11th December 2010, 04:57 PM

Experts predict a dramatic increase in cold-related fatalities

Saturday December 11,2010
By Sarah Westcott

DEATH rates are set to soar “scandalously” this winter as a new Arctic blast batters Britain with temperatures on a par with Siberia.

Experts predict a dramatic increase in cold-related fatalities as we suffer the bitterest winter in a century, causing 12 deaths every hour.

Britons face spiralling energy bills while the death toll this winter could reach 35,000.

There are also fears some mail may not reach its destination by Christmas Day because of the freeze.

Forecasters said temperatures could plummet to record lows in the run-up to Christmas, putting tens of thousands of vulnerable people at risk.

Charities warned of pensioners suffering “Dickensian” conditions, resorting to riding on buses or huddling in shopping centres just to keep warm.

Millions of Britons are being forced to turn down their thermostats as gas and electricity prices spiral.

Jonathan Powell, senior forecaster with Positive Weather Solutions, said icy conditions were on the way back by the middle of next week after a brief weekend thaw. He said plummeting temperatures could even surpass the -27.2C (-17F) recorded in Braemar in 1982 – the coldest temperature in Britain.

Studies show a drop in temperature of just one degree is followed by 200 heart attacks. People aged between 75 and 84 and those with a history of heart disease appear to be most vulnerable.

Last year the number of deaths linked to the cold weather reached nearly 28,000 in four months, sparking claims that the UK has the highest winter death rate in northern Europe.

Neil Duncan-Jordan, of the National Pensioners Convention, said: “Rising bills and severe weather are going to put tremendous pressure on older people and we believe last year’s death rate of nine pensioners an hour could go up to 12 every single hour.

“It is a scandal that winter deaths are on the increase.”

Forecasters say bitterly cold winds are expected to return by the start of next week as bookmakers slash the odds for a white Christmas.

Jonathan Powell said the prolonged cold snap would leave Britain “the coldest country in the northern hemisphere” and “on a par with Siberia”. He said: “By next weekend, winds are turning northerly and there will be a true Arctic blast sweeping the country. Snow will fall as far as Bodmin in the South-west.

“The ice will cause substantial chaos through the festive period and bring the UK to a standstill.

“It will be a festive white-out with five to seven inches of snow in the east.”

The Arctic weather is causing Christmas post chaos, with delivery centres piling up with parcels and cards.

In Hull, people without post for 14 days claim Royal Mail told them they could not pick it up themselves because “their mail may not be there”.

Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/216765/Weather-35-000-deaths-fear-in-new-Arctic-blizzardsWeather-35-000-deaths-fear-in-new-Arctic-blizzards#ixzz17r2oPdc4

11th December 2010, 05:07 PM
Anyone think this may be Gulf Oil Spill related? Gulf stream not moving the warm temps to GB?


11th December 2010, 05:12 PM
Anyone think this may be Gulf Oil Spill related? Gulf stream not moving the warm temps to GB?


Might be a part of it, also there has been a HUGE amount of ice that has melted in the arctic , and the fresh water may be messing with the gulf stream currents and making them stall.


11th December 2010, 05:30 PM

No reason for everybody to go all Donner Party over this.

It's December. It gets cold. Been happening since forever.


11th December 2010, 06:54 PM
5 to 7 inches of snow?? seriously??...london ontario got that in the first few hours of their last snowstorm (which ultimately dumped about 3' or so), and -27.2 is cold, sure, but lots of places record similar temps every winter...i'm not really getting why this type of weather is such a big crisis...

...not to be insensitive to their plight or anything, but if they spent a winter in Fort Macmurray, alberta or winnipeg, manitoba, they would be really screwed!

the skyrocketing gas prices are another story, but surely they have kerosene heaters, electric heaters, fireplaces, electric blankets, etc...

don't they?

11th December 2010, 07:12 PM
Gotta wonder if the banking orchestrators run-up, pull-out, & bail-outs didn't have the forecast before we did.

There's a plethora of factors pointing to mini iceage.

11th December 2010, 08:27 PM
is there any possibility of a connection to HAARP in Alaska? everything I've read or seen regarding it makes a claim of weather manipulation...the ability to cause floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, BLIZZARDS, EXTREME TEMPS, droughts, etc...

seems like it's right in line with these unexpected extremes in weather...????

12th December 2010, 12:52 AM
they just have to kill a Mynoch and use Luke's light-saber to cut open the beast's belly so cover themselves in smelly Mynoch guts.

"And I thought they smelled bad on the outside" - Hans Solo after he cut open the Mynoch.

or else if they built a shelter using alternating layers of toilet paper and Great Value Carrots ? that would be more practical.

mick silver
12th December 2010, 04:41 AM
i am starting to think the oil leak was plan out ... with the gangs we have running the government around the world you just never know

12th December 2010, 06:40 AM
5 to 7 inches of snow?? seriously??...london ontario got that in the first few hours of their last snowstorm (which ultimately dumped about 3' or so), and -27.2 is cold, sure, but lots of places record similar temps every winter...i'm not really getting why this type of weather is such a big crisis...

...not to be insensitive to their plight or anything, but if they spent a winter in Fort Macmurray, alberta or winnipeg, manitoba, they would be really screwed!

the skyrocketing gas prices are another story, but surely they have kerosene heaters, electric heaters, fireplaces, electric blankets, etc...

don't they?

I don't see the big deal either. They are really going all-out on explaining how "extreme" this is. I like how it would be the coldest country in the northern hemisphere, at -27c, and on par with Siberia. Well if it's on-par then it's not the coldest, it's basically tied with Russia, and -27c isn't that cold anyway so I don't see how they made that claim in the first place.

They should learn from the Canadians who regularly deal with -40 and -50c. Those are temperatures you can feel, you get ice building up around your eyes. Put on a good coat and keep out of the wind. It shouldn't be killing people unless they're on the edge anyway.

I inadvertently did an experiment with no heating the house for a few days in -20c temperature a couple years back. The fridge was on, and that was about it as far as heat sources go. Still it remained 5c in the basement and -1 to 1c upstairs. Anyone with a basement should be all right. That slab at the bottom is always going to be a good 10c.

12th December 2010, 06:51 AM
In Europe, many of the homes and apartment buildings are over 100 years old. That means uninsulated masonry walls etc. Fossil fuels cost 4 or 5 times as much as they do here. They have it a bit rougher in the winter than we do.

12th December 2010, 07:58 AM
Well the roof of the Minneapolis Metrodome just collapsed.

Good thing I'm not a Vikings fan.

Metrodome roof collapses under snow; NFL scrambles to find stadium for Giants/Vikings game

The roof of the Metrodome in Minneapolis has collapsed under the weight of nearly two feet of snow, and now the Giants and Vikings, who were rescheduled to play under it on Monday night, won’t be able to play there at all.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/giants/2010/12/12/2010-12-12_roof_of_minneapolis_mall_of_america_field_metro dome_collapses_fate_of_giantsviki.html#ixzz17uiCFE xb

12th December 2010, 12:44 PM
Some video


mick silver
12th December 2010, 01:54 PM
In Europe, many of the homes and apartment buildings are over 100 years old. That means uninsulated masonry walls etc. Fossil fuels cost 4 or 5 times as much as they do here. They have it a bit rougher in the winter than we do.
so your saying they cannot update there homes

12th December 2010, 02:03 PM
so your saying they cannot update there homes
I suppose many have, but working class homes of yesteryear had small rooms and when you add insulation they get even smaller. Then take into account the draconian laws (building codes) they have in Europe, the advantages of upgading "R" value as opposed to just toughing it out are few.

12th December 2010, 02:53 PM
Another thing is that their services are not designed for siberian conditions. water pipes are not deep enough for example. hoarder makes some good points. They have a very high council flat (the projects) concentration and those places are not very well designed for this kind of thing. At best they might have double glazing but other insulation would be pretty limited.

as for kerosene type heat etc, I think it would be very rare these days. I'm pretty sure that type of heating was outlawed some time back.

12th December 2010, 03:05 PM
...i feel for them for sure...

but the conditions don't seem to warrant the panic...the pioneers survived similar conditions while living in log cabins, etc...

guess it goes to show a couple of things...

the importance of being prepared,

and how much the general public depends on their gov't...

...hope they make out ok.....

12th December 2010, 05:59 PM
Another thing is that their services are not designed for siberian conditions. water pipes are not deep enough for example.

That's the major thing.

And why the black plague seems to come on strong in such instances.

You'll find all kinds of "nuevo & cheesy spaceage efficient economical green" installations breaking down by the zillions.