View Full Version : Domique Strauss Khan - IMF Boss Interviewed

8th December 2010, 12:21 PM
The interview is french. I don't speak it but I found a translation on the DI forums (http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=147962).

NWO on the way, from the horse's mouth:


HOST : The directer general of IMF is the guest of Inter France this morning, good morning Monsieur Domique Strauss Khan.

DSK : Good morning.

HOST : The banks with their big profiles, the traders with their big bonuses, the big powers wit...h their interests or their national egoism, that we have just seen at Seoul, the speculation, the “derived products”, the fiscal parodies are doing well… Is it that the beautiful promises of the last G20 have been forgotten? Is it that like how the many of the people think, the audience listening to us, listening to YOU this morning that nothing has actually changed since the Crisis?

DSK: What is the BIG problem today in the World Economy? All of what you have just said, you could even continue the list. Where does this (the problems) come from. This comes from an economy that has become Globalised. Everyone understands this well today, and then the political power, the power of “framing in” the market, who have remained the national powers. This balance has been dormant for a long time now, it has been accentuated by the emergence in strength of countries such as China, India, Brazil…and therefore, we are faced with a sort of questionnaire, do we leave the markets on their own, the people of the Right wing will say, well yes, the world economy will regulate all of that it works well… *** Host interrupts***

HOST: Which is the case today.

DSK: Exactly. The people on the Left say oh no not at all, those (elite) who succeeded in the 19th and even more so in the 20th century, made it so the public powers representing something that was a collective shared ground are able to dominate the market and impose rules , it must be done on a World level.

HOST: Therefore a World Government?

DSK: Exactly.

HOST: Is this not some kind of Utopic idea...?

DSK: No, it is not more of a Utopia than the idea of the governance of the national economy which has been affirmed as during the 20th century. The Big Challenge of the 20th century is the advancement as you just said of a World Government. It takes the form today, the embryo of the World Government, takes the form of the G20, and in the core of this New World Government is the New IMF. And it’s this the role that must be played today, to collect and to give the G20 analyses (analysis of what?), the political economy to be followed, and for that I had to reform the IMF so that it would be able to do this, which has been done (end with a smile on that comment @ 1:55).

HOST: The IMF as a model or embryo of a World Government?

DSK: No, no, no, the G20 as an embryo of The World Government, the IMF as an engine of this G20. Today what makes the difference between the G20 and the G7, it’s not really the fact that it has grown in size, which is important too, there are other emergents, other countries that are members this was necessary, but it is also that the G7 had become a sort of “salon of cause” a drawing room of projects, where there was no follow up, no material, no documents, no reports, no links, there the IMF have given this, at the entrance to the G20 we worked on the reports of the IMF, at the exit of the G20 we confided the IMF with the work we needed for the next time, therefore the motor, the heart of the system has become this IMF that doesn’t have much more to do with the old IMF of before, also maybe one day it will need to be looked at to change its name, and who (IMF) helps to construct this, this, eh this, World Government (@ 2:44, looking down as he speaks). And so, at the question that is often asked to say it is quite strange when you look at this Crisis, we put politicians or politics considered as politics of the Left, to support the public as asked/needed, more budget deficits, because we had to avoid having a catastrophe etc, I read often in columns how is that nowhere in the Left had really profited all this (saga) in the end, that the government of the Right has continued to fascilitate inspite of that, and well, it’s because the Left it is there, it is there working away in the construction of the World Government…there was a first phase done, it was the acute crisis, you remember when we were really at the edge, and there everyone were practically ok to go in the same direction…

HOST: Well yes, everyone was under threat back then…

DSK: Yes, because, voilà everyone was scared, the heads of government didn’t want to single out the people, to be the black sheep, the consensus, the cooperation was relatively easy to construct. With Seoul, we are in the second phase, not that the Crisis is over, there remains a lot of consequences to the Crisis, the economic crisis which isn’t over, the social part above all, unemployment, but anyhow the heads of government have a feeling sometimes that the worst is over them so they come back, as you were saying earlier…

HOST: For each man for himself.

DSK: Exactly, as their national egoism it’s natural, they were elected, in most cases anyway (what?!) they have to pay back their voters, so they come back to their little affairs of nationa politics, and so they have a habit of leaving to the side the cooperation, so that’s why I tell you we return to the second phase towards the World Government, more complicated, longer, it is going to be harder, there will be highs and lows, we will go forward at times, come back others, it will come to pass in one night, constructing this World Government, dominating the world economy, not letting it totally under the domination of the markets, it’s not something that is going to happen in a meeting of 2 days at Seoul or anywhere. Each G20 will be a step in this direction.

HOST: If I have heard you correctly, it is the Left or the ideas of the Left that make the world move, and can make us advance towards a World Government?

DSK: It’s my conviction and if I was to go right up the top of my conviction it’s (World Government) been planned like this for a very long time. (@ 4:33 and the grin on his face!)

HOST: Well?! (Shocked)See more

General of Darkness
8th December 2010, 01:04 PM
WOW a jew in charge of the International Mafia Fund, now there's a shocker.