View Full Version : So could SHTF be held off indefinitely?

1st December 2010, 07:32 PM
Money keeps being printed and disappearing. I keep waiting for hyper inflation...

I've been wondering, if they can suppress the value of PMs why can't they artificially keep currencies relatively stable.

If I was a bankster, I'd love to print myself 1 trillion dollars that is mine. I'd manipulate the market, it holds its value, the population still makes the same amount of money and can't pay off their debts. All the central banks are in collusion, why can't they do this indefinitely. Are China and India wildcards?

I've seen videos from the 1970s and 1980s where they were talking the same doom that we are now. If they've held off SHTF this long, why can't they hold it off for 30 more years?


1st December 2010, 07:44 PM
I think best case scenario we end up like Britian, as in lose the empire, lower standard of living etc.

So yes I think complete collapse is uncertain.

Jews (excuse me hook nosed rats) have a long history of using confusion in order to push the herd in the direction they want them to go, so even massive civil unrest could play into their hands.

For example, when moving cows you make noise, crack whips, use dogs in order to keep them confused and you keep them moving so that they don't have time to think. If one breaks away you get it back in as soon as possible, so that others won't try to break out. The main thing is to keep them bewildered and moving so that they don't have time to think about where they are headed. It's easy when there are 100 cows and only 4 horses, because the cows never band together and just run in one direction, like I said at best it's one here or there that breaks off.

People are no different in this regard.

1st December 2010, 07:54 PM
If they've held off SHTF this long, why can't they hold it off for 30 more years?

I think we are running out of rights they can take away. Lot's of our liberties have been lost in the last 30 years, a breaking point is certain.

SHTF, is like any ponzi scheme, folks take and take, until it collapses.

I don't see it going another 30 years, maybe 5 more. Things are speeding up now.

1st December 2010, 08:01 PM
I just want to add, I'm not thinking it will be a rosy world if SHTF and/or hyperinflation is put off. I'm more of looking at a slow grind into slavery.

Twisted Titan
1st December 2010, 08:19 PM
There is no perpetual motion machine.

Currencies have a life cycle of 25-35 years.

And the transition has always been painful.


1st December 2010, 09:54 PM
Well three things need to happen.

1. Fiat money ponzi scheme needs to keep inflating towards infinite potential (as HyperTiger talks of).

2. Peak Oil and other environmental limits mean our energy use or some equivalent measure of actual GDP needs to keep dropping by about 3-5% per year.

3. The masses need to keep allowing 1 and 2 to continue to happen with all negative effects being felt on the lower and middle classes.

1st December 2010, 10:55 PM
You can pour only so much water into a glass before it starts to overflow..........the longer that it takes for WTSHTF to take place the longer that the recovery will take, in the old days we had a recovery thanks to our exports but now we have nothing.........

"No Export = No Recovery"... Ponce

2nd December 2010, 12:10 AM
If there is a crystallizing SHTF event, it could be put off 30 years. I think your slow grind scenario is more realistic, which means it could be a 30 -year grind. I think the most likely scenario is a 5-10 year grind with regional mini-SHTF scenarios, a reprieve for a generation, and then a bigger problem further down the line.

The reason it can drag out is that the "system" has an enormous amount of inertia, and many shunts which must be broken down for a collapse. Let's take inflation, for example. I'm beginning to realize that the wave of high inflation in the U.S. will be pushed back, and maybe even tempered, by the fact that we are currently in a position to export inflation to our creditors. That's a global system shunt that disperses the pain. Most of the actions taken by politicians are simply temporary barriers to prevent a well-defined collapse event. That's why the slow grind scenario has a lot of plausibility.

Having said that, I remain wary of a "black swan" event that could be much more swift and dramatic. Much less likely, but still plausible. Either way, the preparations required for a slow grind or a black swan are similar, except that the slow grind affords additional time for more people to gradually catch on and position themselves. Still, it's like musical chairs where it will be too late for everyone to secure a chair once the music stops.

Silver Shield
2nd December 2010, 05:46 AM
No, doom is always 6 months away...

There is a mathematical certainty on many different levels that our paradigm is going to end.

The big one is our fractional reserve fiat system needs every year to create more debt in excess of the debt and interest created the year before. Compounding interest is the most powerful force on earth. Hyperinflationary Global Depression does not sound nice but it will happen.

The there is the mathematical certainty of demographics. 85 million baby boomers cannot start taking from the ponzi scheme can't and won't happen. Leaving the largest debt/wealth generators helpless at a critcal time in their lives.

The power shift from west to east. We cannot ship our manufacturing to the otherside of the world and not expect power to follow.

When the dollar collapses we will no longer be able to have the military or corporate resources to be 5% of the world controlling 25% of the worlds oil.

There are others but those are the biggies. Everything seems to be focused inthe next year or two as the nexus.

There could be a false flag to fire the first shot and take the field of battle first to change the tide.

I have been hypothesizing that the US will force China to dump the dollar through our aggressive monetary and military maneuvers. Creating an economic 9/11 where the dollar craters and they blame China along with an American air craft carriers being sunk in the Yellow sea. That should be enough to get the sheeple to send their kids off to war for the bankers to run the table yet again.

But to answer your question...

You can run on for a long time but sooner or later God will cut you down...

2nd December 2010, 06:10 AM
You won't know there was a collapse because of war.

2nd December 2010, 06:16 AM
We cannot ship our manufacturing to the otherside of the world and not expect power to follow.

Yep. Exhibit "A":

Beleaguered US automaker General Motors opened up a new joint venture manufacturing plant in northeast China on Wednesday which will begin churning out up to 150,000 vehicles annually beginning 2009.

The joint venture plant in Shenyang city, inaugurated as the iconic American brand is fighting for its life amidst the global crisis, will mass produce the compact Chevrolet Cruze from the second quarter of 2009.

"The opening of this plant is part of GM's ongoing pledge to grow our operations in China," said Kevin Wale, president of the GM China Group, in a statement.

The plant will be operated by General Motors China and its joint venture partners Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp Group and Shanghai GM.

The joint venture plant is the second for GM in Shenyang.


The destruction of America was planned.


Silver Rocket Bitches!
2nd December 2010, 06:26 AM
The destruction of America was planned.


Planned and in progress. All the way down to the demoralizing of the citizens via police state, the exponential debt and multiple disastrous wars.

America in the 21st century is what Germany was in the 20th century.

2nd December 2010, 06:43 AM
America in the 21st century is what Germany was in the 20th century.

Infested with the same parasitical tribe.

Twisted Titan
2nd December 2010, 07:38 AM
We cannot ship our manufacturing to the otherside of the world and not expect power to follow.

Yep. Exhibit "A":

Beleaguered US automaker General Motors opened up a new joint venture manufacturing plant in northeast China on Wednesday which will begin churning out up to 150,000 vehicles annually beginning 2009.

The joint venture plant in Shenyang city, inaugurated as the iconic American brand is fighting for its life amidst the global crisis, will mass produce the compact Chevrolet Cruze from the second quarter of 2009.

"The opening of this plant is part of GM's ongoing pledge to grow our operations in China," said Kevin Wale, president of the GM China Group, in a statement.

The plant will be operated by General Motors China and its joint venture partners Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp Group and Shanghai GM.

The joint venture plant is the second for GM in Shenyang.


The destruction of America was planned.


Yet Millions of Americans are wagering there pensions and Economic livelyhoods on the premise that manueving such as this is not going to affect the personal standard of living.

A fools Paradise would be a understatment

2nd December 2010, 07:44 AM
Infested with the same parasitical tribe.

Have you taken your antibiotic? The cure is simple, learn law, defend against Usury by not playing their game.

Silver Shield
2nd December 2010, 09:18 AM
America in the 21st century is what Germany was in the 20th century.

Infested with the same parasitical tribe.

I have heard Physical Silver is a great antibiotic for all sorts of parasitic systems...