View Full Version : Climate change is the biggest single challenge humans have ever faced

mick silver
2nd December 2010, 01:13 PM
http://www.mauricestrong.net/ ... this man and soros are trying to take over every thing in the world ... just look how long he been at the un and he works for soros .... this is his right hand man Maurice Strong

mick silver
2nd December 2010, 01:14 PM
Canada's Business News Network interviews Maurice Strong. The interview covers a wide range of issues, including the outcome of the recent UN climate talks in Copenhagen, how to get binding government commitments to a climate declaration, doomsdayers, the opportunities for business in a low carbon economy, and development of tar sands in Canada, Strong calls for a strong people-centred movement to shift government inaction to tackle climate change.

mick silver
2nd December 2010, 04:06 PM

mick silver
2nd December 2010, 04:11 PM
the more you dig the more you see this guy . dam

2nd December 2010, 04:22 PM
good stuff mick

2nd December 2010, 04:58 PM
"Climate change" is a word construction invented in 1983. It was invented as a Hegelian dialectic to create wealth (just not for you or I).

2nd December 2010, 05:24 PM
Mick just so you know, on my old forum, "It's Happening", there was a guy who was outed as a paid Soros poster. He just sat around all day arguing with people if they disagreed about the agenda. After several years he admitted that he was just "good friends" with Soros and was "Not receiving money" as if that made it better.

midnight rambler
2nd December 2010, 05:30 PM
Secretary Generals come and go at the UN, Mo Strong is a fixture there, the one with the most influence who never leaves or gets replaced. Some people say that Mo Strong IS the UN. A friend showed me a grainy video about 15 years ago where Mo Strong was speaking to a group and he called anyone other than one of the elistists (i.e. us common folk) "the cannon fodder".

3rd December 2010, 12:55 PM
Maurice Strong is a Rockefeller man. His self admitted mentor is David Rockefeller.

From Soros' book, Soros on Soros, page 239:

"Because of my exagerrated power, I have become a prime target for the current version of the anti-Semetic conspiracy theory. If there was ever a man who would fit the stereotype of the Judo-plutocratic Bolshevik Zionist world conspirator, it is me."

Soros, Jewish, claims to not be a Zionist. Yet, he has continually donated to US Zionist campaigns and politicians friendly to Israel:

Soros revealed as funder of liberal Jewish-American lobby (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/sep/24/soros-funder-liberal-jewish-american-lobby/)

J-Street = Zionists

J Street's Ben-Ami On Zionism and Military Aid to Israel: (http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2009/10/j-streets-ben-ami-on-zionism-and-military-aid-to-israel/28935/)

JB: I am a Zionist personally. I am deeply committed to a Jewish home, to a democratic home, to a Jewish Israel. I'm deeply committed to that and you know my family background.

mick silver
4th December 2010, 11:34 AM
up up and away