View Full Version : Homo Sapiens - Or a New Species ?

9th December 2010, 08:42 AM


she lives in Ohio but we can thank a British Tabloid for putting her in the news.

9th December 2010, 08:57 AM
Nothing to say........the picture speaks for itself............

9th December 2010, 09:43 AM
Nothing to say........the picture speaks for itself............

IT IS HOMOPILLUS or homotabletcus

9th December 2010, 09:46 AM
every one of those bottles is $200 worth of monthly pills that you, the taxpayer, are paying for.

9th December 2010, 09:52 AM
every one of those bottles is $200 worth of monthly pills that you, the taxpayer, are paying for.

Don't be so hard on her Chad: one of those bottles is a multivitamin. :taunt: :comp

9th December 2010, 09:56 AM
She's just prepping for SHTF.

9th December 2010, 10:02 AM
She's just prepping for SHTF.
Yeah, when there is no food to be had anywhere, she'll be able to survive without food for months.

9th December 2010, 10:11 AM
It says after a change of medication she gained 91 lbs in a month. So 3 lbs a day.
I think most women I know don't even take in that much in food and drink per day.

Twisted Titan
9th December 2010, 10:12 AM
Sounds like quite the Love Story.

She relies on her husband Myron, 44, and oldest daughter Najah, 30, to do everything for her.

The 49-year-old must be washed, fed and dressed on the bed and wears nappies which her daughter and husband change.

'My husband is my guardian angel,' said Terri.
'He's stuck by me through everything. Most men would have left a long time ago and who could blame them but Myron is a living saint.'

9th December 2010, 10:17 AM
Look at all them meds... what a bunch of shvt, she urgently needs an MRI for her brain? WTF she needs to dump all them pills and get on with her life. WTF is this propaganda shyt all about?

9th December 2010, 10:29 AM
WTF is this propaganda shyt all about?

Britts love a good "fat American" story.

willie pete
9th December 2010, 10:34 AM
The 49-year-old must be washed, fed and dressed on the bed and wears nappies which her daughter and husband change.

When Terri was 32 she developed severe arthritis in her knees and couldn't walk for more than a few steps.

'We thought that it might be possible for Terri to have an MRI at the Cleveland Zoo in the machine used for the elephants and rhinos but the zoo does not have a licence for humans. :lol

what are "nappies?" should've went for the knee replacement at 32, would've been lots cheaper :D :D Looking at her childhood photos, someone should have cut her off then :D

9th December 2010, 10:36 AM
Sounds like quite the Love Story.

She relies on her husband Myron, 44, and oldest daughter Najah, 30, to do everything for her.

The 49-year-old must be washed, fed and dressed on the bed and wears nappies which her daughter and husband change.

'My husband is my guardian angel,' said Terri.
'He's stuck by me through everything. Most men would have left a long time ago and who could blame them but Myron is a living saint.'

I would say that Myron puts most saints to shame. It's sort of like being married to Mrs. Jabba the Hut. :dunno

General of Darkness
9th December 2010, 10:38 AM
I'd hit it. ;D


9th December 2010, 11:06 AM
What is the woman suffering from?


Think about it, without government interference keeping this person alive, she would have either already cleaned up her act, or died.

As painful as the coming SHTF crash will be, as government downsizes (unwillingly) this kind of crap will end.

9th December 2010, 11:26 AM

9th December 2010, 11:28 AM

9th December 2010, 11:50 AM
i'm still trying to figure out if those are her feet. i see some toe-nails, i think.

i wouldn't say she's beautiful, but her body is fascinating.

she'd make a good model for artists to paint, aside from the fact that she may not be able to stand like a normal artists' model.

i've never seen so many rolls of flesh on someone's legs.

i'd like to see a complete list of all the drugs she's taking.

"bigus fatus womanus"

9th December 2010, 11:50 AM
she lives in Ohio

Let me guess the city. Could it be........ TOLEDO?

Holy Toledo!


willie pete
9th December 2010, 11:55 AM
they could do bariatric surgery on her, be cheaper in the long run or do a band-clamp...the first thing is she should be put on half food-portions...it's not like she could get up and get anything herself :D

9th December 2010, 11:55 AM
i'm still trying to figure out if those are her feet. i see some toe-nails, i think.

i wouldn't say she's beautiful, but her body is fascinating.

she'd make a good model for artists to paint, aside from the fact that she may not be able to stand like a normal artists' model.

i've never seen so many rolls of flesh on someone's legs.

i'd like to see a complete list of all the drugs she's taking.

"bigus fatus womanus"

Dude... there ain't enough paint in the world.


9th December 2010, 01:11 PM
I would take the TSA a week to grope all of that.

Joe King
9th December 2010, 01:17 PM
Sounds like quite the Love Story.

She relies on her husband Myron, 44, and oldest daughter Najah, 30, to do everything for her.

The 49-year-old must be washed, fed and dressed on the bed and wears nappies which her daughter and husband change.

'My husband is my guardian angel,' said Terri.
'He's stuck by me through everything. Most men would have left a long time ago and who could blame them but Myron is a living saint.'

I would say that Myron puts most saints to shame. It's sort of like being married to Mrs. Jabba the Hut. :dunno
You can say that again.
Myron obviously takes the committment he made to his wife, very seriously.
As he should.

I say, way to go Myron! http://www.smiley-faces.org/smiley-faces/smiley-face-cheer.gif

her body is fascinating
Hey, like they say, whatever floats your boat. lol

9th December 2010, 01:25 PM
Maybe Myron is just prepping.....

... you know..... storing away foodstuff for when he turns into a zombie. He may be working on other lambchops too... like this honey pot...


9th December 2010, 01:48 PM

Volunteers work around the clock to keep her hunger pains in check...

9th December 2010, 02:59 PM
normally i don't like to be judgmental of other people, but i think she's a little overweight.

i wonder what it's like when Myron & Terri do the wild thing.

actually, after examining the subject, i don't know if that's possible. there's too much flesh to be moved before Myron can access her private parts. except perhaps with his hand. maybe if she did the full splits it would be possible.

her thighs are about 2 feet in diameter ! :o

9th December 2010, 03:04 PM
I wonder what the meds are all about. Most of the problem could be related to bloating meds.

I think I would just cold turkey the meds and let the chips fall where they may... probably away from the table and out of reach.

9th December 2010, 03:27 PM
normally i don't like to be judgmental of other people, but i think she's a little overweight.

i wonder what it's like when Myron & Terri do the wild thing.

actually, after examining the subject, i don't know if that's possible. there's too much flesh to be moved before Myron can access her private parts. except perhaps with his hand. maybe if she did the full splits it would be possible.

her thighs are about 2 feet in diameter ! :o

Slaps both of her thighs hard and rides in the wave ...


9th December 2010, 03:42 PM
It says after a change of medication she gained 91 lbs in a month. So 3 lbs a day.
I think most women I know don't even take in that much in food and drink per day.

3500 calories is a pound.

This big bad mama jama had to be taking in over 10500 calories daily. 10500 calories is just what was stored per day. It would take another couple thousand to actually digest the food, and maintain metabolic functions. Approx 12,500 calories daily.

That's about 9 or 10 big mac combos a day. Insane. Edit: actually it's just over 11.

This woman is mentally ill to an extreme degree.

9th December 2010, 03:56 PM
There are two "human" species.

Aboriginal versus Slavic Skull

Neanderthal versus Human skull

The earliest known Aboriginal remains in Australia date back to 68,000 to 40,000 BC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mungo_Man), and Neanderthals died out 24,000 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neanderthal) years ago. These people were cut off from the world for a LONG time, and easily could have evolved into a different direction. So if you think there's a second race, look to Australia.

Oh wait, everything I said was racist, so it didn't happen.

9th December 2010, 06:20 PM
you people are just plain mean :-\

9th December 2010, 06:33 PM
you people are just plain mean :-\

I've never understood why people take such pleasure in other people's disfortune, or other peoples struggles. This woman has a good husband, who's a good man, and a caring daughter. At least she has a loving family.

We should pray for folks like this, not ridicule them.

9th December 2010, 06:44 PM
you people are just plain mean :-\

I've never understood why people take such pleasure in other people's disfortune, or other peoples struggles. This woman has a good husband, who's a good man, and a caring daughter. At least she has a loving family.

We should pray for folks like this, not ridicule them.


Oh Lord, please help Myron stop bringing 50 pounds of food to the little lady every day and he won't have to clean up 50 pounds of diaper blessings every day. And Lord, please bless the fools who are paying for all those meds because I know it ain't Obama.

9th December 2010, 06:50 PM
Jesus Christ, How old are you guys 12, 15.

This is sad and pathetic, it's not funny by any means.

What the hell is the matter with you guys?

9th December 2010, 06:52 PM
I'm so sorry... :( :-[

7th trump
9th December 2010, 06:55 PM
you people are just plain mean :-\

Look Ken!
People dont get that big from breathing. Thats is from piss poor diet.
My grandmother who was bed ridden in a nursing home for her last three years from Alzhiemers was only 70 lbs. Granted she was only 4'9" which makes it a whole lot easier to get big, but her diet kept her from getting big.
Thats pure glutteny and one wimpy husband to not say no to a piss poor diet and feed her veggy's..................yea sure a saint?......what ever!
She would have eventually gotten off her lazy ass to get the twinky's..........eventually.

She needs a goal..................get your own damn twinky's, until then its veggy time.

9th December 2010, 06:55 PM
I'm so sorry... :( :-[

Shame on you Ximmy !

7th trump
9th December 2010, 06:57 PM
you people are just plain mean :-\

I've never understood why people take such pleasure in other people's disfortune, or other peoples struggles. This woman has a good husband, who's a good man, and a caring daughter. At least she has a loving family.

We should pray for folks like this, not ridicule them.


Oh Lord, please help Myron stop bringing 50 pounds of food to the little lady every day and he won't have to clean up 50 pounds of diaper blessings every day. And Lord, please bless the fools who are paying for all those meds because I know it ain't Obama.

Freaken on spot!

9th December 2010, 07:03 PM
God bless her Fat Ass soul.

Edit: Added Fat Ass

9th December 2010, 07:05 PM
I'm so sorry... :( :-[

Shame on you Ximmy !

I know... I'l stop it now... :-[

Wow... She can get things done though when she wants too...

9th December 2010, 07:11 PM
Nice to see some caring and concerned compassionate people here. Not to make fun of someone's impossible plight but its all about choices.

Someone chose to snap those photos.
Someone chose to allow it and have them posted on the internet.
Someone chose to eat, and eat, and eat some more... fairly frequently.
Someone chose to feed, and feed, and feed some more.
Someone chose to prescribe a bucket-load of meds.
Someone chose to make us pay for those meds.

So far, I don't know of anyone having a gun put to their heads and being forced, except the poor fools paying for the meds and probably the food too. So why don't you compassionate people take up a collection and reimburse the poor fools who did not choose to spend their money enabling this sad situation?

9th December 2010, 07:16 PM
I know... I'l stop it now... :-[

Wow... She can get things done though when she wants too...

Ximmy is mean... >:(

This gal can't walk, she can't exercise..she's bedridden.

Beating up on her is not the right thing to do.

Joe King
9th December 2010, 07:20 PM
'That's just what people did where I'm from. We never watched what we ate at all and we didn't know what was healthy and what wasn't.'

It's all about ignorance when you boil it down.
If you don't know no better, whether it be about food, debt, alcohol, women/men, or even freedom, life's nothin' but a big crapshoot for you.
i.e. gotta understand what it is you're dealing with, while you're dealing with it.

After the fact is oftentimes too late, no matter the issue.

Then, after her doctor changed her diuretic medication, she gained a staggering 6.5 stone (91lb) in 30 days. She suddenly found herself bedbound and has been trapped for almost three years.

Hmmmm. Think the diuretic "medication" might have something to do with it? ???
At least about 12% of it anyways.

9th December 2010, 07:24 PM
7th Maybe it is gluttony. Maybe its not.
Either way. that lady is probably gonna die soon. Will you all be happy then?
Because she deserves to die for her sin of Gluttony?

7th I know Im far from perfect...and even if I was close ...I wouldn't wanna make fun of a dieing person...whether it was their own fault or not.

IMO...you should be ashamed to call your self a follower of Christ when you act like that.

Solid Yer a good man :) But I knew that already

Zap I knew you are a good person too.

And the rest of you.. Im not judging or condemning you all for making fun of a dieing woman...I just saying It aint very nice.

9th December 2010, 07:26 PM
This woman is more or less dead in bed, and yes it is her own doing, and yes I do understand the money part of it , we are paying for her and many others.

But making rude, nasty comments is just hateful.

So maybe we should all just pray that all fat Obese people die soon ?

edit; I am judging all of you, shame on you!

9th December 2010, 07:29 PM
I weigh over 400 lbs, but I still work everyday. This woman needs to be separated from her enabling family first off.

And Zimmy, this is for you.



9th December 2010, 07:36 PM
I weigh over 400 lbs, but I still work everyday. This woman needs to be separated from her enabling family first off.

And Zimmy, this is for you.


That's jacked up Olmstein... meanwhile meek and humble volunteers struggle to meet her ongoing nutritional requirements...

9th December 2010, 07:40 PM

7th trump
9th December 2010, 07:43 PM
7th Maybe it is gluttony. Maybe its not.
Either way. that lady is probably gonna die soon. Will you all be happy then?
Because she deserves to die for her sin of Gluttony?

7th I know Im far from perfect...and even if I was close ...I wouldn't wanna make fun of a dieing person...whether it was their own fault or not.

IMO...you should be ashamed to call your self a follower of Christ when you act like that.

Solid Yer a good man :) But I knew that already

Zap I knew you are a good person too.

And the rest of you.. Im not judging or condemning you all for making fun of a dieing woman...I just saying It aint very nice.

I never said she deserves to die.
BUT she is going to die because of her self serving gluttony. That I have no pity on, so dont get that confused with me making fun of her............I didnt!
Her husband is an enabler. He might have meant well, but an enabler to turn a life into waste.
"Will I be happy then"..................lets see..................yes!
Shes a socialist excuse by choice. She's decided long ago it was easier for her to be lazy and not help herself and take satans side to pity herself on the backs of you, me and everyone else including the hard working single mothers who choose the right path.
Screw you ken!

Ken you wont like real followers of Christ. You're a fence rider!
See you dont even like me know!

9th December 2010, 07:47 PM
Ken you wont like real followers of Christ. Your a fence rider!
See you dont even like me know!

I Like lots of followers of Christ 7th. And I am not a fence rider

but your right about one thing...I don't like you much.

9th December 2010, 07:53 PM
BUT she is going to die because of her self serving gluttony. That I have no pity on, so dont get that confused with me making fun of her............I didnt!

You know, before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Right, this woman can't walk, she's disabled. Why don't you spend a month, lying in bed the whole time...and see how you feel. Maybe try a year while you are at it.

This woman's life sucks, nothing but struggle. Thankfully she's got a caring family.

Yet, it's very easy to judge her, right? I think that says a lot about you.

7th trump
9th December 2010, 07:54 PM
Ken you wont like real followers of Christ. Your a fence rider!
See you dont even like me know!

I Like lots of followers of Christ 7th. And I am not a fence rider

but your right about one thing...I don't like you much.

Your a fence rider Ken and more than once have you been called out on it.
Your a heathen Ken.
Heathens are not cold nor hot in the Word of God. They just tag along, luke warm, only to hear and beleive what they want.

7th trump
9th December 2010, 07:59 PM
BUT she is going to die because of her self serving gluttony. That I have no pity on, so dont get that confused with me making fun of her............I didnt!

You know, before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Right, this woman can't walk, she's disabled. Why don't you spend a month, lying in bed the whole time...and see how you feel. Maybe try a year while you are at it.

This woman's life sucks, nothing but struggle. Thankfully she's got a caring family.

Yet, it's very easy to judge her, right? I think that says a lot about you.

You dont get that big from eating healthy........................so whats that say about her?
I know people with the same problem of not walking. They use wheel chairs and use their arms to navigate to drive to work and do what ever they can to stay active.
And most of all they eat healthy with no pity on themselves!

Shes not paralyzed and yet is lazy enough to have someone to wipe her ass.

9th December 2010, 08:00 PM
I know... I'l stop it now... :-[

Wow... She can get things done though when she wants too...

Ximmy is mean... >:(

This gal can't walk, she can't exercise..she's bedridden.

Beating up on her is not the right thing to do.

Right now the only compassion you're going to be able to give her is a 50lb bucket of food, and a funnel. Anything else will have her hating you for making her life miserable.

I see a lot of tough love in her future, and extended psychological therapy sessions aka ongoing mental anguish until her food cult religion loses it's fatal embrace.

9th December 2010, 08:06 PM
Right now the only compassion you're going to be able to give her is a 50lb bucket of food, and a funnel. Anything else will have her hating you for making her life miserable.

She doesn't hate her family for being there for her.

I bet a lot of folks in this thread would enjoy feeding her 50lbs of food through a funnel. I bet you'd enjoy that.

I'm starting to get pissed, here, and that takes a lot. The amount of ridicule aimed at this woman is unjust. You all know that.

What's the next thread about bashing on disabilities going to be about? Mental illness?

9th December 2010, 08:11 PM
Thankfully she's got a caring family.

Her fambly is a big part of the problem here. Sometimes the most caring thing you can do is say "no".

9th December 2010, 08:15 PM
Right now the only compassion you're going to be able to give her is a 50lb bucket of food, and a funnel. Anything else will have her hating you for making her life miserable.

She doesn't hate her family for being there for her.

I bet a lot of folks in this thread would enjoy feeding her 50lbs of food through a funnel.

I'm starting to get pissed, here, and that takes a lot. The amount of ridicule aimed at this woman is unjust. You all know that.

What's the next thread about bashing on disabilities going to be about? Mental illness?

The woman is clearly mentally ill. Do you have any idea, even the slightest, how much work it requires to get that fat?

It's like training for the Olympics, but you wake up at night and eat aka train instead of sleeping. Actually it would make an Olympian look like a quitter in comparison when it comes to "training" time.

Getting that level of overweight to the point you become seriously ill does not happen by accident. It is a persistent life long series of never ending bad decisions.

Sad but it's the truth. If you want to direct your anger, direct it towards the people that are killing her by actively supporting her disease.

9th December 2010, 08:22 PM
Right now the only compassion you're going to be able to give her is a 50lb bucket of food, and a funnel. Anything else will have her hating you for making her life miserable.

She doesn't hate her family for being there for her.

I bet a lot of folks in this thread would enjoy feeding her 50lbs of food through a funnel. I bet you'd enjoy that.

I'm starting to get pissed, here, and that takes a lot. The amount of ridicule aimed at this woman is unjust. You all know that.

What's the next thread about bashing on disabilities going to be about? Mental illness?

People can't help mental illness.

People like this woman CAN:

ask to try a different set of meds or switch doctors
educate themselves on any subject they choose, such as nutrition, low-impact exercise, herbal remedies, etc.
decide not to get others to become enablers for them

Some of the posters in this thread are pointing out, quite correctly, that the other family members are not helping the situation.

Sure, some of those 700lbs are water weight, but not all of them are.

You can't gain that kind of weight and keep it on, on 1200 calories per day!

I think your anger is misplaced - you are blaming the people who say "don't give the junkie more meth" since it will cause the meth-head to be unhappy.

9th December 2010, 08:24 PM
Screw you ken!

wow 7th

...I didn't know you liked me like that...sorry...Im straight and married :)

Your a fence rider Ken and more than once have you been called out on it.
Your a heathen Ken.
Heathens are not cold nor hot in the Word of God. They just tag along, luke warm, only to hear and beleive what they want.

You know nothing 7th trump. And Im sorry I had to tell you I don't like you much...I was just being Honest :-\

Care to show where I am a heathen or a fence rider? I welcome you to show me...

If you can show me maybe I will be able to work on those things


ETA...BTW...I love God and His Word Very much thank you :)

9th December 2010, 08:35 PM
Screw you ken!

but your right about one thing...I don't like you much.

Your a heathen Ken.

Ok, ok, ok. If you want to go there, take it to the Thunderdome - it's been quiet there lately and we could all use a good argument to pass the time.

Oh, and it's "you're", not "your". Learn how to grammar both of you. ;)

9th December 2010, 08:36 PM
If you want to direct your anger, direct it towards the people that are killing her by actively supporting her disease.

Quoted for truth.

9th December 2010, 08:49 PM
Screw you ken!

but your right about one thing...I don't like you much.

Your a heathen Ken.

Ok, ok, ok. If you want to go there, take it to the Thunderdome...


Always nice to see these two spreading their Christian Love in these threads.


9th December 2010, 08:54 PM
Wow....just wow! Not her....the comments on this thread. And to be clear, perfectly clear, I'm referring to professing Christians on this board.

I didn't see Christ ridiculing people for their sins. I saw him being compassionate towards them because they were sinners.

What you are really doing is ridiculing Christ. He created her, and he loves her a lot more than you think you "love" him....that much is obvious.

Tell me Christians, were you born sinless, or did he save you while you were still in your sin? Maybe outline how you deserved his mercy for me. And while your at it, throw in some details why she doesn't. I'd be quite interested in knowing. Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us".

It is quite obvious you need spiritual milk, like babies in Christ, if you can't differentiate God's mercy and love towards sinners , and God's validation of a professing Christian and the standards he sets apart for them.

9th December 2010, 10:17 PM
This stupid woman and her family live in hell every day. Her hell.

Why is this topic relevant at a Gold N Silver forum?

This is a distraction.

This is a distraction.

Look at all these stupid posts on this board that people pile onto, that are meaningless.

This is a distraction.

Please shake yourself.

thank you

10th December 2010, 04:14 AM
Screw you ken!

but your right about one thing...I don't like you much.

Your a heathen Ken.

Ok, ok, ok. If you want to go there, take it to the Thunderdome...

Always nice to see these two spreading their Christian Love in these threads.


What Book? All I said is, I Didn't like 7th trump much. I didn't say I hated him.

Or...were you referring to the way 7th and others spoke of that dieing lady?
if so...you're right...not very loving. :-\

What Madfranks? Are you the spelling/grammar police now? ;)
Why should I go to thunderdome? I don't plan on typing anything I can't type outside thunderdome.

bellevuebully You are spot on! Thats what I was trying to say here. Thanks

10th December 2010, 04:42 AM
In her defense, most people could never get that fat even if they devoted their entire lives to it. She is as fat-bound as Ronnie Coleman is muscle-bound. But just as Ronnie Coleman didn't accidentally fall on a steroid syringe and gain all that muscle unwittingly, this women didn't have an IHOP fall on her and make her fat.

I rule she is 75% at fault.


10th December 2010, 04:52 AM
And the rest of you.. Im not judging or condemning you all for making fun of a dieing woman...I just saying It aint very nice.

i agree - i think we deserve to be yelled at.

that's what makes this woman's body almost like a piece of art (or a conversation piece). she is visually compelling - i've never seen anything quite like it.

and there is the factor that her condition is, to some extent, self-inflicted.

but she (Terri) is still a source of comfort for her grandchildren, and, maybe, for her family. if i had a grandmother who had a physical resemblance to Jabba the Hutt, i'd still love her. |--0--|

10th December 2010, 12:45 PM
And the rest of you.. Im not judging or condemning you all for making fun of a dieing woman...I just saying It aint very nice.

i agree - i think we deserve to be yelled at.

that's what makes this woman's body almost like a piece of art (or a conversation piece). she is visually compelling - i've never seen anything quite like it.

and there is the factor that her condition is, to some extent, self-inflicted.

but she (Terri) is still a source of comfort for her grandchildren, and, maybe, for her family. if i had a grandmother who had a physical resemblance to Jabba the Hutt, i'd still love her. |--0--|

Uhhh.... there be sumthin very odd here. Errr.... uhh.... thanks for contributing. NEXT!

10th December 2010, 03:48 PM
Right now the only compassion you're going to be able to give her is a 50lb bucket of food, and a funnel. Anything else will have her hating you for making her life miserable.

She doesn't hate her family for being there for her.

I bet a lot of folks in this thread would enjoy feeding her 50lbs of food through a funnel. I bet you'd enjoy that.

I'm starting to get pissed, here, and that takes a lot. The amount of ridicule aimed at this woman is unjust. You all know that.

What's the next thread about bashing on disabilities going to be about? Mental illness?

Thats not a disability, its a fat ass eating more than is healthy or even moderately over indulging. I feel sorry for her as much as I do a crackhead or a drunk,NOT AT ALL. Her family will be better off when the pig passes on. Except for the reconstruction bill they will have after the EMTs use a chainsaw to make an opening in the wall to get her carcass out of the house.

13th December 2010, 11:50 AM
Bellevue Bully is right of course, but I still had a good laugh from the Burger pics posted by Ximmy!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Funny funny!

Anyways, I don't pity her. I think it's pathetic. But I naver professed to be a saint, either.

I will say that a 30 day water fast would quickly get her onto the road to recovery.
She would need to do multiple fasts to regain health, but it's possible.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
13th December 2010, 11:54 AM
To me, the relevance of this article is it is a metaphor of the socialistic path our country has embarked down.

The morbidly obese women is the entitled class not willing to work for what would ultimately save them. And why would she? She has her husband to buy her the food she needs (the taxpayers) and a daughter to keep her clean under her many, many rolls of fat (the gubbmint).

13th December 2010, 12:11 PM
To me, the relevance of this article is it is a metaphor of the socialistic path our country has embarked down.

The morbidly obese women is the entitled class not willing to work for what would ultimately save them. And why would she? She has her husband to buy her the food she needs (the taxpayers) and a daughter to keep her clean under her many, many rolls of fat (the gubbmint).

Don't forget the (good hearted) "darn you for judging her" saints who generously donate their time servicing her needs...