View Full Version : Crowley and the NWO

29th November 2010, 06:25 PM
skip first nine minutes and 15 seconds


29th November 2010, 06:44 PM
Ya, that is a disturbing video to say the least. I have pretty much removed myself from music that is pop culture driven. It is true what is said in that video (tongue in cheek for me)...Satan has all of the best tunes. A lot of really catchy stuff comes out of the pop culture music scene. When I came to Christ about 17 years ago one of the first things I did was trashed all of the music that I had that I had felt did not honour God, or outright blasphemed him. Well, as many Christians do, I slipped back into complacency with regards to many aspects of my life and accumulated a lot of music that I am not please with, and still to this day have. My wife and I discussed this this week after reconfronting this issue. You know what the rest of the story is going to entail. :)

General of Darkness
29th November 2010, 06:47 PM
The vast majority in that video are jews. ;)

29th November 2010, 06:57 PM
Illuminati, Jesuits, bankers and Masons are small potatoes in comparison to Elvis, Black Sabbath and the Beatles, when it comes to the NWO


I am sure that no one who is under the mind control, will be willing to watch that video for any length

yet, it still amazes me that some people (like you, bellevue) somehow manage to deprogram themselves

29th November 2010, 07:12 PM
Oh, Mr. Crowley!


29th November 2010, 07:13 PM
All sorts of related stuff out there, fits what you already know, and discussed above.

Search google, he never stopped working for them, ever .

Barbara Bush may be related to him, how surprising, online references to this.

crowley british agent

revealing connections


Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley and
British Intelligence in America, 1914^1918

Secret Agent 666 - Aleister
Crowley, British Intelligence And The Occult
By Richard B. Spence

29th November 2010, 08:16 PM
Illuminati, Jesuits, bankers and Masons are small potatoes in comparison to Elvis, Black Sabbath and the Beatles, when it comes to the NWO


I am sure that no one who is under the mind control, will be willing to watch that video for any length

yet, it still amazes me that some people (like you, bellevue) somehow manage to deprogram themselves

With God, all things are possible.

G...I've been up to my eyes in all kinds of things that should have destroyed me or led to my (spiritual) destruction. I'm not kidding when I say this. For whatever reason, God has been extremely patient and merciful to me. I give him all the glory for any deprogramming that has gone on in my life. I realize that our bodies/minds do pay the consequences of the ungodly punishment that we thrust upon them, and that barring , imo, rare instances of physical healings, people are literally left with the choices that they have made (as I have said before on this forum, I believe God is more concerned with our soul than our flesh, because it is the soul that will endure eternity) but it is incredible how one can be motivated to change when willing to listen to his voice and follow his direction. So again, I give him the glory. If it were not for him, there would be no reason to change. It is the spirtual healing that ultimately counts. :) Btw, thanks for the kind words.

29th November 2010, 08:34 PM
I just found out that I mistakenly linked the wrong video is the OP.

now the link is repaired


30th November 2010, 11:33 AM

30th November 2010, 01:21 PM
We need more than just this one thread to expose Crowley. He was one of the major founders of the occult religion/death cult the elite all follow today. He outlined the use of real negative energy to achieve real world changes/influence.

Some might say that this practice has been going on for thousands of years, but at the very least, Crowley revolutionalized it and made it far more accessible.

As you can see I have some negative opinions of Crowley.

He and I do have however, the same favorite meditation position, "The Dragon"

30th November 2010, 01:26 PM
Interesting video so far!

30th November 2010, 08:29 PM
All sorts of related stuff out there, fits what you already know, and discussed above.

Search google, he never stopped working for them, ever .

Barbara Bush may be related to him, how surprising, online references to this.

crowley british agent

revealing connections


Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley and
British Intelligence in America, 1914^1918

Secret Agent 666 - Aleister
Crowley, British Intelligence And The Occult
By Richard B. Spence

Him and Blavatskaya are the two principal Satanic saints/proxies

30th November 2010, 08:35 PM
So guys, add to my knowledge: what was so bad about Aleister Crowley, specifically?

30th November 2010, 09:30 PM
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

30th November 2010, 09:39 PM
So guys, add to my knowledge: what was so bad about Aleister Crowley, specifically?

There is only one way to get off the long slow road to 100% slavery and that is by the adoption of individual responsibility. But since the start of time people have been willing to give up their duty, their oversight, their work, their wealth, their health, freedom, liberty, education, children, culture, history and even their free will to anybody, anyone, and anything that happens to stumble along either claiming a position of authority or promising some form of hope or reward.

Crowley proposes anything, ... as long as it comes without even the slightest acknowledgement of individual responsibility. Thus making him perfect for the leadership of the masses traveling down that long slow road.

30th November 2010, 10:21 PM
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

I assume you're responding to me. Yes, I have heard about his religion, however it can actually be interpreted in a way that isn't bad at all. I'm not an apologist and don't have an agenda here other than my own understanding, which is the reason I'm posting here.

From an esoteric perspective, his religion is interpreted much differently than it sounds, perhaps even opposite. Esoteric tradition is thousands of years old, and probably pre-dates all religions. This was not created with "new age" teachings. The goal of esoteric development is to know one's self: inner unity, development of a will, becoming more than a collection of conflicting thoughts and feelings (the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak).

Monks, fakirs, and yogis of all religions have followed this path. The goal for them is essentially to control their ego (also called personality), to access their higher-self and gain true consciousness (also called existence or eternal life). There are some that interpret christianity within this context: you must be born again to enter into the kingdom of heaven, which is within you. Esoteric means within. Jesus showed us how to do this - he died and was resurrected. Some, and I understand most people don't currently interpret it this way, believe his life was like a drama played out for humanity to follow as a process that occurs within them.

Therefore, the goal here is discovery and development of the Will. Will in this case is that spark within us that connects to the source of creation. Many would say it is the Father's Will we should follow....this interpretation says that spark within us, that connects to the source, is equivalent to the Father. (who is in heaven, which is within you)

Many here would call that blasphemy. In reality the old testament has two versions of the Father: YWHY, which is not clearly defined and more of a source, and God, who has a personality and commands people to do things like worship him, or he destroys them. Some believe they are separate entities - the former is the creator of the universe, the latter a negative entity.

Under this context, do as though wilt does not mean debauchery or lawlessness, but rather obeying your Will, which can in fact only be discovered through either the old ways: in monasteries, physical efforts, or libraries, or the new way: faith, hope, knowledge, and love.

Note I mentioned nothing about the polarity of the ways to discover your Will. Satanists try discover their Will through love of themselves, which creates the dark pyramid we observe today. They do in fact develop esoterically in this way, but they mistake the source of everything with themselves as the source. They must eventually change or they will starve in the abyss. However, even they are better than most who do not develop esoterically at all and cease to exist because they have no Will....."So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth".

Most of us are in fact not even able to follow Aleister's law at this time.

30th November 2010, 10:55 PM
Under this context, do as though wilt does not mean debauchery or lawlessness, but rather obeying your Will...


To a naive willful child it does mean debauchery and lawlessness. Boys need a wise mentoring father to teach them these lessons during adolescence...not some cult leader that gives them permission to do whatever they want.


30th November 2010, 11:34 PM
Under this context, do as though wilt does not mean debauchery or lawlessness, but rather obeying your Will...


To a naive willful child it does mean debauchery and lawlessness. Boys need a wise mentoring father to teach them these lessons during adolescence...not some cult leader that gives them permission to do whatever they want.


Sure, Crowley seems like he was taking the negative path. Under that path, the dark pyramid is created - control those weaker than yourself. They never reveal information to others freely...they must figure it out themselves or face harsh consequences. Loving themselves and being brutal to others is seen as good from their view. It teaches others to in turn love themselves. They think they help the universe by teaching people to help themselves. Thats why they treat their own children in this way for example. The misleading wording of his law is probably not an accident.

Others who we call positive help the universe by helping each other.

I could go on and explain more but I think that's unnecessary. There is really no need for debates. I was mainly hoping to get more information on him from people here to see how this is viewed by others. I prefer reading, not typing.

1st December 2010, 01:53 AM
Great video I watched about a year ago. There is another good thread on here about Preston Nichols and the Music of time. I don't think people really know just how powerful music is or can be. We are totally bombarded with it on a daily basis. In Fahrenheit 451 the people run around with little earphones on and that is what is happening with the Ipods. People are totally being mind fucked, they don't have time to think for them selves anymore. The music is actually designed to stop your thought process and open you up to suggestion.

1st December 2010, 03:55 AM
Under this context, do as though wilt does not mean debauchery or lawlessness, but rather obeying your Will...


To a naive willful child it does mean debauchery and lawlessness. Boys need a wise mentoring father to teach them these lessons during adolescence...not some cult leader that gives them permission to do whatever they want.


Book, I wish you would post more insightful posts like this. It says something when I see a post like this by you and I am surprised. Not to be meant as a slam. I think you have good opinions, I just don't think you excercise them very often. |--0--| Back at ya.

1st December 2010, 04:54 AM
What's down is up, what is as below is as above, eh vacuum?

Spare me.

7th trump
1st December 2010, 05:13 AM
Under this context, do as though wilt does not mean debauchery or lawlessness, but rather obeying your Will...


To a naive willful child it does mean debauchery and lawlessness. Boys need a wise mentoring father to teach them these lessons during adolescence...not some cult leader that gives them permission to do whatever they want.


Book, I wish you would post more insightful posts like this. It says something when I see a post like this by you and I am surprised. Not to be meant as a slam. I think you have good opinions, I just don't think you excercise them very often. |--0--| Back at ya.

Ok I'll chime in to.
Book I'm surprised as well. Never thought I'd see a post like that coming from you. It does say something about you.
Maybe, just maybe, there's a humble human inside there somewhere.

1st December 2010, 06:47 AM
The only thing with this is, IMO, they are giving Crowley too much credit. He is not the draftsman of the the satanic conspiracy. In fact he is eclectic. He did not write any single thing down that was his own. Everything he said and did, he learned from previous satanic sources.

Crowley is a tool serving a purpose. I have more information on this, and his ties to other organizations in the NWO conspiracy, but for the life of me I can't remember which books I read the details in. If I can come across more info on his ties to the other secret societies, I will post the info here.

I know that he didn't come up with the plan, and he is certainly no grand-master of the global satanic plot. He was just a small cog in a bigger machine. I wish I could remember the sources that covered him in detail. I might be able to find it again if I take the time to go through my library.

1st December 2010, 06:51 AM
Go on awoke, post more details. Just go off your memory.

1st December 2010, 06:58 AM
Crowley struck me as a kind of wannabe a bit like Manson. Don't know if Crowley did any helter skelter. Crowley would have been 13 in the year of the Ripper - 1888. Interesting number that 1888. Could lead down a specific path IMO. Did chinamen live in London in 1888?

Anyway i'd like to hear more Awoke if you can find a bit of spare time or even a title or two to take a look at.

1st December 2010, 06:59 AM
I can't risk posting details without being sure. I don't want to risk being inaccurate.

Will post more later maybe.

1st December 2010, 07:36 AM
Crowley is a tool serving a purpose.That is what I've gathered on Crowley that he was a charlatan/fraud/attentionwhore... His shadow is stronger and far more dangerous than he.

Thanks grad for the post. Lately, I've been slowly, unwittingly polluting my mind.

1st December 2010, 07:39 AM
Lately, I've been slowly, unwittingly polluting my mind.

What do you mean?

1st December 2010, 07:53 AM
Just pulling some info off the web here. My books are at home, and I'm not.

Crowley and E. Nesbit were members of the same satanic cult, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. E. Nesbit was amongst the founding members of the Fabian Society...

Some quotes from some sites:

In the United States as a whole, apart from that situation in the new York U.S. headquarters of the Anglo-American Liberal Establishment, the entirety of Satanist activity is coordinated under the umbrella of the influence of Friedrich Nietzsche, Aleister Crowley, and leading Fabian Society figures such as H.G. Wells and Bertrand Russell. This umbrella has the name given to it by Nietzsche and Crowley: 'The Age of Aquarius."

Marilyn Ferguson's 1980 The Aquarian Conspiracy documents her patron, Willis Harman of Stanford Research Institute, as one of the national coordinators of Satan-cultism in the United States, and identifies the Fabian Society's H.G. Wells as a key intellectual influence in the work of this cult. In all essentials, Ferguson's claims are verified by independent investigation.



The "Age of Aquarius," or "New Age," is the generic name adopted by the modern Satanist movement. The best-publicized among the founders of the Age of Aquarius movement include Fyodor Dostoevsky, Friedrich Nietzsche, Alex Muenthe (of Capri notoriety), and Aleister Crowley. Most Aquarians trace the origins of modern Satanism to Nietzsche and Crowley.

Anti-Christ cultist Nietzsche announced that the twentieth century would see the end of the Age of Pisces, which Aquarians associate with the figures of Socrates and Christ; Nietzsche prophesied that the New Age would be the Age of Aquarius, which he identified with the Satanic figure Dionysos. Crowley announced himself publicly a devotee of Nietzsche's New Age cult in his Vienna Theosophy magazine, near the beginning of this century, and indicated as his preferred choice of name for Satan.

Now after reading that and being reminded of the ties between satanism and the Age of Aquarius, I am thinking that one of the books that I read whcih covered Crowley's connections with the NWO conspirators was The Committee of 300. I unfortunately don't have a PDF copy here at my disposal to reference, but I have a couple hard copies at home, so I will try to remember (and find the tme) to check.

Bottom line is, he was not working alone, nor was he the architect of this plan.

EDIT for typos again.

1st December 2010, 08:06 AM
Without Pike there would have never been a Crowley.

Blavatskaya (H. P. Blavatsky) was mentored primarily by 2 people:

Koot Hoomi (Kuthumi)
Master Morya (whom some claim was actually Giuseppe Mazzini - Grand Master Guiseppi Mazzini 33°
Founder of Italian Freemasonry)

These folks found their spirituality in the same esoteric/occult teachings of the ancients.

1st December 2010, 08:10 AM
I don't like seeing the name "Nietzsche". We have one down here (Oz) who promotes euthenasia. He travels widely and has assisted people with suicide.

The Age of Pisces is due to end 2012 and yes the Age of Aquarius is due to start. This is the shift of the predominate constelation of the skies from one to the next. The Age of Pisces is symbolic with new age christians. You can find the fish symbol with I love Jesus written inside all over. Whether or not the scripture of Jesus providing food for 5000 on the shores of the lake from fish and loaves has anything to do with this symbolism I don't know.

1st December 2010, 08:25 AM
What do you mean?

At times I find my prayer life suffering. Sometimes sinful temptations seem too strong. In times like these I find it's because I'm turning away from Jesus and turning to the world. Probably a lot of people would say I'm overreacting, but I had been an atheist for 15 years. From the time I accepted him into my heart, there can be no denying his love, but every now and then... It's by God's grace and goodness that I am saved. I'm rebelious by nature.

Like BB stated above
Well, as many Christians do, I slipped back into complacency with regards to many aspects of my life and accumulated a lot of music that I am not please with, and still to this day have.

midnight rambler
1st December 2010, 08:26 AM
All sorts of related stuff out there, fits what you already know, and discussed above.

Search google, he never stopped working for them, ever .

Barbara Bush may be related to him, how surprising, online references to this.

crowley british agent

revealing connections


Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley and
British Intelligence in America, 1914^1918

Secret Agent 666 - Aleister
Crowley, British Intelligence And The Occult
By Richard B. Spence

Him and Blavatskaya are the two principal Satanic saints/proxies

I'd say there are four in the past 150 years, include Albert Pike and Alice Bailey, who advanced Blatvatsky's Theosophy even further with her prolific writing.

1st December 2010, 08:53 AM
What do you mean?

At times I find my prayer life suffering. Sometimes sinful temptations seem too strong. In times like these I find it's because I'm turning away from Jesus and turning to the world. Probably a lot of people would say I'm overreacting, but I had been an atheist for 15 years. From the time I accepted him into my heart, there can be no denying his love, but every now and then... It's by God's grace and goodness that I am saved. I'm rebelious by nature.

Like BB stated above
Well, as many Christians do, I slipped back into complacency with regards to many aspects of my life and accumulated a lot of music that I am not please with, and still to this day have.

It's a two part solution. Recognize, then turn away from it.....repent. This is only meant as encouragement, not judgment. We all find ourselves in the same position. As I mentioned and you pointed out, I find myself there often. But as you decisively make your commitment more resolute, the rebellious nature has less of a grip. The Spirit goes in and thrusts out the law that is written on your heart and in your mind. Thanks for sharing that. It ecourages me also.

edit.....we Christians often ignore 1/2 of the formula for salvation. The first is easy....there is no cost. The second, not so much:

1. Salvation by grace through faith
2. Obedience (to walk as he does)

Rarely will you find in the NT a mention of the first without the other. They must go hand in hand.

1st December 2010, 09:27 AM
Without Pike there would have never been a Crowley.

Blavatskaya (H. P. Blavatsky) was mentored primarily by 2 people:

Koot Hoomi (Kuthumi)
Master Morya (whom some claim was actually Giuseppe Mazzini - Grand Master Guiseppi Mazzini 33°
Founder of Italian Freemasonry)

These folks found their spirituality in the same esoteric/occult teachings of the ancients.

That's right. They are all handing the information down, not writing new stuff. This conspiracy is ancient in origin.

1st December 2010, 09:30 AM
There's nothing new under the sun.

1st December 2010, 12:13 PM
Does anyone know the name of that video? I can't get to it on google video from here and I want to email it to some people.

1st December 2010, 12:39 PM
Does anyone know the name of that video? I can't get to it on google video from here and I want to email it to some people.

The video is called "They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll, Part 3 of 4"

Here is the link:


1st December 2010, 12:51 PM
Sometimes sinful temptations seem too strong. In times like these I find it's because I'm turning away from Jesus and turning to the world.

you are stuggling with the curse of the flesh.

your soul hates it, but your body lusts it

I am in the same predicament as you are, brother RJB.

I believe there are no solution untill we are dead

Do not sweat it too much, Paul too was in the same predicament as we are according to the Romans 7.

For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.

If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.

Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.

For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me
sound familiar, isn't it? ;D

We will be free of that junk only after parted with the filthy rotting corpses to which we are presently attached.

1st December 2010, 01:47 PM
Under this context, do as though wilt does not mean debauchery or lawlessness, but rather obeying your Will...


To a naive willful child it does mean debauchery and lawlessness. Boys need a wise mentoring father to teach them these lessons during adolescence...not some cult leader that gives them permission to do whatever they want.


Book, I wish you would post more insightful posts like this. It says something when I see a post like this by you and I am surprised. Not to be meant as a slam. I think you have good opinions, I just don't think you exercise them very often. |--0--| Back at ya.

I try and avoid the Faith and Religion section. This thread reminds me of all the social debauchery promoted and encouraged during the 1960s:


The Church of Satan does not worship or support a belief in the Devil or other supernatural entities. "My real feeling is that anybody who believes in supernatural entities on some level is insane. Whether they believe in The Devil or God, they are abdicating reason," said Peter Gilmore.[2] Gilmore defines the word Satan: "Satan is a model or a mode of behavior. Satan in Hebrew means 'adversary' or 'opposer'; one who questions."[2]

Satanists within the Church of Satan adhere to these as guidelines on how to live. However, it is important to remember that Satanists generally do not view the Satanic sins, statements, and rules of the earth as things that one must go out of their way to do. The Satanist ideally sees these things as truisms and how they naturally live their lives, as opposed to a Christian or Jew, who would strive to follow the words of Christ or the mitzvot, respectively.
[edit] The Nine Satanic Statements

The Nine Satanic Statements outline what "Satan" represents in the Church of Satan:[8]

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence.
2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams.
3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit.
4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates.
5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek.
6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires.
7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development", has become the most vicious animal of all.
8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.
9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years.

Linky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_Satan)

Read more here how THIS JEW (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_LaVey) destroyed the gullible goyim using esoteric "religion" as his tool.


1st December 2010, 01:53 PM
Sometimes sinful temptations seem too strong.

...I am in the same predicament as you are, brother RJB.

Stop punishing yourselves and instead understand WHO (http://www.jewwatch.com/jew-pornography-archive.html) has been getting rich weakening our society.


1st December 2010, 02:09 PM
Stop punishing yourselves
it has nothing to do with self-punishment

instead understand WHO (http://www.jewwatch.com/jew-pornography-archive.html) has been getting rich.

book, I am with you on that

1st December 2010, 04:05 PM
Under this context, do as though wilt does not mean debauchery or lawlessness, but rather obeying your Will...


To a naive willful child it does mean debauchery and lawlessness. Boys need a wise mentoring father to teach them these lessons during adolescence...not some cult leader that gives them permission to do whatever they want.


Book, I wish you would post more insightful posts like this. It says something when I see a post like this by you and I am surprised. Not to be meant as a slam. I think you have good opinions, I just don't think you exercise them very often. |--0--| Back at ya.

I try and avoid the Faith and Religion section. This thread reminds me of all the social debauchery promoted and encouraged during the 1960s:


The Church of Satan does not worship or support a belief in the Devil or other supernatural entities. "My real feeling is that anybody who believes in supernatural entities on some level is insane. Whether they believe in The Devil or God, they are abdicating reason," said Peter Gilmore.[2] Gilmore defines the word Satan: "Satan is a model or a mode of behavior. Satan in Hebrew means 'adversary' or 'opposer'; one who questions."[2]

Satanists within the Church of Satan adhere to these as guidelines on how to live. However, it is important to remember that Satanists generally do not view the Satanic sins, statements, and rules of the earth as things that one must go out of their way to do. The Satanist ideally sees these things as truisms and how they naturally live their lives, as opposed to a Christian or Jew, who would strive to follow the words of Christ or the mitzvot, respectively.
[edit] The Nine Satanic Statements

The Nine Satanic Statements outline what "Satan" represents in the Church of Satan:[8]

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence.
2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams.
3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit.
4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates.
5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek.
6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires.
7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development", has become the most vicious animal of all.
8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.
9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years.

Linky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_Satan)

Read more here how THIS JEW (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_LaVey) destroyed the gullible goyim using esoteric "religion" as his tool.


You don't have to be in the faith and religion section to make dynamic, insightful posts. I honestly had to look up and check your avatar several times to see if it was yours. I'm just used to a picture and a sarcastic comment. I do understand that may be your style, and hey, everyone is different, and that by using that style you are making your point. But I did appreciate seeing a little more of what you have to offer. Btw, that is a sincere compliment. ;)

1st December 2010, 04:09 PM
Crowley struck me as a kind of wannabe a bit like Manson. Don't know if Crowley did any helter skelter. Crowley would have been 13 in the year of the Ripper - 1888. Interesting number that 1888. Could lead down a specific path IMO. Did chinamen live in London in 1888?

Anyway i'd like to hear more Awoke if you can find a bit of spare time or even a title or two to take a look at.

Crowley admits in one of his books (sorry I forget which one) that he sacrificed hundreds of boys, so, unless he's lying this would make him worse than Charles Manson imo.

21st December 2011, 06:23 AM
Bump because I recently saw the movie "Crowley" on Netflix (I don't recommend it).

Crowley admits in one of his books (sorry I forget which one) that he sacrificed hundreds of boys, so, unless he's lying this would make him worse than Charles Manson imo.

Maybe he really sacrificed babies, but if the movie is any indication, he probably was referring to masturbation. (Get it? "Sacrificing" babies? As you likely know, the Bible frowns upon "the spilling of seed", which is something Crowley did quite often as part of his magickal shenanigans).

In the movie the dude was jackin' off all over every damn thing! When he wasn't fornicating with various men and women, that is.

Crowley was a fuckin' character.

If you want someone who possibly *DID* sacrifice babies, Benjamin Franklin may have... Many bones have been discovered under his home.

21st December 2011, 07:42 AM
With God, all things are possible.

G...I've been up to my eyes in all kinds of things that should have destroyed me or led to my (spiritual) destruction. I'm not kidding when I say this. For whatever reason, God has been extremely patient and merciful to me. I give him all the glory for any deprogramming that has gone on in my life. I realize that our bodies/minds do pay the consequences of the ungodly punishment that we thrust upon them, and that barring , imo, rare instances of physical healings, people are literally left with the choices that they have made (as I have said before on this forum, I believe God is more concerned with our soul than our flesh, because it is the soul that will endure eternity) but it is incredible how one can be motivated to change when willing to listen to his voice and follow his direction. So again, I give him the glory. If it were not for him, there would be no reason to change. It is the spirtual healing that ultimately counts. :) Btw, thanks for the kind words.

This is an incredible post. Thank you very much. You know, your post made me realize something, something very important. My 'deprogramming' is NOT because of me, it is because of God.


21st December 2011, 08:03 AM
bump, read on folks there are some REALLY great posts here...

21st December 2011, 08:26 AM
This is an incredible post. Thank you very much. You know, your post made me realize something, something very important. My 'deprogramming' is NOT because of me, it is because of God.


There's really only ONE player in this Great Cosmic Game.

21st December 2011, 11:26 AM
That is some scary stuff. I have to watch something like it every 5 years or so to remind myself how blatant it is. The music is everywhere and everyone treats it as normal. I remember in the earl-mid eighties when sudenly it went mainstream. Something did not feel right. It was like a transition occurred, and I felt it was related to Reagan being president. Later I came across material on Reagan and his various ties to the occult.

I try and talk to people about this today, but usually just get comments, like "it's just a gimmick they use to sell albums", etc.

I remember At one point I was in a book store and saw a used book by Crowley (It was a reprint, I think by a satanic publisher). I don't remebner the title. I was reading about his exploits and ties to cultural collapse today at the time (similar to this movie), so I went ahead an bought it. I tried reading it, but found it really freaky. It was written in some type of code. He talked about a house, and going into different rooms, being stabbed by knives (and liking it). I cannot express the writing, but it was very dark. I kept the book for a few years, but never opened it again. When my first daughter was born, I kept thinking about that book and worrying that someday she may come across it. Finally, I just threw it in the trash.

21st December 2011, 11:28 AM
There's really only ONE player in this Great Cosmic Game.

Yes there is, but there is also one resistance movement to His rule, and the resistance movement has gained substantial ground over the last century.

Joe King
21st December 2011, 11:33 AM
Yes there is, but there is also one resistance movement to His rule, and the resistance movement has gained substantial ground over the last century.Wasn't it supposed to have?

21st December 2011, 11:40 AM
Wasn't it supposed to have?

Not sure what you mean by that. In the amillennial interpretation of the Apocalypse, the time from Christ's death until his second coming is the "1000 years". Throughout that time the beast subverts Christianity in any way it can. Now towards the very end, there is the "little time of satan", where he is loosed from his chains for a "short time". I am sure this time has been called may times throughout history, but it could be happening now. Then again, maybe not.

Joe King
21st December 2011, 11:54 AM
Not sure what you mean by that. In the amillennial interpretation of the Apocalypse, the time from Christ's death until his second coming is the "1000 years". Throughout that time the beast subverts Christianity in any way it can. Now towards the very end, there is the "little time of satan", where he is loosed from his chains for a "short time". I am sure this time has been called may times throughout history, but it could be happening now. Then again, maybe not.If it is, then wasn't it supposed to have? Hence my comment.

21st December 2011, 12:00 PM
Yeah but the end is already written, no?

What are we all, and all around us, but thoughts in the mind of God?

Satan is a force of God, is he not?

Is God in charge or not?

Joe King
21st December 2011, 12:05 PM
Yeah but the end is already written, no?

What are we all, and all around us, but thoughts in the mind of God?I don't think so, but who knows, maybe. Isn't anything supposed to be possible?

IMHO, it's all just a bunch of spots. Albeit, good spots and bad spots.
It's like a play that's been written but has yet to cast all the characters.
ie what character you choose to play determines which spot you end up on when the curtains close. All spots will be filled.

21st December 2011, 12:09 PM
My point is there is an end, but we cannot know when it will be ("...only the Father knows..."). I am careful to not try and call the end. There were too many times in the past where calling it seemed justified, yet it was not. All throughout from the beginning (Christ's death) to the end (2nd coming) bad things will occur. The key to me is to be aware of who the agent of the negativity is, and to try and read how different structures in the world are subverted by this agent at any given time.

21st December 2011, 12:13 PM
Yeah but the end is already written, no?


What are we all, and all around us, but thoughts in the mind of God?
I think we are absolute beings created by God. What you are saying is Hindu (we are thoughts in the brahma's dream).

Satan is a force of God, is he not?

He is an absolute spiritual being created by God, who has turned against God (through his use of his free will).

Is God in charge or not?

He is in charge, but we are not robots (free will).

Joe King
21st December 2011, 12:21 PM
My point is there is an end, but we cannot know when it will be ("...only the Father knows..."). I am careful to not try and call the end.Yep, that'd be playing a fools game to try that.

There were too many times in the past where calling it seemed justified, yet it was not. All throughout from the beginning (Christ's death) to the end (2nd coming) bad things will occur.Yea, IMHO it seems a bit arrogant for anyone to think it'd happen in their short years on here. lol
...but it will for some, as yet, unknown ones.

The key to me is to be aware of who the agent of the negativity is, and to try and read how different structures in the wold are subverted by this agent at any given time.
I thought you were doing just that when you made your speculation on it and I was just saying that whenever it is/was it was supposed to have happened. Right?
Whether that "happening" be in the past present or future, I do not know, but I was generally agreeing with your observation.
Hence the tense. lol

21st December 2011, 12:22 PM

I think we are absolute beings created by God. What you are saying is Hindu (we are thoughts in the brahma's dream).

Ok.... But God is omnipresent too, right? Which means God occupies all space, including our physical space, correct?

Besides, even if we aren't "thoughts in the mind of God" now, we were before being conceived by our parents, right? The Bible says God knew us before we were born.

He is an absolute spiritual being created by God, who has turned against God (through his use of his free will).

I don't think that's an accident. God knew. Just like God knew Eve would eat of the tree, and knew where Adam was in the Garden (although He asked him anyway)...

He is in charge, but we are not robots (free will).

We are not robots, correct. But we also cannot escape the Will of God.

God's Will trumps man's notion of Free Will.

Joe King
21st December 2011, 12:25 PM
God's Will trumps man's notion of Free Will.

Your "Free Will" comes into play when you pick your spot. lol

Think of it as a "seat yourself" resturant. You get to pick your seat in their place.
...and we all know that all tables aren't equal. lol

21st December 2011, 12:29 PM
Ok.... But God is omnipresent too, right? Which means God occupies all space, including our physical space, correct?

I am not sure it is theologically correct to say he occupies physical space or not, but I agree He is omnipresent.

Besides, even if we aren't "thoughts in the mind of God" now, we were before being conceived by our parents, right? The Bible says God knew us before we were born.

I agree we started as His thoughts, and were created out of His thoughts.

I don't think that's an accident. God knew. Just like God knew Eve would eat of the tree, and knew where Adam was in the Garden (although He asked him anyway)...

I have been thinking about this a lot. He is not dumb (quite the opposite). He must have known that some of His creation (including angels, perhaps up to 1/3) would rebel. He understood the possibilities, but went forward with creation anyway. Theologically, being "loved" by robots is meaningless. Better to to have a fraction of creation as companions then not to have creation.

We are not robots, correct. But we also cannot escape the Will of God.

God's Will trumps man's notion of Free Will.


21st December 2011, 12:31 PM
Your "Free Will" comes into play when you pick your spot. lol

Think of it as a "seat yourself" resturant. You get to pick your seat in their place.
...and we all know that all tables aren't equal. lol

Yeah, but God always knows my pick before I do.


21st December 2011, 12:34 PM
I am not sure it is theologically correct to say he occupies physical space or not, but I agree He is omnipresent.

I agree we started as His thoughts, and were created out of His thoughts.

I have been thinking about this a lot. He is not dumb (quite the opposite). He must have known that some of His creation (including angels, perhaps up to 1/3) would rebel. He understood the possibilities, but went forward with creation anyway. Theologically, being "loved" by robots is meaningless. Better to to have a fraction of creation as companions then not to have creation.


I feel we are mostly on the same page here.

God is a lot more than most people make Him out to be. He is not a "superman" or "big man in the sky" or some character out of a book.

God truly cannot be put into words, which predictably makes it a difficult topic to discuss.

But know that there is not a grain of sand out of place in the Universe.

21st December 2011, 12:36 PM
Yeah, but God always knows my pick before I do.


That is where free will comes into play, you make your choices ether to do well or hang yourself...No?