 20 years ago). People literally believed in anything, similar to today, but far, far worse. If one can even imagine how unbelievable it must have been to be alive and witness that stunning group of "sheeples"

They even called the lost sheep "sheep" back then ffs... ::)

Focus on good deeds v.s. bad deeds, the rest is "government" control nonsense.

Perhaps the last 6 commandments (the most important). Notice how they are the most important, but look at the first 4. All about control.

So we see the control mechanisms are the first items on the agenda, very telling.


Perfect example of the blind trying to convince himself hes not blind. And cant tell you what blind is because he doesnt know.
Hahahahahaha..............................pass the great value carrots please!

I do know. I went to church every single Sunday from birth to about 22 years of age. You could not convince me of anything outside my beliefs during that time. Literally, and completely impossible. Folly to even try.

My mind absolutely could not compute outside of that box. It was literally wired as set into physical patterns of thought to only believe in the word of "god" that was taught to me.

I evolved out of it once my education in life began on a more serious level. I saw through the whole mind control charade.

Total wake up experience. I can't believe how naive I was looking back. It's shocking.

It's just a cult like any other, just like people get caught up in them all the time. It's the exact same process no matter what religious following. Figure that. So many deities, and flavors it's ridiculous.

The thing is you will have to wake up on your own. There is no person, or thing alive or dead that can ever convince you. Trust me, many in the day tried. It just would not compute. Not even close.

Your brain will literally have to rewire through growth, through knowledge of all things, and many aspects of reality, rather than focusing on "the one"

Think about it. When you pray you speak to yourself, literally, as in voices in your head. They are all yours.

It literally borders on a mental affliction of some sort. Repetitive brainwashing if you will.

Some grow out of it, some never do. My mother never did. One of the most involved religious people I've ever seen.

Go your merry own way then.
There are to many events from the Bible that have come to pass for a blind man to convince me hes not blind.
Ignorance is bliss isnt it!

4th December 2010, 08:39 PM
It has nothing to do with ignorance. It's the exact opposite mindset to wanting absence of knowledge about something.

A broader level of knowledge is one where you can readily observe multiple scenarios, and continually identify repeating patterns.

Think about how many deities there are. Not only that, but their stories are highly similar....this is in fact a repeating pattern within a repeating pattern.

There had to be the creation of basic rules to help societies form, and get along, otherwise we wouldn't be here discussing it.

It was important to teach people to be civilized (the last 6 of the 10 commandments) and "police" themselves so to speak (instead of running around raping, killing, and stealing everything they encounter at will thinking they are doing no wrong).

The first 4 commandments are "obey this method" (or you will suffer the most hideous fate imaginable, and for as long as you can possibly imagine). Fear is highly motivational, and it can get people to do absolutely anything.

You would think it would be more about "do good deeds always" first but instead it's "obey the method always" first.

The first 4 commandments are used as fear triggers (aka "do this or suffer the worst imaginable") to get people to do the last 6.

A method of control.

7th trump
4th December 2010, 09:12 PM
It has nothing to do with ignorance. It's the exact opposite mindset to wanting absence of knowledge about something.

A broader level of knowledge is one where you can readily observe multiple scenarios, and continually identify repeating patterns.

Think about how many deities there are. Not only that, but their stories are highly similar....this is in fact a repeating pattern within a repeating pattern.

There had to be the creation of basic rules to help societies form, and get along, otherwise we wouldn't be here discussing it.

It was important to teach people to be civilized (the last 6 of the 10 commandments) and "police" themselves so to speak (instead of running around raping, killing, and stealing everything they encounter at will thinking they are doing no wrong).

The first 4 commandments are "obey this method" (or you will suffer the most hideous fate imaginable, and for as long as you can possibly imagine). Fear is highly motivational, and it can get people to do absolutely anything.

You would think it would be more about "do good deeds always" first but instead it's "obey the method always" first.

The first 4 commandments are used as fear triggers (aka "do this or suffer the worst imaginable") to get people to do the last 6.

A method of control.

Your problem is with authority.
The reason we are in the flesh in the first place is because of lucifers revolt of his desire to be Christ. That revolt is why the first four commandments are what they are.
God made you for His pleasure. That pleasure is your Love for Him.
God created every one of us, including satan better known as lucifer. lucifer managed to get 1/3 of Gods children to woreship him. That was the revolt.
Do you now understand a little bit of the first four commandments?
Can you imagine a world with only 10 commandments and few statutes?
A world where you can live and enjoy life, no murder, no usery, no theft, no rape, no soro, no war, no sickness, no desease and never having to lock your doors?
All you have to do is Love your creater the way He Loves you.

4th December 2010, 09:46 PM
Actually, it has nothing to do with issues of authority.

You could have been born anywhere in the world speaking any language, and you would be saying the same thing. It's a repeating pattern.

better yet, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_deities

How do you think the above list was possible? It wasn't pretend. Countless people actually believed in all of those things, and could not begin to imagine anything outside of it.

edit: Here's another list of scenarios entire societies evolved through, and experienced life and death situations over:


7th trump
4th December 2010, 10:00 PM
Actually, it has nothing to do with issues of authority.

You could have been born anywhere in the world speaking any language, and you would be saying the same thing. It's a repeating pattern.

better yet, http://pagan.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Deities

How do you think the above list was possible? It wasn't pretend. Countless people actually believed in all of those things, and could not begin to imagine anything outside of it.

edit: Here's another list of scenarios entire societies evolved through, and experienced life and death situations over:


Go on your merry own way and have a good trip!
I dont really care of your doubting personal opinion.

5th December 2010, 04:43 AM
You understand, but cant see it. With all due respect, I don't think you read what other people post. From reading your posts, I'm not really sure what you and I are arguing about.

He is a believer in British Israel, wheras the "covenant Islands" are where some of the chosen went too.They use the Stone of Jacob as their proof.They then divide the other Germanic tribes of antiquity into the various tribes of Israel.

No the Bible says the ten tribes after captivity went over the Cacaucian mountains. Whats north of the Caucaucian mountains of Georgia? Europe including Russia to the east. There was no means to sail the high sea's then so where did they go? They didnt go anywhere except to settle Europe and become Christian nations to be as numberous as the sands of the seas and fullfill the prophecy that Jacob would become many nations.
I get a real kick out of you people that come up with this island stuff when God promised that Jacob would become many nations after that date in time.
It isnt rocket science but maybe you people should at least use what little common sense you have.
I dont know what "covenant islands" even means or is. And I have never even heard of "germanic tribes of antiquity" before. Please explain that before putting words in my mouth........thank you very much!
Furthermore, Britian is not Isreal. Britian as far as I know is the tribe of Benjamin. Scotland comes from Scota who was a daughter of ................shyt I cant remember now. Just slipped my mind!
Where do you people come up with this stuff?
I've always said read the Bible for what it says and learn how the greek language is structured, so when you need to go back and look at the manuscripts (if you even do) you can see how the translaters of that time used english words to do the best they could do to translate. Sometimes the translater didnt use the best english words when translating to get the most out of translating.

Never heard of Germans of antiquity?, you do realize there were Germanic peoples before the time of Caesar right?,that would be antiquity.Scotia comes from "Scoti" the Celtic invaders from Ireland.You have a real bad word association habit and get pissed every tiem someone doesnt agree with you, care to back up your word games with facts.?Im Serbian, so my Greek is probably much better than yours and yours sounds pretty f*cked up.

Ok so whats so hard with what I'm saying about the ten tribes going north over the caucaucian mountains?
Eqypt was before caesar's time so naturally there would be already the true Isrealites settling Europe before the time of ceasar?

I dont get pissed and I dont speak Greek so how could you say my Greek is f*cked up?
And being serb or not and being able to read speak Greek has nothing at all to do with your inability to understand mathematics and time lines.

Sounds to me you just want to spar senselessly just for the sake of sparing even when you prove yourself wrong and ignorant of the issue at hand.

Your the one who is sparing, one , you never knew there were ancient Germans at the time of Moses? their artifacts are in museums,also you wont counter the ancient Scoti of Ireland,who invaded Britain? these are documented as well, You accuse me of sparing when all you do is post your word association statements then dodge the retort.BTW ,no it is not impossible for these Israelites to have crossed the Caucasus mountains into Georgia and beyond,but to imagine they are the single ancestors of such a large group of other peoples definitely is. Its not so simple to say they just "did" it. the amount of people your mentioning would be very large and moving through territory thats very hostile with basically zero technology above the making of fire, there is virtually nothing to eat in that area and water is scarce.Once across, they would have been in an open steppe,again with little to eat other than herd animals, and very hostile Avars, Huns,Slavs and Tatars tribes. It just doesnt make any logistical sense.If they did actually do this, their survival numbers would have been so low, all they would have been able to do is be bred out in a generation or two.My math is very clear,look this up, the Ottoman and Russian armies could barely maneuver in that area in WWI even with 1916 technologies and little fighting.If any divine intervention had occured it would have been documented in legend, it isnt.These tribes of Israel dissapeared into history like so many others, thats it.

5th December 2010, 06:45 AM
Your endorsement of Book and gundriller here in their lies contradicting the bible are all I need to see.

maybe someone posted a link to G-S.us at biblethumpers.org.

5th December 2010, 07:00 AM
I have been given a message for some of you.

Two powerful forces at work... actually battling each other... for a while more. One wants to build the tower of Babel. The other wants to confuse the peoples. The coalescing of all the people into unified thought and purpose to build themselves a stariway to heaven has been increasing. Language barriers, worldviews, transportation & communication- these are all being developed or managed to form a new global order. At the time of the tower of Babel, here is what God said:

Gen 11:5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
Gen 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
Gen 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
Gen 11:8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
Gen 11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

The separation of people and people groups is what God has been working at. Sure, there needs to be unity of mind and spirit in any endeavor if it is to succeed. But the designs of man and devil are not left unhindered. Why?

Let's look at the purpose of the tower.

Gen 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

I see three problems with the people of that time: An attempt to reach the skies/heavens in the flesh, pride in the name of the people (not God), and the desire to stay in a clump instead of filling the earth as God commanded.

In a collected city like that, all the people of the world would be easily corrupted as that corruption spread unhindered. Separated, pockets of people could survive and grow strong and some would choose truth.

So, why did I go there in this discourse? Well, I see that I am typically in disagreement with near 100% of people in many areas and it is amazing to me that people have such contrary opinions on things that should be fairly agreeable. Ever wonder about that? How is it that ten people can be given the exact same facts and yet they all disagree on the value and interpretation of those facts?

Here at GSUS we mostly agree on certain things. I would venture to say that they are a very small and select group of things, like the corruption of the government, the assured destruction of fiat value, the evils of banker games, and a few others.

Some of you are already disregarding everything I wrote because I quoted a bible reference. Some of you stopped reading because you didn't think this was going anywhere. Some of you are interested to see where this is going. Confusion. Do you see how we are all still fixed with the confusion since the tower of Babel? But we are in a time -unlike any other time in history- when we will see this confusion seem to fade away. Some of you will remember this warning but most of you will have it wiped clean.

2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

The tower of Babel was to exalt man and man's name. We have been experiencing the great falling away and we are near the end of that. The next event(s) will be the inflection point.

2Th 2:5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
2Th 2:6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
2Th 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
2Th 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
2Th 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

What has been holding back the global order, the new world order? Why didn't we have it in 1888 or 1555 or 666 or 333? Why is it now in the 21st century that we are primed for the New World Order spoken of by so many top political beasts? Anything clearing up in your mind?

2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

The power of delusion is that those under it don't even know it! But why would God do this??? Why would God want people to go merrily on to destruction? Sounds pretty cold, right? Well, it comes back to the power we have of choice". Would any of you like to give up your power of choice? Who would you give it to? Pretty dangerous to turn your life over to another. But if your choice is mostly wrong, what good is it?

Here are those who will be under delusion: those who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

We will soon see days like the tower of Babel. There will be massive agreement... unification on a global level. The starry eyed masses will feel triumphant in building this new tower. The destruction of the economies and world system of 2010 and 2011 will make people hungry for self-pride. The elimination of conflicting and separating dogmas- like religions of old, will be desired. The religions were thoroughly corrupted and became synonymous with true worship of God as people shunned any such beliefs. The people would not believe the truth. Delusion comes. The sides will be simple. Left or right... sheep or goats.... black or white... wheat or tares. Everyone will believe they are right of course.

5th December 2010, 10:39 AM
I do know. I went to church every single Sunday from birth to about 22 years of age. You could not convince me of anything outside my beliefs during that time. Literally, and completely impossible. Folly to even try.

My mind absolutely could not compute outside of that box. It was literally wired as set into physical patterns of thought to only believe in the word of "god" that was taught to me.

I evolved out of it once my education in life began on a more serious level. I saw through the whole mind control charade.

Total wake up experience. I can't believe how naive I was looking back. It's shocking.

It's just a cult like any other, just like people get caught up in them all the time. It's the exact same process no matter what religious following. Figure that. So many deities, and flavors it's ridiculous.

Church is like a cult, in so many ways.

You don't have to go to "Church" to have faith in Christ.

I personally don't go to church, for other reasons. But I maintain that God knows your heart, and there is nothing in the scripture that says "YOU MUST" attend Church.

7th trump
5th December 2010, 11:45 AM
I haven't set foot in a church in decades except for the occasional wedding.

5th December 2010, 12:39 PM
Awoke? doesn't the Bible says "Thou shall pray in a closet?".........that means in "private" no?.

5th December 2010, 04:26 PM
Awoke? doesn't the Bible says "Thou shall pray in a closet?".........that means in "private" no?.

Prayer in secret is all that is needed since it is between you and God. There is such a thing as corporate prayer, and that is fine.

Mat 6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
Mat 6:2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
Mat 6:3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
Mat 6:4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
Mat 6:5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
Mat 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Mat 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Mat 6:8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

This is the warning not to seek worldly benefits, using God to impress others. The Messiah said likewise that if you do good and boast about it before men then you have already received your reward.

6th December 2010, 08:08 PM
I do know. I went to church every single Sunday from birth to about 22 years of age. You could not convince me of anything outside my beliefs during that time. Literally, and completely impossible. Folly to even try.

My mind absolutely could not compute outside of that box. It was literally wired as set into physical patterns of thought to only believe in the word of "god" that was taught to me.

I evolved out of it once my education in life began on a more serious level. I saw through the whole mind control charade.

Total wake up experience. I can't believe how naive I was looking back. It's shocking.

It's just a cult like any other, just like people get caught up in them all the time. It's the exact same process no matter what religious following. Figure that. So many deities, and flavors it's ridiculous.

Church is like a cult, in so many ways.

You don't have to go to "Church" to have faith in Christ.

I personally don't go to church, for other reasons. But I maintain that God knows your heart, and there is nothing in the scripture that says "YOU MUST" attend Church.

The big thing that stands out on it's face is the "believe" or the creator will banish you to the most horrific suffering imaginable for eternity.

That's one of the most spiteful, and cold blooded (borderline psychopathic) scenario's I can imagine.

Utter and brutal punishment, not just for a little while....but literally forever.

Those are some absolutely massive character flaws as core values.

I feel infinitely better than this "god" already just thinking about my own personality in comparison. If "god's" message teaches me to be that spiteful (do as he does), then I'll pass.

IMO only a fool would follow such a childish underdeveloped mentality.

It's obvious this was designed an early fear/control mechanism. What's even more obvious to me is it was created by men in a book, short sighted, primitive, and simple minded ones at that.

6th December 2010, 08:17 PM
If "god's" message teaches me to be that spiteful (do as he does), then I'll pass.

Old Testament is obviously a deranged talmudic jew creation: http://www.yoism.org/images/GodAndJesus.JPG

New Testament is way nicer...


6th December 2010, 08:23 PM
you've got it wrong Bob.

God doesn't banish anyone.....He lets us decide where we want to spend eternity

We can choose to spend eternity with a loving God in Paradise

or we can choose to spend eternity without him and his love

Its really that simple

The choice is Ours.

6th December 2010, 08:35 PM
As long as you guys keep on talking about the Bible I think that the coat and ties of this site should transfer this thread to religion.............

6th December 2010, 08:57 PM
you've got it wrong Bob.

God doesn't banish anyone.....He lets us decide where we want to spend eternity

We can choose to spend eternity with a loving God in Paradise

or we can choose to spend eternity without him and his love

Its really that simple

The choice is Ours.

I hear you, and I have seen a lot of good come through following the most positive aspects, aka the last 6 of the 10 commandments. From that perspective, it is a very honorable scenario in developing moral character, and leading a happy fulfilling life.

However, I'm not certain it meets the criteria of having a choice in the first place. There is really only one option that is ultimately made available. It's an ultimatum, a decree of sorts. The fact that the church was the government for most of mankind's history makes the whole thing somewhat dubious.

My take is it all started off with the last 6 mentality which was highly successful, then became corrupted to the point of ultimatum in order to get people to conform through fear to the will of the church/government..i.e. it became exploited for personal gain and profit motives.

At what point does anyone know what was originally written, revised, and modified after the fact is anyone's guess.

6th December 2010, 09:01 PM
As long as you guys keep on talking about the Bible I think that the coat and ties of this site should transfer this thread to religion.............

Wait, I'm seeing a repeating pattern. If this thread does not follow "the method", it should be banished to the depths of the sub-forum existence for all eternity.

I'm just coming to the realization that Ponce may very well be...in fact....God.

;) ;D

6th December 2010, 09:05 PM
Only God Jr in training..........someday I'll be the BIG cheese ;D

6th December 2010, 09:11 PM
Only God Jr in training..........someday I'll be the BIG cheese ;D

Well, now I feel the need to offer generously to the collection plate. Where can I donate my silver offerings? Will SAE's do, or do you prefer bars?


7th December 2010, 04:48 AM
Only God Jr in training..........someday I'll be the BIG cheese ;D

One who is a cheese-eater can never be the big cheese.


8th March 2017, 07:16 AM
Ray McGovern recently went to Occupied Palestine, tells the current condition of things,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ct2-q9z3bac/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=NYD2sMdOQNkJhQqKiemLz7NmpIY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct2-q9z3bac) 46:15
Ray McGovern "I Saw Settlers Punch A Palestinian Woman In The Face. Israel Is An Apartheid State." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct2-q9z3bac)

5 hours ago