View Full Version : OK....NOW WHAT?

2nd December 2010, 06:09 PM
I haven't been a member of this forum for very long, but have found it to be both entertaining and incredibly informative. I have, like many of you, done my homework (still have TONS to do), and am both amazed and disgusted by the atrocities that are committed many times a day, everywhere in the world. we all have our own viewpoints, and in many cases those views coincide to some degree with others.

That having been said, i have to ask...NOW WHAT? we all know there is a very real enemy in the world, we see evidence of their evil, and their contempt for humanity and freedom EVERY DAY! so what do we do about it?

lots say that WE need to stand up and say enough is enough...and some do just that...but TPTB aren't listening, and don't care anyways...

others say we need to bring these matters to our elected reps' attention, write letters, etc...but the gov't is run by TPTB and don't care anyways...btw, when was the last time an elected official listened to what you had to say?

and still others would say spread the word, get the truth out there, and do, which is great!! I LOVE the proactive mentality!

increasing awareness is key, but not the end of it all...and most people in the world would rather be entertained than educated, and don't care anyways.

so again i ask, NOW WHAT? if we're going to be treated as criminals for standing up for basic rights and human decency, or for even wanting to get on an airplane, and everything in between...what do we do now?
i have half a mind to pull the plug and head for the woods early, just so i'm well entrenched WTSHTF!!
but i can't do that. i have responsibilties, and debt, and not enough preps...lol

i would have to say i feel very frustrated with the state of the world these days, and our place in it, but i'm not disheartened...thanks to god, good friends, and forums like this one...

but what do you do when your oppressors are this relentless and refuse to hear your voice?
they have taken away most of our rights, along with most of our options, so i ask again....NOW WHAT?

General of Darkness
2nd December 2010, 06:13 PM
We wait, unless you're a lone wolf. If I were a betting man I'd say that "MAYBE" 1% of the Amerikwan people are really "AWARE" of how they're getting ass pounded. For it to get anywere near being better or for the Amerikwan people to take action it's going to have to get a lot worse. Just my 2 cents.

midnight rambler
2nd December 2010, 06:14 PM
Tune in to Rod Class and The Spirit will move you in the direction you need to go.

"There are thousands hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." --Henry David Thoreau


2nd December 2010, 06:15 PM
i have half a mind to pull the plug and head for the woods early, just so i'm well entrenched WTSHTF!!
but i can't do that. i have responsibilities, and debt, and not enough preps...lol


2nd December 2010, 06:21 PM
I don't know. Sometimes I think about leaving the US but I don't really know where we would go and it's such a scary thought to move to a different country, not knowing the area, where to live, trying to sell out house here, finding jobs,etc. So at this point I think the best thing is to just prepare the best we can. :(

midnight rambler
2nd December 2010, 06:22 PM
I don't know. Sometimes I think about leaving the US but I don't really know where we would go and it's such a scary thought to move to a different country, not knowing the area, where to live, trying to sell out house here, finding jobs,etc. So at this point I think the best thing is to just prepare the best we can. :(

It's far better to be proactive than reactive, it's the difference between strength and weakness.

2nd December 2010, 06:24 PM
I've moved through various phases of "now what", but at this point I think trying to turn America around is a lost cause and a fool's errand. I put my time, money and resources into the Ron Paul presidential campaign in '08 and saw first hand how little that amounted to. I'm now totally convinced that America is going to collapse some way or another. Be it economic collapse, social collapse or WW III, my goal now is to prepare myself and my family to be able to escape or survive the destruction and come out the other side able to rebuild. Food preps and guns to get through the collapse, gold and silver to either escape or help rebuild when it's over.

General of Darkness
2nd December 2010, 06:31 PM
I don't know. Sometimes I think about leaving the US but I don't really know where we would go and it's such a scary thought to move to a different country, not knowing the area, where to live, trying to sell out house here, finding jobs,etc. So at this point I think the best thing is to just prepare the best we can. :(

It's far better to be proactive than reactive, it's the difference between strength and weakness.

I would disagree with that. I live in L.A. and everyday I get more and more annoyed with looking at the illegals with their fat ass wives with 5 muds in tow, knowing my tax dollars are funding that. Actually all of my tax dollars get SPENT on things that are not in my interests. I guess I would have more interests in the success of this country if I had relatives here. My entire family other than my mother is in Europe, don't get me wrong Europe is fucked also, but Croatia is not in the EU and I think before they're allowed entry the EU will collapse.

Be careful T I don't want you to uninvite you to my pad in the Adriatic. ;D

midnight rambler
2nd December 2010, 06:35 PM
I get more and more annoyed with looking at the illegals with their fat ass wives with 5 muds in tow, knowing my tax dollars are funding that.

There's a surefire solution to that, quit supporting the nonsense.

2nd December 2010, 06:39 PM
madfranks...i can do the food preps and guns np...but unfortunately, i haven't the budget to purchase gold or silver... :(

GoD...i don't have much interest in the success of the US either, other than the trickle down effect we get from them here in Canada.

2nd December 2010, 06:49 PM
madfranks...i can do the food preps and guns np...but unfortunately, i haven't the budget to purchase gold or silver... :(

GoD...i don't have much interest in the success of the US either, other than the trickle down effect we get from them here in Canada.

You'll probably be better off than us in Canada. The dollar will be hit the hardest, imo.

2nd December 2010, 06:51 PM
Until we reach the point of no return nothing will happen.......now days people are so busy trying to survive today that they cannot make plans for tomorrow.........for them is easier to think who will win "Dancing With The Stars" than thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

2nd December 2010, 06:56 PM
I think all any of us can do is get/stay out of debt, food preps, guns/ ammo, gold /silver if possible, and maybe the biggest thing;

Learn to be a surviver/self sufficient, no how to fix/ do stuff , a big bullshitter is good too, all will come in handy when TSHTF :D

2nd December 2010, 07:02 PM
I'm busy building a Costa Rican bugout resort paradise in case anyone is interested.

You can only get there easily by ferry, so the only thing you need to fear is the Nicaraguan Army.

2nd December 2010, 07:03 PM
Until we reach the point of no return nothing will happen.......now days people are so busy trying to survive today that they cannot make plans for tomorrow.........for them is easier to think who will win "Dancing With The Stars" than thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

isn't that part of the M.O.??? keep us so confused and busy we haven't time to prep??

ZAP-- i'm already pretty self sufficient and a survivor...the further i get into the woods, the happier i am...spent several months one time living in a tent and primarily off the land in the mountains of BC when i was younger, and i'm a carpenter...lol...

2nd December 2010, 07:32 PM
madfranks...i can do the food preps and guns np...but unfortunately, i haven't the budget to purchase gold or silver... :(

GoD...i don't have much interest in the success of the US either, other than the trickle down effect we get from them here in Canada.

Food preps and guns are basic survival needs, but if you ever need money to purchase something, bribe someone, or hire someone, you will need REAL money after the fiat dollar is finished. Do yourself a favor and start buying 90% junk silver dimes, quarters and halves; even if it's just $50 or $100 at a time. PMs are a requirement for your survival needs. Also, read this thread: My Grandfathers Gold Saved Him (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/my-grandfathers-gold-saved-him/)

2nd December 2010, 07:35 PM
Until we reach the point of no return nothing will happen.......now days people are so busy trying to survive today that they cannot make plans for tomorrow.........for them is easier to think who will win "Dancing With The Stars" than thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

isn't that part of the M.O.??? keep us so confused and busy we haven't time to prep??

ZAP-- i'm already pretty self sufficient and a survivor...the further i get into the woods, the happier i am...spent several months one time living in a tent and primarily off the land in the mountains of BC when i was younger, and i'm a carpenter...lol...

Then you are more then halfway there ! ;)

2nd December 2010, 08:02 PM
thank you for posting that thread link for me madfranks, not only an amazing story, but a perfect illustration of your point.

guess i gotta rework an already severely restricted budget, and start buying silver... lol
gold is pretty much off the table for me @$1390/oz, but i could probly free up some money here and there to purchase some silver...

AWOKE has been after me to buy PMs for some time now, lol...just hasn't been in the budget...
but i guess the real question with PMs is can i afford NOT to buy?

General of Darkness
2nd December 2010, 08:05 PM
thank you for posting that thread link for me madfranks, not only an amazing story, but a perfect illustration of your point.

guess i gotta rework an already severely restricted budget, and start buying silver... lol
gold is pretty much off the table for me @$1390/oz, but i could probly free up some money here and there to purchase some silver...

AWOKE has been after me to buy PMs for some time now, lol...just hasn't been in the budget...
but i guess the real question with PMs is can i afford NOT to buy?

Post your budget.

2nd December 2010, 08:06 PM
You can't escape world government by moving to another country. You can either fight or give up....or something in between. Our enemies control the media and one man's word is a drop in a bucket compared to mass broadcasting. But truth is more powerful than lies and I will do what little I can to undermine the influence of my enemies.

Resist and increase the numbers of the aware. It could have a domino effect. Don't give up. It ain't over 'til it's over.

2nd December 2010, 08:42 PM
Post your budget.

Sorry, GoD...that's private info

i will tell you this much...i work in construction doing renos, etc. mostly contract work. the construction market where i live has been seriously crippled over the last few years with most developers asking contractors and trades to take a 7% cut in wages, and the recent economic troubles have caused people to eliminate most if not all unnecessary spending (myself included). now repairs still have to be done, and i'm not completely out of work, but some months, i wish there were two of me, and sometimes i may go 4 to 6 weeks without any work other than little jobs ($100 here, $100 there). regardless of the work load, the bills still have to be paid, and the leftovers are hard to part with when you don't know for certain where the next job is going to come from...

All i really have to do is quit smoking cigarettes and use that money for PMs....easy, right? lol

2nd December 2010, 08:43 PM
I've moved through various phases of "now what", but at this point I think trying to turn America around is a lost cause and a fool's errand. I put my time, money and resources into the Ron Paul presidential campaign in '08 and saw first hand how little that amounted to. I'm now totally convinced that America is going to collapse some way or another. Be it economic collapse, social collapse or WW III, my goal now is to prepare myself and my family to be able to escape or survive the destruction and come out the other side able to rebuild. Food preps and guns to get through the collapse, gold and silver to either escape or help rebuild when it's over.

Thanks for posting this, so I don't have to... cheers!

2nd December 2010, 09:31 PM
My outlook on PMs is not the same as most people here, I would assume.

I have a small amount (a few hundred ounces) of easily liquidable bullion, all in silver. I would/will use it during the interim when the Fiat system collapses and the people turn to bartering for that short time. I will use it for Gasoline and shit like that, but in all honestly, I can't eat my GIM rounds.

My personal opinion on prepping for WTSHTF is to straight-up learn as much as I can on how to literally live off the land, and be self sufficient, and teach my Children about God and protect/provide for my family. As far as I'm concerned, a loaded hunting rifle is worth it's weight in gold if there is no commerce and people are starving and directionless.
So I 'm learning to grow vegetables, catch fish, hunt game, butcher meat, preserve food, load shells, shoot guns, set traps, build shelters, start fires, and anything else I can do to survive in a captain-caveman environment.

This is not a game. MadFranks is absolutely correct, IMO, when he states that TS is gonna HTF whether we like it or not. I am not suffering from any illusions of "saving the world" or "liberating the globe from it's oppressors". I don't believe that burning and handing out DVDs of Alex Jones demagoging about the BBG/TLC/FMC is going to do anything other than serve the agenda of the conspirators.
What I mean to say is, the conspirators (The lucies) have played both sides of the fence in every revolution and every financial collapse in history. As I watch things become heated, and see the bluepillers start to catch on, I am backing up from the scene and prepping to GTFO. When the people finally have had enough of the tyrannical and oppressive laws (a lot of which are yet to be created/unleashed) and the sheep finally stand up and revolt, I believe that they will be playing into the hands of the lucies as planned. No violent revolutions in the past have occurred without the deceitful hand of the lucies involved.

We are being set up to revolt, people. It's a set up, but it's a catch-22.
Options are,

1) Sit back and do nothing: They rule by incrementally installing global dictatorship
2) Revolt: They rule by global martial law.
Sorry brothers and sisters, but this is a spiritual battle, and the conspiracy is not engineered by human minds.

Not to turn this into a religious discussion necessarily, but that is the crux of everything I consider, when I prep for TFHTF. This time on earth is short and meaningless, when compared to an eternity with or without God.

However the foes we face are made of Flesh and therefore it is a good idea to have a healthy amount of Lead and Brass to accompany your Gold and Silver. Depending on your viewpoint.

Finally, Freespirit, I've known you since I was 10 years old. I have pestered you for years to get PMs. My opinion has changed somewhat on that. You should have some, but IMO, in a real SHTF scenario, PMs will only work for a while. After that, it'll be bullets, food and water as currency.
But I'm no expert or psychic.

But I'm fucking prepped, that's for sure.

2nd December 2010, 09:45 PM
We are being set up to revolt, people. It's a set up, but it's a catch-22.
Options are,

1) Sit back and do nothing: They rule by incrementally installing global dictatorship
2) Revolt: They rule by global martial law.
Sorry brothers and sisters, but this is a spiritual battle, and the conspiracy is not engineered by human minds.

Not to turn this into a religious discussion necessarily, but that is the crux of everything I consider, when I prep for TFHTF. This time on earth is short and meaningless, when compared to an eternity with or without God.

However the foes we face are made of Flesh and therefore it is a good idea to have a healthy amount of Lead and Brass to accompany your Gold and Silver. Depending on your viewpoint.

Finally, Freespirit, I've known you since I was 10 years old. I have pestered you for years to get PMs. My opinion has changed somewhat on that. You should have some, but IMO, in a real SHTF scenario, PMs will only work for a while. After that, it'll be bullets, food and water as currency.
But I'm no expert or psychic.

But I'm f*cking prepped, that's for sure.

agreed, brother!

2nd December 2010, 10:08 PM
I can't see how anyone can be "priced out" of PMs. Just a few coins could be a HUGE benefit.

Look at this:

"....The word denarius is derived from the Latin dēnī "containing ten", as its value was 10 asses;....

...The denarius was first struck five years before the first Punic War, in 269 B.C.[1] with a weight of 4.5 grams on average [0.14 oz] at the time or 1⁄72 of a Roman pound....

....Its purchasing power in terms of bread has been estimated at US$21, from 2005....

.....The actual silver content of the Denarius was about 50 grains, or 1⁄10 troy ounce under the Empire. In 2010, this corresponds to approximately US$2.70 in value if the silver were 0.999 pure (which it wasn't)......

.......The Bible refers to the denarius as a day's wage for a common laborer........"

So lets get this strait. A laborer today can buy lets say 2 silver coins per day (2 oz, $60). That is equivalent to 20 denarii, or 20 days worth of work in biblical times.

This does not take into account the population of the world today - 7 billion people. The population in 0 AD was 200 million. We also consume silver nowadays.

2nd December 2010, 10:25 PM
1) Prepare yourself as best you can for what you see ahead.
2) Love your neighbor.


2nd December 2010, 10:35 PM
Keep learning, never stop trying to wake others. Plant seeds, literally and figuratively. Prepping as in hoarding is good, but becoming self sustaining is great. Try to disconnect yourself from the Beast. Don't buy their products ie, Chinese/outsourced crap, minimal cash in the bank or preferably at a credit union, etc.

Most of all be prepped psychologically, be disciplined and diligent in all of your efforts. Know that the shit WILL hit that fan.

If they can be incremental in their efforts to bring about world government, you can be incremental in improving yourself and your situation every single day. Your not in PM's? be incremental. Dollar cost average, I'm sure that you can get a few rounds or some junk every month or so. Your not buying anything with your dollars, you are merely changing them into another form.

old steel
2nd December 2010, 10:36 PM
1) Prepare yourself as best you can for what you see ahead.
2) Love your neighbor.


Number 1 is a go.

Number 2 not a chance.

The sooner he smokes himself to death the better off the world will be.

2nd December 2010, 11:03 PM
I can't see how anyone can be "priced out" of PMs. Just a few coins could be a HUGE benefit.

well it happens...in this economy, priorities like food, insurance, fuel and shelter for the immediate future are bigger concerns at the moment....

but in all honestly, I can't eat my GIM rounds.

perhaps you have more gainful employment than i do...
if so, count your blessings, not all are as fortunate.

2nd December 2010, 11:23 PM
"Now what?" is a great question, free spirit.

I say starve the beast. That's all we can do without getting ourselves arrested or killed. No loans, no credit, barter whenever possible, and convince every single person you know to do the same. If you can break down the fog of materialism, you are there. Buy at today's prices what you will use tomorrow. It's the opposite of a credit card. ;)

I have talked to lots of GSUSers in my travels . . . in person. You get to talk about much deeper topics, and more honestly, in person. One thing is for certain, all of our visions of what TSHTF looks like is different. I am planning for something, and others are planning for something entirely different.

You know the biggest lesson I have learned? We need to make friends with nearby like minded people. All of us are super paranoid here on GSUS (some more than others), but really, these people have some of the best minds. Most of us have just met very few people (if any) in our lives that we believe we could really trust - who we could rely on in a worst case scenario. Someone that would not lose their mind, who would have our backs, or stand guard if that scenario should arrive.

The worst case doom that I envision events unfolding, no couple (or single) is going to get through what we have coming without help, tons of preps and a hole in the ground to hide in, or a lot of luck. But again, that's my vision of what's to come.

I believe that skills that were once common a hundred or more years ago will become priceless. Raising livestock, growing food, metal work, natural medicine, woodwork, etc. I have absolutely none of these skills, but I will stand guard, damn it, and I can cook. That isn't a whole lot to bring to the table, so I've got some work to do. :-\

Since we are all naturally paranoid about our boating accidents and such at GSUS, try to meet people other ways, in your neighborhood, at the dog park, when you are getting your oil changed. You might be surprised at their level of sheepishness. Maybe they just need a little conversation over some cold beers to open their eyes a bit. Don't burn copies of Alex Jones or whatever, just talk. How do you know unless you try? Perhaps there are preppers in sheep's clothing all around us.

I'd say the fact that Awoke is your friend from when you were ten years old is the best form of prep you have right now. He's worth his weight in gold, for sure. ;D

Edit: For better writing, I think. It's late!

2nd December 2010, 11:45 PM
I'd say the fact that Awoke is your friend from when you were ten years old is the best prep you have right now. I bet he's worth his weight in gold. ;D

...he's worth more than that, k-os.....much more.

i like the idea of local networking, and do so at every opportunity...

i have been prepping as best i can right now, and have my BOB and location ready to go.

i think my biggest problem is that i am not a patient man, if this shit is gonna happen, i say lets get it over with, i don't like waiting for the sky to fall...feels like i'm in the starting blocks, waiting for the shot that starts the race...maintaining the 'ready' position i find very stressful...

2nd December 2010, 11:54 PM
...he's worth more than that, k-os.....much more.

i like the idea of local networking, and do so at every opportunity...

i have been prepping as best i can right now, and have my BOB and location ready to go.

i think my biggest problem is that i am not a patient man, if this sh*t is gonna happen, i say lets get it over with, i don't like waiting for the sky to fall...feels like i'm in the starting blocks, waiting for the shot that starts the race...maintaining the 'ready' position i find very stressful...

You are not alone on that wish. A lot of people are ready and want this sucker to bust so that we can begin to rebuild, or at least believe that the rebuild is possible.

Starve the beast. That is all. Well, unless you want to go all Joe Stack on us. But what good did that do? Not a whole lot of good, in my opinion.

To waste time between now and doom, you could do some fictional doom reading for pleasure. After all, reading "Edible Plants of North America" can only keep your interest for so long . . . For a completely unrealistic, yet ideal way to weather an economic collapse, read Patriots by James Wesley, Rawles. For a more realistic, yet less ideal scenario involving an EMP attack, read One Second After.

3rd December 2010, 12:01 AM

awoke lent me that book (patriots) earlier this year, i found it an excellent read, and although a work of fiction, like it mentions in the preface, much of the information contained within is actually based on fact...

i'll have to look into the other book...so much to read, so little time...
maybe i should read a book on time management...lol

3rd December 2010, 12:22 AM
Well I've left my corporate job and the big city. I'm working at starving the beast now and doing some reno's to keep busy (dipping into my savings though!). Still with local jobs offering so little, my improvements are building at least as much capital as 40 hours a week for a system would provide. Of course real estate could blow apart, but I'm the type of person who needs his place and I am doing real improvements, not wasting energy, creating entropy and spreading toxic chemicals around for others tech delusions as my last well paid job did.

Things like the expanded value added tax and others in my area being busted for selling produce at the farmer's market are demotivating to my preset plans for a slower local lifestyle. As I expect is the intent. There will be no allowed escape from big brother dependence. It is reinforcing the likes of what k-os said in my mind. Thankfully my neighbours all seem like good people. I'm going to have to get to know more of them well. If we can't sell locally made goods without being shut down or taxed out of sense, we are going to have to barter better with people we know and trust. If the zoning fascists come for anyone who's noticed to be scraping by at a subsistence level I think we are going to need neighbourhood 'flash mobs' to keep the killer parasitic forces at bay. I'm still holding out hope that SWAT teams will not shoot to kill dozens of neighbours to seize the property of some one growing carrots or making pitchforks in their back yard for sale. A man can still dream. :P

3rd December 2010, 05:05 AM
but in all honestly, I can't eat my GIM rounds.

perhaps you have more gainful employment than i do...
if so, count your blessings, not all are as fortunate.

I think you might have not understood what I meant.
Before this forum existed, a lot of us were members on the old (scretly freemasonic owned and operated) forum called GoldisMoney.info
We call it GIM. GIM had silver bullion coins minted, and a lot of the members purchased them to support the forum. (Or so we thought)

Anyways, what I meant was, Yes I have silver, but it won't do me any good if people aren't willing to barter. Other preps are more important, IMO, than PMs for a guy in your (and my) position.

I can't eat my Precious Metals, but I can eat my stash of food, and barter with ammo if no-one is interested in trading for coins.

3rd December 2010, 05:33 AM
I skipped a large majority of the comments here and will go back and read them later.
In response to OP, my suggestions are as follows:

1) Quit talking about WHEN TSHTF and realize TS has been HTF for longer than you've been alive. TS HTF every day. You are so covered in S you can't see it flying at you. This "awakening" is just you wiping enough S out of your eyes to see the next barrage flying at you.

2) Quit referring to TPTB. The only power that can be is the power you give yourself or others over you. When you refer to TPTB you disempower yourself. At any rate it's the colloquial "they", the shadowy and the unidentified. If you can't name them or point your finger directly at them then you've got more work to do and more than likely it's internal not external.

3) Running gets you nowhere, Jonah. Running is for cowards. If you believe in the ideals this country was supposedly built upon then stand up like a true patriot. Don't think for a moment you can escape TPTB or TSHTF or whatever state of collapse by running. Consider relocating only to improve your ability to sustain your family without relying on sources of food and money that you cannot control. Failing to do that also disempowers you.

4) The only things that have any real value in this world are relationships. No amount of preps or silver or bullets can make a man an island. The root problem in this world is the complete and utter disregard and contempt for the fellow man. Everyone is so busy trying to compete, to get ahead and rare is the moment we actually build a community or show true respect for each others' liberties. If you're not building positive relationships then you are destroying your future and everyone else's along with it

5) Finally, to summarize the above. All that you consider wrong and unacceptable and unjust is YOUR fault. It's MY fault. WE have done this to ourselves and WE are reaping what WE have sown. This is a hard pill to swallow and you have to swallow it every day. Those dastardly TPTBs didn't get this over on us without our complicity and our laziness and our greediness. You are your own worst enemy and you are your own best friend. No one can help the man who won't help himself and if you really look at your life you will likely see how you refuse to help yourself in a myriad of ways.

If any of this sounds harsh and unemotional just remember these are the same things I have to consider for myself every single day.

3rd December 2010, 05:39 AM
4) The only things that have any real value in this world are relationships. No amount of preps or silver or bullets can make a man an island. The root problem in this world is the complete and utter disregard and contempt for the fellow man. Everyone is so busy trying to compete, to get ahead and rare is the moment we actually build a community or show true respect for each others' liberties. If you're not building positive relationships then you are destroying your future and everyone else's along with This is very important for rural people. Cultivate good relations with all your neighbors if you can. It might mean life or death someday.

3rd December 2010, 06:52 AM
I like what SLV^GLD said.

The toughest part, it seems, for many of us is to stop blaming someone else (or everyone else).

3rd December 2010, 07:01 AM
Live life well, and take care of number one,
if you don't you can't do anything for others.

Stacker Ken has some good advice,
don't worry about things you can't control.

I don't , life goes on.

Through all of this , last few years, learned a lot, did a lot,
even made some money, and I got this cool shiny thing
on my desk , lol . We are all better for it IMO, be more
active, learn some skills, pump some iron, stay fit, healthy,
stay informed, make some money too.

I would like to share some family experiences, in general
people in the past in wars survived far worse, we are all
way ahead of them living in Western countries, so for that
we should be grateful.

3rd December 2010, 07:05 AM
WE have done this to ourselves and WE are reaping what WE have sown. This is a hard pill to swallow and you have to swallow it every day. Those dastardly TPTBs didn't get this over on us without our complicity and our laziness and our greediness. You are your own worst enemy...


Oy vey!


3rd December 2010, 07:11 AM
WE have done this to ourselves and WE are reaping what WE have sown. This is a hard pill to swallow and you have to swallow it every day. Those dastardly TPTBs didn't get this over on us without our complicity and our laziness and our greediness. You are your own worst enemy...


Oy vey!


What does that picture and some eye rolling have to do with the text you copied? I know you are not a fan of personal responsibility, but what does that picture have to do with it?

3rd December 2010, 07:25 AM
WE have done this to ourselves and WE are reaping what WE have sown. This is a hard pill to swallow and you have to swallow it every day. Those dastardly TPTBs didn't get this over on us without our complicity and our laziness and our greediness. You are your own worst enemy...


Oy vey!


What does that picture and some eye rolling have to do with the text you copied? I know you are not a fan of personal responsibility, but what does that picture have to do with it?

Has EVERYTHING to do with that text. You think it only applies to us goyim?


3rd December 2010, 07:30 AM
This time on earth is short and meaningless, when compared to an eternity with or without God.

I'm just beginning to understand this aspect of life and I see a new journey of discovery in front of me. It is difficult to disconnect from the resentment over what's going down, but all journeys begin with a first step. I agree with the majority opinion of this thread that a)it's happening now, b) there's nothing we can do about it, and c) the best way to defeat their momentum is by not buying into it. To the OP - GSUS is truly a beacon of truth - learn what you can here while you can. But remember part of all this is to be honest with yourself and choose your own metrics based on the evidence, not on the social manipulations of our oppressors. Do that and you'll prevail.

3rd December 2010, 07:44 AM
A lot of people here seem to think that "it" will happen and then be "over".

I don't think so, "it" is happening right now and will just get progressively worse until we are all Palestinians.

In medieval times the populace was forced to attend the public torture of the miscreant who dared to insult the King. I see something like this in our future, it is already happening to Edgar Steele.

3rd December 2010, 07:47 AM
Well anyway,

I sometimes like to think I could get it on with the Nicaraguan army, I mean they ain't that well equipped. :)

3rd December 2010, 07:49 AM
but in all honestly, I can't eat my GIM rounds.

perhaps you have more gainful employment than i do...
if so, count your blessings, not all are as fortunate.

i understood you just fine awoke, i was using your words to emphasize my point to vacuum...

[quote=vacuum ]
I can't see how anyone can be "priced out" of PMs. Just a few coins could be a HUGE benefit.

well it happens...in this economy, priorities like food, insurance, fuel and shelter for the immediate future are bigger concerns at the moment....

but in all honestly, I can't eat my GIM rounds.

perhaps you have more gainful employment than i do...
if so, count your blessings, not all are as fortunate.

3rd December 2010, 07:49 AM
I don't think so, "it" is happening right now and will just get progressively worse until we are all Palestinians.



http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/76519645.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF87892140FEB0FF7845C57DD60E02E7A27D486B 804CF8490150BA88389460B3D9F9D39C

Yep. Same people doing it to them are now doing it to us.

3rd December 2010, 07:52 AM
I skipped a large majority of the comments here and will go back and read them later.
In response to OP, my suggestions are as follows:

1) Quit talking about WHEN TSHTF and realize TS has been HTF for longer than you've been alive. TS HTF every day. You are so covered in S you can't see it flying at you. This "awakening" is just you wiping enough S out of your eyes to see the next barrage flying at you.

You're correct, in the sense that the conspiracy is thousand of years old.

2) Quit referring to TPTB. The only power that can be is the power you give yourself or others over you. When you refer to TPTB you disempower yourself. At any rate it's the colloquial "they", the shadowy and the unidentified. If you can't name them or point your finger directly at them then you've got more work to do and more than likely it's internal not external.

Just because you don't want to acknowledge the fact that there is an elite cabal with unimaginable power does not make it non-existant. TPTB are real, and exist, and you're a fool to try and convince yourself otherwise.
They don't ask for power, and we don't give them power. They take it. It is not FreeSpirits fault that the satanic elite are shadowy usurpian deceivers. FreeSpirit, myself and every member on this board are not to be held at fault for the fact that the Lucies have infiltrated every facet and taken control.
I can't believe that even posted this nonsensical bullshit, and that others actually thanked you for it.

3) Running gets you nowhere, Jonah. Running is for cowards. If you believe in the ideals this country was supposedly built upon then stand up like a true patriot. Don't think for a moment you can escape TPTB or TSHTF or whatever state of collapse by running. Consider relocating only to improve your ability to sustain your family without relying on sources of food and money that you cannot control. Failing to do that also disempowers you.

Yeah, fight another revolution and play into the hands of the jewish conspiracy. Smart move.

4) The only things that have any real value in this world are relationships. No amount of preps or silver or bullets can make a man an island. The root problem in this world is the complete and utter disregard and contempt for the fellow man. Everyone is so busy trying to compete, to get ahead and rare is the moment we actually build a community or show true respect for each others' liberties. If you're not building positive relationships then you are destroying your future and everyone else's along with it

5) Finally, to summarize the above. All that you consider wrong and unacceptable and unjust is YOUR fault. It's MY fault. WE have done this to ourselves and WE are reaping what WE have sown. This is a hard pill to swallow and you have to swallow it every day. Those dastardly TPTBs didn't get this over on us without our complicity and our laziness and our greediness. You are your own worst enemy and you are your own best friend. No one can help the man who won't help himself and if you really look at your life you will likely see how you refuse to help yourself in a myriad of ways.

If any of this sounds harsh and unemotional just remember these are the same things I have to consider for myself every single day.

Yes. Everybody take the blame for allowing the satanists to secretly enact a plot that none of you knew about. It's your fault that you didn't stop them from these actions while you were being brainwashed in public education systems, watching sitcoms and arguing about the LRP.

I now believe you're an agent.
You have just fucked your crediblity with me, officially.

(Not that you care about credibility from me, but the fact remains that you've lost it).

3rd December 2010, 07:53 AM
I like what SLV^GLD said.

The toughest part, it seems, for many of us is to stop blaming someone else (or everyone else).

i'd rather fix the problem instead of the blame...i don't really care whos fault it is, i'd rather focus on how to set things right...

3rd December 2010, 07:55 AM
WE have done this to ourselves and WE are reaping what WE have sown. This is a hard pill to swallow and you have to swallow it every day. Those dastardly TPTBs didn't get this over on us without our complicity and our laziness and our greediness. You are your own worst enemy...


Oy vey!


What does that picture and some eye rolling have to do with the text you copied? I know you are not a fan of personal responsibility, but what does that picture have to do with it?

That is a picture of a man being brainwashed with the ultimate tool of philo-semitism: The Holohoax.
That picture speaks volumes.
That picture could had had the reflection of my 10 year old kid in it, and still been accurate.

3rd December 2010, 07:59 AM
WE have done this to ourselves and WE are reaping what WE have sown. This is a hard pill to swallow and you have to swallow it every day. Those dastardly TPTBs didn't get this over on us without our complicity and our laziness and our greediness. You are your own worst enemy...


Oy vey!


What does that picture and some eye rolling have to do with the text you copied? I know you are not a fan of personal responsibility, but what does that picture have to do with it?

That is a picture of a man being brainwashed with the ultimate tool of philo-semitism: The Holohoax.
That picture speaks volumes.
That picture could had had the reflection of my 10 year old kid in it, and still been accurate.

Thanks buddy. The text of what SLV^GLD posted must especially apply to the world's most professional "victims". Apparently K-os doesn't understand this...


3rd December 2010, 08:09 AM
A) I'm not aware of what that picture is. Care to enlighten me so I can enjoy my own ridicule?

B) I find it laughable and destructive to Awoke's own credibility to define me as an agent (of what we are left to assume for ourselves). While his analysis of my own perspective has merit his eagerness to write me off as one of "them" is very disappointing.

C) I'd like to clarify my terms WE, YOU and ME. WE is all inclusive of the constituents of this nation, even world, who have played along with whatever schemes were set in motion by the big bad THEM. I'm not denying THEIR existence. I'm denying THEIR ability to take anything WE don't give them. WE are figurative not-THEMs of past, present and future. YOU and ME are literally singular beings of the present. YOU and ME are the only ones who have any power to stop this and that power lies in our choice to participate. Yeah, YOU and ME were born into a world of shit that WE built for ourselves that THEY provided the tools and material for but WE can also move out, tear it down and build something better for US.

3rd December 2010, 08:14 AM
I think it's safe to say that Precious Metals also include an inherit weakness of creating the separatist mentality.

God Blessed TPTB.


3rd December 2010, 08:15 AM
A) I'm not aware of what that picture is. Care to enlighten me so I can enjoy my own ridicule?


WE have done this to ourselves and WE are reaping what WE have sown. This is a hard pill to swallow and you have to swallow it every day. Those dastardly TPTBs didn't get this over on us without our complicity and our laziness and our greediness. You are your own worst enemy... - SLV^GLD.

Your words must especially apply to the world's most famous "victims".


3rd December 2010, 08:23 AM
It's the same story over and again.

Every time I invite myself over to Hoarder's, or Book's for dinner I never get an RSVP... :boohoo

3rd December 2010, 08:27 AM
You're telling FreeSpirit (and all others reading your tripe) that the current state of the conspiracy is their own fault by ommission and inaction.

You're also suggesting that we network, get organized, rise up and resist TPTB (Which I guess aren't real now), which is script that has been played out countelss times throughout history, and always ended in a massive transfer of wealth and oppression.

I'm not saying that it is hopeless and that a person shouldn't resist, but like Canadian Guerilla (Who I miss and wish would post more often) and WildCard say: Leaderless resistance.

The plot is prophesied. Satan rules this world. The PTB will have their time, and in the end the devil will lose and Christ will return. Telling people to organized and fight won't stop Gods plan, infact, it will do nothing more than repeat teh revolutions of the past and play info the favor of the satanic jewish elite.

I have come to the realization, it's not about "Now". It's about "After".

So I prep to protect my family as long as God allows it.

3rd December 2010, 08:27 AM
Thanks for the clarification. Also, a "sardonic" thanks for twisting my post out of context. If you believe the holohoax then it is your fault. I believe some folks were put into concentration camps. I believe some of them were jewish. I don't believe anyone was gassed to death. I believe the majority of the folks in there were dissenters. I believe the numbers in general were outrageously inflated for the sake of emotional response. What I believe on the matter is irrelevant, though. How I am going to react to the propaganda surrounding it is what matters. I choose to ignore it as a matter of course and choose to be resentful of anyone who uses it as a platform to enact legislation or public sympathy.

I see your confluence of my post with that picture/concept as a complete non sequitur.

3rd December 2010, 08:40 AM
I think the best thing to do now, is keep a positive attitude and just keep moving forward in life.

If you can work with your hands, which being a carpenter you obviously can, you will always be able to provide for yourself and your family. Having the confidence to know that whatever challenges you may face in life, you can overcome, goes a long way.

I know many here will completely disagree with me, but I believe more people are good, than bad....and when crisis situations happen, how people can become selfless and work together, is very surprising. I've seen it firsthand, a lot of mini "shtf" situations, people forget their individual problems and work together. The GOOD in people shines at that time.

I've always liked the story about rock soup. Starts with one person boiling a big pot with a rock in it. People start adding to the pot, based upon what they can offer. Then you have a big feast for everyone to enjoy. All because people work together, as a team.

Nobody really knows what the future holds, that's part of the excitement of life. Keep prepping, one bean at a time, and remember to appreciate all the little things in in life that you enjoy, that makes life worth living.

3rd December 2010, 08:41 AM
You're telling FreeSpirit (and all others reading your tripe) that the current state of the conspiracy is their own fault by ommission and inaction.to some degree, yes. YOU can't change the past but YOU do have control over your present and by extension YOUR future. Public schooling was an inaction. Watching sitcoms is an inaction. Arguing LRP is an omission (using your examples, here).

You're also suggesting that we network, get organized, rise up and resist TPTB (Which I guess aren't real now), which is script that has been played out countelss times throughout history, and always ended in a massive transfer of wealth and oppression.No, I'm suggesting you take of your own damned self and look out for the well being of your fellow man through your own behavior. I am fully cognizant of the FACT that any organized resistance will be infiltrated. One can only lead by example. TPTB no doubt exist. I'm just saying that their power is one we have provided. Resistance is almost entirely in the mind which leads to actions of non-participation which empower YOU and disempower THEM.

I'm not saying that it is hopeless and that a person shouldn't resist, but like Canadian Guerilla (Who I miss and wish would post more often) and WildCard say: Leaderless resistance. I am my own leader. If I lead anyone it is only by example. I have no interest in joing any cause nor do I recommend anyone do so. I can only represent myself.

The plot is prophesied. Satan rules this world. The PTB will have their time, and in the end the devil will lose and Christ will return. Telling people to organized and fight won't stop Gods plan, infact, it will do nothing more than repeat teh revolutions of the past and play info the favor of the satanic jewish elite.I only suggest people stop participating in a system that works against them and instead put their time an energy into taking care of the things that actually matter which are those things closest to you. The only revolution I advocate is in YOUR own mind. I'm not exactly certain where you read into my post that I advocating taking any kind of direct opposition to the state of things.

I have come to the realization, it's not about "Now". It's about "After".

So I prep to protect my family as long as God allows it.I read that particular set of sentences as being contradictory. What YOU do now portends what comes after. Prepping is something you do now to insure a certain state of things for the after. Pray for the best prepare for the worst. I don't commit myself to firearms training in the hopes I can die gallantly in someone else's war, I do it to protect myself and my family from direct confrontation. Everything I do I try to insure is for the sake of my family's future. Even in times of apparent debauchery I am insuring that me and mine are able to enjoy some things that very likely will not be available in the future.

I have tired of taking the defensive. I do appreciate your perspectives and actually welcome those contrary to mine as they provide an opportunity to review my own positions on grave matters. I am disappointed that for whatever reasons my commentary has been interpreted in ways I didn't mean.

Be well.

3rd December 2010, 08:44 AM


If you believe the holohoax then it is your fault. I believe some folks were put into concentration camps. I believe some of them were jewish. I don't believe anyone was gassed to death. I believe the majority of the folks in there were dissenters. I believe the numbers in general were outrageously inflated for the sake of emotional response. What I believe on the matter is irrelevant, though. How I am going to react to the propaganda surrounding it is what matters. I choose to ignore it as a matter of course and choose to be resentful of anyone who uses it as a platform to enact legislation or public sympathy. - SLV^GLD


3rd December 2010, 09:20 AM
I have come to the realization, it's not about "Now". It's about "After".

Good answer, next thread.

I'll continue to type into the network tripe.

3rd December 2010, 09:35 AM
Thanks for the clarification. Also, a "sardonic" thanks for twisting my post out of context. If you believe the holohoax then it is your fault. I believe some folks were put into concentration camps. I believe some of them were jewish. I don't believe anyone was gassed to death. I believe the majority of the folks in there were dissenters. I believe the numbers in general were outrageously inflated for the sake of emotional response. What I believe on the matter is irrelevant, though. How I am going to react to the propaganda surrounding it is what matters. I choose to ignore it as a matter of course and choose to be resentful of anyone who uses it as a platform to enact legislation or public sympathy.

I see your confluence of my post with that picture/concept as a complete non sequitur.

First of all, I apologize for being hasty and stating that you a suspected agent. I retract that, and offer you an olive branch.

However, I will remain in disagreement with your stance on the current state of the conspiracy, and who is to blame for that state.

None of us are at fault, period. Most people in the world have no clue that there even is a conspiracy, so they can not be put to blame for it's existance.

The ones (the few) like us, who do know about the conspiracy are not to be put to blame either, for inaction. As I plainly stated, I believe that the conspiracy will play out as it is writtena nd planned, so my intent is to be prepared to the best of my ability to make life as comfortable and safe as possible for those I love.

It was your blame placing that set me off and made me lose my cool. Again, I apologise, but I firmly disagree.

3rd December 2010, 09:46 AM
I retract that, and offer you an olive branch.Accepted

However, I will remain in disagreement with your stance on the current state of the conspiracy, and who is to blame for that state...
...Again, I apologise, but I firmly disagree.
Fair enough. I'm not so set in my view that I can't see yours. Your arguments have merit that I have no intention of trying to tangle with. I still think of it more in terms of having to swallow a very hard pill to swallow. Being ignorant, in my opinion is no real excuse. Like most here, we grew up with the feeling that things weren't as they appeared and we questioned. Lots of people don't question because they don't really want to know. That, in short, is apathy. The apathetic man, in my opinion, deserves whatever he gets. The man who questions and begins to find answers has a responsibility to not only bear the cross that comes with those answers but also to put his discoveries up to his fellow man not only for their enlightenment but also to hear their criticisms. The disappointing fact is most people cannot criticize without resorting to programmed responses and also most people can't take criticism very constructively at all.

I digress. I certainly do respect your viewpoints and I also respect you for returning to a more intelligent manner of discourse.

3rd December 2010, 09:48 AM
Safety in numbers is hard to resist, also is hard to contain as just that.

The collective's prime directive should always be to deal with (maintain) just that, but as soon as it is achieved (even briefly) the directive wants to form some kind resistance towards the collective's "perceived" common threat. So as to maintain some kind of stability of what was just achieved.

There is a problem with lack of philosophy in our Constitution...LOL ;D

They'd never go for just that.

3rd December 2010, 09:55 AM
I'm reading "Reinventing Collapse" by Russian-American Dmitry Orlov, and it is relevant to this discussion. It's about how Americans can prepare for our impending collapse by learning from the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The first two-thirds of the book is mildly interesting, but a bit annoying in that the underlying message is that Russian socialism is really a better system than American capitalism, which is why America's collapse will be more difficult to endure.

But the last third of the book talks about what to do about it, which reminds me of this thread. It could easily have been written by a GSUSer. But what struck me is what the author has to say about attitude during the collapse. The takeaway point is that Russians during the collapse learned to be ambivalent about anything that was said by the government, and not let on that they were preparing their own personal survival. They let the politicians talk, they knew they were lying, but they didn't waste any energy trying to fight them. Rather, they focused on how to make their own preparations and build their own network of friends with whom they could trade, etc., all the while pretending that they were being sheep. This also reminds me about what k-os said, i.e. their maybe be more of us out their in sheep's clothing.

3rd December 2010, 10:23 AM
They let the politicians talk, they knew they were lying, but they didn't waste any energy trying to fight them. Rather, they focused on how to make their own preparations and build their own network of friends with whom they could trade, etc., all the while pretending that they were being sheep. This also reminds me about what k-os said, i.e. their maybe be more of us out their in sheep's clothing.

I don't know if Bettsy (or whatever k-os RV is called) has low enough miles on it to keep our thin raft from sinking?

Do you have to have a maximum locale 400 mile radius in mind?

It's somehow comforting to see Sparky down here in the trenches with us, honestly.

3rd December 2010, 11:40 AM
I never saw this post befroe I typed my apology to you, so I just want to make a couple comments, in the spirit of clearing up our conversation.

You're also suggesting that we network, get organized, rise up and resist TPTB

The only revolution I advocate is in YOUR own mind. I'm not exactly certain where you read into my post that I advocating taking any kind of direct opposition to the state of things.

These posts had me interpret them as such:

3) Running gets you nowhere, Jonah. Running is for cowards. If you believe in the ideals this country was supposedly built upon then stand up like a true patriot. Don't think for a moment you can escape TPTB or TSHTF or whatever state of collapse by running. Consider relocating only to improve your ability to sustain your family without relying on sources of food and money that you cannot control. Failing to do that also disempowers you.

4) The only things that have any real value in this world are relationships. No amount of preps or silver or bullets can make a man an island. The root problem in this world is the complete and utter disregard and contempt for the fellow man. Everyone is so busy trying to compete, to get ahead and rare is the moment we actually build a community or show true respect for each others' liberties. If you're not building positive relationships then you are destroying your future and everyone else's along with it

To me, reading that, it said "Organize and Revolt" all over it.

5) Finally, to summarize the above. All that you consider wrong and unacceptable and unjust is YOUR fault. It's MY fault. WE have done this to ourselves and WE are reaping what WE have sown.

I still take issue with this. I don't buy into it, and I don't think we will ever agree. They take their power in secret.

I have come to the realization, it's not about "Now". It's about "After".

So I prep to protect my family as long as God allows it.

I read that particular set of sentences as being contradictory.

What I meant was, I will go down fighting and protecting my family, but the "After" is in reference to life after death. This fleshy life is temporary, where the afterlife is eternal.

So I prep for earthly defense as long as God allows it (Meaning TS hasn't HTF full force yet, and we still have prep time as of this moment), so I can try to protect my family in the flesh.

When it is time for us to die, it is time, and that is when the important part begins. So your spiritual prepping is even more important than your worldly prepping.

What YOU do now portends what comes after. Prepping is something you do now to insure a certain state of things for the after. Pray for the best prepare for the worst. I don't commit myself to firearms training in the hopes I can die gallantly in someone else's war, I do it to protect myself and my family from direct confrontation. Everything I do I try to insure is for the sake of my family's future. Even in times of apparent debauchery I am insuring that me and mine are able to enjoy some things that very likely will not be available in the future.

I feel the same and agree with this.

3rd December 2010, 11:48 AM
The idea for starting a GSUS Holding Company to avoid taxing and levies came up once to me, but I thought it was a hard sell to Ponce & others, to whom I would be speaking seriously.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
3rd December 2010, 11:52 AM
Prepare mentally while staying positive. Develop spiritually.

Revel in the fact that you are awake which makes you more rare than a rose blooming in winter.

Do the opposite of what the sheep are doing. TV is a propagandized distraction.

Buy books with real world application. Printer out hard copies of relevant materials from the Internet as you come across them.

Assume everything in this paradigm can come crashing down in a moment's notice.

Eat right and exercise.

Learn to do more with less and pass these principles to the younger generation.

Batton down the hatches and never take your eyes off the distant storm clouds. Complacency is your worst enemy. Apathy can destroy you.

3rd December 2010, 11:58 AM
Ahora Que??

Don't forget to learn a minimal amount of Spanish just in case you are confronted by a cartel member.

3rd December 2010, 12:37 PM
3) Running gets you nowhere, Jonah. Running is for cowards. If you believe in the ideals this country was supposedly built upon then stand up like a true patriot. Don't think for a moment you can escape TPTB or TSHTF or whatever state of collapse by running. Consider relocating only to improve your ability to sustain your family without relying on sources of food and money that you cannot control. Failing to do that also disempowers you.

4) The only things that have any real value in this world are relationships. No amount of preps or silver or bullets can make a man an island. The root problem in this world is the complete and utter disregard and contempt for the fellow man. Everyone is so busy trying to compete, to get ahead and rare is the moment we actually build a community or show true respect for each others' liberties. If you're not building positive relationships then you are destroying your future and everyone else's along with it

To me, reading that, it said "Organize and Revolt" all over it.
I'm having some trouble parsing it the way you did but let me put it another way; Get your own sh*t together so that you don't need THEIR sh*t. If you don't have your sh*t together then running doesn't help because the big bad TPTB are everywhere you can get to. Getting to a better location to get your sh*t together will help but then that isn't running. Part of getting your sh*t together involves making sure your neighbor doesn't view you as a target but more as an asset. In a way this is organization but that word implies an extraneous goal such as oh say, revolt. My only goal in maintaining harmony with my fellow man is to make life more enjoyable.
Humans are social creatures. My neighbor and I dogsit for each other when we're out of town, we "borrow sugar" when it's needed and we watch each others property and we actively meet new people in the immediate area. In some kind of hole up and shut up SHTF situation there is a mutual trust that we won't rob one another and that we'd be watching each other's six and possibly sharing resources. Am I too naive to expect him to behave as my own blood? Hell no; but I'd be completely remiss not to establish a community ethic NOW. You can't do that watching sitcoms in your living room.

Hopefully I've managed to keep the above on topic enough that OP can benefit.

3rd December 2010, 03:20 PM
5) Finally, to summarize the above. All that you consider wrong and unacceptable and unjust is YOUR fault. It's MY fault. WE have done this to ourselves and WE are reaping what WE have sown.

I still take issue with this. I don't buy into it, and I don't think we will ever agree....




Me too. I don't buy into it either. It's called "Blaming The Victim".


3rd December 2010, 06:52 PM
"Now what?" is a great question, free spirit.
I believe that skills that were once common a hundred or more years ago will become priceless. Raising livestock, growing food, metal work, natural medicine, woodwork, etc. I have absolutely none of these skills, but I will stand guard, damn it, and I can cook. That isn't a whole lot to bring to the table, so I've got some work to do. :-\

Hi k-os...... if the shit hits the fan you could guard my cows and calves, shoot prairie dogs while you're doing that (you're good at it!) and then cook'em up for supper ;) Maybe pick some wild onions, turnips, mushrooms and dandlions to throw in the skillet and make gravy too!

The title of this thread got me thinking about Gramps Bungalos thoughts on ....Ok....Now what?....Moments.

Here's what he's got to say about.... Ok........Now what?


midnight rambler
3rd December 2010, 07:30 PM
You're telling FreeSpirit (and all others reading your tripe) that the current state of the conspiracy is their own fault by ommission and inaction.


"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Gandhi

I have come to the realization, it's not about "Now". It's about "After".

That could not be more wrong.

"Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand." (of course 'at hand' means here and now)

3rd December 2010, 08:27 PM
shoot prairie dogs while you're doing that (you're good at it!) and then cook'em up for supper ;)

You eat prairie dogs? Are they good?

recipe/instructions please (Maybe in a PM or another thread, so we don't derail this one)

Joe King
3rd December 2010, 09:06 PM
]You're telling FreeSpirit (and all others reading your tripe) that the current state of the conspiracy is their own fault by ommission and inaction.


"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Gandhi

What Right does a slave in chains have to complain if he willingly built and put on his own chains of enslavement?

Awoke, IMHO their "plan" for the World would've fizzled and died at its inception had it not been for the masses willing participation.
i.e. they were shown what they saw as the easy way, and took it without regard as to where that way would lead them.

When men give away their God given Rights so easily, and without hardly any consideration, how can they not be a willing partner?

4th December 2010, 06:25 AM
5) Finally, to summarize the above. All that you consider wrong and unacceptable and unjust is YOUR fault. It's MY fault. WE have done this to ourselves and WE are reaping what WE have sown.

I still take issue with this. I don't buy into it, and I don't think we will ever agree....




Me too. I don't buy into it either. It's called "Blaming The Victim".


In picture one I see a WE. WE are an invading force in an area we have no business sticking our noses in. A place that historically ruins empires. I am in no way blaming the apparent victim for what is happening to him. That tank, for all intents and purposes to that boy, represents WE. That is not creating a healthy relationship on any scale. Whatever comes of that relationship will largely be WE's fault. Whoever THEY are that convinced WE to do that thing with the tank, well THEY're are not without blame for conspiring against WE but ME and YOU is inside that tank. WE being a construct for US past, present and future. YOU and ME are constructs for the individual, present body constituents of WE. YOU and ME can make a choice not to step in that tank regardless of what THEY say and whatever WE have done in the past.

In picture two I see a mock representation of a destroyed future. I see this as an omen; a realization of the future WE may have to endure because of several transgressions that are related to what ME and YOU are currently doing in picture one.

I'm not sure the location of picture three but I am going to guess Africa. I think the concept conveyed in this picture is approaching the line of our contention. Here we can see an emphatic juxtaposition of the quality of life for disparate classes. This framed polarity automatically elicits a left-right paradigm leaving no readily apparent resolution to this positively close proximity of otherwise equally interested humans. In other words, There is no clear picture of WHO is at fault despite the amazing clarity in overwhelming disparity not easily explained by geographical location.
It may be easy to some observers to draw a conclusion that the more well-to-do half of the frame is at fault for the living conditions found nearby (especially if they are cognizant of the picture's actual location). Also, it seems nearly impossible to draw the conclusion that the left frame could have any hand in their plight. Taking this illustrative construct and then loading it onto the arrow of text stating that the target (me) is blaming the victim is a clever way of visually reinforcing a tightly encapsulated allegation without actually engaging the actual conversation of the topic. In short, no real discourse is taking place I am just replying to what amounts to an ad hominem attack.

I does seem to me though, that the first 2 pictures actually support my position that WE have gotten us into a mess that YOU and ME could be stopping but due to the general attitude WE have developed WE do not.

4th December 2010, 06:33 AM

"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Gandhi

That quote say's a lot. Gandhi was a wise man

I like this one too.

The following is inscribed on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in Westminster Abby (1100 A.D.) …

When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country.

But it, too, seemed immovable.

As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it.

And now, as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family.

From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country, and who knows, I may have even changed the world.

4th December 2010, 06:35 AM
In short, no real discourse is taking place I am just replying to what amounts to an ad hominem attack.

Too funny. YOU of all people, after what YOU have posted in this thread, are now claiming to be a victim.

The irony.


4th December 2010, 07:02 AM
I'm no victim. I maintain full responsibility for engaging a predictable troll whose only means of discourse are ridicule, diversion and removal of context.

4th December 2010, 07:14 AM
Whatever comes of that relationship will largely be WE's fault.


4th December 2010, 09:13 AM
...alot of interesting views here...but i think we're starting to drift a little now...i know who's responsible for whats going on in the world, and see things steadily getting worse, if not exponentially...

but really, at the end of the day, i could give a shit who's fault it is, as i've said before, fix the problem, not the blame...

now that we know what the problems are, i want to hear more of what we should do about it....we are all victims to one degree or another, but we absolutely guarantee we stay that way if we don't do something about it....

...so, back to the OP......NOW WHAT??

4th December 2010, 09:29 AM
...so, back to the OP......NOW WHAT??

Thump our chests in a manly way over the internet, of course!

4th December 2010, 09:59 AM
Heres what....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chqi8m4CEEY

4th December 2010, 10:48 AM
...alot of interesting views here...but i think we're starting to drift a little now...i know who's responsible for whats going on in the world, and see things steadily getting worse, if not exponentially...

but really, at the end of the day, i could give a sh*t who's fault it is, as i've said before, fix the problem, not the blame...

now that we know what the problems are, i want to hear more of what we should do about it....we are all victims to one degree or another, but we absolutely guarantee we stay that way if we don't do something about it....

...so, back to the OP......NOW WHAT??

Group efforts will fail at this point. The larger the group, the stupider people become.

Work on yourself. Make yourself as good as possible.

Learn to shoot. Improve your target practice. Learn to meditate. Increase your inner peace. Learn to make things. Learn to repair things. Learn to cook things. Learn to grow things. Learn how to stay alive without consuming so much. And finally, again, learn to meditate and practice everyday.

This is enough to keep you busy until the time is right. The problem is, you can't force the time to be right. You just have to be ready when it comes.

4th December 2010, 11:05 AM
Man, SLV^GLD, you are beyond help.

If it makes you feel better to blame yourself for the NWO and their satanic progress, so be it.

I for one, will not place the blame anywhere near myself.

4th December 2010, 11:08 AM
Work on yourself. Make yourself as good as possible.


4th December 2010, 11:10 AM
Awoke....We didn't start the fire...


But we might finally put it out.

Joe King
4th December 2010, 11:15 AM
Man, SLV^GLD, you are beyond help.

If it makes you feel better to blame yourself for the NWO and their satanic progress, so be it.

I for one, will not place the blame anywhere near myself.


Once you see the problem, but continue to be a part of it, whatever victim status there may have been, ends.

It's like a spouse that gets beaten and won't leave.
i.e. to knowingly continue in a situation that hurts you is to accept it.

4th December 2010, 11:30 AM
Man, SLV^GLD, you are beyond help.

If it makes you feel better to blame yourself for the NWO and their satanic progress, so be it.

I for one, will not place the blame anywhere near myself.


Once you see the problem, but continue to be a part of it, whatever victim status there may have been, ends.

It's like a spouse that gets beaten and won't leave.
i.e. to knowingly continue in a situation that hurts you is to accept it.

Who says I am continuing to be a part of it?

Yeah I work 9 to 5, and yeah they extract digital fiat from my "pay cheque", but that's part of living in this current Babylonian system.

I rip videos and hand them out to strangers, I have an educational email list that I use to whistleblow, I am forever teaching people about the banksters, the elitists, the jews, the conspiracy, the facts. I have woken up more bluepillers up than I can remember. I don't look for thanks or credit, but I am sick of you armchair critics acting like I have done nothing.

I have been to NWO/SPP/NAU protests, I am on a number of videos on youtube when you see some of the videos of protesters "anti-government" marching, etc. Alot of you on this forum have already seen me probably, and you don't even know it. (if you ever watch anti-establishment videos)

I barter, I avoid taxes as much as possible, I grow my own veggies, I hunt my own meat, I angle my own fish, I teach my kids how to do all the same things, and teach them how to handle firearms, work saws, build fires, whatever.

I've done more against the NWO than I care to post on a government-monitored, ADL infested forum.

I refuse to let you assholes place the blame on a dumbed-down, flourinated, emasculated and brainwashed nation of people. They got that way because of the satanic PTB, working through incrementalism, courtesy of the lucies.

I have done more than most of you will probably ever do in your entire lives to fight the NWO, and I am just getting started.

4th December 2010, 11:45 AM
I have done more than most of you will probably ever do in your entire lives to fight the NWO, and I am just getting started.

Thank you :)

ETA; I have no doubt that some day, there will be a satanic One world Government.

But hopefully, thanks to folks like Awoke, It can be put off and fought off and not have to happen for a long time. :-\

2nd ETA.... and don't think I don't realize there could easily already be a "One World Government" :conf:

4th December 2010, 11:56 AM
There will be, Ken. The scriptures tell us so.

It's what comes after that is important.

4th December 2010, 11:57 AM
working through incrementalism

That is their main strategy, Fabian doctrine , their tactic,
they have no power, lol, they run the London School of Economics,
Frankfurt school thought, dumbing down society, I was in
high school in '80s, I saw many many changes myself,
key point in history IMO, society changed, many don't know
what hit them and many do not agree with what is happening.

Non of it would be possible without the media control.

Non of this would be possible without slowly corrupting the top.

Economically, the bubble facilitated this too, false sense of wealth.

Now they are revealing themselves and becoming more blatant.

Who asked for all this ? Nobody, people want justice.

I'm with Awoke and his take on things, but at the same time
I understand what others in general are saying, society as a
whole is going to pay, it's coming.

Awoke, you have nothing to prove to anyone.

4th December 2010, 12:17 PM
The Fabian Strategy, as Magnes alludes to, is very important to understand

The Fabian strategy is a military strategy where pitched battles and frontal assaults are avoided in favor of wearing down an opponent through a war of attrition and indirection. While avoiding decisive battles, the side employing this strategy harasses its enemy through skirmishes to cause attrition, disrupt supply and affect morale.

Ask Hannibal of Carthage how to beat it

4th December 2010, 12:26 PM
The Fabian Strategy, as Magnes alludes to, is very important to understand

The Fabian strategy is a military strategy where pitched battles and frontal assaults are avoided in favor of wearing down an opponent through a war of attrition and indirection. While avoiding decisive battles, the side employing this strategy harasses its enemy through skirmishes to cause attrition, disrupt supply and affect morale.

Ask Hannibal of Carthage how to beat it

Identical to the Prudential Assurance bombing initiative used on the Germans in WWII.

Joe King
4th December 2010, 12:27 PM
Man, SLV^GLD, you are beyond help.

If it makes you feel better to blame yourself for the NWO and their satanic progress, so be it.

I for one, will not place the blame anywhere near myself.


Once you see the problem, but continue to be a part of it, whatever victim status there may have been, ends.

It's like a spouse that gets beaten and won't leave.
i.e. to knowingly continue in a situation that hurts you is to accept it.

Who says I am continuing to be a part of it?

Yeah I work 9 to 5, and yeah they extract digital fiat from my "pay cheque", but that's part of living in this current Babylonian system.

I rip videos and hand them out to strangers, I have an educational email list that I use to whistleblow, I am forever teaching people about the banksters, the elitists, the jews, the conspiracy, the facts. I have woken up more bluepillers up than I can remember. I don't look for thanks or credit, but I am sick of you armchair critics acting like I have done nothing.

I have been to NWO/SPP/NAU protests, I am on a number of videos on youtube when you see some of the videos of protesters "anti-government" marching, etc. Alot of you on this forum have already seen me probably, and you don't even know it. (if you ever watch anti-establishment videos)

I barter, I avoid taxes as much as possible, I grow my own veggies, I hunt my own meat, I angle my own fish, I teach my kids how to do all the same things, and teach them how to handle firearms, work saws, build fires, whatever.

I've done more against the NWO than I care to post on a government-monitored, ADL infested forum.

I refuse to let you assholes place the blame on a dumbed-down, flourinated, emasculated and brainwashed nation of people. They got that way because of the satanic PTB, working through incrementalism, courtesy of the lucies.

I have done more than most of you will probably ever do in your entire lives to fight the NWO, and I am just getting started.

Sorry if you took that as an attack of some sort on you personally, because it wasn't.
More of a rhetorical statement about people who only want to take the easy path that's been provided for them, but that they know can lead to bad places.
I'm also primarily looking at it from the standpoint of the banks being the root of the problem.

Too many people realize they're being screwed over by them, but continue to suck at their malignant teat and I just don't understand why they keep going back for more to the point of choking on it......and then still asking for more.

AFAIC, that's where the "battle" needs to be waged. Learning to live without the use of private bank credit will bring it to a close faster than anything else ever could.
i.e. hack at the root.

BTW, and only since you mentioned it, you do realize that they only "extract" it because you {and most everyone else} asked them to, right?
Which in their eyes equates to your willing and voluntary participation.
...but IMHO taxes are a whole other issue.

4th December 2010, 01:42 PM
I'm also primarily looking at it from the standpoint of the banks being the root of the problem.


Yeah...let's close all their banks and operate our economy via barter.


4th December 2010, 01:55 PM
...for those of you that had pertinent & valuable information to share in this thread, i thank you...

if anyone posts anymore pert. info, could someone pm me...

seems this thread has drifted too far to correct course....


Joe King
4th December 2010, 02:38 PM
I'm also primarily looking at it from the standpoint of the banks being the root of the problem.


Yeah...let's close all their banks and operate our economy via barter.


If that's what it takes to not be screwed over, sure.

Once you realize you're being screwed, and you decide that you don't like it, you should quit being a willing participant in it.
Remember, it requires a screwee for the screwer to be able to do what they do, and after awhile they see that people apparently like it.
After all, most do seem to willingly line up for another round.


The OP asked, "now what?" Well, that's what.
i.e. quit participating in your own enslavement.

4th December 2010, 02:50 PM
"Only fear the Nicaraguan Army". That's all? That is terribly encouraging!

I had the pleasure of 10 days in jail in Managua during the Honduras/Nicaraguan war games in the mid '80s. Delightful place!

IMO the only way to visit there is in a B-52, and do not land.

Costa Rica is a great place. A friend has a shrimp farm there.


I'm busy building a Costa Rican bugout resort paradise in case anyone is interested.

You can only get there easily by ferry, so the only thing you need to fear is the Nicaraguan Army.

midnight rambler
4th December 2010, 05:56 PM
To quote an old friend of mine:

"If you aren't part of the solution, then YOU are the problem."

4th December 2010, 09:09 PM
"Only fear the Nicaraguan Army". That's all? That is terribly encouraging!

I had the pleasure of 10 days in jail in Managua during the Honduras/Nicaraguan war games in the mid '80s. Delightful place!

IMO the only way to visit there is in a B-52, and do not land.

Costa Rica is a great place. A friend has a shrimp farm there.


I'm busy building a Costa Rican bugout resort paradise in case anyone is interested.

You can only get there easily by ferry, so the only thing you need to fear is the Nicaraguan Army.

Really? surprised you got out alive...

Hey did the Niccas ever get so far south as the The Bad Lands? down around Mal Pais on this map.


Shrimp farm would be all the way over on the other East side, I guess?

5th December 2010, 10:50 AM
BTW, and only since you mentioned it, you do realize that they only "extract" it because you {and most everyone else} asked them to, right?
Which in their eyes equates to your willing and voluntary participation.
...but IMHO taxes are a whole other issue.

No. They pay by direct deposit. There are no options available. None.

Joe King
5th December 2010, 12:13 PM
BTW, and only since you mentioned it, you do realize that they only "extract" it because you {and most everyone else} asked them to, right?
Which in their eyes equates to your willing and voluntary participation.
...but IMHO taxes are a whole other issue.

No. They pay by direct deposit. There are no options available. None.
You're saying they don't have a "W-4" on file that you filled out and submitted to them?

If not, you should sue them for stealing.
If so, there's you're asking them to take it out on your behalf.

5th December 2010, 02:09 PM
....nice one guys....almost the entire third page although interesting, has NOTHING TO DO W/OP....

this must be one of them there hijackings i keep hearing so much about...

where the fuck is the TSA when you need them???

Joe King
5th December 2010, 02:24 PM
....nice one guys....almost the entire third page although interesting, has NOTHING TO DO W/OP....

this must be one of them there hijackings i keep hearing so much about...

where the f*ck is the TSA when you need them???

Didn't you ask, "now what?"

The answer is, stop helping those whose actions ultimately cause you harm.
Live without the services of those who are screwing you over.
i.e. quit borrowing "money" from financial institutions.

It's ok to have a savings acct for direct deposit, because a simple savings acct is their liability to you.
i.e. they owe you.

Simply live your life in such a way that you don't need to make them your liability.
i.e. don't owe them anything.

It removes their lifeblood.
No blood, no life.

5th December 2010, 02:40 PM
....nice one guys....almost the entire third page although interesting, has NOTHING TO DO W/OP....

this must be one of them there hijackings i keep hearing so much about...

where the f*ck is the TSA when you need them???

As I read through all of these, and thought about it . . . I started to think that either I didn't understand your OP, or that you have an answer in your mind already, and nobody has presented it yet.

"Now what?" Either join forces with some group, get infiltrated, and get arrested or worse. OR, starve the beast, continue to prepare mentally and physically, fine tune your skills and make friends within your community that may prove priceless later.

We don't need no stinkin' TSA for anything! ;)

Was there some answer that you wanted and did not get? Was there a direction you wanted this discussion to go and are disappointed that it didn't go there? If so, please fill us in.

5th December 2010, 03:27 PM
"Now what?" Either join forces with some group, get infiltrated, and get arrested or worse. OR, starve the beast, continue to prepare mentally and physically, fine tune your skills and make friends within your community that may prove priceless later.

Or start a gun running operation thru the Nicoyan peninsula. :)

How to escape the pursuit of a starving beast.

5th December 2010, 03:48 PM
i was looking for more information on what people think we should do, now that we understand the situation... IMO, knowing the problem is only half the battle.

Didn't you ask, "now what?"

The answer is, stop helping those whose actions ultimately cause you harm.
Live without the services of those who are screwing you over.
i.e. quit borrowing "money" from financial institutions.

It's ok to have a savings acct for direct deposit, because a simple savings acct is their liability to you.
i.e. they owe you.

Simply live your life in such a way that you don't need to make them your liability.
i.e. don't owe them anything.

It removes their lifeblood.
No blood, no life.

Joe King, that is the sort of input i was looking for...you and many others have posted ideas like this, ways to help free ourselves from this trap.
just for the record, i don't care about how well the nicaraguan army is equipped, or how your pay gets processed, or how long anyone spent in a managuan jail...all interesting reads but really didn't tell me anything about how to stop this menacing monster.

k-os, i'm pretty sure you understood my OP, because you were one of the posters that were on topic.
if you look back, i'm pretty sure i thanked you for your post, and if i didn't, i am now...lol

5th December 2010, 04:10 PM
Run Forest, run.

Your handle precedes you.

5th December 2010, 04:23 PM
Run Forest, run.

Your handle precedes you.

...please explain...

5th December 2010, 04:25 PM
BTW, and only since you mentioned it, you do realize that they only "extract" it because you {and most everyone else} asked them to, right?
Which in their eyes equates to your willing and voluntary participation.
...but IMHO taxes are a whole other issue.

No. They pay by direct deposit. There are no options available. None.
You're saying they don't have a "W-4" on file that you filled out and submitted to them?

If not, you should sue them for stealing.
If so, there's you're asking them to take it out on your behalf.

Oh, whatever. I filled out some forms when I started there, and they pay us the way they pay.
They are partially government owed, and there is no way to get around taxes there. I don't know if we have the same form in Canada as you do in the states, but either way, I will either work there and get taxed, or I will have to find another job.

For the wages they pay me, I'm not going anywhere.

5th December 2010, 04:47 PM
Run Forest, run.

Your handle precedes you.

...please explain...

....actually, horn, don't bother explaining...according to my count, out of 13 posts, only 2 actually had anything to say of value AFAIC...and if that's what you call input, keep it.

5th December 2010, 05:50 PM
Answer to op:

Clone Nigel Farage

5th December 2010, 05:57 PM
Your original idea to head into the woods was the best any of us could ever come up with, freespirit.

Our more creative means of tax evasion are just icing on the cake.

5th December 2010, 05:59 PM
Seriously though, what Awoke said about revolt playing into their hands, I fully agree. I posted this recently on another thread, but it seems appropriate to mention it here..

4 steps to ushering a dictatorship

1. Demoralize (think: TSA, "Food Police", QE2, police brutality, mexican border, constitutional errosion, etc)
2. Destablize
3. Revolt (bad idea, this is the springboard for 4)
4. Normalize (their normal, not yours if you get my drift)

Also, what Sparky commented about the book he was reading on the Soviet collapse.....North American complacency just might work in our favour. Half the population still has no idea anything is wrong. Maybe they went a bit too far with the bread and circus', lol.

5th December 2010, 08:33 PM
k-os, i'm pretty sure you understood my OP, because you were one of the posters that were on topic.
if you look back, i'm pretty sure i thanked you for your post, and if i didn't, i am now...lol

I figured. I just think that the answer you perhaps wanted would get the person posting it into trouble, and then you into trouble.

All we can do is prepare, and wait. |--0--|

5th December 2010, 08:41 PM
i want to hear more of what we should do about it...

Did the Internet incite Portland's Bomb Plot? (http://www.katu.com/news/local/111076579.html)

Sure you do!


5th December 2010, 09:01 PM
i want to hear more of what we should do about it...

Did the Internet incite Portland's Bomb Plot? (http://www.katu.com/news/local/111076579.html)

Sure you do!


good one, book....

are you implying anything, or am i crossing some imaginary etiquette line for inquiring from educated people such as yourself about how i may better prepare mentally, physically and spiritually for an uncertain future, and how to expose those criminally responsible without being branded a criminal, by the criminals?

i get the point of the article, and i get how people asking questions can arouse suspicions in others, but was there some other point? i feel like i'm missing something in your post.....

5th December 2010, 09:16 PM
i get the point of the article, and i get how people asking questions can arouse suspicions in others...

Nothing personal. I understand you are friends with Awoke and I respect his judgment.


5th December 2010, 09:21 PM
good one, book....

are you implying anything, or am i crossing some imaginary etiquette line for inquiring from educated people such as yourself about how i may better prepare mentally, physically and spiritually for an uncertain future, and how to expose those criminally responsible without being branded a criminal, by the criminals?

i get the point of the article, and i get how people asking questions can arouse suspicions in others, but was there some other point? i feel like i'm missing something in your post.....

You're not really one of us until you've had it out with Book at least once. ;D He takes some getting used to.

5th December 2010, 09:27 PM
He takes some getting used to.


Love you too K-os.


5th December 2010, 09:32 PM

Love you too K-os.


Where can I pick you up? ;D

5th December 2010, 09:41 PM
Where can I pick you up? ;D


Does the Mysterymobile have one of those ramp-entry thingies and a safety grab bar in the commode?


Joe King
5th December 2010, 09:58 PM
i was looking for more information on what people think we should do, now that we understand the situation... IMO, knowing the problem is only half the battle.

Didn't you ask, "now what?"

The answer is, stop helping those whose actions ultimately cause you harm.
Live without the services of those who are screwing you over.
i.e. quit borrowing "money" from financial institutions.

It's ok to have a savings acct for direct deposit, because a simple savings acct is their liability to you.
i.e. they owe you.

Simply live your life in such a way that you don't need to make them your liability.
i.e. don't owe them anything.

It removes their lifeblood.
No blood, no life.

Joe King, that is the sort of input i was looking for...you and many others have posted ideas like this, ways to help free ourselves from this trap.
just for the record, i don't care about how well the nicaraguan army is equipped, or how your pay gets processed, or how long anyone spent in a managuan jail...all interesting reads but really didn't tell me anything about how to stop this menacing monster.

k-os, i'm pretty sure you understood my OP, because you were one of the posters that were on topic.
if you look back, i'm pretty sure i thanked you for your post, and if i didn't, i am now...lol

IMHO, "you" or "I" or anyone else can't stop the monster......it's just too big.

All any of us can do is to live our lives in such a way as to make that monster as irrevelant in our lives as possible.
...and that will obviously be to varying degrees for each of us, as we've all gotten ourselves entangled with it to varying degrees.

No one's saying drop everything this instant and run off into the wilderness naked in a quest to "be free".
We didn't get to the point we're at overnight, and we're not going to get out of it overnight either, because there are no easy fixes when you're entire monetary system needs an overhaul.
As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day, and it didn't fall in one, either.

All you can do is to begin making the decisions in your life in such a way that allows you to start freeing yourself from it as much as possible.

Think baby steps. Just make sure that, over time, you keep those steps going in the same direction.