View Full Version : Wikileaks: Fact or Fraud

9th December 2010, 07:28 AM
Taken as a whole, vs. knowing it is a blend of truth, half truth, and contradictions, is Wikileaks legitimate? A 'Yes' vote means you believe it. A 'No' vote means you don't, in which case you don't need to further articulate what we've already discussed, unless engaging a member who has indicated they think it's for real (which is the engine of the poll/thread). The results are predictable, but I would love to see if ANYONE cares to offer a defense and if so, why. It's a tough crowd judging from past comments, and I wouldn't blame anyone for opting out of the 'Yes' vote in light of probable crucifixion, so it's up to you. But if you think the rest of us non-believers could use a dose of push back then go for it.

9th December 2010, 09:52 AM



aww jeez looky there, every time I check that number gets bigger, 1,386 licensed architects & engineers (http://ae911truth.org) now calling the official 9/11 CT a fraud! ;D



9th December 2010, 10:20 AM
Here is what I posted earlier:

You know I still am not sure if he is. However he is releasing things slowly which would wake more sheep. All this MSM attention could be to desensitize the sheep too, could go both ways I think.

It is a big break for the Zionists in that they now have an excuse for more internet censorship. If he worked for the opposition I feel he would have dumped it all at once so that the average sheep would just turn the cheek as it is too overwhelming to comprehend that it may all be true. The media wouldn't have given it any attention and let it go away on it's own.

I was poking around and he does have a lot on Israel, just hard for me to understand in how it is written. That will eventually come out later I think, after he gets more attention. I believe the MSM is trying to saturate it to the point that no one wants to hear about it... make it go away?

Try to look at it from a Zionist damage control angle... what say you then?

Making israel Zionist controlled amerika look bad makes israel look bad... no?

Like I said, I am just not so sure.