View Full Version : John Williams from Shadow stats

10th December 2010, 11:58 AM

10th December 2010, 12:17 PM

General of Darkness
10th December 2010, 01:29 PM
Wow, that's fricken scary, and I think he's correct.

old steel
10th December 2010, 02:15 PM
Looks like you Americans are really heading for a very hard fall and soon too.

Still there are no riots no protests of any sort i can see.

Guess ya'll will go quietly into that dark night.

10th December 2010, 03:18 PM
Wow, that's fricken scary, and I think he's correct.

I tend to think he's right too General. Glad I picked up another weeks worth of grub at the gobo mart today :)

Looks like you Americans are really heading for a very hard fall and soon too.

Still there are no riots no protests of any sort i can see.

Guess ya'll will go quietly into that dark night.

Heading for a very hard fall is an understatement! No reason to protest...yet. (at least by j6p's standards)

Quietly?? That very much remains to be seen, some work is done best in the darkest of nights.

10th December 2010, 06:28 PM
This is what kills me about these kinds of interviews.Mr Williams very clearly spells out THE FACT THAT IF THE US GOVT TAXED EVERYTHING AT 100 PERCENT WE WOULD STILL BE IN DEFICIT ! ! ! !

After saying this , the stupid bitch says yeah but. yeah but what you stupid bitch ?

She says yeah but we can import our way out.

No you stupid bitch i just told you, there is not enough wealth in the entire country to pay off the debt.

Simple freakin math you stupid bitch.

10th December 2010, 07:45 PM
This is why we buy gold and silver.

He says in as little as a couple of months. The only argument against hyperinflation, as I see it..is in a hyperinflationary environment, the government's printing presses are no longer functional, ie, complete breakdown and a loss of power. I think they are all about power, and think the sheep are to stupid to let them lose it.

10th December 2010, 09:53 PM
John Williams is RIGHT!

Listen to this to see HOW hyperinflation may play out.

Not much time left. Get ready.
