View Full Version : Two faced sleeping jackasses over at "the tree of liberty.com"

7th trump
1st December 2010, 08:09 PM
I was just over at the Treeofliberty and read the thread of 2 million going off unemployment.
PISS ME OFF............

What these stupid so called two faced liberty fucktard bastards dont understand about these unemployed not being able to get extended benefits is that you work for decades under false pretense that social security is mandatory. They trick you into participating into the ponzi scheme.
I'm gonna stick up for the unemployed here. Its not their fault the ecomony is the shape it is in.
I'm 42 years olds and been working since 14. Thats over 20 years putting into the system that by for any damn reason they can deny you all what you have put in over 3500.00 into the damn system this year. This is not including the federal and/or state taxes caused by being tricked into the Social Security system. I would guess I have somewhere over 300,000 total between federal and state taxes plus the SS and medicare taken in my working life time thus far. All because before I was aware of what SS did to my political status that was never disclosed to me in the first place.
And these fucking liberty tree assholes go and label the unemployed as "lazy", "no good", "worthless eaters" because their life support that they were tricked into paying 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 more through federal and state taxes than they will ever get out is ending.
I say if you/we are tricked into participating into the freaken system the system owes not one more cent than what you have been robbed of.
You should be able to pull the total amount you have put into the system in as much time as it takes to draw it back out, even if its 15 years of unemployment. Its your freaken money and these assholes want to call them "worthless entitled eaters".
The real no good worthless eaters are those calling the unfortunate unemployed worthless. They have a few years to go to get what they put into the system to call them "worthless entitle eaters".
Fucking retarded assholes anyway.
I hope God shows them the ills of their hippacrit ways.
Bastards anyway!