View Full Version : What happened to that "Now???" thread...

8th December 2010, 10:12 PM
Just curious, it's obvious it was deleted... a confirmed troll??... kind of fun to mess with though... ???

9th December 2010, 04:48 AM
Alright, I would just like to say it wasn't me. ;D

All I know, is I started reading the thread, for some reason I got blamed for something. I don't know why or what. Clicked to read page 2, and poof the thread didn't exist anymore.

So, don't try and pin this one on me.

9th December 2010, 06:57 AM
That's too bad. I did not finish reading it and I saw a couple good things in there I wanted to come back to.

It is a GREAT question.... what do I do NOW?

If you just think about problems they become so big in your mind that they beat you down and you give up. If you take action- regardless how small- and show yourself that you can accomplish things you put your mind to, you will be happier and more productive.

midnight rambler
9th December 2010, 07:07 AM
What does one do now?

One actively and positively uses ALL means possible, within reason, to burst the bubble of the illusion - as The Spirit moves you.

9th December 2010, 02:16 PM
I checked into it... the thread has been deleted. I didn't delete it, so that leaves madfranks, JQP, or the original poster. I'll inquire further.

midnight rambler
9th December 2010, 02:22 PM
I checked into it... the thread has been deleted. I didn't delete it, so that leaves madfranks, JQP, or the original poster. I'll inquire further.

I thought the OP was limited to making a thread deletion request and that ultimately it was up to a mod to act upon that request or not.

General of Darkness
9th December 2010, 02:23 PM
I checked into it... the thread has been deleted. I didn't delete it, so that leaves madfranks, JQP, or the original poster. I'll inquire further.

Ponce deleted it. :ROFL:

9th December 2010, 02:35 PM
I checked into it... the thread has been deleted. I didn't delete it, so that leaves madfranks, JQP, or the original poster. I'll inquire further.

I thought the OP was limited to making a thread deletion request and that ultimately it was up to a mod to act upon that request or not.

nope, you can delete any thread you started. if you go to a thread you started and scroll all the way to the bottom, look at the left-hand frame. there's a button called "remove topic."

1970 silver art
9th December 2010, 03:00 PM
I suspect that Robinsnest deleted that thread she started because the thread was derailed by accusations of her being a Censored Deuce (a.k.a) troll. The "Now??" thread was further derailed by another poster that posted a contradiction to her current prep status. That particular poster who derailed her "Now??" thread was basically pointing out her apparent contradiction in that she posted a thread on GIM1 (R.I.P.) stating that her house was about be be foreclosed on, and that she was destitute and then months later started the "Now???" thread stating that she has all of her preps in order and has enough gold and silver stacked away and was asking what to do next with some FRNs that she had.

9th December 2010, 04:28 PM
I didn't delete it. I vaguely recall that the OP said he would delete it if something or another did or didn't happen. Anyway, I think the OP deleted his own thread.

9th December 2010, 04:33 PM
Somehow, I can't but feel partially to blame... we we too mean??? :-[ :( :dunno :box

1970 silver art
9th December 2010, 04:55 PM
I didn't delete it. I vaguely recall that the OP said he would delete it if something or another did or didn't happen. Anyway, I think the OP deleted his own thread.

The OP was a she.

Robinsnest (sp) = ShirlyUGeste (sp) = female poster.

9th December 2010, 07:52 PM
I didn't delete it. I vaguely recall that the OP said he would delete it if something or another did or didn't happen. Anyway, I think the OP deleted his own thread.

The OP was a she.

Robinsnest (sp) = ShirlyUGeste (sp) = female poster.

My bad. I apologize if Robins reads this, I will henceforth refer to her as a "she". I didn't pay much attention to the thread, and as for Ximmy thinking that we're too mean, do you even have to ask?!? :D

9th December 2010, 07:54 PM
RobinsNest definitely deleted it. And yes, we were too mean, as usual. :whip

9th December 2010, 08:09 PM
And yes, we were too mean, as usual.

GSUS can be scary for some I guess...


9th December 2010, 08:29 PM
One thing to add to prep list: Replace thin skin with thick skin.

Thin skin will not be an asset WTSHTF.

9th December 2010, 10:37 PM
If I had known it was ShirlyUGeste I would have been nicer.

But fundamentally I think my answer is true. There's no forcing a big change - but it is good to a) plant seeds of change all the time and b) make yourself as good as possible in the mean time.

1970 silver art
10th December 2010, 03:46 AM
I didn't delete it. I vaguely recall that the OP said he would delete it if something or another did or didn't happen. Anyway, I think the OP deleted his own thread.

The OP was a she.

Robinsnest (sp) = ShirlyUGeste (sp) = female poster.

My bad. I apologize if Robins reads this, I will henceforth refer to her as a "she". I didn't pay much attention to the thread, and as for Ximmy thinking that we're too mean, do you even have to ask?!? :D

That's no problem. She (as ShirleyUGeste) has the exact "Now???" thread on the Censored Deuce (a.k.a. GIM2). Here it is:


10th December 2010, 10:14 AM
Yes, as you may recall, I stated in my original post that I had already started the thread at GIM2, but responses were so slow that I felt ignored, hence my thread here was begun. As it turned out, I received better than 50 intelligent, knowledgeable replies at GIM2, as opposed to mostly nonsense, garbage, name-calling, childishness, and idiocy at GSUS. So what was the point in keeping the thread here open?

My thread was in no way "A call to arms" or a cloak-and-dagger attempt to make you reveal yourselves, folks. If you'd bothered to read the damned thread instead of rushing madly to join yet another recreational lynch mob, you'd have known that.

And as for being "nicer" to me, I subscribe to the theory that common courtesy is cheap so it's pointless to hoard it. Some of you obviously disagree with that theory.

And to those few of you who were so delighted to point out that two years ago I was frantic, broke, scared, and facing foreclosure, I can only say, yes, my circumstances have certainly changed, thank the Lord. Most of that change began when a sweet old man with whom I'd been friends for many years asked me to marry him so that he could "take care" of me and my mother. He's doing a really good job of it, for which I am grateful. I guess that's the sort of thing that happens when you're "nicer" to people.

The bottom line is that this thread finally helped me figure out why the original GIM split into two parts. All of the wisdom went to one site, and all of the silliness went to the other. If you want an intelligent discussion or advice about the economy, metals, prepping, etc, GIM2 is the place to go. If you're looking for idiocy, rudeness, paranoia, or little boys' clubs GSUS certainly fits the bill. (You carrot boys need a secret password by the way.) As far as I can see, GIM2 represents the very best of what GIM1 was... without all of the stupidity, idiocy, prejudice, hatred, cruelty, and ignorance, which apparently ended up here. You boys are welcome to your "freedom" to say what you like; since you haven't anything of substance to say, it doesn't really matter which words you choose to use, does it?

Oh, and GoldDust -- or whatever your name is -- I haven't got a clue who your brother is, and wouldn't deliver your asinine messages if I did. GTFU. In fact, that's probably good advice for a large portion of you. Just GTFU.

Flame on, children.

10th December 2010, 10:27 AM
So what was the point in keeping the thread here open?

To keep the decent amount of ideas that you got from a few of us or as a proof of what you believe this forum actually is.

So now whatever ideas that were thrown out are destined to the dust bin of the internet and the NSA's serves.

10th December 2010, 11:04 AM
Oh, Honey, I've got a great memory; I think I can remember all TWO of the "decent" ideas I received. (Watching palladium being the foremost)

As far as "proof" I don't need any "proof" other than my own experience for myself, and I have no interest in trying to "prove" anything to anyone else.

10th December 2010, 11:05 AM
Why bother posting here with such an obvious chip on your shoulder?

10th December 2010, 11:18 AM
Oh, Honey, I've got a great memory; I think I can remember all TWO of the "decent" ideas I received. (Watching palladium being the foremost)

As far as "proof" I don't need any "proof" other than my own experience for myself, and I have no interest in trying to "prove" anything to anyone else.

There were more than two, imho. I also thought there was an apology posted to you, but then again the thread was deleted so I can't review it.

10th December 2010, 11:22 AM
(You carrot boys need a secret password by the way.)

You can say almost anything here... but don't think about dissing our carrot boys... >:(

10th December 2010, 11:45 AM
Well I certainly wasn't expecting that.

Sorry you had just a bad time here.

Let's see just how useful those replies over at GiM2 are to my personal life. *goes and looks*

Edit: I have to say, it seems like you asked different questions to the two boards.

On GiM2, it seems like you asked whether or not you should pull the trigger on some silver.

If my memory serves, when you made your post here, it was not word for word the same. I recall it just saying, "I'm prepped, what's next?" as if you were asking what the next step on the path to freedom was. It felt more like you were seeing if I would want to march down to washington and less like you were asking for advice on the metals.

Did you actually use the word "silver" in your OP on this board? I don't think you did, but I've been wrong before.

10th December 2010, 11:54 AM
I'm sorry, I don't see anything useful in this thread at all: http://goldismoney2.com/showthread.php?11662-Now/page2

All they say is, "Buy on the dips" and "maybe you should consider copper instead of silver". It's solid, and it's basic.

Surely, you jest...Shirly, I always liked you on the old GiM board, but I'm sensing a bit of disingenuous behavior right now. I honestly don't recall your thread on this board asking for investment opinions, just opinions in general. Plus, I've gotta say, for my life, I harvested a lot more useful information from your thread here (despite the arguments) than I did from your thread over at GiM2. (which also had several arguments)

I hope I'm being fair, but I simply just don't see what you see. Best Wishes. TNE

10th December 2010, 12:30 PM
The bottom line is that this thread finally helped me figure out why the original GIM split into two parts. All of the wisdom went to one site, and all of the silliness went to the other. If you want an intelligent discussion or advice about the economy, metals, prepping, etc, GIM2 is the place to go. If you're looking for idiocy, rudeness, paranoia, or little boys' clubs GSUS certainly fits the bill. (You carrot boys need a secret password by the way.) As far as I can see, GIM2 represents the very best of what GIM1 was... without all of the stupidity, idiocy, prejudice, hatred, cruelty, and ignorance, which apparently ended up here.


I'm to the point that I seriously believe there are several posters here who don't have any interest in those issues, they simply come here to spew hate and spread insane conspiracy theories. As a result, I'm finding that I come to GSUS less and less often...I do NOT read any thread that contains the word/words Jew (or any alternate spellings), Israel, Zionism, Palastinian, Mossad, Protocols, Illuminate, Rothschild, religion (of any sort), GIM(1), any other member's name (calling out), Skyvike, G-Khan, Scorpio, racist, shill, troll, feminist (or feminazi). I've found that ALL of those threads are nothing but garbage and hate being vomited up by fools and imbeciles...Unfortunately, I'm finding fewer and fewer threads that are worth reading here. Consequently, I'm spending more of my time browsing other forums.


Why did you come back here again?


General of Darkness
10th December 2010, 12:35 PM
Yes, as you may recall, I stated in my original post that I had already started the thread at GIM2, but responses were so slow that I felt ignored, hence my thread here was begun. As it turned out, I received better than 50 intelligent, knowledgeable replies at GIM2, as opposed to mostly nonsense, garbage, name-calling, childishness, and idiocy at GSUS. So what was the point in keeping the thread here open?

You really need to get laid. ;D

10th December 2010, 12:40 PM
I wasn't here for the "Now???" thread, but it seems very similar to Brio's hit'n run raid... So is Skyvike desperate for new/old recruits? Kiss his ass from me will ya Shireley! :-*

10th December 2010, 01:03 PM
The bottom line is that this thread finally helped me figure out why the original GIM split into two parts. All of the wisdom went to one site, and all of the silliness went to the other.

Well now you've gone & insulted Horn.

I remember specifically in that thread offering my prediction of a small black door being available to you from Jan 1st thru the 15th.

General of Darkness
10th December 2010, 01:07 PM
The bottom line is that this thread finally helped me figure out why the original GIM split into two parts. All of the wisdom went to one site, and all of the silliness went to the other.

Well now you've gone & insulted Horn.

I remember specifically in that thread offering my prediction of a small black door being available to you from Jan 1st thru the 15th.

Horn, never foget.


10th December 2010, 01:15 PM
I'm pretty sure Robinsnest will never be coming back after this thread, lol.

You do need thick skin here. Man...

10th December 2010, 01:21 PM
The main thing to worry about is that this thread about the other thread that was deleted isnt deleted as well because then things would get really messy.......hehe

10th December 2010, 01:33 PM
Sooo... Why do you feel the need to come in using a proxy network to insult our site and tell us how great GIM2 is? You paint the "poor misunderstood housewife who's being persecuted by the GSUS meanies" role pretty well, but the IP evidence and some inconsistencies in your previous posts (which you've "conveniently" deleted) paint a different picture. If you choose to stick around, I urge you to choose another type of "participation" other than the persecuted chip-on-the-shoulder super-prepper who beat foreclosure by marrying into money (cute! ::)). If not, expect the "troll treatment", and don't let the door... Ah never mind. ;)

10th December 2010, 01:37 PM
What they are coming from gim2 to tell us how good it is...... :ROFL:

General of Darkness
10th December 2010, 01:44 PM
Sooo... Why do you feel the need to come in using a proxy network to insult our site and tell us how great GIM2 is? You paint the "poor misunderstood housewife who's being persecuted by the GSUS meanies" role pretty well, but the IP evidence and some inconsistencies in your previous posts (which you've "conveniently" deleted) paint a different picture. If you choose to stick around, I urge you to choose another type of "participation" other than the persecuted chip-on-the-shoulder super-prepper who beat foreclosure by marrying into money (cute! ::)). If not, expect the "troll treatment", and don't let the door... Ah never mind. ;)

I'd like to also point out that our female members have nice boobies. Hey, just saying.