View Full Version : Tom Flanagan Calls for Assaassination of Wikileaks director Julian Assange

1st December 2010, 08:18 AM
University Of Calgary Professor And Senior Advisor To Canadian PM Calls For Julian Assange Assassination On National TV

It is not a good week for Wikileaks. Following yesterday's Interpol arrest warrant, also yesterday, Tom Flanagan, a senior advisor and strategist to the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, called for the assassination of Wikileaks director Julian Assange. On CBS News. On Live TV. As the video notes, "it is believed to be the first ever televised "fatwa" since the edict by the Iranian leadership of the late Ayatollah Khomeini against British writer Salman Rushdie in February 1989." It's a good thing western society, where due process used to mean something, is so much more evolved than that of Iran. Additionally, although news anchor Solomon afforded Flanagan the opportunity to retract his statement, Flanagan balked at doing so and instead reiterated that U.S. President should put out a "contract" on Assange or use "a drone" and that he would not be unhappy if Assange "disappeared." Flanagan who is a trusted member of PM Harper's inner circle of Tory strategists joins Sarah Palin in calling for the death of the Wikileaks director as retribution for the website's release of confidential diplomatic and intelligence "chatter" this week. How long before any senior political advisor has the freedom to issue fatwas on national TV on anyone who dares to utter or publish something that they consider offensive?


Link..... (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/university-calgary-professor-and-senior-advisor-canadian-pm-calls-julian-assange-assassinati)

midnight rambler
1st December 2010, 08:23 AM
Is Assange the latest incarnation of Emmanuel Goldstein?

1st December 2010, 09:37 AM
i think the gov't is pissed because they got caught talking shit about the other kids in the sandbox...

seriously, if they were doing good in the world, or contributing to humanitarian efforts, and news of that got out, they would be jumpin up and down, waving their arms screaming "that's US!! WE're the ones doing that!!"

i think jim tucker said it best...evil is done under cover of darkness, good works are done in the light...

but let's not forget past lessons here...we know the gov 't doesn't let anything get out it doesn't want out...

the smell of red herrings seems pretty thick, and it's making my eyes water...oh wait, that's tears of sadness for the deplorable state of what we loosely refer to as civilization...
and just as a side note, if any of us said someone should assassinate someone else, we could be facing "conspiracy to commit murder" charges...shouldn't he too? it'll be interesting to see how this one plays out...

but, yeah...it's smelling pretty fishy, me thinks...

Twisted Titan
1st December 2010, 09:53 AM
INTERPOL is issued a Arrest Warrant.

I cant stop laughing.

INTERPOL can hear a snake break wind in the middle of the Sahara Dessert 40 clicks away from the nearest wattering hole.

But yet we are somehow to believe this Assange fellow is somehow "on the run"

I am llaughing and crying at the same time because millions of people are taking this at face value.


1st December 2010, 09:58 AM
INTERPOL is issued a Arrest Warrant.

I cant stop laughing.

INTERPOL can hear a snake break wind in the middle of the Sahara Dessert 40 clicks away from the nearest wattering hole.

But yet we are somehow to believe this Assange fellow is somehow "on the run"

I am llaughing and crying at the same time because millions of people are taking this at face value.


good point, TT...

1st December 2010, 11:04 PM
From the mouth of an American chickenhawk who fled to Canada to escape the Vietnam war.
Works for the same Vancouver think tank first to use the term 'Amero' for a new North American currency.
I noticed he did the 'reptilian tongue flip' when he said it too (a pyschopathic tell IMO).


Although news anchor Solomon afforded Flanagan the opportunity to retract his statement, Flanagan continued to say that he would not be unhappy if Assange "disappeared."

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s former aide Tom Flanagan says he regrets his “glib” call for the assassination of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

The University of Calgary political science professor’s remark, accompanied by a laugh, on a CBC TV political talk show Tuesday, has provoked international coverage, from National Public Radio in the United States to British newspapers.

“It is believed to be the first ever televised "fatwa" since the edict by the Iranian leadership of the late Ayatollah Khomeini against British writer Salman Rushdie in February 1989,” said a commentator on an Internet site called Global Research TV.