View Full Version : Forecasters warn Christmas could be cancelled as cold weather grips UK

9th December 2010, 10:49 AM
"splashy title" LOL, but this cold gripping N. Europe is the real deal, lends credence to the notion that the Gulf Op's (http://www.examiner.com/gulf-operation-in-national) shutdown of the Gulf Stream will spark a "new ice-age" for N. Europe, & indeed have climatic/ecological ripple effects worldwide- see more at the Gulf/climate stories stickied at the top of http://europebusines.blogspot.com

Forecasters warn Christmas could be cancelled as cold weather grips UK (http://www.metro.co.uk/news/849754-forecasters-warn-christmas-could-be-cancelled-as-cold-weather-grips-uk)

Christmas will have to be put on hold this year as the ‘once in a lifetime’ cold snap threatens to tighten its grip on ice-bound Britain, forecasters are warning.

Hayden Smith - 7th December, 2010


Festivities are facing a white-out with the return of snow next week and Arctic conditions set to continue beyond the 25th.

It means drivers are being warned not to travel in the run-up to Christmas, when millions hit the roads to visit relatives or to do last-minute shopping.

Chaos across the transport network could mean gifts sent through the post do not arrive in time and shops will run low on food and other essentials.

AA spokesman Gavin Hill-Smith said: ‘If it is really treacherous then people may well have to delay travelling and have their Christmas the following week. Safety comes first.’

The earliest widespread wintry blast for 17 years has already crippled the transport network and claimed at least 13 lives.

Forecasters predicted a brief respite this weekend but a fresh six inches of snow could fall next week, with temperatures plummeting as low -20C in Scotland and northern England. There is no sign of a let-up before the festive period and a strong possibility of a white Christmas.

Brian Gaze, of independent forecaster The Weather Outlook, said: ‘This cold spell is a once-in-a-lifetime event. We’ll probably never see it again.’

The Highways Agency said salt stocks were ‘well established’, adding: ‘We are well prepared for winter and everything that can be done will be done to keep roads open.’

Twisted Titan
9th December 2010, 11:18 AM
If it is really treacherous then people may well have to delay travelling and have their Christmas the following week. Safety comes first.’

I reallly would like to see them "delay" christmas.

I wonder what the hell the marketing slogans would be???


9th December 2010, 11:20 AM
If it is really treacherous then people may well have to delay travelling and have their Christmas the following week. Safety comes first.’

I reallly would like to see them "delay" christmas.

I wonder what the hell the marketing slogans would be???

Better late than never. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. Buy Buy Buy?

Uncle Salty
9th December 2010, 11:20 AM
Hee hee hee.

BP creates the oil gusher that kills the gulf stream that freezes the UK.

What comes around...

9th December 2010, 11:32 AM
If the Gulf Stream is dead and stays that way then the Brits better get use to it and in a much more drastic way. This is only the first year and according to scientists it will get worse in subsequent years.

9th December 2010, 01:13 PM
I reallly would like to see them "delay" christmas.

I wonder what the hell the marketing slogans would be???

"Only 14 + x shopping days left until Christmas!"

9th December 2010, 01:19 PM
Hee hee hee.

BP creates the oil gusher that kills the gulf stream that freezes the UK.

What comes around...

LOL- that was the first thought that came to my mind. Payback has come home. This whole world is about to shudder with payback. The whole damned world.

9th December 2010, 01:27 PM
Hee hee hee.

BP creates the oil gusher that kills the gulf stream that freezes the UK.

What comes around...

LOL- that was the first thought that came to my mind. Payback has come home. This whole world is about to shudder with payback. The whole damned world.

I reallly would like to see them "delay" christmas.

I wonder what the hell the marketing slogans would be???

"Only 14 + x shopping days left until Christmas!"

I personally get no jollies in Britain reaping the ill effects of what a global corporation has caused, the same as I wouldn't get a chuckle out of what happens to those that live in the Gulf coastline and suffer from BP's mistakes. That's just wrong yaw'll.

9th December 2010, 01:33 PM

9th December 2010, 01:42 PM
Hee hee hee.

BP creates the oil gusher that kills the gulf stream that freezes the UK.

What comes around...

LOL- that was the first thought that came to my mind. Payback has come home. This whole world is about to shudder with payback. The whole damned world.

I reallly would like to see them "delay" christmas.

I wonder what the hell the marketing slogans would be???

"Only 14 + x shopping days left until Christmas!"

I personally get no jollies in Britain reaping the ill effects of what a global corporation has caused, the same as I wouldn't get a chuckle out of what happens to those that live in the Gulf coastline and suffer from BP's mistakes. That's just wrong yaw'll.

Perhaps you don't recall the outcry of all the Brit pensioners who railed against the Amerikan voices IN THE GULF when they demanded BP actually clean up the mess and not further contaminate it. Since the pressure was removed, the rover cover-up was condoned and BP was allowed to skate- those pensioners will get their just rewards from a different angle.

9th December 2010, 01:51 PM
Hee hee hee.

BP creates the oil gusher that kills the gulf stream that freezes the UK.

What comes around...

LOL- that was the first thought that came to my mind. Payback has come home. This whole world is about to shudder with payback. The whole damned world.

I reallly would like to see them "delay" christmas.

I wonder what the hell the marketing slogans would be???

"Only 14 + x shopping days left until Christmas!"

I personally get no jollies in Britain reaping the ill effects of what a global corporation has caused, the same as I wouldn't get a chuckle out of what happens to those that live in the Gulf coastline and suffer from BP's mistakes. That's just wrong yaw'll.

Perhaps you don't recall the outcry of all the Brit pensioners who railed against the Amerikan voices IN THE GULF when they demanded BP actually clean up the mess and not further contaminate it. Since the pressure was removed, the rover cover-up was condoned and BP was allowed to skate- those pensioners will get their just rewards from a different angle.

I'm looking at the larger picture, the average Brit who's just like us!! Yeah, the pensioners deserve their due but what's been done affects millions of people, not just a tiny subset.

9th December 2010, 01:58 PM
The majority- and I would have to reckon that number as 66.6% of the people are quite content having Santa Claws or Old Man Winter as their god. They/ we are quite consumed with materialistic values, disregarding principles and truths that made our ways straight in years gone by. The average bloke is going to get his payback as his gods are puffed and burned.

Name the gods of man and you can then figure what will be destroyed in the next couple years. It has already started.

9th December 2010, 02:07 PM
The majority- and I would have to reckon that number as 66.6% of the people are quite content having Santa Claws or Old Man Winter as their god. They/ we are quite consumed with materialistic values, disregarding principles and truths that made our ways straight in years gone by. The average bloke is going to get his payback as his gods are puffed and burned.

Name the gods of man and you can then figure what will be destroyed in the next couple years. It has already started.

So, you're getting some kind of satisfaction from the Brits enduring the fatal effects from a Corp (BP) whose name happens to be British Petroleum? And how the hell do you "reckon" that the majority is 66.6% of the people you have following Santa Claws or Old Man Winter as their god??

9th December 2010, 02:12 PM
Hee hee hee.

BP creates the oil gusher that kills the gulf stream that freezes the UK.

What comes around...

How so? BP can just pack up with their billions and move to Dubai... NOT an option for the average Joe freezing Brit! >:(

9th December 2010, 02:21 PM
The majority- and I would have to reckon that number as 66.6% of the people are quite content having Santa Claws or Old Man Winter as their god. They/ we are quite consumed with materialistic values, disregarding principles and truths that made our ways straight in years gone by. The average bloke is going to get his payback as his gods are puffed and burned.

Name the gods of man and you can then figure what will be destroyed in the next couple years. It has already started.

So, you're getting some kind of satisfaction from the Brits enduring the fatal effects from a Corp (BP) whose name happens to be British Petroleum? And how the hell do you "reckon" that the majority is 66.6% of the people you have following Santa Claws or Old Man Winter as their god??

Yeah! You know, in some sad, morose, cynical, irony-loving, tortured and perverted way.... I guess I am. For the land of milquetoast fagsters who long ago surrendered their ability to hold a government in check with the threat of insurrection.... the place that exported to Amerika the poisons of a toxic culture so that it could be reproduced and spread throughout the world.... the fallen late great british empire.... I suspect more horrendous things to come and then the end.

When people refuse the truth and attempt to destroy it, it is only fitting that they suffer at the hands of their choices. People's eyes are so clouded over that they must be plunged into extreme darkness in order for them to see any light. The road to enlightenment travels through dark places for those who walked great distances from the light.

9th December 2010, 02:32 PM
If what comes around goes around, we in the US are overdue a massive invasion for our government's military invasion of other countries. My guess is that invading country would be China considering our trade deficit.

9th December 2010, 02:34 PM
The majority- and I would have to reckon that number as 66.6% of the people are quite content having Santa Claws or Old Man Winter as their god. They/ we are quite consumed with materialistic values, disregarding principles and truths that made our ways straight in years gone by. The average bloke is going to get his payback as his gods are puffed and burned.

Name the gods of man and you can then figure what will be destroyed in the next couple years. It has already started.

So, you're getting some kind of satisfaction from the Brits enduring the fatal effects from a Corp (BP) whose name happens to be British Petroleum? And how the hell do you "reckon" that the majority is 66.6% of the people you have following Santa Claws or Old Man Winter as their god??

Yeah! You know, in some sad, morose, cynical, irony-loving, tortured and perverted way.... I guess I am. For the land of milquetoast fagsters who long ago surrendered their ability to hold a government in check with the threat of insurrection.... the place that exported to Amerika the poisons of a toxic culture so that it could be reproduced and spread throughout the world.... the fallen late great british empire.... I suspect more horrendous things to come and then the end.

When people refuse the truth and attempt to destroy it, it is only fitting that they suffer at the hands of their choices. People's eyes are so clouded over that they must be pluged into extreme darkness in order for them to see any light. The road to enlightenment travels through dark places for those who walked great distances from the light.

My initial reaction is to fire back but I'm not going to, it just don't seem proper. I can only hope that you might re-examine this train of thought at a later date.

9th December 2010, 03:08 PM
BP is rothschilds/NWO-banksters; the Gulf Op and it's global chain-of-event outcomes have been long planned. (http://clareswinney.wordpress.com/2010/07/08/war-on-the-world-rothschild-leagues-30-facts-evidencing-gulf-oil-disaster-was-planned%E2%80%8F/)

& it aint wise to snicker too soon at the present hardship of your fellow plebs,

'Monster' storm set to cause travel chaos in U.S. this weekend (but at least it'll be a White Christmas)


9th December 2010, 03:16 PM
I know what you mean LibertyTree, but the fort is being overrun by the enemy. I think the time is well at hand to call in artillery on our position and wipe the lot of them out. I am not planning to live forever on this poisoned planet. And I don't think people will get any better by rewarding them for their ill manners.

The evil that controls this world MUST wrest control by the consent of the people. Since the people have given authority to the devil to destroy the good, I can only be satisfied to know (and see) that even the wicked ones have a time limit.

Take someone like Soros, Barry Hussein Obama, Kissinger, etc.... these dogs have had their day in the sun. They set up shop for the bigger dog and that one will bite before it is muzzled again. Calamity will also keep the big dog off balance.

9th December 2010, 03:29 PM
Global warming....AHHHHHHH!!!!!!


9th December 2010, 04:11 PM
I know what you mean LibertyTree, but the fort is being overrun by the enemy. I think the time is well at hand to call in artillery on our position and wipe the lot of them out. I am not planning to live forever on this poisoned planet. And I don't think people will get any better by rewarding them for their ill manners.

The evil that controls this world MUST wrest control by the consent of the people. Since the people have given authority to the devil to destroy the good, I can only be satisfied to know (and see) that even the wicked ones have a time limit.

Take someone like Soros, Barry Hussein Obama, Kissinger, etc.... these dogs have had their day in the sun. They set up shop for the bigger dog and that one will bite before it is muzzled again. Calamity will also keep the bog dog off balance.

For as much as I want to see the criminals get their due, and believe me, if it were I who were in charge of such, justice would prevail. But for all the calamities we speak of, the people you name and the list we all know, they are insulated from the ramifiacations of their deeds, the results of what they have done are left to bore by all the common folk while they remain unscathed. Unless someone can wrap their hands around those peoples necks I am doubtful and troubled.

Let me ask you a question? Do you think this British cold snap has affected any of the elite in GB? That answer is obvious but what about the average folks? Do ya think they're having a jolly good time freezing their ass off? (paying for it)

I just can't wish that on people that are common people just like we are.

9th December 2010, 05:30 PM
Oh come on. It's -20 and 8" of snow they're complaining about. Around here, that's a nice day to go sledding. A city a little over an hour's drive from here got about 35" this week. It's not life and death.

The same thing happened last year over there with -20 and lots of ice. d

It might prove to be a benefit to them... slow down the immigration from warmer places..

9th December 2010, 06:34 PM
Oh come on. It's -20 and 8" of snow they're complaining about. Around here, that's a nice day to go sledding. A city a little over an hour's drive from here got about 35" this week. It's not life and death.

The same thing happened last year over there with -20 and lots of ice. d

It might prove to be a benefit to them... slow down the immigration from warmer places..

Also snow does have an insulating effect ... so lots of snow on your house vs. a little snow on the house, at the same outside temperature, is cheaper to keep your house warm...

9th December 2010, 06:55 PM
If what comes around goes around, we in the US are overdue a massive invasion for our government's military invasion of other countries. My guess is that invading country would be China considering our trade deficit.

I have been worrying about that for at least a decade.

9th December 2010, 07:12 PM
Hate to repost, but I can't resist:

9th December 2010, 07:26 PM
Let me ask you a question? Do you think this British cold snap has affected any of the elite in GB? That answer is obvious but what about the average folks? Do ya think they're having a jolly good time freezing their ass off? (paying for it)

I just can't wish that on people that are common people just like we are.

Funny- but I have been puzzling that for a while and I got a clear answer today. Those who are sheltered from the reality ans harshness of this world are more attached to it. They LOVE it and they hate the One true God. Those who are endowed with great wealth are in a difficult battle to find the real truth. For them, it is so hard to let go of the things of this world. They are trapped by THINGS.

I have wanted THINGS but what would be the cost of ownership? If they cost me my relationship with God, I don't want them. If they made me love this dying world more than the One who owns eternity and life, then it is far better that I die a pauper.

The harvest is coming soon... I mean the GREAT harvest. You know what happens when grapes are harvested? They are separated from their previous life. The people I see holding desperately to things of this world are bitter grapes that are cast out of the vintner's preserve.

Twisted Titan
9th December 2010, 07:56 PM
If what comes around goes around, we in the US are overdue a massive invasion for our government's military invasion of other countries. My guess is that invading country would be China considering our trade deficit.

I have been worrying about that for at least a decade.

The people that dont have knowledge, Means or willingness to defend themselves are the ones that should be worrying.


10th December 2010, 12:37 PM
Gulf criminals freeze to death N Europeans (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/gulf-crime-kills-freezing-n-europeans)

"Merry Christmas, N. Europeans!"
http://incogman.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/JEW-SANTA.jpg (http://clareswinney.wordpress.com/2010/07/08/war-on-the-world-rothschild-leagues-30-facts-evidencing-gulf-oil-disaster-was-planned%E2%80%8F/)

10th December 2010, 01:02 PM

Santa fired his elves and moved all production to China.







Melly Chlissmas Wal-Mart Shoppers!