View Full Version : Helen Thomas - 'Zionists control US foreign policy'

3rd December 2010, 06:32 PM
Friday Dec 03, 201006:19 PM GMT

'Zionists control US foreign policy' (http://www.presstv.ir/detail/153755.html)

Renowned American author and veteran journalist Helen Thomas says the "Zionists" are in full control of the US foreign policy and its other institutions.

Thomas, a former White House journalist, said Israel can never be criticized in the US because Zionists are in control of the American foreign policy as well as its main institutions.

"I can call a president of the US anything in the book, but I can't touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank," Thomas said.

The 90-year-old national columnist says the White House, Congress, Wall Street and Hollywood are all owned by the Zionists.

"Congress, the White House, Hollywood, and Wall Street are owned by the Zionists. No question, in my opinion," she said.

Thomas also said that she stands by the comments she made about Israel earlier this year, which was condemned by the local Jewish community.

Thomas had said that Israelis should get out of Palestine and return to their homes in Europe and the US.

In an interview, Thomas said that criticizing Israel was the reason she was forced to resign from Hearst Newspapers and was ostracized in Washington.

The longtime White House correspondent, who grew up in Detroit as the daughter of Lebanese immigrants, was in Dearborn for a workshop on anti-Arab bias.

Jewish groups have called Thomas' earlier remarks unfair and bigoted. They have also slammed Thursday's remarks.


I guess she won't be getting that seat back at the briefing room anytime soon.

3rd December 2010, 06:38 PM
A little bit more of the interview from a different site.

Helen Thomas says Zionists control U.S. foreign policy

DETROIT | Helen Thomas said Thursday that she stands by her comments about Israel she made earlier this year that led to her resignation as a national columnist.

And she went further, saying that Zionists control U.S. foreign policy and other institutions. The local Jewish community condemned her remarks.

In an interview, Thomas, 90, said that criticizing Israel led to her resignation and ostracism in Washington.

“I can call a president of the United States anything in the book, but I can’t touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank,” Thomas said. “No American would tolerate that — white-only roads.”

Thomas, a longtime White House correspondent who grew up in Detroit as the daughter of Lebanese immigrants, was in Dearborn for a workshop on anti-Arab bias.

In a speech inside a center in Dearborn, she talked about “the whole question of money involved in politics.”

“Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned by the Zionists. No question, in my opinion,” she said. “They put their money where their mouth is. We’re being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.”

Jewish groups have called Thomas’ earlier remarks unfair and bigoted. They slammed Thursday’s remarks as well.

“Ms. Thomas repeated the anti-Semitic stereotypes that have been used for more than a century to incite hatred of Jews. Her comments should be condemned by all people who oppose bigotry,” said Robert Cohen, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Metropolitan Detroit.

Asked by the Free Press how she would respond to those who say she’s anti-Semitic, Thomas said: “I’d say I’m a Semite. What are you talking about?”

In the interview, she said the Iraq war was “built on lies. No weapons of mass destruction. No ties to al-Qaida. What is this? Why are we killing those people? And why are we there?”

Thomas resigned from Hearst Newspapers in June after telling a rabbi on camera that Israelis should “get the hell out of Palestine“ and “go home” to “Poland, Germany and America and everywhere else.”

Distributed by McClatchy- Tribune Information Services
Posted on Thu, Dec. 02, 2010 10:58 PM

3rd December 2010, 06:42 PM
The fact that this article does not appear in any American news media proves her point.


3rd December 2010, 06:42 PM
Wayne State pulls diversity award named after Helen Thomas (http://www.freep.com/article/20101203/NEWS/101203051/1319/Wayne-State-pulls-diversity-award-named-after-Helen-Thomas-)

Wayne State University is yanking the Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity Award, citing remarks she made during a conference Thursday.

In a brief statement emailed to reporters this afternoon, the university says “As a public university, Wayne State encourages free speech and open dialogue, and respects diverse viewpoints. However, the university strongly condemns the anti-Semitic remarks made by Helen Thomas …”

On Thursday Thomas said she stands by controversial comments about Israel that led to her resignation as a White House correspondent earlier this year.

She also sparked additional controversy with new comments: "Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned by the Zionists. No question, in my opinion," she said. "They put their money where their mouth is. ... We're being pushed into a wrong direction in every way."

The WSU statement came hours after the Anti-Defamation League called on journalism schools and professional organizations that have recognized Thomas, saying in a press release that she “clearly, unequivocally revealed herself as a vulgar anti-Semite.”

“Her suggestion that Zionists control government, finance and Hollywood is nothing less than classic, garden-variety anti-Semitism,” Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the ADL, said in the release.

“This is a sad final chapter to an otherwise illustrious career. Unlike her previous, spontaneous remarks into a camera, these words were carefully thought out and conscious. It shows a prejudice that is deep-seated and obsessive.”

Robert Cohen, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Metropolitan Detroit, said Wayne State made the right decision.

“I think it was just very ironic that she made these comments at an event, the purpose of which was to address stereotyping, negative stereotyping, of members of the Arab community. And it was very disappointing to know that she received a standing ovation from that audience.”

Cohen said he hopes this is the last he hears from Thomas on this issue.

“She keeps on saying more and more things that are offensive, not only to the Jewish community, but anyone who is committed to good relations between various religious and ethnic communities.”

3rd December 2010, 06:43 PM
The fact that this article does not appear in any American news media proves her point.


It actually started with the Detroit Free Press. The 2nd article is the kansas city star.
But since she is being bashed it is ok.

Still Barbaro
3rd December 2010, 09:16 PM
Good for Helen Thomas for speaking the truth.

More people are coming out, but it's still usually older people who've already finished their careers, because if you criticize the Zionists you can have your career ruined.

3rd December 2010, 10:23 PM
I was listening to Sean Hannity the other day,(I know, but there was nothing else on), and he was making fun of Helen Thomas for this. Otherwise, I haven't heard a thing about it.

4th December 2010, 11:47 AM
“Her suggestion that Zionists control government, finance and Hollywood is nothing less than classic, garden-variety anti-Semitism,” Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the ADL, said in the release.

and the Internet. and the AMA. and the Pentagon.

4th December 2010, 11:58 AM
* Waiting for the shills to tell us that zionism isn't real *

4th December 2010, 12:47 PM
* Waiting for the shills to tell us that zionism isn't real *

OK, though i'm not a shill and i know that Zionism is very real, i'll take the bait.

Zionism isn't real, it's a fiction. The Arabs control Hollywood.

they sure do bring an interesting collection of characters to speak out for Israel, in the media. i remember one news piece where they had a Jewish guy among others and the subject was 9-11 and "did Israel do it". the Jewish guy said, "you're looking at a very angry face right now". of course, he said it in a slick Hollywood kind of way.

but i don't think he's a G-S.us member. :o

Twisted Titan
5th December 2010, 05:40 AM
“I can call a president of the United States anything in the book, but I can’t touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank,” Thomas said. “No American would tolerate that — white-only roads.”

Some one needs to do a piece on this.

5th December 2010, 07:22 AM
“I can call a president of the United States anything in the book, but I can’t touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank,” Thomas said. “No American would tolerate that — white-only roads.”

Some one needs to do a piece on this.

Most Amerikans would probably support government only roads.

5th December 2010, 07:59 AM
“I can call a president of the United States anything in the book, but I can’t touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank,” Thomas said. “No American would tolerate that — white-only roads.”

Some one needs to do a piece on this.

Washington Post Also Corrects "Jewish-Only Roads" Falsehood (http://www.camera.org/index.asp?x_context=2&x_outlet=38&x_article=1791)

January 28, 2010

Washington Post Also Corrects "Jewish-Only Roads" Falsehood

After the Boston Globe and Associated Press published corrections noting that there are no "Jewish-only roads" in Israel or the West Bank, the Washington Post cleared the record with its own detailed correction:

Error (Washington Post, AP, 12/30/09): Israel's Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered the military to allow Palestinians to travel on the part of a major highway that runs through the West Bank, handing Palestinians their biggest victory yet against Israel's practice of reserving some roads for Jews.

Correction (1/28/10): A Dec. 30 A-section item from the Associated Press, about an Israeli Supreme Court ruling giving Palestinians access to a section of West Bank highway previously closed to them, incorrectly said that Israel reserves some roads for Jews. The country closes some roads to virtually all Palestinians, but they are open to all Israeli citizens and to other nationals, regardless of religious background.

The "Jewish-only roads" canard has long been trupeted by ideologues — Jewish and otherwise — seeking to spread misinformation about Israel. But responsible media outlets, which strive to adhere to journalistic guidelines calling for accuracy, have largely managed to avoid echoing the false claim. It is to their credit that when the erroneous information was corrected after being published. (By contrast, Israel's Ha'aretz has opted not to adhere to journalistic norms, having consistantly refused to correct stories by journalist Amira Hass that spread the falsehood.)

That's an interesting site. They have stuff taking on Anti-Zionists. I couldn't find much about how the CAMERA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Committee_for_Accuracy_in_Middle_East_Reporting_in _America)organization is set up.

5th December 2010, 08:10 AM
* Waiting for the shills to tell us that zionism isn't real *

I'm waiting for the new name posters to show up, some names are tainted.

5th December 2010, 08:31 AM

Not up to date though. I know Summers is gone. I didn't know he is a jew too.


WITH ACCOUNTABILITY TO NO ONE BUT OBAMA, our new puppet president has embarked upon a wholesale power grab in his appointments of over 16 White House ‘czars.’ In a recent CBS News Interview, Senator Robert Byrd, who has the constitutional authority as President Pro Tempore of the US Senate, expressed his and many Americans’ concerns with the unconstitutional ‘czardom’ in Obama’s White House:

“Obama’s czars are a slick way of governing without having to answer to Congress. The rapid and easy accumulation of power by White House czars threatens the constitutional system of checks and balances.

Oversight of federal agencies is the responsibility of officials approved by the Senate, not appointees of the White House who operate with complete autonomy. These czars are accountable to no one but Obama. They have far reaching powers and Congress cannot stop a single decision they make.” View Entire Story Here & Here.

Senator Byrd is absolutely correct. Obama has taken the appointments of ‘czars’ to an unprecedented level wherein he is liable for acting against the US Constitution. The Constitution (Article II) commands that government officers with significant authority (called “principal officers”) are nominated by the president but are subject to the “advice and consent” of the US Senate.

Thus, any person, for example, whose pay is deemed excessive by the Zionist Jew, Feinberg, or affected by any other Zionist ‘czar,’ could file a federal suit asserting that the order is an unconstitutional exercise of government power, and have the court both invalidate the order and hold that the position itself doesn’t legally exist. Then we all could just ignore these ‘czars’ - because they would simply be private citizens, without the authority to order any of us to even tie our shoes. View Entire Story Here, Here, & Here.

HERE IS A LIST of Obama’s leading ‘czars,’ (all Zionist Jews save one), and their Zionist agenda to install a Zionist inspired socialist system in America’s government:

Economic Czar - Larry Summers. Director of Obama’s National Economic Council. A Zionist Jew, Summers served as President of Harvard University from 2001 to 2006.

In a recent article: Is Larry Summers Taking Kickbacks From The Banks He’s Bailing Out?, Summers is exposed as acting in his own interests and not America’s in his role as Obama’s economic ‘czar.’ On June 12, 2009, Summers addressed the Zionist-led Council on Foreign Relations, defending his policies against the accusation of “backdoor socialism.”

Regulatory Czar - Cass Sunstein. Director of Obama’s Office of Regulatory Affairs. A Zionist Jew, Sunstein joined the faculty of the Zionist-run Harvard Law School and began serving as the director of its Program on Risk Regulation.

A leading architect of the Cyber Security Act of 2009, now before Congress, Sunstein stated that the Internet is a “threat to democracy.” Indeed, our last bastion of freedom, the Internet, may soon be under the dictatorial control of this Zionist Jew, Sunstein.

Pay Czar - Kenneth Feinberg. Appointed by Obama to “regulate the pay for over 175 US corporate executives.” Feinberg, a Zionist Jew and Washington lawyer, worked for President Bush to prevent lawsuits against the US by the families of victims of the alleged 9-11 terrorist attacks, thus assisting in the Zionist cover-up of 9-11’s “inside job.”

Guantanamo/Military Jails Czar - Daniel Fried. Appointed by Obama to plead “individual war on terror detainee cases” while ostensibly working to close Guantanamo Bay’s US torture & detention camp.

A Zionist Jew and Clinton retread, Fried is currently the State Department’s Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasian Affairs, responsible for the division that handles NATO enlargement and coordination with the European Union on the war on terror.

Acting on behalf of the US State Department, this Zionist Jew, Fried, opposed Congress’ Armenian Genocide Resolution. Fried stated that recognizing the 1915 Armenian genocide by Muslim Turks, (plotted by Zionist Jews), would “damage US interests.”

As Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs during the Clinton administration, this Zionist Jew, Fried, supported the bombing of Christian Serbs during the Kosovo crisis in 1999.

Car Czar - Steven Rattner. Director of Obama’s Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry. Rattner is a Zionist Jew and former executive with three Jewish banks: Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, and Lazard Freres.

Rattner, who reported his overall networth of between $188 million and $608 million, enjoys a close friendship with both New York Times owner, Arthur Sulzberger, and NYC Mayor and financial magnate, Michael Bloomberg.

How then could Rattner ever act on behalf of America’s interests and the common Gentile laborer with his intimate Zionist-Jewish ties? How then could Rattner, with his millions of Zionist-earned dollars, ever relate to the Gentile common laborer who has lost his UAW health-care benefits?

Border Czar - Alan Bersin. Director of Obama’s Special Representative For Border Affairs. Raised as a Talmudic Jew, Bersin’s appointment brings yet another Jew to America’s Department of Homeland Security, of which, Bersin is now a Zionist insider by serving as Assistant Secretary for International Affairs.

Climate Czar - Todd Stern. Named by Obama as Envoy for Climate Change. Stern is a Zionist Jew and longtime friend and advisor to both Hillary and former President Bill Clinton. Stern, a Clinton retread, served as his staff secretary.

Currently, Stern is a senior fellow at the Zionist “think tank,” Center for American Progress, funded & staffed by Zionist Jews. Stern promotes the Center’s Zionist ideology of perpetual war for perpetual peace in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Middle East, all in the name of “US security.”

Global Warming Czar - Carol Browner. Appointed by Obama as Energy Coordinator. Browner, yet another Clinton retread as administrator of the EPA, was listed until recently as one of 14 leaders of a socialist group, Socialist International, that advocates “global governance.”

The Washington Times reported that Browner’s name was listed on the member’s Web page for Socialist International. But Browner, not wishing to prompt objections to her White House appointment due to her socialist ideology, asked the organization to remove her name and biography from their site. See More Obama ‘Czars” Here & Here.

THUS, WE HAVE NON-ELECTED ‘CZARS’ – Zionist Jews in the leading positions – who operate with impunity – who are backed by Obama – and who are given the tools and resources to implement their pernicious, Anti-American, Zionist agenda …

================================================== =============================

a little older (2007) but seems to have gotten worse, not better...


There is clearly a deep entrenchment in the US govt.

5th December 2010, 10:47 AM
I posted a small amount on some of the jews that Obama has on his team at these links:



Specifically Cass Sunstein and Chai Feldblum

And the queers that are overseeing our education systems, etc.

5th December 2010, 12:25 PM
Friday Dec 03, 201006:19 PM GMT

'Zionists control US foreign policy' (http://www.presstv.ir/detail/153755.html)

Renowned American author and veteran journalist Helen Thomas says the "Zionists" are in full control of the US foreign policy and its other institutions.

Thomas, a former White House journalist, said Israel can never be criticized in the US because Zionists are in control of the American foreign policy as well as its main institutions.

"I can call a president of the US anything in the book, but I can't touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank," Thomas said.

The 90-year-old national columnist says the White House, Congress, Wall Street and Hollywood are all owned by the Zionists.

"Congress, the White House, Hollywood, and Wall Street are owned by the Zionists. No question, in my opinion," she said.

Thomas also said that she stands by the comments she made about Israel earlier this year, which was condemned by the local Jewish community.

Thomas had said that Israelis should get out of Palestine and return to their homes in Europe and the US.

In an interview, Thomas said that criticizing Israel was the reason she was forced to resign from Hearst Newspapers and was ostracized in Washington.

The longtime White House correspondent, who grew up in Detroit as the daughter of Lebanese immigrants, was in Dearborn for a workshop on anti-Arab bias.

Jewish groups have called Thomas' earlier remarks unfair and bigoted. They have also slammed Thursday's remarks.


I guess she won't be getting that seat back at the briefing room anytime soon.

I guess Helen Thomas just doesn't realize who she's talking to :sarc:

Below is a quote from the book the Talmud Unmasked by I.B.Pranitis

A Jew, by the fact that he belongs to the chosen people and is circumcized, possesses so great a dignity that no one, not even an angel, can share equality with him.(1) In fact, he is considered almost the equal of God. "He who strikes an Israelite" says Rabbi Chanina "acts as if he slaps the face of God's Divine Majesty."(2) A Jew is always considered good, in spite of certain sins which he may commit; nor can his sins contaminate him, any more
than dirt contaminates the kernel in a nut, but only soils its shell.(3) A Jew alone is looked upon as a man; the whole world is his and all things should serve him, especially "animals which have the form of men."(4)

(1) cf. Chullin, 91b
(2) cf. Sanhedrin, 58b
(3) cf. Chagigah, 15b

Twisted Titan
5th December 2010, 02:00 PM
A million people will look at the list of those Czar's and nothing "odd" will stand out about it.

It pains me that the sheep always fails to connect the dots.


gunny highway
5th December 2010, 04:01 PM
A million people will look at the list of those Czar's and nothing "odd" will stand out about it.

It pains me that the sheep always fails to connect the dots.


the only thing odd that will stand out to the sheep is the fact that some "antisemite" pointed out that they were a bunch of jews/kahzars. that's as far as it will go in their mind. "oh my goodness, you are a bigotted antisemite so anything you have to say is void. i can ignore it because i have the moral high ground. Remember the holocaust?!!!" end of story. end of conversation. welcome the the United States of FEMA motherfuckers!