View Full Version : Media Demands That President Obama Start “Acting Black”

11th December 2010, 07:37 PM
Some of the same members of the media, who once sold us on the idea of President Obama being a post racial and post partisan President more than two years ago, are demanding that he gets tougher with his political opponents or in their words, “act black” in order to save his presidency.

The left is now embittered because the card house that is Obama has crashed in upon itself, leaving him no other choice, but to comprise with congressional republicans in order to avoid gridlock and move forward on his agenda.

Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and others are demanding that he get tough and refuse to work with congressional Republicans after the American public soured on the direction of the nation under his Presidency along with a Democratic Congress. Bill Maher wants to see the CEOs of major corporations such as BP bullied into subjugation by Obama and quoted as saying at the height of the Gulf oil spill, “That Obama needed to start acting black” by calling in the head of BP into the Oval Office and brandishing a pistol and swearing at him in order to speed up the pace of the cleanup efforts.

This idea of Obama, “acting black,” by passing himself off as a common street thug turned President in the need brandishing pistols and swearing people. I guess this means that any opposition better go along to get along or catch some lead flying in their direction at the end of the day. Indeed this is a very forward concept from a group people that labels themselves, “progressives.”

How would the MSM react, if a conservative called upon a republican president to start “acting white, brandish a 12 gauge shotgun and swearing at his progressive political opponents” in the wake of a Congressional Midterm Defeat? The MSM would not be able contain itself or get Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton out of the gate fast enough and speaking of which were does Al Sharpton stand on this issue? He seems more than willing to go after Rush Limbaugh for comedy parodies of Obama and Congressmen James Clyburn, but has yet to take progressives to task for parroting stereotypes about black men in executive positions needing to use criminal intent to get things done!

It seems that in this era of a post-racial and partisan President that the media and progressive activists seem to keep pushing the skin color aspect of this man to explain his failures as a executive and my opinion has nothing to do with me being black or conservative, it has to do with me being an American.


11th December 2010, 08:47 PM
WHY does that article remind me of this? ;D


11th December 2010, 11:04 PM
AP: Bill's Back: Clinton commands stage at White House
Dec. 10, 2010 (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/At-Obamas-side-Clinton-backs-apf-4065249916.html?x=0&.v=1)

Press secretary Robert Gibbs heard the voices outside his office, walked out and saw the two presidents.

"What are you guys up to?" Gibbs recalled saying.

"We're looking for some reporters," the presidents told Gibbs.

So the White House press staff scrambled, summoning all available media to the briefing room and setting up a live feed for the networks in minutes. The presidents stood waiting, behind a closed door, until Gibbs stalled long enough to let correspondents take their spots.

Obama introduced Clinton lightly as "the other guy" and recalled how Clinton has overseen heady economic times. Obama warned that he wouldn't be staying long -- another White House Christmas party was waiting, as was his wife, Michelle.

And so it became clear pretty quickly that this was Clinton's show.

"I feel awkward being here, and now you're going to leave me all by myself," Clinton said from the stage of the White House briefing room.

Not that awkward.

Clinton comfortably outlined how the pending package of tax cuts, business incentives and unemployment benefits would boost the economy -- even though it included tax help for the wealthy that Obama had to swallow.

"There's never a perfect bipartisan bill in the eyes of a partisan," Clinton said. "But I really believe this will be a significant net-plus for the country."

When he finished his pitch, Clinton played the role of humble guy, saying, "So, for whatever it's worth, that's what I think."

"It's worth a lot," Obama insisted.

Clinton was asked what advice he had for Obama, given the context of the times: the current president has to deal with a Republican Party that just won a convincing victory in the midterm election and will soon grab control of the House. Clinton faced the same halfway through his embattled first term in 1994, worked some major deals with the opposing party and rebounded to re-election.

"I have a general rule," Clinton said, "which is that whatever he asked me about my advice, and whatever I say should become public only if he decides to make it public." Obama didn't provide that permission, saying: "I've been keeping the First Lady waiting for about half an hour, so I'm going to take off."

The current president left it to Gibbs to decide when Clinton's questioning would be cut off.

Yeah, right ...

Gibbs couldn't cut off Clinton, and neither could Clinton's own aide. Only Clinton could stop Clinton.

The former president spoke about credit markets and Haiti and principled compromise and structural deficits.

Clinton was asked if he was happier being in the White House as a guest speaker than as president.

"Oh, I had quite a good time governing," a smiling Clinton said. "I am happy to be here, I suppose, when the bullets that are fired are unlikely to hit me."

When it was over, Obama aides and others in the room wore the look of those who couldn't believe the glimpse of political Americana they just saw.

"It was," said Gibbs, "as spontaneous as it could be."

11th December 2010, 11:24 PM

AAhawahahahaaahahaaaahhhahaaaaaaaa! ;D

So... you're saying... Obama is Clinton's (**Ahem... Zbigniew Brzezinski's**) little bitch? ???

Wow! Who would have guessed? ;D

11th December 2010, 11:25 PM
Remember, you're racist if you see something wrong with this, so make sure you agree with the media.

mick silver
12th December 2010, 05:28 AM
when the media going to tell white people to act white .

12th December 2010, 08:30 AM