View Full Version : if you have kids, you better read this

3rd December 2010, 09:36 AM
right to the chase: woman has child protective services visit her because she blogs about gloom and doom, preps food, and is a survivalist type.

i didn't past the article because it's better if you read it on her site. she has embedded youtube clips of when they show up to question her about using solar panels, etc.



3rd December 2010, 09:55 AM
This is just ridiculous, I don't even know what to say.

This is why I always say don't say anything on the internet that you don't want the whole world to know, keep your mouth shut and don't be a target, fly under the radar.

Which is bullsh*t, it is supposed to be America and we are supposed to have free speech, but this is the way it is.

3rd December 2010, 09:56 AM
Not trying to highjack the thread.

Read her expose on Cliff High (http://sherriequestioningall.blogspot.com/2010/11/what-i-think-and-why-about-clif-high.html).

3rd December 2010, 10:04 AM
Jesus H. Ponce..........this is worse than in Cuba.....I'd better hide my food and my box of Twinkies.

3rd December 2010, 10:05 AM
right to the chase: woman has child protective services visit her because she blogs about gloom and doom, preps food, and is a survivalist type.

i didn't past the article because it's better if you read it on her site. she has embedded youtube clips of when they show up to question her about using solar panels, etc.



Speaking of posting on the internet, whatever happened to that guy who planned to insulate the outside of his house with bales of hay? I heard that he was eaten by rats and his home looks like the sequel to the Willard and Ben movies. :CS

3rd December 2010, 10:10 AM
right to the chase: woman has child protective services visit her because she blogs about gloom and doom, preps food, and is a survivalist type.

i didn't past the article because it's better if you read it on her site. she has embedded youtube clips of when they show up to question her about using solar panels, etc.



the raaaaaats. they are coming for your wife, mamboni ;D
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rCEuOGIqpd_2roNQz8SBFRjSrVvaW nLE5n2GfzvCw6ZMYdIpJQ

Speaking of posting on the internet, whatever happened to that guy who planned to insulate the outside of his house with bales of hay? I heard that he was eaten by rats and his home looks like the sequel to the Willard and Ben movies. :CS

Silver Shield
3rd December 2010, 10:42 AM
Just like the the guy that had his kid taken away from the hospital because he was apart of the Oath Keepers...

I bet there is more to this story...

Silver Rocket Bitches!
3rd December 2010, 11:04 AM
There are legitimately bad parents out there they need to be spending time interviewing. This is a travesty.

3rd December 2010, 11:06 AM
right to the chase: woman has child protective services visit her because she blogs about gloom and doom, preps food, and is a survivalist type.

i didn't past the article because it's better if you read it on her site. she has embedded youtube clips of when they show up to question her about using solar panels, etc.



the raaaaaats. they are coming for your wife, mamboni ;D
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4rCEuOGIqpd_2roNQz8SBFRjSrVvaW nLE5n2GfzvCw6ZMYdIpJQ

Speaking of posting on the internet, whatever happened to that guy who planned to insulate the outside of his house with bales of hay? I heard that he was eaten by rats and his home looks like the sequel to the Willard and Ben movies. :CS


3rd December 2010, 11:18 AM
Just like the the guy that had his kid taken away from the hospital because he was apart of the Oath Keepers...

I bet there is more to this story...

Perhaps, but the government returned the baby with a gag order saying 'sorry we made a mistake'. Its seems justice may prevail after your story goes national and the government foster parents may have raped your baby.

3rd December 2010, 11:20 AM
Not trying to highjack the thread.

Read her expose on Cliff High (http://sherriequestioningall.blogspot.com/2010/11/what-i-think-and-why-about-clif-high.html).

Thanks for this post osoab, I started a thread on this post. It deserved its own thread.

3rd December 2010, 11:23 AM
This is the single most horrible way to threaten someone who wishes to be self-sustaining, or who is voicing their opinion on governmental/political/financial topics. We're seeing a lot of people who are more or less off the grid being threatened or sucked into the system. But using a threat from Child Protective Services is the lowest of the low.

Yes, there may be more to the story, and I didn't read her entire blog (just this story). But even if her blog is anti gov, about foreclosure fraud, guns . . . anything . . . I just can't see any of that warranting a visit from Child Protective Services. I don't even have children, but I imagine that would be so freakin' traumatic!

Seriously, WTF about the questions about solar, remodeling, camping? WTF? WTF? WTF?

This makes me sick.

3rd December 2010, 11:49 AM
Yeah, and if you don't willing go to a FEMA camp in the future, CPS will be there ready to destroy your family unit..because it's "best for the child".

Disturbing read. Most folks don't realize how much power CPS has to disrupt a family, they can, a do, take children away from their parents unjustly. The media won't tell those stories though...good for this woman to put out the truth.

Also, pray you never deal with CPS..but if you do, EVERYTHING you say can and will be used against you. You are guilty first with them, you have to prove your innocence.

Joe King
3rd December 2010, 12:31 PM
IMO, after reading her blog, if one has children, the most important thing is to make sure they know is this.

....a child has a RIGHT to have their own advocate and witness in the room with them when being interviewed by any government agency! I have let my child Know the rights now and have said "if they ever come back, you can Insist on having someone else in the room with you, Including your parents"!

Teach your children exactly what the Right to remain silent actually means.
i.e. that they actually remain silent in such a situation.

3rd December 2010, 01:23 PM
There are legitimately bad parents out there they need to be spending time interviewing. This is a travesty.

What do you think a CPS agent does when he/she is too lazy or scared to find the legitimately bad parents out there? I know: they paint an easy target with a bad brush, go after them because it's easier, and thus justify their jobs to their evil government bosses.

3rd December 2010, 01:46 PM
Solid: "Yeah, and if you don't willing go to a FEMA camp in the future, CPS will be there ready to destroy your family unit..because it's "best for the child"."

And that's exactly what's on the menu....because it's all for the chillren. I guess they think you'll infect your kids with all this conspiracy nonsense, the Fed is evil, being self sufficient is wrong because you're not thinking of the collective. Like most things this is about more and more and still more control.

Twisted Titan
3rd December 2010, 01:52 PM
What do you think a CPS agent does when he/she is too lazy or scared to find the legitimately bad parents out there? I know: they paint an easy target with a bad brush, go after them because it's easier, and thus justify their jobs to their evil government bosses.

Sounds like someone very familiar ...... I just cant remeber exactly

3rd December 2010, 02:45 PM
I read this just the other day. My take is it's about intimidation pretty much exactly like the mafia goes after your family except in this case they go straight for the children rather than the wife or girlfriend.

4th December 2010, 06:47 AM
The communists are coming for your kids, to indoctrinate them,
to indoctrinate you, to make an example out of you, these are
not one off mistakes. They really are communist making the rules
at the top, and they do have a history of going after kids and families.
Who are the communists, I can point to a lot of related history here,
some may say it is a stretch, but it is not, they have a history of
doing this over and over. Same people.

4th December 2010, 06:59 AM
This happening to the lady that runs the blog ?

WRH has been linking to her blog and put her on the map.

WRH has put lots of good ones on the map.

WashingtonBlog full of great links in articles. Connecting the dots, etc

Even ZeroHedge was put on the map by WRH.

Seems she was put on the map and targeted for that.

The gov does pay people to read and monitor. Even here.

Stay anonymous.

Look at the media and Tea Party movement, the grassroots,
the media painted everyone to be an extremist racist, same
with the Ron Paul movement, they know they are almost all
9/11 truthers and can see what is happening.

Who is making all the lists ?

Again, they have a history of doing this.

Commie Jews in charge, " communism is judaism " .
They do go after kids and families.

The Ottomans did this too, who ran the Ottomans ?
Who was kidnapping kids ? Turning them against family ?
They were tax collectors and administrators, collecting the
kid tax too, creating drone armies of brainwashed kids to
kill their own people.

Jews. Jews ran the USSR, Jews created communism.
Jews ran every communist country. Targeting families and kids was job 1 .

The Rockefellers are said to be Ottoman Jews that made their
way to France then the USA just over 100 years ago as agents for
the Rothchilds. Out of nowhere they built Standard Oil.
The source is a rare Jewish book.

These doctrines come from secret books recording their history.

They have done this too many times and have experience.

You are all their enemies just for preparing for their engineered destruction.

Stay anonymous. Teach your children not to talk and watch what you say
to the young ones.

There is a lot on here to support their control and plans,
for one, the Tavistock Institute, they do have power,
that is only one. Look at the sick perverts Obama put
in his admin, they ain't even hiding it now. So much
related stuff we have put up fits what I am talking about.

The commies had kids like this send their parents for indoctrination and death.


4th December 2010, 07:28 AM


Impossible to honestly believe that "our" kids belong to us anymore. Who parks them in front of that teevee or puts them on that school bus?


4th December 2010, 02:27 PM
This happening to the lady that runs the blog ?

WRH has been linking to her blog and put her on the map.

Ooohhhh, I was wondering why they were targeting her! I didn't know WRH linked to her that much (because I haven't gone on there for a while).

It's a bummer, but this is why I try to be vague about personal information on the Internet and don't post pictures of myself (not to mention, it discourages stalkers!).

4th December 2010, 04:28 PM
Good to know info:

The 4 basic steps to ushering in a social dictatorship:

1. Demoralize (the op is a good example of how to do that

2. Destablize

3. Insurgency (this is what they want you to do,...violent revolt plays right into their hands)

4. Normalize (btw, this is their normal, not yours, if you know what I mean.)

As I noted in step 3, that is exactly what they want, so before getting all fired up about a revolution, give this some thought. The best message we could send to tptb would be a multi-million man 'laugh-in' in Washington, as in 'laugh right in their faces'.