View Full Version : Rio Drug War - Lots of FALs

Black Blade
1st December 2010, 02:40 AM
Rio's drug warA small war took place last week in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between Brazilian forces and hundreds of drug traffickers holed up in the shantytown complex dubbed Complexo do Alemão. After recent efforts by officials to pacify Rio's drug and gang-related violence ahead of the upcoming the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics Games, drug gangs struck out last week - attacking police stations and staging mass robberies. After days of preparation, Brazilian security forces launched a raid in the Complexo do Alemão, where between 500 and 600 drug traffickers were holed up. At least 42 people were killed in the violence last week, with security forces taking control of many neighborhoods. A relatively low number of arrests were made, and authorities warn of further conflict as continue to flush out more suspects in Rio's maze of favelas. (40 photos total)







1st December 2010, 09:01 AM
never fired an FAL but always liked them. Was the Aussie Diggers main weapon in the Vietnam episode. They just look no muss no fuss. Even less than AK's. Fired M16s and they just jam. Coulda been I was using poorly cared for, just mucking about guns. I think FAL is a fair bit longer though.

How does it compare on the longer range/accuracy stuff to an M16 platform?

7th December 2010, 02:12 PM
Being poor without a license - just gonna take you in.

Black Blade
6th March 2011, 07:16 AM
FAL Sightings in Libya



6th March 2011, 09:05 AM
Hell, I am trying to think of a conflict on this planet in the last 50 years or so that didn't use FALs

They are outstanding weapons still to this day, and I like the big bullet. 308 vice 223

Now carrying full mags is a not the most fun thing on the planet due to the 308 being just about double the 223 in weight.

Personaly I like the G3's ergonomics better but you had beter like the quirks of the rifle is it is going to be your bread and butter firearm. or it will let you down when you need it.

The FAL is proven and I would take one into battle anyday unfortunatly its reputation has been tarnished a little due to shitty import milsurp builds that were put together with absolutly zero skill or care. (cough...Century...cough)

I still have one on my short list but that would be the 3rd different 308 caliber weapons system for me and that is why I have not bought one yet.

midnight rambler
6th March 2011, 12:19 PM
If you want stand alone (close to) AK reliability in .308, get a FAL. The FAL is not as robust as the AK (recoil spring tube can be bent under right extreme circumstances, and in very rare circumstances where gas venting is insufficient the gas piston can get bent), but nothing else in the world comes as close to AK reliability as the FAL, period. The G3/CETME/HK91? Forget it, in extremis it will let you down - it requires regular maintenance as opposed to the AK and the FAL which can literally be fired thousands and thousands of rounds over the course of many years without ANY cleaning/maintenance other than a little lube on the BCG running surfaces and the occasional patch down the bore (established and proven in many actual cases).

If you don't expect to be firing literally thousands of rounds while subjecting the rifle to the worst possible abuse but instead prefer accuracy (and a superior optics platform), get a M1A. I switched from the FAL (after owning a couple of FN G series exclusively for over 16 years) to the M1A for that reason. The M1A will hold up fine yet requires a higher level of care than the FAL. Also, accuracy on FALs vary, the best you can reasonably expect from a FAL is 2 MOA, however some folks get lucky with a FAL that's sub-MOA. I was going to have the Gunplumber build a first rate FAL with a pristine StG58 parts kit (using either the original like new chrome moly StG58 barrel or a brand new Imbel chrome lined barrel) on an Imbel receiver until he advised me that despite his best efforts I could not reasonably expect anything better than 2 MOA groups, that it was strictly a crap shoot with respect to FAL accuracy. That did it for me and I made the move to the M1A.

6th March 2011, 05:05 PM
M1A is a good platform if you can tolerate the ergonomics. (I can't)

I have tried to like them but the ergonomics make it so I can't even with the addition of a 300$ scope mount and a $800 Viltor stock it gave it tolerable ergonomics if you liked a rifle with a 99% muzzle heavy bias.

A acurized DPMS is the way to go in my mind for this day and age. Easy to mount optics and good ergonomics with good acuracy that can rival a low end boltgun.

Now The FAL is still king of the battle rifles though. I still love shoting my G3 clonee and I like tinkering on guns so it is a good fit.

8th March 2011, 09:16 PM
The FAL is strictly a semi-auto, right?

midnight rambler
9th March 2011, 07:50 AM
The FAL is strictly a semi-auto, right?

No, the FAL was designed from the beginning as select fire. The semi-auto version lacks the safety sear. The '(safety) sear cut' in the receiver and ejector block is what makes a FAL receiver a full auto receiver.