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11th December 2010, 06:43 AM
Law enforcement official: 1 of Bernard Madoff's sons found dead in NYC of apparent suicide

NEW YORK - One of Bernard Madoff's sons was found dead Saturday of an apparent suicide, according to a law enforcement official.

Mark Madoff, 46, was found hanged in his apartment in Manhattan's SoHo section, according to the official. A family member notified police around 7:30 a.m.

The official spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity because he wasn't allowed to speak publicly about the case.

Mark Madoff and his brother, Andrew, were under investigation but hadn't faced any criminal charges in the massive Ponzi scheme that led to their father's jailing.

Bernard Madoff swindled a long list of investors out of billions of dollars and is serving a 150-year prison term in North Carolina.

The scandal put a harsh light on members of the swindler's family. The financier's brother, Peter, played a prominent role in the family's company. Mark and Andrew Madoff both worked on a trading desk at the firm, on a side of the business that wasn't directly involved in the Ponzi scheme.

A year ago, the court-appointed trustee trying to unravel Madoff's financial affairs sued several members of the family, including the brothers, accusing them of failing to detect the fraud while living lavish lifestyles financed with the family's ill-gotten fortune.

The lawsuit accused Mark Madoff of using $66 million he received improperly to buy luxury homes in New York City, Nantucket and Connecticut.

In February, Mark Madoff's wife petitioned a court to change her last name, saying her family had gotten threats and was humiliated by the scandal.

A call to Mark Madoff's attorney and his father's attorney was not immediately returned Saturday. Calls to the FBI and U.S. Attorney's office were also not immediately returned.

http://www.startribune.com/business/111717684.html?elr=KArksLckD8EQDUoaEyqyP4O:DW3ckUi D3aPc:_Yyc:aUvckD8EQDUT

11th December 2010, 06:49 AM
Option 1: he was killed by one of the "cleanup crew" as they don't want leaks tying Madoff into Zionist misbehavior

Option 2: this is a warning to Bernie and the others to keep their mouths shut.

NO WAY do I believe this suicide was real.

11th December 2010, 06:58 AM
Option 3: Cough up the rest of the hidden dough or someone gets it.

11th December 2010, 07:09 AM
I wonder if he was going to be summoned as a key witness in the JPM lawsuit?

11th December 2010, 07:13 AM
Another seat open at Vince Foster's poker table.

11th December 2010, 08:29 AM
more details:

Bernie Madoff's son, Mark, found dead

Bernard Madoff’s son Mark was found dead in the living room of his SoHo apartment this morning — hanging from a black dog leash on the two-year anniversary of his father’s stunning downfall, police sources said.

Officers were called to 158 Mercer St. around 7:30 a.m. after Mark’s father-in-law reported the grisly find — the younger Madoff, 46, hanging fully clothed from a black dog leash attached to a pipe in the apartment ceiling.

His 2-year-old son was sleeping in a nearby bedroom and was unharmed, as was their labradoodle.


Mark Madoff had recently traded eerie e-mails with his wife, Stephanie, who is now in Florida, to have someone check on the child, who is found, sources told The Post.

A freaked out Stephanie sent her father-in-law to the family’s apartment, where he made the discovery, said police sources.

No note was found with his body, said police sources.

Today is the two-year anniversary of Bernard Madoff’s arrest. He’s now serving a 150-year prison sentence over his $65 billion Ponzi scheme.

Mark Madoff was "unalterably bitter" over his father’s decades-long deception, a spokesman told the Wall Street Journal recently.

Mark Madoff and his brother, Andrew, were sued this week by Irving Picard, the court-appointed trustee recovering assets for the Bernard Madoff’s victims.

The two brothers were brokers in their father’s firm, and have said repeatedly they didn’t know of their father’s crimes.

Midnight tonight is the deadline for Irving Picard, the trustee assigned to recover assets for the victims of Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme, to file any lawsuits to try and claw back funds that can be distributed among Madoff's victims.

Yesterday, Picard filed blockbuster civil suits in Manhattan bankruptcy court seeking $19.6 billion in damages. Picard's latest suit focused on Austrian banker Sonja Kohn, who is accused of funneling money to feed Madoff's Ponzi machine in Europe. Kohn had portrayed herself as a victim of Madoff's thefts.

[i]Mark Madoff (right) with his parents, Bernie and Ruth, in 2001.

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/bernie_madoff_son_andrew_found_dead_41QZ5xHZ2Ifq2I BmRtZgLK#ixzz17oyeEWcg

11th December 2010, 08:34 AM
Father out of jail to go to funeral........father gone from funeral.......picture of father smiling in the state of Israel........mosad doesn't know anything about this, Obama (smiling) says "All this is new to me".

First post of the day...........good morning to one and all.

11th December 2010, 08:44 AM
if he's going to commit suicide, he should at least have fun doing it.

like go body-surfing at Maverick's or something.

willie pete
11th December 2010, 08:56 AM
I doubt they'll be letting bernie out to attend the funeral Ponce... ;D

11th December 2010, 08:59 AM
A freaked out Stephanie sent her father-in-law to the family’s apartment, where he made the discovery, said police sources.

This part is wrong, her father-in-law is Bernie Madoff! They must mean her father.

11th December 2010, 09:35 AM
The timing of his death, on the anniversary of the conviction of his father. Can be seen several ways, One he was dirty as hell and knew that life as he knew it was over, Or as some on this thread has stated , he was taken out. The question is ? The guy knew he was stewed and screwed (self inflicted) and took the easy way out. Or others in the chain, are trying to save them selfs by trying to break the chain?

And so far as the father being let out for the services, methinks it would be a cold day in hell before that would happen! Could be wrong, but do not think so.

Before all is said and done, would not be surprised, in seeing more deaths, voluntary or not, and not just in the Madoff's case. Some one started this , and yes we are all guilty,(Getting caught up) in one form or the other! Bunch of easy money to be made in those years,

Greed has been a human condition, as long as we humans have walked the earth.

Dos Pesos.

11th December 2010, 09:42 AM
Published October 26, 2009

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – A man accused of making more than $7 billion off the investment schemes of jailed financial manager Bernard Madoff drowned after having a heart attack, authorities said Monday.

Jeffry Picower, 67, was found at about noon Sunday by his wife, Barbara, at the bottom of a pool at their oceanside mansion. She pulled him from the water with help from a housekeeper. He died a short time later at a nearby hospital.



11th December 2010, 10:34 AM
1. The wife was conveniently away..

2. A dog leash was used as the hanging instrument.

Either this was an impulsive act with little planning or someone took advantage of the fact that there would be no witnesses. My guesstimation is that he was a liability that was cancelled out.

11th December 2010, 11:03 AM

Madoff have teevee in his cell to watch the news?


Twisted Titan
11th December 2010, 11:17 AM
I agree with that summation.

Somebody higher up the food chain is making sure the bodies stay buried by burying a few more.


11th December 2010, 12:32 PM
Organized crime families are involved, the corrupt USA offices, banks,
Israel and Mossad, the money went somewhere, you have launderers,
etc, Madoff went and had a meeting with his boss then turned himself
in, he is the fall guy , etc, leave everyone else alone. Madsen again
has very interesting fitting information on all of this. When you think
about it there has been no accountability, everyone made mistakes, lol .
It took many groups to pull this off, even the media is involved, do
you ever see them talking about how powerful Madoff was, he
was MM, founder of Nasdaq and Chairman, they have their own
dirty history, very dirty.

11th December 2010, 02:26 PM
Timeline: Events leading up to Mark Madoff's death

Dec. 11, 2008: Bernard Madoff is arrested after telling senior employees that his investment company was "basically, a giant Ponzi scheme," and he had "absolutely nothing." Media reports later identified the employees as his sons, Mark and Andrew.

Dec. 12, 2008: Losses from Madoff's scheme are estimated to top $50 billion by his own account. Authorities would later put the loss at $20 billion, making it the biggest investment fraud in U.S. history.

Dec. 23, 2008: French investor Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet is found dead after committing suicide after he discovered that he had lost his entire savings, and his clients' money, to Madoff's Ponzi scheme.

March 12, 2009: Bernard Madoff pleads guilty to 11 charges, including fraud, perjury and money laundering. He gets a prison sentence of 150 years. The judge jails him immediately after the plea.

March 17, 2009: Federal prosecutors tell a judge they want to seize jewelry, business interests and more than $30 million from Madoff's relatives, including loans Madoff made to his sons, Mark and Andrew.

June 29, 2009: Bernard Madoff's wife, Ruth Madoff, breaks her silence and publicly says she was among the victims of her husband's deceit. She said he "stunned us all with his confession and is responsible for this terrible situation in which so many now find themselves."

July 2, 2009: Federal marshals force Ruth Madoff out of the $7 million Manhattan penthouse where she and Bernard Madoff lived.

July 14, 2009: Bernard Madoff arrives at prison in North Carolina to serve his 150-year sentence.

Aug. 3, 2009: Ruth Madoff is ordered to report expenses above $100 to a trustee appointed to locate and liquidate Madoff's assets to pay back thousands of burned customers.

Oct. 2, 2009: Court-appointed trustee Irving Picard sues Bernard Madoff's family members in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan, claiming they used the family business as a "piggy bank." Mark Madoff is accused as improperly using $66 million from the business to buy luxury homes in New York City, Nantucket and Connecticut.

Feb. 24, 2010: Mark Madoff's wife Stephanie files court papers asking change her last name to Morgan from Madoff. She said the change would help her avoid "additional humiliation" and harassment that included threats. Mark filed papers saying he did not object to the move.

Dec. 8, 2010: Court trustee Picard files a lawsuit in London seeking to recover at least $80 million from the international arm of Madoff's business. Defendants include Mark and Andrew Madoff.

Dec. 10, 2010: Picard files civil racketeering charges against Austrian banker Sonja Kohn and 55 other defendants demanding that they give up nearly $20 billion, and accusing Kohn of accepting at least $62 million in secret kickbacks from Madoff for soliciting investors for the fraud.

Dec. 11, 2010: Mark Madoff is found dead in his New York apartment after apparently hanging himself while his 2-year-old son was sleeping in a nearby room.


11th December 2010, 03:41 PM
Meanwhile 50 billion taken to the state of Israel now gone for good.

mick silver
11th December 2010, 04:09 PM
it look like someone made him kill his self

11th December 2010, 06:50 PM
Timeline: Events leading up to Mark Madoff's death

Dec. 8, 2010: Court trustee Picard files a lawsuit in London seeking to recover at least $80 million from the international arm of Madoff's business. Defendants include Mark and Andrew Madoff.

Dec. 10, 2010: Picard files civil racketeering charges against Austrian banker Sonja Kohn and 55 other defendants demanding that they give up nearly $20 billion, and accusing Kohn of accepting at least $62 million in secret kickbacks from Madoff for soliciting investors for the fraud.

Dec. 11, 2010: Mark Madoff is found dead in his New York apartment after apparently hanging himself while his 2-year-old son was sleeping in a nearby room.


Wonder if the events of the previous few days had anything to do with the timing of this "suicide" ?

11th December 2010, 07:39 PM
glad the dog was unharmed.