View Full Version : When do we break $31 Silver?
6th December 2010, 08:37 PM
I am getting excited about silver's moves! How long before we break $31? I say $31 by Friday, and I think we'll hit $50 sometime mid next year.
6th December 2010, 08:40 PM
I agree on both !
6th December 2010, 08:41 PM
We will have a stop and go for a while and silver will "almost" touch therty one.......that number next year.
6th December 2010, 09:13 PM
thursday :)
6th December 2010, 09:36 PM
Gawd, are we going to do this for every dollar rise now? That's only 3%. $31 is in the chatter. Let's hold the next celebration until at least $35.
General of Darkness
6th December 2010, 09:41 PM
When it hits 33 do Freemason heads explode? :dunno
7th December 2010, 12:14 AM
$33 should provide the next floor, without much in the way of anything exploding. I'm expecting another buy period pause, similar to the last two, to emerge after and likely sometime prior to year end. Probably just in time for last minute holiday period buying and silver investors will still find physical metal available for delivery online. I do not expect premiums to pass much beyond $35 pre holiday. Palladium already traded just barely under $777. During the holiday and into year end should see typical seasonal strength though.
Still, smart money should be able to purchase physical silver for delivery throughout year end and some time to come. The Euro has seen a lot of pressure recently and QE3 must be worked through with additional deflationary concerns in several Eurozone nations, the market appears set for $1444 gold.
Silver Shield
7th December 2010, 03:28 AM
We are nearing the final $FRN price of silver.
I have long said that silver will reach a mild price of $35 to $50 and then you will not be able to buy it for $FRN again.
I believe when we reach those numbers the demand will be too great and the fraud will be revealed at which point 133 years of fraud and suppression will be over turned in a night a you will see the largest gap up ever.
That gap up will only be in the paper markets as it tries to cover it's ass.
The real world will no longer give their real money for fake.
They will want gold or property but not $FRN.
7th December 2010, 04:02 AM
Can I change my vote to Tuesday? :)
1970 silver art
7th December 2010, 04:10 AM
I voted Tuesday (Today). I think that silver will break $31 today.
1970 silver art
7th December 2010, 04:52 AM
Gawd, are we going to do this for every dollar rise now? That's only 3%. $31 is in the chatter. Let's hold the next celebration until at least $35.
I guess we silver bugs are in a celebrating mood. We cannot help it. ;D ;D ;D
7th December 2010, 04:56 AM
small timers on ebay are getting slaughtered. people are posting stuff with buy it now only to have the spot price rocket up a few hours later. i bought some walker halves for right at melt including the shipping last night.
7th December 2010, 06:12 AM
Screw the dollar moves. I'm calling $50 silver on or before 02/01/2012. Now, we just wait.
7th December 2010, 07:24 AM
Screw the dollar moves. I'm calling $50 silver on or before 02/01/2012. Now, we just wait.
I agree, and as more people jump on the band-wagon, the higher it'll go. I'm hope'n an' praying for the crash of JP Morgan....
Twisted Titan
7th December 2010, 07:25 AM
small timers on ebay are getting slaughtered. people are posting stuff with buy it now only to have the spot price rocket up a few hours later. i bought some walker halves for right at melt including the shipping last night.
Gonna see how well they honor those purchases now.
7th December 2010, 07:40 AM
We are nearing the final $FRN price of silver.
I have long said that silver will reach a mild price of $35 to $50 and then you will not be able to buy it for $FRN again.
I believe when we reach those numbers the demand will be too great and the fraud will be revealed at which point 133 years of fraud and suppression will be over turned in a night a you will see the largest gap up ever.
That gap up will only be in the paper markets as it tries to cover it's ass.
The real world will no longer give their real money for fake.
They will want gold or property but not $FRN.
1oz of silver for 1oz of gold/acre of good land.
To that day Silver Shield, and anyone else who has strong enough hands to hold tight to the dog as the ratio drops to 1/1.
*hoists coffee cup in salute*
7th December 2010, 07:41 AM
what's up with the smackdown. that was brutal.
7th December 2010, 09:32 AM
what's up with the smackdown. that was brutal.
Could it be the Dec 7th bank run causing banks to need cash?
Can't wait to see what happens Dec 11th, the day of the planned physical buy, and this drop represents a good buying opportunity imo.
7th December 2010, 09:58 AM
Like I wrote some time ago.......this was by Agnut......You are sitting on a train going to Z city and if you get out now you will be able to buy a new bike with the silver that you the next station a used car the next station a new station a used station a new station a mansion.......but........if you wait till you reach Z city you then will be able to buy the bike, the mansion and everything else that you ever wanted.
Getting of the train at different places means selling your PM.
I for one am building new railroad tracks to go beyond Z city and then buy myself an island ;D
7th December 2010, 10:14 AM
what's up with the smackdown. that was brutal.
... and this drop represents a good buying opportunity imo.
I love this market... I really do. It is so easy to make money. You have to buy the dip.
If you don't, then you are a fucking idiot.
7th December 2010, 11:38 AM
Buy at which "dip?".......the dip of fifteen?, the dip of twenty?, the dip of therty?, the dip of fifty, the dip of one hundred..........if you have the money then buy now and get it over with because we all know how high it will when ever you have the cash and to hell with the "dip".....waiting for a dip you will get a kick.
7th December 2010, 12:31 PM
HURRY, HURRY, HURRY.......... your "dip" is here, silver down 0.70 cents hahahahahahahah.
1970 silver art
7th December 2010, 01:10 PM
HURRY, HURRY, HURRY.......... your "dip" is here, silver down 0.70 cents hahahahahahahah.
Ponce? It is "dipping" even further. It was down 1.25 when I last checked.
7th December 2010, 01:40 PM
what's up with the smackdown. that was brutal.
WOW!!! No doubt! :o
It's down 2 DOLLARS from where it was when I first looked this morning! Blythe and her imps are working overtime at the witches castle today...
7th December 2010, 01:42 PM
what's up with the smackdown. that was brutal.
WOW!!! No doubt! :o
It's down 2 DOLLARS from where it was when I first looked this morning! Blythe and her imps are working overtime at the witches castle today...
Bonds. (
This happened about a week ago too.
7th December 2010, 01:55 PM
Like I told you guys, it will up and down till next year............however, it now went down so fast that it makes me believe that it will be the same way that it will go up..........a gradual up and down is an indication of the coats and ties taking a nip here and a nip there but a sudden change such as this one means that there are biggers things going on behind the curtain..........let's see how the overseas market will reach to all this tonight......that will be a good indicator as to what is going on.
7th December 2010, 03:16 PM
Not sure if it will continue to go down but I pulled the trigger about an hour ago. Nice little addition to my stash. Also bought a few Christmas silver rounds to give as presents. Would much rather give something of lasting value then crap.
7th December 2010, 03:17 PM
Actually now that the overseas market is open looks like we are getting a bit of a bounce. We'll see how this goes.
7th December 2010, 03:27 PM
Looks like Asia is coming to the rescue. 8)
7th December 2010, 03:30 PM
bought my annual xmas ornaments on the dip. painful though, 3 of them for $91? i remember 10 years ago when you could buy 20 ounces for around that. USD is toast, eh.
1970 silver art
7th December 2010, 04:57 PM
It will be interesting to see how long it will hold. My gut feeling tells me that silver will run hard at the beginning and as the night drags on, then silver will start to retreat from the high that it made and will start to go down. By the time I wake up tomorrow morning to go to work, then I think that silver will be down instead of up.
7th December 2010, 07:05 PM
Well, I can see that is down even before I go to be at $29.02...........
7th December 2010, 07:14 PM
I voted 12/31
31st December 2010, 01:01 PM
I voted 12/31
Silver Squashed in Thursday day trading. Silver took the hammer in boring curtailed trading coming into the day before last day of the year; smashed 14 cents lower by markets on Thursday and Silver could only recover 15 cents of that in early after hours markets.
In what looks to be "rope a dope" moves on the technical scene, silver seems to suffer slightly, yet still surely and safely survives the sackings and quickly regains footing prior to the bell. Silver for delivery remains at a paultry $33 and change, less than a cab fare around the block on most major metropolis night outs.
Fundamental analysts have started to slowly return from their year-end vacations with news that the mining supply should be able to meet expected industry demand in 2011. 2012 is another story however, and basically analysts are willing to take it year by year now and see what happens.
Investment demand, they claim, is still the wild card as year over year increases in safe haven money flows have been very significant especially after the embarking of QE two. Investment demands for metal sectors are also expected to pick up from the global economy as it regains a pulse although a very faint one at best. Silver, both a monetary and industrial metal, is seeing the benifits of both inflow types allowing these analysts to go on vacation without worry for many years to come.
Worry has not completely left the scene though. Precious metals and possibly even crude oil have now entered a wall of worry phase.
Those still with an income left after this current crisis and those with wealth to protect wonder why or how they possibly missed out on a decade of continuous strong double digit gains. Gold is now nearing a five-fold increase since the bull market began and silver currently sits seven times the start line price of four dollars and ten cents showed in November 2001.
As the new year 2011 begins a long wall of worry commences. Questions hurt the heads of households like: Can US dollar hegemony really end so quickly? Can precious metals and commodities continue to out pace up at current or even greater rates? Where will the money come from to bail out all the debts of nations and businesses. Will there be food at reasonable prices in the future or will there be calamity? Will there be price controls? Is confiscation of wealth coming sooner or later?
Certainly it's coming, but in the wall of worry most everyone's lulled into a sense of timing things. A missed decade turns into another one of wrongly timed moves. But not so for smart investors - having already shed anything not performing long ago these savy players, who mostly only frequent relatively unknown message boards and coin shops, could care less about timing now, they are running full speed ahead and all calls go to voice mail. They refuse to look back. After 5 and 7 fold increases why would they want to look back now?
If current long term expectations hold at the historical 25 year commodity cycle then the halfway point on the timeline has not been seen. Seasoned bull market investors understand that the second half of a market up cycle is much more powerful and profitable than the first half.
31st December 2010, 01:33 PM
I voted 12/31
You came within a couple cents of being right, but it looks like it will now happen in 2011 :(
31st December 2010, 01:47 PM
I voted 12/31
You came within a couple cents of being right, but it looks like it will now happen in 2011 :(
Asia could bump it up 9 cents, still several hours before midnight depending on your location.
31st December 2010, 02:08 PM
Still going to finish the year above $30 regardless.
31st December 2010, 02:39 PM
Break 31........never happen.......hahahaha 31$......hahahaha....never....
31st December 2010, 03:49 PM
Nice finish today. Highest daily, weekly, monththy , yearly in 30 years. Cool. Techies should be liking that in January.
31st December 2010, 04:54 PM
I voted 12/31
You came within a couple cents of being right, but it looks like it will now happen in 2011 :(
$30.98! DAM! was I close or what! I'm gifted with special predictive knowledges. I'm starting me a newsletter with fees and stuff now!
31st December 2010, 07:10 PM
$30.98! DAM! was I close or what! I'm gifted with special predictive knowledges. I'm starting me a newsletter with fees and stuff now!
Why would you want to do that? With where silver is going, you sure you want to spend your time creating newsletters?
2nd January 2011, 10:07 PM
$31 silver is now a done deal!!8)
2nd January 2011, 10:15 PM
$50 Silver here we come.
2nd January 2011, 10:17 PM
2nd January 2011, 11:09 PM
$30.99............almost there.
2nd January 2011, 11:22 PM
Bingooooooooooooooooo at 23:20 PT silver hits $31.00 ;D
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