View Full Version : Biggest hand gun in the world...."Go ahead, make my year".

6th December 2010, 09:55 AM

6th December 2010, 10:04 AM
I think this gun is more of a show piece. After watching the video, I don't see how anyone could shoot it. I'd never attempt to, that's for sure.

6th December 2010, 10:54 AM
I would definitely like to try shooting that. That silly target version is the one I would steer clear of.

6th December 2010, 10:59 AM

6th December 2010, 11:09 AM
great gun... just like a big clumsy giant

6th December 2010, 11:27 AM
That is the "John Holmes" of guns :ROFL:

6th December 2010, 11:41 AM
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQh83H1MPtlAd7xH_LTvWHyuObYZHmKJ 09hax0CSqtCq8Gpgh6yK1odXGwY

Had one of these bad boys in the early 80's 7-08 cal.

In the o/p there is a thing as carrying a good thing too far! :ROFL:

6th December 2010, 12:55 PM
You know, looking at the frame on that thing, it looks pretty undersized to support the kind of recoil power that would be built up in that thing. I don't think there is enough frame there to handle the stress.

I can forsee the chamber cracking and breaking off from the handle with repeated use.

But I'm no metallurgist....

Uncle Salty
6th December 2010, 02:22 PM
The thought of shooting that hurts my hands.

I shot the S&W .50 and it sucked. No fun at all. Just hurt my hand.

But it's fun to see guns!

6th December 2010, 02:46 PM




6th December 2010, 06:11 PM
Many moons ago, my grandfather made some drawings for a revolver that would shoot the 45-70 gov't bullet. He sent the blueprints off to a gunsmith he knew in Colorado. The gunsmith sent him the gun a few months later. My grandfather called him and said, "where are my blueprints?" He never did get them back. A few years later, there was a company in Minnesota selling his revolver. Looking at the pictures of this revolver, it looks quite similar to the one my grandfather made. I would love to see one in person to compare.

6th December 2010, 06:18 PM
Many moons ago, my grandfather made some drawings for a revolver that would shoot the 45-70 gov't bullet. He sent the blueprints off to a gunsmith he knew in Colorado. The gunsmith sent him the gun a few months later. My grandfather called him and said, "where are my blueprints?" He never did get them back. A few years later, there was a company in Minnesota selling his revolver. Looking at the pictures of this revolver, it looks quite similar to the one my grandfather made. I would love to see one in person to compare.

I hate it when that happens...

6th December 2010, 06:19 PM





6th December 2010, 06:20 PM
I would only look down the sites on that thing briefly.

One of those "if I'm in the general vicinity guns"

6th December 2010, 07:11 PM
Many moons ago, my grandfather made some drawings for a revolver that would shoot the 45-70 gov't bullet. He sent the blueprints off to a gunsmith he knew in Colorado. The gunsmith sent him the gun a few months later. My grandfather called him and said, "where are my blueprints?" He never did get them back. A few years later, there was a company in Minnesota selling his revolver. Looking at the pictures of this revolver, it looks quite similar to the one my grandfather made. I would love to see one in person to compare.

I hate it when that happens...
Not sure what to make of your comment. Please don't think I decided to one day make up some BS story for strangers on the internet. I'm talking about things that went down in the early 1970's, a few years before I was born. All of these big revolvers look the same because they have to. A few subtle features got me thinking of my grandfather's gun, I'm not saying they stole anyone's design or anything.

7th December 2010, 10:47 AM
Many moons ago, my grandfather made some drawings for a revolver that would shoot the 45-70 gov't bullet. He sent the blueprints off to a gunsmith he knew in Colorado. The gunsmith sent him the gun a few months later. My grandfather called him and said, "where are my blueprints?" He never did get them back. A few years later, there was a company in Minnesota selling his revolver. Looking at the pictures of this revolver, it looks quite similar to the one my grandfather made. I would love to see one in person to compare.

I hate it when that happens...
Not sure what to make of your comment. Please don't think I decided to one day make up some BS story for strangers on the internet. I'm talking about things that went down in the early 1970's, a few years before I was born. All of these big revolvers look the same because they have to. A few subtle features got me thinking of my grandfather's gun, I'm not saying they stole anyone's design or anything.

Yes, yes... of course... :oo-->

7th December 2010, 10:53 AM
Yes, yes... of course... :oo-->

You would be amazed at the set of plans I have on my hard drive.

Ya see, I harbor no indignation towards others stealing my ideas.

I set the trends wherever I travel.