View Full Version : Geraldo Rivera Tells Bill O'reilly Recent Domestic Terror Plots Are Fake- vid
9th December 2010, 10:59 PM
Jury's still out for me on Geraldo & his ostensible BornAgainIsm re the WARRENTERRA HOAX
from 911blogger, see reader comments at link.
Geraldo Rivera Tells Bill O'reilly Recent Domestic Terror Plots Are Fake (
Airing Date Dec.08, 2010
Geraldo Rivera Tells Bill O'reilly Recent Domestic Terror Plots Are Fake
He explains the role of the FBI in all of the most recent cases and how they take depressed gullible morons and walk them into to attempting terrorist acts.
Bill at the end says "You and Napolitano ought to go camping together""
10th December 2010, 12:26 AM
Bill at the end says "You and Napolitano ought to go camping together""
It would seem Bill subscribes to the "human civilization based on lies to control people" mindset then. ;D
10th December 2010, 03:22 AM
Obscuring the truth by having a buffoon present it.
Who remembers Al Capone's Vault?
10th December 2010, 07:02 AM
Obscuring the truth by having a buffoon present it.
Who remembers Al Capone's Vault?
10th December 2010, 07:34 AM
Obscuring the truth by having a buffoon present it.
Who remembers Al Capone's Vault?
They are two buffoons, anyone who bothers to listen to O'Really, ought to go see a shrink
10th December 2010, 07:44 AM
Kind of want to watch the video, but Bill O'reilly is disgusting and watching him is a terrible way to start the day.
10th December 2010, 08:01 AM
Kind of want to watch the video, but Bill O'reilly is disgusting and watching him is a terrible way to start the day.
I know! People like him are the main reason I don't get cable.
10th December 2010, 08:10 AM
Bill at the end says "You and Napolitano ought to go camping together""
It would seem Bill subscribes to the "human civilization based on lies to control people" mindset then. ;D
Did you see that one where he told Beck that what he was doing now was like when Mick Jagger tried to separate from The Rolling Stones?
10th December 2010, 09:33 AM
if geraldo persues this, he will have a falling out with upper management at fox (lox) news.
10th December 2010, 09:37 AM
Did you see that one where he told Beck that what he was doing now was like when Mick Jagger tried to separate from The Rolling Stones?
First I've heard. A quick video search yielded nothing.
FAUX News has played the role of WARRENTERRA HOAX Propaganda Central Command since at least 9/11. Until further notice, I'm baffled as to what their game is here with Geraldo & Napolitano. It would be easy if they'd "suddenly woken up to" one of the fuzzier, more divisive aspects of 911 Truth, like "what hit the Pentagon?"; but instead they've brought attention to the 911 FF's biggest smoking gun: WTC7-- and did so featuring "respectful interviews" with two of 911 Truth's most credible spokespeople: family member Bob McIlvane and engineer Tony Szamboti.
If FAUX wanted this drama silenced, it would be silenced, complete with character assassinations of Geraldo & Napolitano (playing whatever skeleton-in-the-closet trump cards they surely have on the two). But instead, they're letting the 911 Truth message propagate and cross-pollinate among their other celebrity propagandists, as we see again in this thread.
Then separately (so far- curious to see the video Horn refers to), we have The Beckster giving vague, Truth-like soliloquys. Seems like the natural next act in this play will be Geraldo, Beckster & Napolitano having a Truthy discussion together... it's crazy, like a FOX. This play just needs to proceed for a couple more acts, and FAUX will inevitably reveal their hand. Meanwhile, it's fun to dissect, like we're in the middle of a good mystery novel! :D
10th December 2010, 10:09 AM
Beck has pointed to some kind of upper echelon shakeup in recent months. Claiming Soros (or others} tried a clamping down on FOX.
This comes along side of Beck's 8/28 "revelation".
It's like a soap opera over there on FOX.
Just waiting for the curtain to come down on him, & the millions they've tagged are left standing alone.
10th December 2010, 10:13 AM
While I leave some room for hope that Faux news management is realizing that a broke American population is not good for advertising revenue, or this is evidence of some infighting in the elites, or even people are just waking up....
It may be that they are not getting enough of Fed backdoor money too keep lying to the people like ABC and NBC and need some leverage to increase this.
10th December 2010, 10:34 AM
Glenn Beck , the fundamental transformation is here.
And as the seer on O'Reily, lots of others on the list here.
10th December 2010, 11:35 AM
While I leave some room for hope that Faux news management is realizing that a broke American population is not good for advertising revenue, or this is evidence of some infighting in the elites, or even people are just waking up....
It may be that they are not getting enough of Fed backdoor money too keep lying to the people like ABC and NBC and need some leverage to increase this.
With regards Beck's recent programming, gone rogue. I'm tempted to think to myself of "an idiot shall lead them". He seems genuinely to be grasping at some convincing straws. Or is just offering a "saving play" while a nations weeps its founders, and scraps its Constitution.
I've doubted him in the past, but recently he has gained back an iota of trust, due the homage paid to the founders. Now if only he can keep invocation of God (as he does so often) in proper perspective with regards to the politics of men.
Granted he is attempting to draw a line that may be well short of TpTb, but one that was drawn in the past and could use a rehashing.
Silver Shield
11th December 2010, 01:03 AM
Geraldo is just the latest of Murdoch puppets to come out to infiltrate, subvert, and destroy the liberty movement.
The best way to destroy the opposition is to lead it. - Lenin.
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