View Full Version : Things are happening

midnight rambler
7th December 2010, 01:38 PM
Things we definitely are not hearing in the lamestream news.

Word on JP Morgan and other matters, listen to the 12/3 episode, an hour well spent.


7th December 2010, 01:52 PM
Can you share any details, for those of us who can't listen to the show at the moment? Thanks.

7th December 2010, 02:04 PM
Can you share any details, for those of us who can't listen to the show at the moment? Thanks.

Oops wrong thread.

I have downloaded it to listen later. Thanks m.r.

midnight rambler
7th December 2010, 02:07 PM
Can you share any details, for those of us who can't listen to the show at the moment? Thanks.

Madoff trustee suing JP Morgan for 6B+, who socked 0bummer in the mouth, Israelis and their surveillance activities within the USA, airports sold/leased under an EO, who owns infrastructure...so far.

7th December 2010, 02:13 PM
Can you share any details, for those of us who can't listen to the show at the moment? Thanks.

Oops wrong thread.

I have downloaded it to listen later. Thanks m.r.

it really does. it just allows dumbass stadmiller to rant more. i'd like to punch that guy in the mouth.

7th December 2010, 09:08 PM
I wondered about this VK lady, WOW she also knows her shyt... Direct link for listen or download:
Glad I listened to it.
Thanks MR!

8th December 2010, 02:28 AM
I wondered about this VK lady, WOW she also knows her shyt... Direct link for listen or download:
Glad I listened to it.
Thanks MR!

They seem like waking up sheeple. Brainwaves still running slow. Mixing up things they heard because they get that there is a problem but don't have the knowledge to understand it. Maybe they will if they keep researching and paying attention.

I stopped listening when the woman said there is no gold out there (paper markets) so the price of gold is going to crash when everyone realizes this. ::)

8th December 2010, 02:31 PM
I wondered about this VK lady, WOW she also knows her shyt... Direct link for listen or download:
Glad I listened to it.
Thanks MR!

They seem like waking up sheeple. Brainwaves still running slow. Mixing up things they heard because they get that there is a problem but don't have the knowledge to understand it. Maybe they will if they keep researching and paying attention.

I stopped listening when the woman said there is no gold out there (paper markets) so the price of gold is going to crash when everyone realizes this. ::)

What I heard was that she owned gold bought @ 450ish. She is extremely skeptical of the gold being sold @ the current prices. She believed that most of the gold is fake. She was saying that everyone buying now would be wiped out when the gold counterfeits are exposed. The price would collapse due to skepticism in the purity of gold.

This part made me shake my head.

8th December 2010, 03:04 PM
Not having listened to this but parsing the commentary it sounds like a gold FUD campaign.

8th December 2010, 03:09 PM
was this jon nadler's wife?

8th December 2010, 03:11 PM
was this jon nadler's wife?

ha :ROFL:

Maybe 2nd girlfriend on the side.

old steel
8th December 2010, 03:22 PM
So then doom is still on, or not? ;D