View Full Version : what do you make of people who are always sick?

7th December 2010, 03:36 PM
i've got several friends from HS on facebook who are alway posting about their kids. seems they always have an ear infection, upper respiratory illness, flu, etc. over and over again, always posting how the kids are sick.

my kids are never sick. my 7 year old has never been sick, ever. never has even got a cold or the flu. the 4 year had a bad cold last year, first time ever.

you think it's food, environment, bad genes, day care, what?

i find it weird that i see some people who are constantly sick with little things like the flu, ear infections, etc.

oh well, pondering life's mysteries today. :)

7th December 2010, 03:46 PM
i've got several friends from HS on facebook who are alway posting about their kids. seems they always have an ear infection, upper respiratory illness, flu, etc. over and over again, always posting how the kids are sick.

my kids are never sick. my 7 year old has never been sick, ever. never has even got a cold or the flu. the 4 year had a bad cold last year, first time ever.

you think it's food, environment, bad genes, day care, what?

i find it weird that i see some people who are constantly sick with little things like the flu, ear infections, etc.

oh well, pondering life's mysteries today. :)

Pity in a small sense. They are too stupid to figure out something in their lives is messing them up physically.

"But the doctor said I just need another shot."

7th December 2010, 03:49 PM
Well, but for my one day emergency stay at the hospital about a month ago I never get sick, only get a cold about every five or six years.......haven't had it in about six years but because I am staying away from everyone I believe that I am safe :conf:...........the food and other junk that we have now days is a great danger for kids........as well as for grownups.

LOL osoab, like my Dr. he is always pushing pills on me, already have a pharmacy in my frig because I never take them hahahahahah.

7th December 2010, 03:52 PM
Mostly but not always!

Kids + Schools and mix well = Germ factory's that if it can be caught
they will catch it and bring it home.

7th December 2010, 04:00 PM
You can attribute many ailments to childhood vaccines ( mercury & lead), fluoride in the water, processed foods, chemtrail spraying, and on and on. Big Gov, Big Pharma, Big AG, just to name a few. Thats why they are sick.

7th December 2010, 04:04 PM
they always seem to be the ones that watch tv or hang out til 2 am and to compensate for lack of sleep they will have energy drinks and candy or other hfcs goodies...and the cycle continues

overall i find these people very annoying

7th December 2010, 04:28 PM
I have mom friends all across the country and what I've noticed is when they start posting about their kids being sick, it spreads and everyone seems to come down with the same exact symptoms. I'm talking Oregon to TN to NC to AZ. It doesn't matter. It's strange. Both my kids are sick right now with colds despite all my efforts to keep them healthy. One is vaxed, one is not. They eat pretty healthy and take Vit C and D every day. I think sometimes it is unavoidable.

7th December 2010, 04:33 PM
Me and mine are sicker then dogs right now, everything is green. I have to pull myself off the couch to come look at the internet.

The last few weeks when I take her to school I hear the kids really hacking, coughing, snot nosers. I knew she would get it and then I would get it. I don't know why people don't keep their kids home when sick.

We are usually healthy as a hog, except the first few months of her school.

Edit ; We don't eat white flour, I cook, no packaged stuff and I rarely eat any sugar, I try to keep her off it too. she has been vaccinated and I was too when little.

Back to the couch

7th December 2010, 04:34 PM
have your kids been vaccinated? are you on fluoride water? Do you feed them tons of processed food?

had them vaccinated when they were little for rubella, mmr, polio, etc. nothing other than that ever, not flu or anything.

we aren't on flouride water, nor do we let them do the flouride program at school.

we make almost all of our own food from scratch. maybe mcdonalds once or twice a year on birthdays. probably eat out 10 times a year max.

i guess maybe this has something to do with them being healthy...

7th December 2010, 04:37 PM
Like Herb Lady says, white sugar, bleached flour, processed to hell food with breakfast serials being pretty nasty. I would also attribute it to hygiene. My son is stupid like that, doesn't use his hand sanitizer probably cause he is too cool but I get pissed cause when he gets sick his mom drops him off with me to keep him alive and out of the hospital not mentioning she expects him to be good as new in a few days. Thrombocytopenia is a bitch (ITP) when you get sick your white cells rise to take out the invaders but they also take the platelets out at the same time. Quite a balancing act I have to contend with while it seems my boy could give a shyt the whole time.

7th December 2010, 05:13 PM
i think there has to be some environmental or genetic component to it too. i know people who lead healthy lifestyles, but their families are still always sick.

7th December 2010, 05:27 PM
I think it depends on location too. The fact we are near a large city that is an airport hub from western north america to asia means that all the new colds/flu's etc come through that city.

My kids are generally healthy but they do get sick occasionally from school, mostly with minor colds. I don't think they have ever been too sick to go to school. We eat mostly foods made from scratch by my stay at home mom wife, although our kids are like most kids and like sugary treats and chips if they can get it.

7th December 2010, 05:36 PM
Me and mine are sicker then dogs right now, everything is green. I have to pull myself off the couch to come look at the internet.

The last few weeks when I take her to school I hear the kids really hacking, coughing, snot nosers. I knew she would get it and then I would get it. I don't know why people don't keep their kids home when sick.

We are usually healthy as a hog, except the first few months of her school.

Edit ; We don't eat white flour, I cook, no packaged stuff and I rarely eat any sugar, I try to keep her off it too. she has been vaccinated and I was too when little.

Back to the couch

I hope you and your daughter feel better soon, Zap.

7th December 2010, 05:41 PM
seems they always have an ear infection, upper respiratory illness, flu, etc. over and over again, always...

I have a couple of neighbors who I stopped asking "How are you today?" because they tell me.


7th December 2010, 05:54 PM
People who are always sick are hard to deal with. They always have the flu, or a sty in their eye, or they fell at work, or something.

What do I think of them? I there is a deeper body/mind issue that they are not addressing.

7th December 2010, 06:25 PM
Along those lines, it's been proven that dirt can be good for kids.
"Children should be allowed to get dirty, according to scientists who have found being too clean can impair the skin's ability to heal."


7th December 2010, 07:08 PM
People who are always sick are hard to deal with. They always have the flu, or a sty in their eye, or they fell at work, or something.

What do I think of them? I there is a deeper body/mind issue that they are not addressing.

This is where I was going with my thinking, too. One of my sisters is always, and I mean always sick. Her daughter is always sick too, but way before she had her daughter, she was sick I would say 90% of her life. Every email contains this or that cold, flu, migraine, everything and anything that could be wrong always was.

I also have a neighbor who falls a lot. Big falls, car accidents, very scary stuff.

Also, what these two people have in common are that they never get enough sleep. Sleep is very important. The people that I know who are good sleepers, are the healthiest people I know.

I don't mean to say that everyone who gets a cold/flu or has accidents brings it on upon themselves, but I do think there is a connection between our body and our brain which we don't quite understand yet.

zap, I hope you and your girl feel better soon! |--0--|

7th December 2010, 07:14 PM
There is a flu like crud going around here , that is knocking people off their feet, head, chest. muscles and stomach, which is said to last for about two weeks. And the last thing that leaves you is the cough.

And nothing will touch it. Said to be a rough ride.

Wash hands often, and try to avoid close contact with people until this crap runs it course.

Just saying!

7th December 2010, 07:21 PM
We have 5 always-sick people at work.

I blame sugar and lack of exercise. Lots in their diet is bad, but I think sugar is the #1 factor. Caffeine is a close second. Coffee is nothing more than liquid stress.

4 out of 5 of those people who are always sick are smokers. That could just be an amazing coincidence. Also, we have only 4 smokers at work. We used to have 6 always-sick people until the one girl quit smoking, now she's doing a lot better.

So what do I make of them? Well, they're idiots. They wake to an alarm clock, skip breakfast in favor of a large sweet coffee and a cigarette. Show up at work, more coffee more cigarettes. Then they sit on their asses when not on a smoke break, showing off the poorest posture imaginable. Maybe they eat a donut or TV-dinner style lunch around noon, then more coffee and cigarettes . Go home. Sit on their asses and watch TV until 1 am. Sleep poorly due to the caffeine and need the alarm clock the next morning. Do it all over again the next day. Then they wonder why they get sick so often and they go buy a bottle of hand sanitizer...

Drug addicts are never all that healthy.

I avoid the shitty drugs, I exercise daily and sleep well, and I haven't had a viral illness (cold or flu) for approx 12 years now. Do things right and most viruses (including the flu virus) simply can't take hold in your body.

7th December 2010, 07:26 PM
I think it depends on location too.

There's a multi-pronged bio/chem attack on our health & longevity, slow-kill, others have recited some of the notable scams (water food pharma air/chemtrails etc), deliberate & premeditated, designed to make us too docile & sick to resist & to hasten our demise.

They're only thinly/transparently hiding it in the Gulf Op where they've upped the intensity of the war against us, Reporter: "Entire communities where they're vomiting blood" (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/reporter-%27entire-communities-where-they%27re-vomiting-blood%27/msg114466/#msg114466)

7th December 2010, 07:27 PM
It's EVERYTHING by design!

There is no simple answer since the solution is a lot of little things that take time, money, research, and trial and error experimenting to get down. My belief is most health problems are due to poor diet and poor digestion. Diet can be changed to doing things like people mention above, but you'll typically not get the right things in your system on a Western diet, so you need to supplement. The hardest thing to do is figuring out WHAT to supplement since every health problem could be a large number or different underlining problems. The first, and most important thing to remember is GET OFF big pharma drugs. They are poisons! I know this for a fact -- I was raised on nothing but medications and was one of those sick kids when I was younger, I was pretty much raised in a hospital.

Ever since I got off this crap, stopped eating wheat, reduced my sugar intake, removed the fluoride from my water supply, stopped eating all processed foods, supplemented, and started taking Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar with all my meals I've had a miraculous recovery. I haven't gotten sick once since, (Oh I'm jinxing myself huh?) I'm not saying you need to go hardcore like this, but every little change adds up to optimal health.

The best place to start is to look up symptoms here (http://www.earthclinic.com/ailments.html), then trying what people suggest for the health problems. This is the forgotten field of medicine called Naturopathy which is what brought us vitamins that actually treats real health problems rather than covering up the symptoms. Naturopathy isn't profitable since it works, and you can't patent nature, so few people know about it. All the suggestions from others I already do myself and think are all awesome: From fluoride free water to Vitamin D, they all work. Just know, Naturopathy takes time to work, sometimes hours to months, but once your body is finally treated like it was meant to, naturally, it will begin to rebuild.

Chemtrails are a problem too, obviously, but simply taking high levels of Vitamin C and Iodine (Kelp) will help your body naturally chelate (remove) the heavy metals the elite love to spray on us.

Watch this (http://gold-silver.us/forum/health-and-fitness/possible-treatments-for-cancer/msg40299/#msg40299) documentary for more information.

7th December 2010, 07:29 PM
Seems to me there is a pretty observable connection to what the kids eat and how often they get sick. Anything processed is bad. And eating out is bad not only because of the processed food but also that your food is often contaminated with germs by those preparing it. I used to work in a kitchen at a nicer restaurant and even there it wasn't very sanitary.

7th December 2010, 07:40 PM
I find Dr. Mercola's site rich with alt health info, exposing TPTB's health scams etc,

some current featured articles include
This Vilified Daily Food Slashes Heart Attack Risk in Half...
Want to Be Happier? Keep Your Focus
The Trick to Eating Healthy on a Tight Budget

also, Mike Adams "The Health Ranger" site is interesting, http://www.naturalnews.com/index-HRarticles.html

2nd hour on Rense tonight (8:07 PM PST):
Dr. John Cannell, MD (http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/)
How Vitamin D Can
Save Your Life

7th December 2010, 10:03 PM
along with diet, I think most people lack plenty of fresh air. Think about it. we're always in some form of controlled air, whether heated or air cooled. about the time that flu season starts, people are changing from air condtioning to heated air or vice versa....

Joe King
8th December 2010, 02:45 AM
IMHO, some people are just more prone to illness. Whether that be due to a weak imune system, or simply having the misfortune of being exposed to it more often via ones lifestyle or type of work.

When it comes to common colds and flus, if there's no natural preexisting imunity in humans for that particular "bug", all it takes for anyone to come down with it is to be exposed to the virus or bacteria in quanities sufficient to cause infection.
A "healthier" person might need more exposure, or exhibit milder symptoms, but they can still catch a cold or flu just like anyone else.

I don't know why people don't keep their kids home when sick.
I always thought that was because they couldn't afford to.
If a bad cold lasts for 10-12 days, how many can take that much time off of work to stay home with sick kids?
At most places if you're off more than 2 days it requires a doctors note. So that's an additional expense they may not have, or want to incur for just a cold.

Most people think like Skid and figure that as long as they're not too bad, it's off to school they go.
Same reason people go to work coughin' and sneezing.
i.e. it's not that bad, and I need the $
...and then it just ends up getting passed around until eventually you get it.

gunny highway
8th December 2010, 04:42 AM
as inconvenient as it seems sometimes, being sick isn't all that bad for you. how else do our immune systems strengthen? i come down with a viral thing about once a year and it's gone in a couple days as opposed to most people i know who have to deal with it for a week or more. in fact i will rarely miss work because of it.

as for people that are always sick, i know some of them and i believe that their constant illnesses have more to do with a psychological problem than with viruses or germs or anything else. IMO they feel that the only way they can get attention (thru pity) is by being sick or injured. usually it goes back to their childhood.

8th December 2010, 04:48 AM
what's the del with kids and these ear infections?

when i was a kid in the 1970s, i never heard of anybody getting an inner ear infection.

now, legions of kids have them, over + over, getting tubes put in their etc. it's like aspbergers or whatever, i never heard of any of it until about 10 years ago.

8th December 2010, 04:57 AM
I am an herbalist and what I can see is the damage caused to the immune system from the
white flour and sugar that is in everything. The bowels get toxic and then the immune system
doesn't work properly. Then the vicious cycle of kids getting antibiotics ;
immune system never is taught to work for itself because a sickness keeps getting killed with antibiotics.

So if the diet is not changed to wholesome foods & then the bowels & immunity will
be compromised and sicknesses will be one after another until the changes are made.

I think you hit it right there Herb Lady.
I used to get sick all the time, then back in 2003 I went on the Atkins diet for awhile.
I broke my addiction to refined carbohydrates, and though I am not as stringent about it as I once was, I have not had so much as a sniffle since then.
IMO, all the vitamins in the world will not make you well if you are ingesting large amounts of refined carbohydrates, and yes antibiotics just make it even more of a vicious cycle.

8th December 2010, 05:07 AM
Yes, alot of people are born into bad genes, some are born into good stock.

In general people do not know how to deal with/nurture/ treat their genetic weaknesses.

More truth from the Herb Lady.
My family has very little illness, but lots of orthopedic problems, feet, knees, hips, back, etc.
So I stretch like crazy, wear orthotics, use an inversion table, etc.
I think it is very important to know your weaknesses and actively address them.
Popping pills in my experience will just make things worse in the long run. Allopathic medicine has it's place, but making an individual as good as he/she can be despite genetics is not one of them.

8th December 2010, 05:35 AM
I am an herbalist and what I can see is the damage caused to the immune system from the
white flour and sugar that is in everything. The bowels get toxic and then the immune system
doesn't work properly. Then the vicious cycle of kids getting antibiotics ;
immune system never is taught to work for itself because a sickness keeps getting killed with antibiotics.

So if the diet is not changed to wholesome foods & then the bowels & immunity will
be compromised and sicknesses will be one after another until the changes are made.

I agree with OHL. But I would add whole grains and all cereal grains to the sh%& list. Whole wheat flour is simply white flour with a little fiber. Processing whole wheat flour into white flour doesn't magically turn good food into poison, it turns less potent poison into more potent poison. Same goes for all corn products.

A real 'wholesome' diet is based on eating well-fed healthy animals.

gunny highway
8th December 2010, 05:36 AM
Popping pills in my experience will just make things worse in the long run. Allopathic medicine has it's place, but making an individual as good as he/she can be despite genetics is not one of them.

i agree. when i get a cold or the flu or whatnot i rarely, if ever, take any sort of medicine. That is unless i have a throbbing headache. no decongestants, no pain killers, no aspirin, nothing. i think its better my body work out the sickness itself rather than stress it more with a bunch of chemicals. i might be really sick for a couple of days but on the third it breaks and i start feeling better almost immediately. i know people who pump themselves full of "medicine" when they get a cold and are sick for the better part of a week. maybe i'm the exception to the rule or just blessed with a decent immune system. who knows.

decongestants particularly concern me. when you get a cold, part of your bodies response is to the produce mucus to help carry the germs away. if you constantly interrupt this process by taking a bunch of Psuedoephed i think you are hindering your recovery. now, if the cold or flu develops into pneumonia then this is where modern medicine comes in. give me all the drugs you got doc.

8th December 2010, 06:00 AM
Popping pills in my experience will just make things worse in the long run. Allopathic medicine has it's place, but making an individual as good as he/she can be despite genetics is not one of them.

i agree. when i get a cold or the flu or whatnot i rarely, if ever, take any sort of medicine. That is unless i have a throbbing headache. no decongestants, no pain killers, no aspirin, nothing. i think its better my body work out the sickness itself rather than stress it more with a bunch of chemicals. i might be really sick for a couple of days but on the third it breaks and i start feeling better almost immediately. i know people who pump themselves full of "medicine" when they get a cold and are sick for the better part of a week. maybe i'm the exception to the rule or just blessed with a decent immune system. who knows.

decongestants particularly concern me. when you get a cold, part of your bodies response is to the produce mucus to help carry the germs away. if you constantly interrupt this process by taking a bunch of Psuedoephed i think you are hindering your recovery. now, if the cold or flu develops into pneumonia then this is where modern medicine comes in. give me all the drugs you got doc.

Generally I will not take anything that does not grow from the earth.
Headaches are the only time I 'cheat'
I try natural remedies first but sometimes I just can't take it anymore and I take 1/2 of a tylenol.
When you avoid all medicines, a quarter-dose works just as well.

I am at my best when my diet is exclusively meat and fat from grass-fed critters, some vegetable fats and some vegetables. I do not need any carbs other than the vegetables. But I like french fries! All things in moderation I suppose. But when I am strictly low carb (15 or so grams/day) I feel positively indestructible.

8th December 2010, 06:13 AM
But when I am strictly low carb (15 or so grams/day) I feel positively indestructible.

Same here. I don't look too bad on low-carb either. ;D

I also only need about 6 hours of sleep in ketosis, whereas I could sleep for 9 hours otherwise.

8th December 2010, 07:06 AM
I feel pretty good right now, and I don't ever have any health problems.

Well, now that I think about it, my knee hurts a little. And my hip has a twinge.

Oh, and I've been a little congested lately and my throat is tight.

I also tend to get a mild headache once or twice a week. Well, maybe they are not so mild - they can hurt bad at times.

It's all how you decide to feel. Yes, there are serious illnesses out there, but for the most part we all have a number of small maladies that we can choose to either ignore or dwell upon according to our personalities.

8th December 2010, 08:03 AM
One little thing I've always had my kids do when they come home from school is wash their hands.

I don't like to say we never get sick, because just when you say it, something will probably happen...but in general, we've been pretty fortunate on the heath front.

Diet, rest, exercise, and hygiene...and good fortune.

8th December 2010, 12:10 PM
@Old Herb Lady

I am interested in learning about herbs and such, but there is so much bad information out there that I don't know where to start learning. Can you recommend any good books on the subject?

8th December 2010, 01:09 PM
what do you make of people who are always sick?

i'm sick of them.

Great Value Carrots they need.

poop orange they will.

8th December 2010, 01:42 PM
I haven't had so much as a sniffle in close to ten years, until this weekend. I had a nasty chest cold with the green crud, but I knocked it out with oil of oregano (p73) and I bumped my body's ph from 7.5 into the high eights and it was gone in two days.

I recently started eating for my blood type too (type O) which meant I had to cut out wheat, dairy and corn products. I feel alot better and now know why carb loading before mountain bike races never worked for me. Unfortunatley, this means I have to cut out wheat beer.

8th December 2010, 02:25 PM
I am an herbalist and what I can see is the damage caused to the immune system from the
white flour and sugar that is in everything.

So if the diet is not changed to wholesome foods & then the bowels & immunity will
be compromised and sicknesses will be one after another until the changes are made.

That's the problem with me too. I seem to be sick about 50% of the time in the last few years. Constant upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, coughing, allergies, etc.
Need a serious lifestyle change.
Like your list but add one thing to it: Stress of modern world cannot be good for the immune system.

8th December 2010, 06:12 PM
i would like a list of all 3 books please ;D

8th December 2010, 06:27 PM
i would like a list of all 3 books please ;D

I picked up Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=Rodale%27s+Illustrated+Encyclopedia+of+H erbs&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=17272858098396361533&ei=AT0ATYv2Koqjnwfz5czlDQ&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDIQ8wIwAg#) at a used book store not too long ago for 10 bucks. One heck of a lot stuff in it.

Any good OHL?

8th December 2010, 07:40 PM
My dd and I take Green Pasture's fermented cod liver. I take other supplements, but this is one of the best. I take it mixed with raw milk or cream.

9th December 2010, 09:58 AM
You can get ALL the vitamins you need from the beautiful, delicious, nurturing herbs of our Earth.
If we can't grow the herbs, we can buy them if they have been put into a capsule form FROM THEIR NATURAL STATE
and not processed with a bunch of garbage on the ingredient list on the bottle.

I get my vitamins in liquid form. It turns out what they do is take various plants high in vitamins and pretty much just blend them into a digusting-tasting juice. I have to dilute it with less-disguting juice to make it bearable.. but at least there's no artificial stuff.

I don't know all the advantages or disadvantages. It just seemed to me that taking a vitamin pill was like saying you need protein so you go drink some of that 97% protein powder stuff instead of eating an egg or steak. It doesn't seem like the best way to solve the problem.