View Full Version : The Decline and Fall Of Stormfront
11th December 2010, 06:02 PM
As many of you know I found GIM through a link in someones sig from Stormfront. I had been a member there since 2007 although I've lurked since I was a kid and it looked like this
It was one of the first forums I had ever joined and I was just starting to do a lot of research online. Overtime I learned a lot from several bright posters and for that I am thankful. However over the years I began to notice oddities. Like any forum there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes (hopefully some others can chime in with insight) but in 2008 I saw a shift from what I perceived SF to be at first (A White Nationalist community) to some catchall of disaffected White people who had McAmnesty won would still be chanting USA USA USA.
The influx of neo cons wouldn't have bothered me as much had the timing not coincided with bannings of some of the most eloquent and intelligent posters. Posters who had been around from the beginning and had thousands of posts. They had built SF and they were held in lesser regard than someone who joined a month before and had no problems with jews nor opposed the jewish fomented wars.
Several other red flags came up to me around this time,
1) most notably the Don Black Ron Paul fiasco. Now I am not arguing that RP would've won the election had it not been for this, however this was the ONLY "dirt" that the MSM had on him and they were quick to link RP with Nazi, KKK hatemonger racists.
For those that don't know, Don Black one of the highest profile "White Nationalists" in the country, married to David Dukes ex wife, long term friend of Duke, founder of SF etc etc. So Don puts a huge banner on SF that encourages people to donate to Ron Paul, he also donates 500 dollars himself. Since this is public record the media jumps on the story.
Now Don isn't stupid, why give them this ammo? 500 dollars isn't going to make or break a multi million dollar campaign, why not just give the money to someone else to donate or don't donate at all.
1a) When this story broke Blacks address was listed in West Palm Beach Florida a block from the beach. Stormfront is constantly hitting people up for money, which is understandable to cover server costs, however if you genuinely believe in a cause why locate yourself in an area with some of the most expensive real estate and living costs in the country?
2) This has just recently come to my attention but as I have said many times before anyone who tows the government line on 9/11 is suspect to me. If you haven't done the research say I haven't done the research I'm not qualified to say, but to attempt to discredit 911 Truthers even those who show it to be a Mossad op is very telling.
Originally Posted by Jack Boot (Don Blacks right hand man)
"By no means does the administration of Stormfront subscribe to the notion that the attacks on the WTC were carried out by Israel or by official sanction of the American federal government."
"The idea that this was a controlled demolition is just ludricrous, I think it makes us all look stupid to come up with these conspiracy theories."
-Don Black Proprietor of Stormfront on the Derek Black Show Wednesday, August 4th 2010.
I have a screenshot of this that is to big to upload but here is a quote from JohnJoyTree (aka JohnJewTree)
"Um, I don't hate jews. I know it sounds like a cliche but some of my best friends are jews."
This has gotten alittle long winded but hopefully some other SF members can share their thoughts as well.
11th December 2010, 06:33 PM
I never much surfed SF.
11th December 2010, 06:43 PM
I posted of SF for a few weeks almost a decade ago. I decided back then that JohnJewTree was a Khazar and probably Don Black, too. The forum had a fishy smell to me (lots of crypto Jews)and I lost interest fast.
11th December 2010, 06:58 PM
I think SF gives you guys a bad name.
I'm a bit embarrassed when I think back to that thread I started on GIM 1 about how to spot a NS troll from SF. I'm NOT a White Nationalist, but I've come to respect a number of you guys. Back then, SF tainted the image.
Back when I posted that thread, the "WN" I ran into were on a Ron Paul forum I helped moderate (I've mixed feelings about Ron Paul now, but that's a different story) and a lot of them were straight up trolls. Looking back I do believe a number of them were there to stir up crap-- Mostly they'd act like the stereotypes the MSM presents, so I do think that was an act and then we'd see them posting on SF. This is in stark contrast to the more eloquent way a lot of you guys post here.
The admin of the Ron Paul forum found one guy who posted some really off the wall crap and then went to another forum (a neocon one) and linked to it as a typical post of a Ron Paul supporter. There were a lot of odd games being played in the election.
But over all, I believe SF is there to make you guys look bad... Just my opinion
11th December 2010, 07:17 PM
I think SF gives you guys a bad name.
I understand your sentiments but it's just a stereotype the anyone who posts at SF is a rabid neo nazi hatemonger racist bigot. With a forum the size of SF you encounter all kinds.
I appreciate the fact that you have kept an open mind when dealing with us.
I joined SF for several reasons, one being that it was one of the only ones I knew about where you could discuss non PC topics.
Not to hijack my own thread but I think that it is impossible to have a free multicultural society. In a free society it must be made up of people who can govern themselves. This is why a society where all races are seen as equals is flawed in my opinion because nobody is equal.
This country was set up by White Men, nobody else. Over time we left this model and now anyone with a room temp IQ has as much a say as you or I do.
So to the extent that I strive to live in a free society where nobody runs my life but me, I think it necessary for this society to be made up of Whites. If that makes me a "White Nationalist" than so be it.
11th December 2010, 07:21 PM
That's why I always called it ADLfront. ;D
11th December 2010, 07:29 PM
Remember the Polish kid in what was it, Pittsburgh? where he had a gun, his mom called the cops and they ended up shooting him? -- The SPLC was on the scene ASAP claiming they knew he was SF ... how did they determine it that quickly if they weren't running the site?
11th December 2010, 07:42 PM
I understand your sentiments but it's just a stereotype the anyone who posts at SF is a rabid neo nazi hatemonger racist bigot. With a forum the size of SF you encounter all kinds.And, what I'm saying is that I've suspected a number of them are ACTING that way on purpose.
(As to your own hijack :) ) I do agree with you about the importance maintaining the culture (European). That is what made us great and the evil forcing us to abandon it is what is killing us, and I believe it's more of the destruction of the western culture rather than specifically race. For example, the reason for the problems in the black community, IMO, stems more from PURPOSEFUL destruction of family bonds. I'll duck out-- my self allotted time has expired on the internet.
11th December 2010, 09:55 PM
NordicBerzerker, I remember you telling me most of these concerns when we met a few months ago.
First, let me just say that I think that place (SF) is a honey pot, a trap.
Please don't get mad at me for saying this. Assuming Ron Black is not ADL or whatever . . .
Wasn't it you that said recently (it was about posting a link to the hacker site or something) - that you think we should be able to write whatever we want, in order to be free and not kneel down in fear? (Paraphrasing, sorry. And my memory sucks, so if I am wrong, tell me.)
Shouldn't Ron Black be able to donate to and support whomever he wants without being in fear of repercussions from the media or other voters?
This is similar because linking to a hacker site like that looks bad for GSUS. Ron Black campaigning and donating to Ron Paul looks bad for Ron Paul. Assuming he's not just a set-up, you're essentially asking Ron Black to censor himself for Ron Paul's campaign in a similar way it was suggested we censor ourselves, for the good of GSUS.
Now, I lean more toward the idea that he's in with the juice. But, perhaps he's extremely strong willed like you are, and he wanted to stand on his principles.
I can't believe I am defending Ron Black, but I really just wanted to give a different perspective.
11th December 2010, 10:39 PM
NordicBerzerker, I remember you telling me most of these concerns when we met a few months ago.
First, let me just say that I think that place (SF) is a honey pot, a trap.
Please don't get mad at me for saying this. Assuming Ron Black is not ADL or whatever . . .
Wasn't it you that said recently (it was about posting a link to the hacker site or something) - that you think we should be able to write whatever we want, in order to be free and not kneel down in fear? (Paraphrasing, sorry. And my memory sucks, so if I am wrong, tell me.)
Shouldn't Ron Black be able to donate to and support whomever he wants without being in fear of repercussions from the media or other voters?
This is similar because linking to a hacker site like that looks bad for GSUS. Ron Black campaigning and donating to Ron Paul looks bad for Ron Paul. Assuming he's not just a set-up, you're essentially asking Ron Black to censor himself for Ron Paul's campaign in a similar way it was suggested we censor ourselves, for the good of GSUS.
Now, I lean more toward the idea that he's in with the juice. But, perhaps he's extremely strong willed like you are, and he wanted to stand on his principles.
I can't believe I am defending Ron Black, but I really just wanted to give a different perspective.
I take your meaning for sure, and appreciate you bringing another angle to the story.
I am strong willed as all hell, but I wouldn't do anything to cost Ron Paul one vote.
On principle Don has every right to speak his mind as any of us do, however seeing as he will ALWAYS be painted as the evil White racist bigot he has to be smart enough to not destroy who he supports.
For example next election cycle I will have a choice to make, do I throw my support behind Ron Paul 2012, and so non awake but potential RP voters see my site and associate him with radical anti jewish sentiments that I routinely espouse on my site? I'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But at the end of the day I don't want to cost my candidate votes.
General of Darkness
11th December 2010, 10:49 PM
K you're wrong. He's caving for "some" reason. SF leadership is beyond f*cked up. They're siding with the neocons, and that's a huge red flag.
12th December 2010, 12:58 AM
I understand your sentiments but it's just a stereotype the anyone who posts at SF is a rabid neo nazi hatemonger racist bigot. With a forum the size of SF you encounter all kinds.
i think a lot of people are modestly racist, Based on Observation & What they have Witnessed - usually well-founded observations.
there is nothing wrong with people find like that (normal people) find refuge at a forum named Stormfront. of course the name is a little provocative.
i'm getting APMex popcorn oil all over the keyboard !
i think that if it were properly moderated to keep out the Zionist trolls and those who are determined to isolate themselves, then even African American, Mexican American, etc. would feel welcome there if it's a place where you can be honest.
of course, there would be huge arguments. but, with this kind of technology, if it's properly moderated, it can be monetized (with ads).
12th December 2010, 02:13 AM
SF went on a stint of supporting RP, then hating him, then supporting David Duke for President, like they were all serious and shit. He would be great, but come on earth to mars.
12th December 2010, 03:12 AM
I also found GIM from SF,along with a few other sites, like GLP,(which I use for gleening headlines).My take on Black, was he was either an idiot,or was actually out to screw up Ron Paul.I am a nobody,I post here and my little three man forum,thats it,But if I was supporting RP or anyone else in a campaign,I wouldnt donate one cent in my name,because what happened to RP would happen again,They would snag some posts from my threads and they could cast verdict on him just from those.The schrews and their minions are out by the thousands digging any crap they can to put down any Constitutionalist they can.
A true NS candidate I would endorse publicly as they already have shown where they stand on racial issues, so my support wouldnt matter as far as a big "scandal".One member on here who I could use as an example would be the General, he has his radio show,uses his real name,and if he endorsed RP,(I dont know he feels on that, Im just using it as an example)They could do the same thing with him as well.I dont say hide in the bushes, but in reality thats just how it is.
12th December 2010, 04:53 AM
IMO, anyone who is truly awake understands that any candidate including Ron Paul could be and probably is a Marrano working for the Rothschilds and thus has no business supporting any candidate. Doing so makes them suspect.
12th December 2010, 05:10 AM
IMO, anyone who is truly awake understands that any candidate including Ron Paul could be and probably is a Marrano working for the Rothschilds and thus has no business supporting any candidate. Doing so makes them suspect.
Thats all fine and dandy,except what do you want? The original Govt. of the US was based on candidates,and it still is, you would have to assume all people that try to run for any office are in with TPTB or totally change the type of govt. we would have. Which do you prefer?
12th December 2010, 05:21 AM
Thats all fine and dandy,except what do you want? The original Govt. of the US was based on candidates,and it still is, you would have to assume all people that try to run for any office are in with TPTB or totally change the type of govt. we would have. Which do you prefer?
Reality doesn't care what I prefer. Now that most states have electronic ballots, voting is a joke.
"The people who cast votes decide nothing. The people who count votes decide everything."
-- Josef Stalin
The world we live in has changed. We might as well recognise these changes and act accordingly.
12th December 2010, 06:50 AM
Never looked around stormfront too much. It was just so silly. I first found it looking up a guy I had gone to high school with, who went on to make a rather famous cartoon. His name was there because he was in one of their giant lists of people who they randomly declare to be jews. I got a laugh out of that because I happen to know something of the history of my hometown, and that guy was no jew, unless generation after generation of his family were faking it by pretending to be catholic farmers for 250+ years...
12th December 2010, 08:18 AM
Thats all fine and dandy,except what do you want? The original Govt. of the US was based on candidates,and it still is, you would have to assume all people that try to run for any office are in with TPTB or totally change the type of govt. we would have. Which do you prefer?
Reality doesn't care what I prefer. Now that most states have electronic ballots, voting is a joke.
"The people who cast votes decide nothing. The people who count votes decide everything."
-- Josef Stalin
The world we live in has changed. We might as well recognise these changes and act accordingly.
No, you answered the question, You confirmed your a believer in the former.there are three types of people left on these forums politically.First there are those like yourself,who have given up all hope of any restoration of the Republic secondly, those who have a hidden agenda, in other words, they dont actually want a republic,they want a anarchist structure or Communist,and point out the failures of anyone trying to restore the republic as a waste of time or "clueless" while hiding behind the term "Libertarian" lastly you have those like myself, that realizing this govt, is failing,and needs replacing with a different form such as National Socialism,which i would prefer.
Silver Shield
12th December 2010, 08:38 AM
You can attack ideas and the individuals that push those ideas.
But when you attack groups you lose your argument before it starts.
12th December 2010, 09:03 AM
First there are those like yourself,who have given up all hope of any restoration of the Republic You're putting words in my mouth. Just because I acknowledge that voting does not count in many/most states does not mean I have given up hope of restoring the Republic. But I realize that it's not possible to accomplish it by working within the system unless electronic voting is abolished. Until such time, all the silly candidate worship is an exercise in futility and likely encouraged by our enemies.
12th December 2010, 09:05 AM
You can attack ideas and the individuals that push those ideas.
But when you attack groups you lose your argument before it starts.
Book has already thouroughly refuted you on this silly argument. If a nation is at war and the soldiers are instructed to disregard the nationality of the enemy, they are most certainly destined to lose.
12th December 2010, 09:27 AM
You can attack ideas and the individuals that push those ideas.
But when you attack groups you lose your argument before it starts.
Book has already thoroughly refuted you on this silly argument. If a nation is at war and the soldiers are instructed to disregard the nationality of the enemy, they are most certainly destined to lose.
He just posted this in another thread:
The OP is doomed because you cannot group all "Jews" together as a group.
12th December 2010, 11:25 AM
You can attack ideas and the individuals that push those ideas.
But when you attack groups you lose your argument before it starts.
You are not entirely correct, the enemy is organized by group against us.
That is how they operate.
You are correct if you are out there trying to educate people on facts,
stick to the specific crimes, specific names, like the NeoCons for example,
then build from there, from news articles, that is what I did on gim ,
they don't have an in to attack you when you do that but still hate you. lol
12th December 2010, 05:56 PM
Magnes, et al, you know not of what you speak. As a long time SF member and mod, I must speak out on these issues. First of all, the so-called purge of 911 "truthers" was not done due to their views on 911, but for their uncivil discourse toward other members-FACT. Their is no "party line" on 911, post your views in a civil manner there and there will be no action taken against you, provided that you have something to contribute to White Nationalism and are not just using the forum as a personal soapbox; there are other venues for that. Kennewickman has been unbalanced for some time and his "goodbye" thread makes no sense whatsoever. He was a decent enough guy, but over the last year has become erratic.
As for SF being a front, or honeypot for the ADL or SPLC, please provide proof. We strive to appeal to a wide variety of White people and have never shied away from naming the Jew, or denying the Holohoax. If that means moderation of posts inciting violence towards nonwhites, or profanity, I guess that's the cost of doing business. If SF isn't your cup of tea, then there are a variety of other White Nationalist forums; VNN, e-nat, White Revolution, take your pick. We don't parade around in costumes or burn crosses, we are mainly a bunch of working class White people who have had enough. Is Stormfront perfect? Hell no, not by a very long shot. Even with its defects, I'll still take it over other WN venues on the Internet and had the pleasure of meeting some SF'ers in person. If you want to trash SF, I'm OK with that, no skin off my nose. But, as someone on GIM1 once said, "If you want to throw rocks, fine, as long as you don't mind if I throw a few back".
12th December 2010, 06:10 PM
Magnes, et al, you know not of what you speak. As a long time SF member and mod, I must speak out on these issues. First of all, the so-called purge of 911 "truthers" was not done due to their views on 911, but for their uncivil discourse toward other members-FACT. Their is no "party line" on 911, post your views in a civil manner there and there will be no action taken against you, provided that you have something to contribute to White Nationalism and are not just using the forum as a personal soapbox; there are other venues for that. Kennewickman has been unbalanced for some time and his "goodbye" thread makes no sense whatsoever.
Ha! That was me! I walked away from SF about 2 years ago, tired of the bullsh*t and the mod job. I haven't really changed my views, but got tired of the ex-cons, skinheads, whacked out NS people and the nomination of DD to godhood. I'm not going to badmouth SF because there are a lot of really good people there, but after 7 years, it was time to move on.
Desolation LineTrimmer
12th December 2010, 06:21 PM
I left SF years and years ago. The moderation was always heavy-handed. Forums that place new posters on moderation, for the first 100 posts or whatever, aren't worth bothering with. Stormfront's style is cliquish and controlling, and the membership is just too damn big. All that said, I have never subscribed to the notion that Black is some sort of mole within the movement. He's David Duke's pal. What more needs to be said? Might as well add, Linder is worse. If anyone is a mole, it's him. He actually looks Ashkenazi, and has no one comparable to David Duke to vet him. Linder hates all other patriots. That speaks volumes. And no other movement leader likes him. Far, far too much sociopathy in White Nationalism. But we soldier on because our cause is just.
13th December 2010, 05:22 AM
Gotta call it like I see it. SF is controlled and has been controlled. How could it not be? You think they are just going to let something fester in it's own way when they can innoculate it with their own? It is what they do. It is within their power.
Desolation LineTrimmer
13th December 2010, 05:43 AM
Gotta call it like I see it. SF is controlled and has been controlled. How could it not be? You think they are just going to let something fester in it's own way when they can innoculate it with their own? It is what they do. It is within their power.
It is possible that one or more of their donors are agents. I'll give you that much. But so far as DB being an actual mole himself, naw -- it doesn't seem likely.
Desolation LineTrimmer
13th December 2010, 05:44 AM
Gotta call it like I see it. SF is controlled and has been controlled. How could it not be? You think they are just going to let something fester in it's own way when they can innoculate it with their own? It is what they do. It is within their power.
It is possible that one or more of their donors are doubles. I'll give you that much. But so far as DB being an actual mole himself, naw -- it doesn't seem likely.
13th December 2010, 05:51 AM
Gotta call it like I see it. SF is controlled and has been controlled. How could it not be? You think they are just going to let something fester in it's own way when they can innoculate it with their own? It is what they do. It is within their power.
It is possible that one or more of their donors are agents. I'll give you that much. But so far as DB being an actual mole himself, naw -- it doesn't seem likely.
I only went on SF a couple of times and that was years ago. I don't know who DB is but you must realize that everyone has a weak point and those will be exploited. I don't know though.
I thought the whole forum was full of idiots, trolls and double agents. Again, how could it not be?
13th December 2010, 06:08 AM
Khazars are the world's best con artists and actors. Gaining your confidence is what confidence men do.
Human nature is such that when someone has been fooled by a con artist, he will not admit it to himself. Only "the other guy" can be fooled.
The clever tribe are the sneakiest infiltrators-subverters. Of course as big a fish as Stormfront has been acquired.
13th December 2010, 12:34 PM
I have never even browsed StormFront once in my life. I have never stepped foot in there because I always assumed it was either Rabid with Skinheads or rabid with rabbis.
Know this:
If they tow the GOV line on 911, they are fraud.
If they cover for israel, they are fraud.
I need no other indicators.
13th December 2010, 12:49 PM
I have no dog in this race: I just wanted to comment on these things because they struck me funny
post your views in a civil manner there and there will be no action taken against you, provided that you have something to contribute to White Nationalism and are not just using the forum as a personal soapbox; there are other venues for that.
This is the same mantra that the freemasonic government employee Carl (Skyvike) was chanting in the death-throes of GIM. The masons told us how "free" we were to post on "anything", yet they were deleting threads, altering posts, banning members, etc.
Same thing goes for the april fools site: Ban, ban, ban for weeks and weeks and weeks while the old GIM members tried to find a new home there. I was IP banned for speaking about documented history.
As for SF being a front, or honeypot for the ADL or SPLC, please provide proof.
Careful what you ask for. The researchers here are the same ones that outed Skyvike for who he is.
13th December 2010, 01:13 PM
Khazars are the world's best con artists and actors. Gaining your confidence is what confidence men do.
Human nature is such that when someone has been fooled by a con artist, he will not admit it to himself. Only "the other guy" can be fooled.
The clever tribe are the sneakiest infiltrators-subverters. Of course as big a fish as Stormfront has been acquired.
True hate has been burnt out of me , and it can consume anyone to the point that all that is left is an empty shell of the original self.
I have been a loner all of my life and have found the people that I did chose to run with, did influence my viewpoints, and ass-summing the common wisdom of the group was truth. Now I do not trust anything without a healthy dose of being a skeptic of all , until I can confirm on my own. All big orgs such as storm front, are riddled with worms of all flavors. Just like the Klan was with the FBI, and other government alphabet named organizations!
And I trust even less , anything on the Internet!
It does make me sick at the active rewriting of history that is trying to take place.
That said, if you are part of of any of the groups mentioned in this thread, be assured the gov is rubbing elbows with you! You go to a meeting and some you see will not be who you think they are! Fact Jack!
It can get to the point you can not trust anyone, and that is one (small) part of the reason that I finally got the hate out of me, I still get pissed off, at the moment at a brother, (pos) but the hate is gone. Trying to fight for the white/cause is like trying to take a piss upwind in a hurricane, there will be blow back. And it finely, was just not worth it, I can sleep at night now, in peace!
Edit: On the Internet, there are some very good and real people, there are some one this forum, for example.
Then also there are some that would love to see you make a misstep. The way the gov is digging deeper into our lives , take a word of caution, about declaring yourself. And then having to worry about a dark of night knock on the door! Which I do believe may happen in the name of national security someday, for some!
Just Saying a few words of wisdom!
Desolation LineTrimmer
13th December 2010, 05:18 PM
Khazars are the world's best con artists and actors. Gaining your confidence is what confidence men do.
Human nature is such that when someone has been fooled by a con artist, he will not admit it to himself. Only "the other guy" can be fooled.
The clever tribe are the sneakiest infiltrators-subverters. Of course as big a fish as Stormfront has been acquired.
Of course they control everything. Eustace Mullins says so.
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