View Full Version : "We were just trying to get rid of the marijuana"

1st December 2010, 08:07 PM
Ha ha ha, nice try boys. ^-^

Link Here (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hyiLyDIZ7yU1njpGcqzE2vaTfBcg?docId=b24e58a71 2eb4ae2aa71212427b369f3)

Colo. soldiers: Aim was to destroy pot, not use it

(AP) – Nov 18, 2010

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — Soldiers accused of breaking into a Colorado medical marijuana dispensary and then accidentally locking themselves inside told police they planned to destroy the marijuana — not smoke or sell it.

The Gazette in Colorado Springs reports a police affidavit says two of the three Fort Carson soldiers told officers they were trying to steal the marijuana so they could get rid of it.

Police say the three were arrested Saturday on second-degree burglary charges after they accidentally locked themselves in the Colorado Springs dispensary during a burglary attempt.

Officers say they were on an unrelated call at a nearby business around 2 a.m. when they heard someone banging on glass inside the dispensary.

The soldiers are 23-year-old Pfc. Darius Thomas, 22-year-old Pvt. Cory Young and 22-year-old Pfc. Ramone Hollins. It was unknown Thursday if any of them had an attorney.

1st December 2010, 08:09 PM
Pictures of the soldiers:


We should be thankful for such fine young men protecting us from the evils of the demon plant!

1st December 2010, 08:28 PM
It was rumored that two of the men repeatedly kept begging officers to pull into a McDonalds drive through on the way to the police station, and the third man had actually eaten three of his own fingers in desperation.


1st December 2010, 09:26 PM
Securing our liberties against the tyrany of evil doers one bud at a time! Seriously, every time I come across an amount of the hippie lettuce I try to get rid of it, too. ;)

Black Blade
2nd December 2010, 06:32 AM
Their military careers are over. Now to be reassigned to Fort Leavenworth at hard labor. ::)

2nd December 2010, 07:03 AM
Rothschild warriors. Low hanging fruit from the wastelands of strip malls and no jobs to fill the ranks.

Festina Lente
2nd December 2010, 08:38 AM
Their military careers are over. Now to be reassigned to Fort Leavenworth at hard labor. ::)

Yep, pretty much. Of course, not without a good chewing out by their chain of command. These guys are in for a grand old time. ;D

Twisted Titan
2nd December 2010, 09:39 AM
They are Gubbermint property and The Gubbermint will do as it sees fit.

A grand ol time indeed.


gunny highway
2nd December 2010, 11:15 AM
only the best......