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Twisted Titan
2nd December 2010, 08:09 PM
Unemployed, and Likely to Stay That Way
Benjamin Norman for The New York Times

Tim Smyth, 51, a New York television producer, has been unable to find work since 2008, despite having two decades of experience.

Published: December 2, 2010

The longer people stay out of work, the more trouble they have finding new work.

The New Poor

Forever Jobless

Articles in this series are examining the struggle to recover from the widespread strains of the Great Recession.

"Being 60, I can tell you few people will consider me more than just a passing glance when they see the number of years I have on me vs. the number of years remaining."

That is a fact of life that much of Europe, with its underclass of permanently idle workers, knows all too well. But it is a lesson that the United States seems to be just learning.

This country has some of the highest levels of long-term unemployment — out of work longer than six months — it has ever recorded. Meanwhile, job growth has been, and looks to remain, disappointingly slow, indicating that those out of work for a while are likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. Even if the government report on Friday shows the expected improvement in hiring by business, it will not be enough to make a real dent in those totals.

So the legions of long-term unemployed will probably be idle for significantly longer than their counterparts in past recessions, reducing their chances of eventually finding a job even when the economy becomes more robust.

“I am so worried somebody will look at me and say, ‘Oh, he’s probably lost his edge,’ ” said Tim Smyth, 51, a New York television producer who has been unable to find work since 2008, despite having two decades of experience at places like Nickelodeon and the Food Network. “I mean, I know it’s not true, but I’m afraid I might say the same thing if I were interviewing someone I didn’t know very well who’s been out of work this long.”

Mr. Smyth’s anxieties are not unfounded. New data from the Labor Department, provided to The New York Times, shows that people out of work fewer than five weeks are more than three times as likely to find a job in the coming month than people who have been out of work for over a year, with a re-employment rate of 30.7 percent versus 8.7 percent, respectively.

Likewise, previous economic studies, many based on Europe’s job market struggles, have shown that people who become disconnected from the work force have more trouble getting hired, probably because of some combination of stigma, discouragement and deterioration of their skills.

This is one of the biggest challenges facing policy makers in the United States as they seek to address unemployment. Its underlying tenet — that time exacerbates the problem — means that the longer Congress squabbles about how to increase job growth, the more intractable the situation becomes. This, in turn, means Washington would need to pursue more aggressive (and, perversely, more politically difficult) job-creating policies in order to succeed. Even reaching an agreement over whether to extend benefits yet again has proved contentious.

Several factors lead to this downward spiral of the unemployed.

In some cases, the long-term unemployed were poor performers in their previous positions and among the first to be terminated when the recession began. These people are weak job candidates with less impressive résumés and references.

In other instances, those who lost jobs may have been good workers but were laid off from occupations or industries that are in permanent decline, like manufacturing.

But economists have tried to control for these selection issues, and studies comparing the fates of similar workers have also shown that the experience of unemployment itself damages job prospects.

If jobless workers had been in sales, for instance, their customers might have moved on. Or perhaps the list of contacts they could turn to for leads is obsolete. Mr. Smyth, for example, says that so many of his former co-workers have been displaced that he is no longer sure whom to call on about openings.

In particularly dynamic industries, like software engineering, unemployed workers might also miss out on new developments and fail to develop the skills required.

Still, this explanation probably applies to only a small slice of the country’s 6.2 million long-term unemployed.

“I can’t imagine very many occupations and industries are of the type that if you’re out for nine months, the world passes you by,” said Heidi Shierholz, an economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal research organization. “I think this erosion-of-skills idea is way overplayed. It’s probably much more about marketability.”

Many unemployed workers fret about how to explain the yawning gaps on their résumés. Some are calling themselves independent “consultants” or “entrepreneurs” so they can claim some sort of work experience since being laid off.

more here:

mick silver
2nd December 2010, 09:13 PM
the big city that near me today loss 4oo high paying jobs . but the gov keeps telling me every thing is better . they can no longer hide the lies

2nd December 2010, 09:49 PM
Here's an idea: for those collecting unemployment, why not work for an employer for free. It would provide good references, leave no gaps in a resume, and also provide an opportunity to get hired on where you work.

2nd December 2010, 09:56 PM
Here's an idea: for those collecting unemployment, why not work for an employer for free. It would provide good references, leave no gaps in a resume, and also provide an opportunity to get hired on where you work.

I guess you could, but then every 2 weeks when you send your paperwork in you would have to lie under penalty of perjury, cause that is a questions they ask, have you worked whether you were paid or not and did you attend any schooling or training.

I used to go on unemployment in the winter 20 years ago, when I worked seasonal.

2nd December 2010, 10:03 PM
Here's an idea: for those collecting unemployment, why not work for an employer for free. It would provide good references, leave no gaps in a resume, and also provide an opportunity to get hired on where you work.

Where are any job openings at all? None up in my neck of the woods, local stores people selling everything in post up ads. Nothing like a few years ago when people just wanted more space for new stuff, people are selling whatever they can for a buck. Stuff is cheap now. Entire household contents for a few hundred bux (Please we need it out by the weekend!).

2nd December 2010, 11:15 PM
Cebu? ........I hate to say this but this is the reason as to why I hold so much cash.....in the future I will be able to buy anything for pennies on the dollar, things that later on I'll be able to trade for something else that I might need.........

Silver Shield
3rd December 2010, 01:30 AM
Here's an idea: for those collecting unemployment, why not work for an employer for free. It would provide good references, leave no gaps in a resume, and also provide an opportunity to get hired on where you work.
Not a bad idea but it is a wicked bad job market out there and that might even be a challenge.

Road Runner
3rd December 2010, 05:14 AM
My husband and I had a chuckle thinking a "Television Producer" out of work. Hmmm. What skills that produced anything "real" could he have? There are only 3 important things: producing food, fuel or shelter as essential. Other than that most jobs are to just "Make work." Maybe he could trade in his T.V. camera for hammers, saws, tools, etc. There are always repairs to be done. All there is produced in South Dakota is food, no fuel, and very few sawmills. Unemployment is roughly 4.5%. Virtually impossible to hire any capable help. Things are very good if a person is "WILLING" to sweat! A person can only live rich once, either when they are young or old. If a 60yr. old chose to live rich when young then it is probably too bad, too sad.

3rd December 2010, 05:40 AM
It is a cut throat world we live in and survival of the fittest in the concrete jungle. Adapt and overcome are words to live by, even if that means learning a new skill or trade. There are many I know with college degrees that are not being utilized and who end up in jobs that have nothing to do with their major. Still paying off loans from a profit driven higher educational system that cares not for academic progress but measured in tuition payments. Ultimately the law of the claw will re-balance all, and financial gravity will efficiently weed out that which is necessary and that which is not.

3rd December 2010, 08:11 AM
Just as in the 80's early 90's coming off the high unemployment of that time, there are people of a certain age that will never be hired for any job ever again, and if they can't find a way to hustle a living outside of being a part of the tax paying workforce, they're gonna end up spending the rest of their lives living off the working tax payers.

What you see today is pretty much the way it's gonna be from now on. There are gonna be millions of people that will never work a tax paying job ever again. We're gonna be just like Ireland with its chronic and generational unemployed, only bigger.

I've seen this potential growing in this country from the 70's and 80's, as a consequence of Wall Street gutting our industrial base for profit.
