View Full Version : The Real Wikileaks Story On Iran: It's Becoming The Mexico Of The Middle East

29th November 2010, 10:09 AM
The Real Wikileaks Story On Iran: It's Becoming The Mexico Of The Middle East


Regarding Iran and Wikileaks, the main focus has been on the fact that leaders throughout the Arab world are suspicious and angry at Ahmadinejad & Co.

But Middle East watchers are pretty unsurprised at this.

Mike Riggs at The Daily Caller susses out a more interesting -- and perhaps more destabilizing -- revelation, which is that Iran is now viewed as the Mexico fo the Middle East, when it comes to drug trafficking.

“According to widespread rumor, many Iranians in Baku are involved full- or part-time in Iranian regime-related profit making, sanctions-busting, money laundering, and similar activities,” reads a March 2009 cable from the American embassy in Azerbaijan, the country on Iran’s northern border. “Some are also said to be significant actors in obtaining spare parts and equipment for the Revolutionary Guard, raising revenues and managing money for it and/or regime figures, or managing Iran-origin narcotics trafficking.”

Another cable from Baku, dated June 2009, claims that “Iran-origin heroin seizures (i.e., heroin derived from Afghani and Pakistani opium that entered Azerbaijan from Iran) in Azerbaijan nearly quadrupled during the first quarter of 2009, as compared to the first quarter of 2008.”

Read the whole thing >



29th November 2010, 10:14 AM
In case you missed it:


29th November 2010, 10:15 AM
Iran has had a huge opium/heroin problem for years - certainly since the Iran/Iraq debacle - estimates vary but a large percentage of the adult male population are regular users.

This has helped to make the population a little more docile under the mullahs "benevolent" rule, but, like most short term solutions, poses significant long term costs.

29th November 2010, 11:52 AM
doesn't it have to have waves to be the Mexico of Asia ?

Baja Iran, longboarding in the Straits of Hormuz. drinking Corona & watching four US carrier groups through the binoculars.

sounds like the Hunter Thompson version of Baja Mexico. ;D :o

mick silver
29th November 2010, 02:30 PM
who FUNDS Wikileaks

30th November 2010, 02:00 AM
TEL AVIV - Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed hope Monday that U.S. diplomatic cables revealing that several Arab states share his country's concern about Iran's nuclear weapons program could build momentum for tougher international action against the effort.

"More and more states, governments and leaders in the Middle East and the wider region and the world believe this is the fundamental threat," Netanyahu said, referring to disclosures in cables released by the Web site WikiLeaks. According to the cables, some leaders, including Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, have advocated using military action to stop the Iranian nuclear program.

"There's a gap between what they say privately and publicly," Netanyahu said at an annual gathering of the Tel Aviv Journalists' Association. Regional leaders read publicly from one "script" that says the "greatest threat isthe Israeli-Palestinian conflict," Netanyahu said. "But in reality, leaders understand that this narrative is bankrupt. There is a new understanding."


30th November 2010, 06:57 AM
Yes, we should definitely invade Iran now that they are cutting into our drug profits.

Hey, it worked with Afghanistan. :P

30th November 2010, 08:40 AM
TEL AVIV - Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed hope Monday that U.S. diplomatic cables revealing that several Arab states share his country's concern about Iran's nuclear weapons program could build momentum for tougher international action against the effort.

"More and more states, governments and leaders in the Middle East and the wider region and the world believe this is the fundamental threat," Netanyahu said, referring to disclosures in cables released by the Web site WikiLeaks. According to the cables, some leaders, including Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, have advocated using military action to stop the Iranian nuclear program.

"There's a gap between what they say privately and publicly," Netanyahu said at an annual gathering of the Tel Aviv Journalists' Association. Regional leaders read publicly from one "script" that says the "greatest threat isthe Israeli-Palestinian conflict," Netanyahu said. "But in reality, leaders understand that this narrative is bankrupt. There is a new understanding."


Obviously there is a disconnect, in the rhetoric between the dictators of the region and the population, and what they tell their US-Israel allies on the phone.

Now Israel may think they have scored some points with their latest wikileaks dump, but strategically they have weakened their secret allies, iow the rulers of the middle east...

30th November 2010, 09:01 AM
As MAGNES is always quick to remind everyone, Sibel Edmonds IS KEY. She has helped spread much evidence which damns these criminals.

The cartel is trying to use Wikileaks to help its spread the war effort to Iran, a thought postulated on GSUS on day 1 of the Wikileaks 'scandal'.

9 11, TURKEY, ISRAEL, UK, USA, NATO, HEROIN - SIBEL EDMONDS REVELATIONS (http://spookterror.blogspot.com/2009/09/9-11-turkey-israel-uk-usa-nato-heroin.html)

The conspirators are trying hard to build up their boogyman.