View Full Version : The Jews Control Money, US Government, and the World

General of Darkness
5th December 2010, 07:33 AM
Ton's of great info, but I suppose most members know this, but it makes a good article to share. ;D

The Jews Control Money, US Government, and the World
Posted on June 8, 2010 by A Nizami
Why the US Government keep supporting Israel though Israel kill Palestinian women and children?

Why the US Government keep supporting Israel though Israel kill Rachel Corrie, a 23 year old American woman in Gaza?

Why when an American citizen, 19 year old Furkan Dogan killed by multiple gunshots by Israel soldiers in Mavi Marmara, the US vice president, Joe Bidden only say “So what’s the big deal here?”

Supposed the killer is Iranian, Iraqi, or Afghan, I believe the US government will send troops immediately…

The answer is that the Jews controlling US money through the Fed and controlling the world via IMF and World Bank.

Well, before you accuse me as a paranoid or a conspiracy nut, just take a look at www.aipac.org. AIPAC stands for The American Israel Public Affairs Committee. America’s Pro Israel Lobby. The Israel/Jewish lobby is do exist in US. Their task is to support Israel/Jews at any cost including twisting the facts or editing the video like Jewish Movie Maker Stephen Spielberg does so Israel who slaughter Palestinian people (including women and children) look like hero while the victims look like terrorists.

Former Malaysian PM, Dr. Mahathir Mohammad acknowledged about Jews control while Nobel Prize winner, Joseph Stiglitz acknowledged that IMF and World Bank are making the people poorer.

The Federal Reserve Bank is owned by the Jewish family: the Rothschild and the Rockefeller. With the Fed, the Jews could print US dollar as much as they want. They could buy any companies so the media and movie companies owned by the Jews. They also could finance the American would be president’s campaign so whoever elected as US president will become a Jews’ servant. Not serving US people. That is why many US citizen become unemployment, while US government keep sending billions of dollars to build Israel army.

Look the video below:

Who elect the Federal Reserve Bank leader? Not US people and not also the US president. It is owned by the Jews. Bernanke the current leader of the Fed and also Alan Greenspan the former leader of the Fed are Jews!

The Rest and a must read.


Silver Shield
5th December 2010, 07:44 AM
You can attack ideas and the individuals that support those ideas.

As soon as you attack groups, the argument is lost from the beginning.

5th December 2010, 08:59 AM
You can attack ideas and the individuals that support those ideas.

As soon as you attack groups, the argument is lost from the beginning.

You're entitled to your opinion, but mankind is not simply a sea of individuals. People are both individuals and members of groups and the degree to which they belong to groups varies from one individual to another as well as one group to another. Khazars are not only the extreme example of group cohesiveness but also are quite competent at using this cohesion to their advantage at our peril. Granted, there are exceptions to the rule, but this is the rule. No one here is blaming "ALL Jews".

5th December 2010, 09:28 AM
You can attack ideas and the individuals that support those ideas.

As soon as you attack groups, the argument is lost from the beginning.

When a Nation goes to war does it fight every enemy individually, ignoring their uniforms? Does it wait for each individual uniformed enemy to strike it before it strikes back, trying hard to ignore the pattern of their garb? What would be the fate of a Nation that adopts this policy?

5th December 2010, 09:34 AM
You can attack ideas and the individuals that support those ideas. As soon as you attack groups, the argument is lost from the beginning.


It's called Teamwork (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Jewish_organizations).


5th December 2010, 09:58 AM
Only one who doesn't read the news and sufaces the internet does not know this about the "Jews".......up till now The Vatican is the richest group in the world.....but only for as long as their treasures stay in The Vatican.

First post of the day........good morning to one and all.......and with a special embrace to five of you, you know who you are.