View Full Version : Walmart joins DHS Expansion of "If You See Something, Say Something" Campaign

6th December 2010, 10:37 AM

6th December 2010, 10:42 AM

now the intellectual giants "people of walmart" will be informing on us.

great value carrots.

6th December 2010, 10:50 AM
I'd like to see the video they want you to see at the checkout stand and wonder if there's any mention of rewards being paid for good info and arrests? If that's not already the case, how long before we see shoppers turning people in for buying too many beans and bullets?

6th December 2010, 10:56 AM
Big Brother is watching EVERYWHERE! Is 1984 these people's playbook?!?

6th December 2010, 11:00 AM
threats to law enforcement authorities.

Not "threats to law and order."

Not "threats to the nation."

Not "threats to you and your neighbors."

They show whom they are really out to protect.

6th December 2010, 11:01 AM
Don't be surprised if they expand this garbage to public schools, universities, libraries, parks, etc.

6th December 2010, 11:01 AM
DHS does pretty much everything a national terrorist organization would do...

6th December 2010, 11:07 AM
I think I'm ready for my one way trip to the red planet now

6th December 2010, 11:08 AM
Think it will be limited to only Walmart stores ? :oo-->

Expect this message to be eventually everywhere, just like big brother's broadcast in "1984"...

Train stations, bus stations,hotels, malls, restaurants, supermarket...

Expect this message to show up regularly in local tv, newspapers, gas stations and anywhere the public has to see it.

6th December 2010, 11:18 AM
I actually hate to post this link but these are the kinda folks dhs are targeting, interesting to say the least.


6th December 2010, 11:20 AM
Big Brother is watching EVERYWHERE! Is 1984 these people's playbook?!?

Some of the similarities to 1984, like this one, are uncanny.

6th December 2010, 11:25 AM
I see plenty of crap, like some terrorists loaning out 9 trillion, terrorists allowing 911 to happen, terrorists saying iraq did 911 and had wmd, terrorists that have killed more americans through lies than al-qaeda ever supposedly did on 911, terrorists that are selling us out to the chinese (wmt, I'm looking at you!), but dhs won't do anything about it.

6th December 2010, 12:36 PM
Everything we've been hearing about the past several years is coming true. All of it. Right before our eyes. It's happening quickly now too.

6th December 2010, 12:40 PM
does this mean we can use Walmart to report Obama to DHS for Terrorist Activities ?

if a US citizen reports Obama & Netanyahu to DHS for terrorist activities - does that US citizen get their name on a "trouble-makers list" ?

6th December 2010, 02:55 PM
Don't be surprised if they expand this garbage to public schools...


Who has guns in their home? Canned food in their basement? Gold or silver coins? Parents talk shit about our government?


6th December 2010, 03:13 PM
Once again amigos.........while at the check out if you are showing to much grocery a guy will come running to the check out and swipe your members card with his hand held gizmo........give your card to the cashier, let him check it in his machine........and then........take it right back before the guy with the gizmo gets to your card.

I already had two big fights with them about it and the last time the manager came and I told him to get F and turn in my card, I now use a friends card but still don't allowed them to swipe it.

Be carefull, not sorry........because what you do now will influence your future.

6th December 2010, 03:19 PM
To late.........you are already there :oo-->

6th December 2010, 03:20 PM
I'm off to tell them about an internet forum I stumbled across that's full of seditious nutjobs... constitutionalists, preppers, metals buyers, financial analysts, and gun nuts! In fact, I think some of them *gasp* even GROW THEIR OWN CARROTS instead of buying "Great Value Carrots" at Wal-Mart!!!!

Oh wait... did I type that out loud? ;D

6th December 2010, 03:39 PM
As said above "1984" is on a fast track, At one time here the police had a program called "Crime Watch" and it went great guns for several years. Now most of the signs are rusted badly or removed. I can see the day soon that programs described in this thread as said will start running on all media, Radio, T.v. etc.

And the signs may or not come back , but there are enough sheep that will buy into it I would not be surprised to see neighbors spying on neighbors, or at least one snoop on each block in a neighborhood.

In some small ways here it is starting to happen now. Through the years (At least the last 30) I have run scanners , with the local vhf ham and police frequency's loaded. In the last year and it is getting worse everyday, the calls the police get and are dispatched on are getting more nanny state compared to a year or so ago. Do not have a verbal argument in public or within ear shot or it will be called in and the police will come for example, do not walk down the road, you will be called in and the police will check you out, all it takes is for someone driving down the road or in a house you pass and someone report it to the police.

And everyday I am seeing it get worse, I can see the majority buying into campaigns like the in the o/p and that my friends is terrifying!


6th December 2010, 04:04 PM
So do we go to wally world en masse and all give inadvertent elbows to the screens?

"Oops did I just do that? Sorry about that screen there."

Everyone go buy long handled brooms and head to the checkouts. ;D

6th December 2010, 04:06 PM

Great Value BITCH.

6th December 2010, 04:20 PM
We gotta see if we can get "Great Value Bitch" to show up on the search engines... :lol

6th December 2010, 04:27 PM
We gotta see if we can get "Great Value Bitch" to show up on the search engines... :lol

It's funny you should say that, my avatar ain't showing up in the great value carrots
thread like others, I am very disappointed, I am trying to change that. Where is the
google bot.

We could probably do what you suggest somehow.

6th December 2010, 04:31 PM

Press Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Dec. 6, 2010



WASHINGTON -- Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano today announced

We were just discussing kids and communism, report everyone,
this thing is going to be doing announcements like this to kids soon, watch,
" report your parents " , they ain't even hiding anymore .

How did over a million people get on no fly lists, numbers from years ago.

Janet Napolitano

Don't be surprised if they expand this garbage to public schools, universities, libraries, parks, etc.

I didn't even see your comments, been reading up.
They have to a certain extent, there is a thread on
this here. We were just discussing it. This is what
communist countries did.

6th December 2010, 04:33 PM


6th December 2010, 04:59 PM

6th December 2010, 06:55 PM
Once again amigos.........while at the check out if you are showing to much grocery a guy will come running to the check out and swipe your members card with his hand held gizmo........give your card to the cashier, let him check it in his machine........and then........take it right back before the guy with the gizmo gets to your card.

I already had two big fights with them about it and the last time the manager came and I told him to get F and turn in my card, I now use a friends card but still don't allowed them to swipe it.

Be carefull, not sorry........because what you do now will influence your future.

WHy do you have to swap a members card at Walmart? Never heard of such a thing. Or do you really mean SAMs?

6th December 2010, 06:58 PM
Yeah, I've never seen a hand-held scanner used in a Wal-Mart line either. Ever. Or ask for a 'card'.

I thought maybe it was a regional thing, but he must mean Sam's Club.

6th December 2010, 07:38 PM
UPSSSSSSSSSSSS I meant at Costco..........sorry about that.

6th December 2010, 08:11 PM
The image of Ponce with a two huge carts full of toilet paper at the front of the store clutching his card and arguing with the manager just makes me laugh for some reason.

6th December 2010, 08:23 PM
Janet Napolitano

Janet needs some Great Value Vagisil.


6th December 2010, 08:24 PM
Oh great, all the world needs now is an army of black Friday retards going strawberry levels of paranoid at everything they see, but don't fully comprehend.

Grab a shovel and dig. The only safe place will be deep under ground....forget the trees, and highlands ...run for your lives!

6th December 2010, 08:36 PM
So the next set of false-flag attacks are going to involve WalMarts?

The start of economic war against China?

Will it be the Great Value Carrots thread that takes this site down? ::)

mick silver
6th December 2010, 08:42 PM
do you guys see who the real Terrorist are

6th December 2010, 08:46 PM
Well Vaccum........this happen last summer and I did have to full pallets full of junk.......I left the whole thing right there at the check out and told the manager to put it all back himself........about $2,000 bucks I would say.

PS: By pallets I mean those big wooden roll around.

Keehah? not many knows that Home Land has an office at WalMarts headquarters........

6th December 2010, 09:18 PM
Janet Napolitano

Janet needs some Great Value Vagisil.


I've got news for you. She has a big hairy banana that takes no prisoners.

Sleep well tonight after mentally picturing that scenario and trying to wash it from your thoughts.


7th December 2010, 12:32 AM
Reason #2386 to not shop at Walmart.

7th December 2010, 05:27 AM
So the next set of false-flag attacks are going to involve WalMarts?

that's where all the 8" tall toy robots are. :o

7th December 2010, 06:57 AM
So the next set of false-flag attacks are going to involve WalMarts?

And it will be known as "Operation Firecracker in the Anthill" when the "memos" come out of Wikileaks.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit...

Festina Lente
7th December 2010, 09:11 PM
I read an MSM article on MSNBC about this. Disgusted me.


Check it out:

"It may make shoppers feel cared for," Kerkian said. "But others may say, 'Who are you to bring me this message?'"

Cared for? Like, say, a herd of sheep, cows, chickens perhaps?

"Wal-Mart is a place where people gather, it's a place where you sometimes see your neighbor the most," Fogleman said. "It is important to Walmart that it help protect the safety of its community."

It is where you see your neighbor the most? Really?

You have got to be f^%king kidding me. This is pathetic. We're done.

7th December 2010, 09:39 PM
Walmarts across the land will become the initial and primary staging areas when it's time for safe relocation to a FEMA Welcome Center.

7th December 2010, 10:37 PM
"Wal-Mart is a place where people gather, it's a place where you sometimes see your neighbor the most," Fogleman said. "It is important to Walmart that it help protect the safety of its community."

Sweet, Wal-Mart is the "new" Local Community Church...

If you see anything strange, be it Jesus, or just someone kneeling in prayer... please provide us with their identity...

7th December 2010, 10:39 PM
Anyone want to terrorize Walmart?

"I saw some staff in the back talking about unionization" ;D

One major North American city is still free of this terrorism, although it is surrounded. And Community Church? Perhaps, but of what kind? ;)

"Big-box stores create traffic congestion, cause air pollution and harm small businesses," said councillor Anne Roberts, who led the battle against Wal-Mart.

But Councillor Peter Ladner said there was a real "undercurrent" that wasn't officially part of council's debate: "About Wal-Mart's labour practices, it's sourcing practices, the satanic nature of giant multinational corporations."
CBC Vancouver (http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2005/06/29/bc_walmart20050629.html#ixzz17V2f3DCE)

8th December 2010, 09:34 AM
acclaimed documentary, 1 hr 37 mins:

Walmart: The High Cost Of Low Prices (www.walmartmovie.com)


8th December 2010, 11:45 AM
Wasn't a big part of Russian Communism about taddle-telling on your neighbors?

8th December 2010, 11:56 AM

All of the big three did/does it. Also a big part of oppressive governments handbook to keep the people in line. One did not have a clue who would report you if you did or said something wrong, all you would know someone would be knocking on your door, in the dead of night. And you disappear/or put on trial, and then disappear.

8th December 2010, 11:58 AM

All of the big three did/does it. Also a big part of oppressive governments handbook to keep the people in line. One did not have a clue who would report you if you did or said something wrong, all you would know someone would be knocking on your door, in the dead of night. And you disappear/or put on trial, and then disappear.

That mentality is still strong in Cuba. When I was there, I stayed at people's houses and they would say "Don't tell anyone about this machine". While the machine was truly fascinating (it washed and dried clothes all in one, and I had never seen one before), I thought it was strange that I had to keep it from other Cubans.

8th December 2010, 12:24 PM
Most of the people are already indoctrinated in spying and reporting any speech or actions that strike them as against the norm. I don't have to look very far to find it either, that woman who turned me into my boss for my political/religious views obviously had no problem doing so and I can only imagine that if she thought she could have gotten more mileage out of a phone call to X she would have done so, or might choose to do so in the future, given the chance.

I have to admit, although it's a minor analogy, it made me reassess exactly what I say and who's around to hear it, and honestly, it kinda spooked me a little too.

8th December 2010, 12:38 PM
Most of the people are already indoctrinated in spying and reporting any speech or actions that strike them as against the norm. I don't have to look very far to find it either, that woman who turned me into my boss for my political/religious views obviously had no problem doing so and I can only imagine that if she thought she could have gotten more mileage out of a phone call to X she would have done so, or might choose to do so in the future, given the chance.

I have to admit, although it's a minor analogy, it made me reassess exactly what I say and who's around to hear it, and honestly, it kinda spooked me a little too.

Some lessons are good to learn, even if at the time they hurt or pisses one off.

One big one is to be careful what one says in public, be it in person, or written on the web, it depends on the subject. Not all think like we do (mostly) and what we talk about , can be taken wrong by the wrong people.
Some things are best discussed in private with ones that can be trusted (mostly)!

8th December 2010, 02:00 PM
Here ya go


Joe King
13th December 2010, 05:15 PM
Most of the people are already indoctrinated in spying and reporting any speech or actions that strike them as against the norm. I don't have to look very far to find it either, that woman who turned me into my boss for my political/religious views obviously had no problem doing so and I can only imagine that if she thought she could have gotten more mileage out of a phone call to X she would have done so, or might choose to do so in the future, given the chance.

I have to admit, although it's a minor analogy, it made me reassess exactly what I say and who's around to hear it, and honestly, it kinda spooked me a little too.

Then apparently you've received the intended message. Thanks 4 playing! http://www.halowheelmen.com/forum/images/smilies/waving_smiley.gif

But seriously, that's exactly what it's all about.
i.e. putting a chill on your willingness to exercise your Right to "free speech".

As far as the WalMart thing goes, here's a good example of what to expect more of when you ask the average person on the street to make criminal assessments of the strangers around them.

Chief: Man shot by officers pointed a water nozzle (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iLiB8h9f_6rOAIA-lURpPD9sNx-Q?docId=efe3c238ddef483ea17edc1bcb8b551f)

The Long Beach officers were summoned by a 911 report of a man with a gun and fired at him when he pointed the black metal-tipped object at them in a two-handed posture that looked like what a person would do when they are about to shoot a weapon, Chief Jim McDonnell said.

Douglas Zerby, 35, was pronounced dead Sunday afternoon at the scene.

The officers were dispatched to an apartment building at 4:40 p.m. after two people reported a man with a gun sitting on a backyard porch landing, he said.

In an excerpt of a 911 call played for reporters, a male caller said the man appeared to have a "tiny six-shooter"

"As the subject was in a seated position, he used a two-handed pistol-grip hold on an object with his arms fully extended," McDonnell said. "Somebody that is impaired and waving what appears to witnesses and police to be a handgun. That's what the officers were faced with."

Zerby pointed it at one of the officers and two officers fired their weapons, a handgun and a shotgun.

The dead man's sister denounced the shooting and said legal action was being considered.

"He never knew there was a problem. Police snuck down the corridor and shot him. He was killed in cold blood. He was a drunk sitting on a stoop fumbling with a hose nozzle," Eden Marie Biele said in an interview with The Associated Press.

She said the police never made verbal or visual contact with Zerby.

"They didn't say 'Put your hands up" or "Freeze" or anything," Biele said.

Biele said police made the family wait seven hours before confirming that Zerby was the man who had been killed.

Biele also said Zerby had been drinking and rather than drive home, went to his friend's place and was waiting on the stairs for him to come home.

Full story at the link above.

So he did the right thing by not wanting to drive after having been drinking, but was done-in by a couple of idiots who couldn't tell what they were looking at and decided to call in the police who then snuck up on him and killed him.
i.e. typical shoot first, ask questions later, BS.

Even if they didn't want to get close to him because of a perceived threat, don't they have a bullhorn or perhaps a loud speaker on their car they could have used to communicate with him from a distance?
Why yes, I think they do.

These are the type of people they want to rely upon for info.

13th December 2010, 05:36 PM
I saw something at Walmart today...should I say something?
This individual looked like a financial terrorist to me.
I saw one at the bank too!

Here's a sketch


27th February 2011, 04:19 PM
chicagobreakingnews.com/2009/02/wal-mart-worker-immolates-self-in-parking-lot (http://archive.chicagobreakingnews.com/2009/02/wal-mart-worker-immolates-self-in-parking-lot.html?obref=obinsite)

"I just couldn't take it anymore," Sater said, citing the officer's report...

"You try not to ask yourself the question [why he did it] because there's no answer," the son said.

A store manager, who identified himself only as Erwin, had no explanation for the suicide. he said the man had not been laid off.

27th February 2011, 04:39 PM
chicagobreakingnews.com/2009/02/wal-mart-worker-immolates-self-in-parking-lot (http://archive.chicagobreakingnews.com/2009/02/wal-mart-worker-immolates-self-in-parking-lot.html?obref=obinsite)

"I just couldn't take it anymore," Sater said, citing the officer's report...

"You try not to ask yourself the question [why he did it] because there's no answer," the son said.

A store manager, who identified himself only as Erwin, had no explanation for the suicide. he said the man had not been laid off.

I'll never get "self-immolation" as a method of suicide. It's neither quick or painless... It seems esp popular in the East, ?!?

But working for wal mart would probably do the trick as far as driving one insane. Will this guy be the spark that ignites the fire in the US, like the fallout from the Tunisian guy's self-immolation? It seems a wal mart employee would be the proper US version, all considered...

Walmart - High Cost of Low Prices (98 mins)