View Full Version : Freddie has a heart.

2nd December 2010, 02:42 PM
Freddie Mac Suspends Evictions From December 20 to January 3, 2011 (http://www.freddiemac.com/news/archives/servicing/2010/20101201_eviction_suspension.html?attr=Srvc120110)

McLean, VA – Freddie Mac (OTC: FMCC) today announced it has ordered all evictions involving foreclosed occupied single family and 2-4 unit properties that had Freddie Mac mortgages to be suspended from December 20, 2010 to January 3, 2011.

"If the property is occupied, our foreclosure attorneys will suspend the eviction to provide a greater measure of certainty to families during the holidays," said Anthony Renzi, Executive Vice President of Single Family Portfolio Management at Freddie Mac.

Freddie Mac was established by Congress in 1970 to provide liquidity, stability and affordability to the nation's residential mortgage markets. Freddie Mac supports communities across the nation by providing mortgage capital to lenders. Over the years, Freddie Mac has made home possible for one in six homebuyers and more than five million renters.

Well, they are not buying votes with this. I think this is because most of the Freddy lawyers will be on vacation.

2nd December 2010, 03:05 PM
Oh how nice ! Isn't that good of them? :sarc:

mick silver
2nd December 2010, 03:17 PM
just if they would pay my loan off now

2nd December 2010, 04:53 PM
Translation: gubmint employees will be paid but not working during the period December 20 thru January 3rd.

2nd December 2010, 07:11 PM
Just another form of turkey window dressing.

After all, how would it look if the MSM showed photos and videos of families being thrown out of their houses over the holidays ? Not too good for the Shylocks’ PR and after Christmas sales where the knuckle draggers and mouth breathers will once again beat the Hell out of each other in competition for unnecessary crap on sale. Midnight madness indeed. ‘Tis the season to be a**holey.

This may seem a bit strange but I have many things that I give to others; some things I have owned and enjoyed for several years. Art, DVDs, books, etc. I feel that if I have enjoyed something that it is someone else’s turn. In other words, I do very little holiday shopping.

Now if everyone would do this, the stores would be out of business in short order. Not good for the consumer economy but this sure works for me. Besides, I avoid crowds like the plague.

For years I have been buying sterling silver dinnerware and jewelry for the spot price of the silver content. I gave a pair of earrings to a relative, simple post type. She was thrilled and mentioned several times in the following months how they made her so happy. My cost ? Probably under a buck ! See, it’s not the cost of a gift; it’s the thought behind it as well as the perception of the receiver.

Use your head and heart rather than your pocketbook and you may find a surprising and more satisfying way of navigating through life.

Best wishes,
