View Full Version : West cannot defeat al-Qaeda, says UK forces chief

mick silver
2nd December 2010, 03:32 PM
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-11751888 ... The West can only contain, not defeat, militant groups such as al-Qaeda, the head of the UK's armed forces has said.

General Sir David Richards, a former Nato commander in Afghanistan, said Islamist militancy would pose a threat to the UK for at least 30 years.

But he told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show a clear-cut victory over militants was not achievable.

The BBC's Frank Gardner said the comments reflect a "new realism" in UK and US counter-terrorism circles.

Our security correspondent said such an admission five years ago might have been considered outrageous and defeatist.

Gen Richards, 58, took over as chief of the defence staff last month, after a spell as head of the British army.

'Secure lives'

Before he was due to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph as part of the UK's Remembrance Sunday commemorations, Gen Richards told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show it was important to get the balance of remembrance right.

"It's something we've got to be very careful about... there's a lot of dwelling on death as opposed to what those people who have died achieved in their sadly too often too brief lives, but those people have done immense things that are good and I think we need to focus a bit more on that," he said.

Britain has lost 343 soldiers in Afghanistan since 2001.

But Gen Richards told the BBC it was not possible to defeat the Taliban or al-Qaeda militarily.

"You can't. We've all said this. David Petraeus has said it, I've said it.

"The trick is the balance of things that you're doing and I say that the military are just about, you know, there.

"The biggest problem's been ensuring that the governance and all the development side can keep up with it within a time frame and these things take generations sometimes within a time frame that is acceptable to domestic, public and political opinion," he said.

He said extremist Islamism could not be eradicated as an idea.

"I don't think you can probably defeat an idea, it's something we need to battle back against as necessary, but in its milder forms why shouldn't they be allowed to have that sort of philosophy underpinning their lives.

"It's how it manifests itself that is the key and can we contain that manifestation - and quite clearly al-Qaeda is an unacceptable manifestation of it," he said.

Security lapse

Shadow defence secretary Jim Murphy told the BBC Gen Richards was "right" that there was no purely military solution and said there would be "no white flag surrender moment".

Gen Sir David Richards is currently head of the British army "This is a complicated issue. It will be for the long haul. It's got to do with history.

"But I think he's right to talk about the different ways that this has got to be taken on - militarily yes but diplomatically and in a peaceful sense of nation building in Afghanistan is also important," he said.

Former British Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Richard Dannatt, agreed warfare had entered a new era and needed the support of development programmes.

"In conventional wars, you talk about winning and losing.

"What we're trying to do here is succeed sufficiently to put Afghanistan as a sufficiently stable state that can look after itself and doesn't become ungoverned space into which al-Qaeda or other terrorist groups could reoccupy," he said.

Gen Richards comments came as the Foreign Office apologised to a group of MPs after a fact-finding trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan had to be called off because of a security lapse.

Next week's visit by members of the Commons defence select committee was cancelled after an unencrypted e-mail was sent out by an embassy official in Kabul, prompting fears that the MPs' safety may have been compromised.

The Foreign Office said it would be trying to rearrange a visit for the MPs.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "We have offered our apologies for this regrettable lapse in our procedures and have assured the committee that we will do all we can to arrange a successful visit in the future."

Uncle Salty
2nd December 2010, 10:06 PM
Well, I guess that leaves perpetual war and a total surveillance society.

7th trump
2nd December 2010, 10:12 PM
The only way to win is to completely wipe the koran and the muslim false prophet faith off the globe.
Pull out and nuke the bitch. Show once and for all just how powerful Christianity is.

2nd December 2010, 11:10 PM
The only way to win is to completely wipe the koran and the muslim false prophet faith off the globe.
Pull out and nuke the bitch. Show once and for all just how powerful Christianity is.

You are falling into the Zionist trap of hating everyone who is not like you......divide and conquers is what "those" people have been doing for ages.......

3rd December 2010, 12:33 AM
Well, I guess that leaves perpetual war and a total surveillance society.

And fluoride in the water, corporate 'food', destruction of independent or local forces of family and society, strict zoning regulations and taxes to make everyone dependent and at least 6 hours of TV or video games a day. And a central private fiat money system of course. No sense owning livestock without profiting from it.

You are falling into the Zionist trap of hating everyone who is not like you......divide and conquers is what "those" people have been doing for ages.......

I'm a uniter Ponce, we could do better with the loss of the pro-murder pro-war desert making mind control's brothers and psychopathic fathers as well.

Silver Shield
3rd December 2010, 01:23 AM
Emmanuel Goldstein will never be defeated...

3rd December 2010, 05:03 AM
Al-CIA-duh cannot be defeated?

You dont have your right hand crush your left hand.....Not when controlled by a single brain.

3rd December 2010, 05:05 AM
They cannot defeat the Easter Bunny either.

3rd December 2010, 05:09 AM
The only way to win is to completely wipe the koran and the muslim false prophet faith off the globe.
Pull out and nuke the bitch. Show once and for all just how powerful Christianity is.


False prophet or not, the Muslims are being set up for you to hate. I'm surpised you are falling for this jewish deception, 7th.

7th trump
3rd December 2010, 05:16 AM
Well, I guess that leaves perpetual war and a total surveillance society.

And fluoride in the water, corporate 'food', destruction of independent or local forces of family and society, strict zoning regulations and taxes to make everyone dependent and at least 6 hours of TV or video games a day. And a central private fiat money system of course. No sense owning livestock without profiting from it.

You are falling into the Zionist trap of hating everyone who is not like you......divide and conquers is what "those" people have been doing for ages.......

I'm a uniter Ponce, we could do better with the loss of the pro-murder pro-war desert making mind control's brothers and psychopathic fathers as well.

A uniter?
Ok......................go over there with your uniter pansy ass attitude, smack dab in the middle of islam, and preach you are a Christian and here to unite. Your head would be sliced off in a matter of days if not on the spot.
The problem is islam and the koran being ingrained into these simpleton savages. I call them simpletons because they are and it doesnt take any amount of logic or knowledge to see mohammed and the koran are a lie.
The logic bus left this bunch of foolish savages thousands of years ago. They should have picked up on the fact that the smallest Christian country is way more advanced than they are. Simpleton........yes, savages.........yes.
These idiot savages beleive just because they populate an area with religious background that mohammed and the koran must be true and all white man are devils. Fools!
You want to make them see the errors of their ways........................drop in a small nuke and these idiots will be shaking in their boots begging for mercy.

The problem we have is our millitary cannot do its proper Christian ass kicking job because lawyers have infiltrated so much we cannot just go in and George S. Patten their asses from the beginning without some sort of patsy ass lawyer trying to make a buck off our defensive actions.

I'm not sorry if you think the enemy gets the same rights as our own American people based on our Constitution for murdering Americans just because they come from a Christian based country?
You can go over there and parade your foolish ass around and they will show the world with your severed head just how savage islam and the koran really are.

7th trump
3rd December 2010, 05:38 AM
The only way to win is to completely wipe the koran and the muslim false prophet faith off the globe.
Pull out and nuke the bitch. Show once and for all just how powerful Christianity is.


False prophet or not, the Muslims are being set up for you to hate. I'm surpised you are falling for this jewish deception, 7th.

Like I said they are simpletons to allow themselves to be set up. And do you really think they care?
If the islamic faith was anything like they claim to be they would themselves control themselves internaly. I dont see this happening. The koran specifically states to kill anyone thats not a beleiver in mohammed. And what do we see all over the world from different sources the islamic sect doing? Gorilla warfare tactics blowing up innocent countries in the name of "god" to spread a false murderous religion?
Like I said you are not gong to win this until the koran is completely wiped from the face of the earth and mohammed is viewed for what he is, a liar and a murderer.
Even the ones who claim not to be extemists turn their head to the actions of the extemists. They are no better than the savages themselves.
No really you have it wrong book.
The jews are only capitalizing on the murderous false religion. You see the jew didnt make islam murderous. Islam made islam murderous.

3rd December 2010, 05:42 AM
How's that possible, General Jim Jones, NSA, top US guy,

" there are less than 100 Alquada in Afghanistan " direct quote.

Who we fighting ?

Every where they go they create conflict and enemies,
the locals coming out with guns. Bombing civilians is
deliberate part of the program to inflame. Opium
is the reason why we are there, Iran, oil, fake " war on terror ".

7th trump
3rd December 2010, 05:54 AM
How's that possible, General Jim Jones, NSA, top US guy,

" there are less than 100 Alquada in Afghanistan " direct quote.

Who we fighting ?

Every where they go they create conflict and enemies,
the locals coming out with guns. Bombing civilians is
deliberate part of the program to inflame. Opium
is the reason why we are there, Iran, oil, fake " war on terror ".

Set all the oil, opium and war on terror aside. These extremist will still wack your head off. They go to other countries where there is no oil or opium and blow up markets. Islam extremists tried pushing islam onto the Phillipeans in the 1940's. They were pushed back and didnt succeed.
So what if corporations are there to extract the oil. It doesnt change the fact al qaeda is an extremist islamic cancer.
Shyt, even a bear will reach into a bees nest to get the honey.

3rd December 2010, 05:58 AM
I just don't think Nuking is the answer.

3rd December 2010, 06:06 AM
The problem we have is our military cannot do its proper Christian ass kicking job because lawyers have infiltrated so much we cannot just go in and George S. Patten their asses from the beginning without some sort of patsy ass lawyer trying to make a buck off our defensive actions.


Always nice to see 7th spreading his Christian love on behalf of Israel.


7th trump
3rd December 2010, 06:08 AM
I just don't think Nuking is the answer.

Your probably right Awoke........but a lawyerized millitary isnt working either.

7th trump
3rd December 2010, 06:19 AM
The problem we have is our military cannot do its proper Christian ass kicking job because lawyers have infiltrated so much we cannot just go in and George S. Patten their asses from the beginning without some sort of patsy ass lawyer trying to make a buck off our defensive actions.


Always nice to see 7th spreading his Christian love on behalf of Israel.


So what you are saying book is by theoretically turning a cheek to a murderer is doing good for the murderer.
Wheres the correction for the murderer so he doesnt error again?
How do you "do good to the enemy" if you dont show the enemy their wrongful ways?

You've heard of "tuff love" havent you book?
So love your enemy by doing good to them by correct their asses.
Sometimes it just takes a 2x4 and sometimes it takes an army.

Beleive it or not book, but Christians are not second class to their enemies.
Lets not show all your stupidity with these pictures book.......ok!

3rd December 2010, 06:23 AM
How do you "do good to the enemy" if you don't show the enemy their wrongful ways?


Your Christian love must make your Jesus very proud 7th. GSUS is truly blessed by your constant support for Israel's war against the evil Mooslims.


7th trump
3rd December 2010, 06:30 AM
How do you "do good to the enemy" if you don't show the enemy their wrongful ways?


Your Christian love must make your Jesus very proud 7th. GSUS is truly blessed by your support for Israel's war against the evil Mooslims.


You really take that passage out of context dont you book.
You see Christ is teaching that as Christians we dont go around bullying, so when someone does strike you it maybe because you over stepped your bounds. If thats the case them by offering the other cheek is saying you admit you were wrong and the strike was coming to you.
What its saying is dont strike back if you are in the wrong, offer your other cheek by humbling yourself of your errors.

Where did you see where I said anything about Isreal playing into this?

3rd December 2010, 07:00 AM
Hey Book- why do you have to be an obnoxious SOB?

Silver Rocket Bitches!
3rd December 2010, 11:28 AM
He's absolutely right.

The point is not to defeat them but to perpetuate the war on terror.

Al Qaeda is nothing more than a database of militant groups.

Militant groups that we trained I might mention.