View Full Version : Who is Jim Chanos and could his prediction of a Chinese economic downturn collap

10th December 2010, 07:45 AM

Jim Chanos, a hedge fund manager who predicted the fall of Enron and the financial crisis of 2008, says China is next bubble to burst and is 1000 times worst than Dubai. If China suffers an economic crisis, they could drag America in another financial crisis since they own over $1.5 trillion in U.S. treasuries and may have to sell or stop buying them. The dollar would fall in value if China's economy crashes.

12th December 2010, 09:00 PM
The are macroeconomic and political forces at work which could easily bring a downturn to China.
The USA is going to have trouble servicing its debt to China and is going to be unable to buy as many exports from there. Other western nations have controls in place already which protect themselves from unfair monetary and trade practices. Some claim that internal demand will replace the unwinding of export revenue but wealth is very unevenly spread in China. Other than the political class and a wealthy class which often leaves with their wealth they're not really a wealthy nation.

A host of other problems exist in China, from pollution to energy concerns. However, they do have metals. But again control over most of the metals industry rests in the hands of the very few.

The storm which is coming sometime this decade is likely to be a global one. The average chinese worker will be unlikely to escape the pain. Global elite control over a 100% corrupt monetary, financial, industrial and economic system exists not only in the West, but in China as well. The downstream ramifications of absolute power will impact the East and the West both, only the timeline reamins unclear.

12th December 2010, 09:35 PM
Hate to sound stupid, but is this good or bad for us living in the US and why?

12th December 2010, 10:02 PM
Other than the political class and a wealthy class which often leaves with their wealth they're not really a wealthy nation.

That also describes the USA and every other "nation" in 2010.

BIS (http://www.bis.org/) owns them all now.

Today on teevee Donald Trump said that his very wealthy buddies would leave the USA if Congress didn't continue their tax breaks. He said it as bluntly and plain as that.
