View Full Version : Santa's Coming HoHoHo
9th December 2010, 04:13 PM
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to one and all.
Santa Claus here. I shouldn't need to introduce myself since I'm sure you all know me, so I'll just get right down to the gold coins and silver bars of why I joined this happy little forum.
There is at least one very bad little boy among you. "One bad apple".
Last year you see, I received a letter from a child by the name of little Johnny. This is the letter I refer to. Take a look.
Now, this letter and others like it really upset me after all the hard work my slave labor force of little people do making toys and I don't think anyone really appreciates how expensive it is to keep a factory running at the North Pole with all these freaking little people, so I've been searching for little Johnny all year without luck...
You see, I recently teamed up with Homeland Security just like Walmart did since they are my primary distributer after all and because of it I now have access to some of the best tracking and surveillance technology on the planet.
So you better watch out and you better not cry because I'm telling you why... Santa's finally gone high tech and is coming to town for a visit.
HoHoHo. :CS :whip
So while you're thinking about where Santa's gonna rendition you bad little boys and girls (you know who you are) I invite each of you little ones to hop up here on my lap and tell jolly old Santa what you want for Christmas.
Don't be shy now. You can call me "Old Nick." Talk to me. Bwahahahaha... I mean Hohoho...
Rebel Yarr
9th December 2010, 04:16 PM
I claim first smite!!!!
General of Darkness
9th December 2010, 04:17 PM
Happy Hanukkah? Fuck that.
9th December 2010, 04:17 PM
I claim first smite!!!!
General of Darkness
9th December 2010, 04:19 PM
I claim first smite!!!!
Damn, I'm Third. :redfc
9th December 2010, 04:26 PM
I claim first smite!!!!
Damn, I'm Third. :redfc
4th... I want some too...
9th December 2010, 04:29 PM
Fifth... :D
9th December 2010, 04:29 PM
Santa = PAGAN
9th December 2010, 04:40 PM
This is the Santa Jew troll.
Johnny is singing here.
1970 silver art
9th December 2010, 04:45 PM
Hey Santa,
Here is what I want for Christmas:
1. Every 1-oz silver art bar that was minted by the Great House Productions Mint and the Green Country Mint in the 1970's
2. Every 1-oz Coca-Cola silver art bar that was minted by the World Wide Mint in the 1970's and early 1980's
3. 6 fat female hotties
4. 500 cans of Great Value Carrots
5. 100 gallons of Tropicanna Orange Juice
6. 1 Billion FRNs
7. An island in the South Pacific
8. 31 Pepperoni Pizzas
9. 100 cans of sardines
10. Get rid of JPMorgan
As you can see, my Christmas list is very short and since you are Santa, then this should not be a problem for you. Since you have those high tech toys, then you know where to find me and you know where to drop off those Christmas presents. Oh and another thing.........Take it easy on Rudolph because you want his red nose to shine bright enough in order for you to see where you are going. Don't drink while you on the sleigh. Thank You.
9th December 2010, 04:51 PM
you can have fat and you can have hotties, but there is no such thing as fat hotties.
9th December 2010, 04:51 PM
Sun Worship is Indo European.
St. Nicholas was a real person the article does zero justice to.
Pagan does not equal occult or bad, things evolve, so what.
What we don't need is civilization destroyers coming in and
banning European traditions going way back.
Christmas is good, family, friends, children,
celebrating the best of people and what matters Vs
bullsh*t holidays that are put beside it, like Hanika,
about blood and mass murder, a hate holiday.
This is actually key history and is hidden.
Long Live Anty Ep.
War on Christmas is war on West and your freedoms.
1970 silver art
9th December 2010, 04:53 PM
you can have fat and you can have hotties, but there is no such thing as fat hotties.
Of course there is such a thing as a fat hottie. You just have to use your imagination.
9th December 2010, 05:55 PM
False flag santa, false flag johnny, who is the poster ?
9th December 2010, 06:02 PM
Hi Santa,
I have been neither naughty or nice. I've been fairly neutral, for a while now. So, do with that information what you will.
I would like all of my friends to be healthy, happy and have love.*
I would like world peace. The real thing, not a bunch of stupid laws that someone thinks will bring about some fraction of peace. I want magical peace! **
I'd like my dog's eye to heal. ***
* If you can't give my friends health, love and happiness, then please provide them with hookers and blow - quantities at your discretion.
** If you can't manage to bring about world peace, as a consolation prize, I would like lots and lots of guns and ammo. May as well have the fun toys when it goes down.
*** If you aren't able to make my dog's eye feel better, then you are not very special now, are you?
9th December 2010, 06:13 PM
False flag santa, false flag johnny, who is the poster ?
Know the book by it's contents, not by it's cover.
Christmas is good, family, friends, children,
celebrating the best of people and what matters.
War on Christmas is war on West and your freedoms.
I disagree. Christmas has become more of a Materialistic expectation about gift giving and a LIE that is told to children about a guy in a red suit that comes and gives them gifts based on the merits of their behavior. It also makes parents who have very little money feel like shit because they can't afford to buy their kids anything, regardless of whether the child was good or not. It is perpetuated to ensure the consumption of items to boost economic circulation. Take away that, and I will see the value in CHRISTmas.
Joe King
9th December 2010, 06:14 PM
Hey Santa,
Here is what I want for Christmas:
1. Every 1-oz silver art bar that was minted by the Great House Productions Mint and the Green Country Mint in the 1970's
2. Every 1-oz Coca-Cola silver art bar that was minted by the World Wide Mint in the 1970's and early 1980's
3. 6 fat female hotties
4. 500 cans of Great Value Carrots
5. 100 gallons of Tropicanna Orange Juice
6. 1 Billion FRNs
7. An island in the South Pacific
8. 31 Pepperoni Pizzas
9. 100 cans of sardines
10. Get rid of JPMorgan
As you can see, my Christmas list is very short and since you are Santa, then this should not be a problem for you. Since you have those high tech toys, then you know where to find me and you know where to drop off those Christmas presents. Oh and another thing.........Take it easy on Rudolph because you want his red nose to shine bright enough in order for you to see where you are going. Don't drink while you on the sleigh. Thank You.
You missed out big time, dude.
Just the other day, I swear, It was just the other day, there was this place just down the road from you that had everything on your list for one day only at the bargain-basement blowout price of $19.95
.....but they opened at 3AM and had a line :D
We tried to let you know, but apparently you were sleeping. Now they're all sold out. :D
9th December 2010, 06:19 PM
Hi Santa,
Don't get too close, this is Lucifer.
This may be Gaillo having some fun. Bad Santa.
1970 silver art
9th December 2010, 06:20 PM
Hey Santa,
Here is what I want for Christmas:
1. Every 1-oz silver art bar that was minted by the Great House Productions Mint and the Green Country Mint in the 1970's
2. Every 1-oz Coca-Cola silver art bar that was minted by the World Wide Mint in the 1970's and early 1980's
3. 6 fat female hotties
4. 500 cans of Great Value Carrots
5. 100 gallons of Tropicanna Orange Juice
6. 1 Billion FRNs
7. An island in the South Pacific
8. 31 Pepperoni Pizzas
9. 100 cans of sardines
10. Get rid of JPMorgan
As you can see, my Christmas list is very short and since you are Santa, then this should not be a problem for you. Since you have those high tech toys, then you know where to find me and you know where to drop off those Christmas presents. Oh and another thing.........Take it easy on Rudolph because you want his red nose to shine bright enough in order for you to see where you are going. Don't drink while you on the sleigh. Thank You.
You missed out big time, dude.
Just the other day, I swear, It was just the other day, there was this place just down the road from you that had everything on your list for one day only at the bargain-basement blowout price of $19.95
.....but they opened at 3AM and had a line :D
We tried to let you know, but apparently you were sleeping. Now they're all sold out. :D
You should have woke me up and reserved a spot in line for me. All of that stuff is hard to come by, however, since Santa is on GSUS and is planning on coming to my city, then maybe I have a second chance at getting those things that I listed. Since I have been nice, then Santa should not have any problems getting those Christmas presents that are on that wish list. :D :D :D
9th December 2010, 07:03 PM
* If you can't give my friends health, love and happiness, then please provide them with hookers and blow - quantities at your discretion.
This is the best Christmas wish anyone has ever made. Almost brought a tear to my eye.
9th December 2010, 07:19 PM
...This may be Gaillo having some fun. Bad Santa.
Nope... not my "style".
I'd just sign in as YOU, then start a "save the poor persecuted Jews" hanukkah fund! ;)
9th December 2010, 07:42 PM
I'd like my dog's eye to heal. ***
If it's an infection, colloidal silver works great on eyes. No joke.
Santa(anagram of satan?) is a tool artfully rendered by Internationalist (Globalist), Ashkenazim Zionist and/or Luciferian Marketers to help create a mass consumer culture addicted to instant gratification and thus "usury." Santa Claus (Satans Clause) also undermines the fundamental Christian spiritual aspects of Christmas.
A wickedly successful archetype of 20th century mass media propaganda co-opted or "resurrected" from occult traditions past.
The war is between matter and spirit. Between hidden knowledge and liberation. The idea behind Lucifer is to enslave the soul and inprison the spirit for ever. The idea behind Christ is Everlasting Life.
The idea of Material-ism... is antithetical to the idea of Everlasting Life.
Trapping souls in a closed loop of material addiction is Santas goal.
9th December 2010, 07:46 PM
9th December 2010, 07:49 PM
This is what I think of you Santa.
Decent amount of profanity be warned.
9th December 2010, 07:51 PM
I'd like my dog's eye to heal. ***
If it's an infection, colloidal silver works great on eyes. No joke.
It's not an infection, yet. She was stabbed in the eye by a cactus, and the tip is still in there. :boohoo
I can't remember if I brought my colloidal silver with me on the road. It's possible. Maybe in the cargo area.
Thanks for the tip!
9th December 2010, 07:53 PM
I'd like my dog's eye to heal. ***
If it's an infection, colloidal silver works great on eyes. No joke.
It's not an infection, yet. She was stabbed in the eye by a cactus, and the tip is still in there. :boohoo
I can't remember if I brought my colloidal silver with me on the road. It's possible. Maybe in the cargo area.
Thanks for the tip!
He knows when you are sleeping
He know's when you're awake
But he doesn't know when little doggie gets stabbed in the eye... :conf:
9th December 2010, 08:21 PM
I'd like my dog's eye to heal. ***
If it's an infection, colloidal silver works great on eyes. No joke.
It's not an infection, yet. She was stabbed in the eye by a cactus, and the tip is still in there. :boohoo
I can't remember if I brought my colloidal silver with me on the road. It's possible. Maybe in the cargo area.
Thanks for the tip!
He knows when you are sleeping
He know's when you're awake
But he doesn't know when little doggie gets stabbed in the eye... :conf:
Now now, Santa's still busy compiling a list of who's naughty and who's nice... I like to call the naughty one's "keepers." Are you a keeper, Ximmy? :oo-->
It's not an infection, yet. She was stabbed in the eye by a cactus, and the tip is still in there. :boohoo
Ouch. Colloidal silver may help prevent it from becoming infected. I've treated farm critters eyes with amazing results. 10% colloidal silver solution sold at health food stores.
1970 silver art
25th December 2010, 07:07 AM
Where are the gifts that I was asking for in post # 9 of this thread? What a disappointment. Shame on you.
Santa = FAIL!!!!!!
25th December 2010, 07:23 AM
25th December 2010, 11:12 AM
1st January 2011, 05:31 AM
Santa Claus here. I shouldn't need to introduce myself since I'm sure you all know me, so I'll just get right down to the gold coins and silver bars of why I joined this happy little forum.
"Santa" is now perpetrating a crime in the State of California. This law became effective January 01, 2011.
1st January 2011, 07:05 AM
Santa Claus here. I shouldn't need to introduce myself since I'm sure you all know me, so I'll just get right down to the gold coins and silver bars of why I joined this happy little forum.
"Santa" is now perpetrating a crime in the State of California. This law became effective January 01, 2011.
Please send a small one time donation of $1500 to help bail Santa out of jail. :'(
1st January 2011, 07:14 AM
Your wish has been granted. I intercepted Santa's letter to you. See the results below....
Hey Santa,
Here is what I want for Christmas:
1. Every 1-oz silver art bar that was minted by the Great House Productions Mint and the Green Country Mint in the 1970's
2. Every 1-oz Coca-Cola silver art bar that was minted by the World Wide Mint in the 1970's and early 1980's
3. 6 fat female hotties
4. 500 cans of Great Value Carrots
5. 100 gallons of Tropicanna Orange Juice
6. 1 Billion FRNs
7. An island in the South Pacific
8. 31 Pepperoni Pizzas
9. 100 cans of sardines
10. Get rid of JPMorgan
As you can see, my Christmas list is very short and since you are Santa, then this should not be a problem for you. Since you have those high tech toys, then you know where to find me and you know where to drop off those Christmas presents. Oh and another thing.........Take it easy on Rudolph because you want his red nose to shine bright enough in order for you to see where you are going. Don't drink while you on the sleigh. Thank You.
Your 6 FAT female hotties (number 3) ate numbers: 4, 5, 8 & 9. They took numbers: 1, 2, & 6 to the island- number 7 where they burned number 6 because they had no place to spend it. I had JP Morgue (number 10) dropped from an airplane onto the island and they all went to the piles of silver on the beach. Then the 6 fat hotties ran to that side of the island and it tipped over. All was lost as the island sank except for the JP Morgue greasy slimeballs who floated on the water and swam back to New York. Sorry about number 10 but you got 90% anyway. I hope you are happy.
1st January 2011, 11:19 AM
It's not an infection, yet. She was stabbed in the eye by a cactus, and the tip is still in there. :boohoo
I can't remember if I brought my colloidal silver with me on the road. It's possible. Maybe in the cargo area.
Thanks for the tip!
Contact cleaner works miracles, cept your gonna need to pull the splinter out first!
1st January 2011, 06:58 PM
Santa Claus here. I shouldn't need to introduce myself since I'm sure you all know me, so I'll just get right down to the gold coins and silver bars of why I joined this happy little forum.
"Santa" is now perpetrating a crime in the State of California. This law became effective January 01, 2011.
(b) For purposes of this section, an impersonation is credible if
another person would reasonably believe, or did reasonably believe,
that the defendant was or is the person who was impersonated.
I'll pretend to be fooled if you will! ;)
Silver Shield
1st January 2011, 07:29 PM
Look at the big brother lyrics in Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town.
1st January 2011, 07:35 PM
Your 6 FAT female hotties (number 3) ate numbers: 4, 5, 8 & 9. They took numbers: 1, 2, & 6 to the island- number 7 where they burned number 6 because they had no place to spend it. I had JP Morgue (number 10) dropped from an airplane onto the island and they all went to the piles of silver on the beach. Then the 6 fat hotties ran to that side of the island and it tipped over. All was lost as the island sank except for the JP Morgue greasy slimeballs who floated on the water and swam back to New York. Sorry about number 10 but you got 90% anyway. I hope you are happy.
LOL, this is quite possibly the funniest post I've read on this site!
BTW, Santa was good for me this year, I got the Band of Brothers DVD set, amongst other things. The most unique gift was a gun shaped egg cooker. You can fry up a gun shaped egg.
Apparently TSA did not like this gift, as my brother got flagged for a "suspicious shaped" object. When identified, his response was "yup, that's a suspicious shape!" We are all thankful he proceeded through unmolested.
1st January 2011, 07:43 PM
Your 6 FAT female hotties (number 3) ate numbers: 4, 5, 8 & 9. They took numbers: 1, 2, & 6 to the island- number 7 where they burned number 6 because they had no place to spend it. I had JP Morgue (number 10) dropped from an airplane onto the island and they all went to the piles of silver on the beach. Then the 6 fat hotties ran to that side of the island and it tipped over. All was lost as the island sank except for the JP Morgue greasy slimeballs who floated on the water and swam back to New York. Sorry about number 10 but you got 90% anyway. I hope you are happy.
LOL, this is quite possibly the funniest post I've read on this site!
BTW, Santa was good for me this year, I got the Band of Brothers DVD set, amongst other things. The most unique gift was a gun shaped egg cooker. You can fry up a gun shaped egg.
Apparently TSA did not like this gift, as my brother got flagged for a "suspicious shaped" object. When identified, his response was "yup, that's a suspicious shape!" We are all thankful he proceeded through unmolested.
yep I agree Spectrism did an great job of keeping Who's on first and....
4th February 2011, 07:55 AM
" by their works ye shall know them " GSUS
4th February 2011, 08:34 AM
Read this carefully, Magnes... and try to understand that I'm not really Santa Claus here,
I'm just a poster with an opinion about the Santa icon.
If it's an infection, colloidal silver works great on eyes. No joke.
Santa(anagram of satan?) is a tool artfully rendered by Internationalist (Globalist), Ashkenazim Zionist and/or Luciferian Marketers to help create a mass consumer culture addicted to instant gratification and thus "usury." Santa Claus (Satans Clause) also undermines the fundamental Christian spiritual aspects of Christmas.
A wickedly successful archetype of 20th century mass media propaganda co-opted or "resurrected" from occult traditions past.
The war is between matter and spirit. Between hidden knowledge and liberation. The idea behind Lucifer is to enslave the soul and inprison the spirit for ever. The idea behind Christ is Everlasting Life.
The idea of Material-ism... is antithetical to the idea of Everlasting Life.
Trapping souls in a closed loop of material addiction is Santas goal.
4th February 2011, 08:42 AM
Hey, what happened to Imacannin? She posted the best post in this thread and now it's gone.
It was an excellent account of the early pagan origins of Santa and Christmas.
1st October 2013, 06:00 PM
Santa Claus here.
:rolleyes: thought we forgot about you Santa?
1st October 2013, 06:07 PM
:rolleyes: thought we forgot about you Santa?
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