View Full Version : Memories of a Grandparent

Road Runner
12th December 2010, 06:53 AM
I thought it would be fun and interesting to share stories about grandparents. I have to wonder and try and remember what they would have thought like then. The last one of mine has been gone over 30 plus years now, so back then I didn't have a lot of the knowledge or beliefs I now have. Parents all gone, I feel bad that I wasn't mature or wise enough way back to ask more questions. For those of you who are young and able, learn what you can. My dads mom died when I was 14yrs. but I remember her packing a pistol. She kept it either under her pillow or in her purse. If you arrived at her house late at night she would meet you at the door and ask who was there. I always answered right away cause my dad told me when he was a boy someone came knocking at their door and she asked twice who it was and they would not answer so she fired two rounds into the floor ( I forgot to ask if they had a dirt floor) haha He said they were yelling and screaming who they were and begging her not to shoot them. That grandma also took care of her bed ridden sister for years. I would go with her to her sisters house not far from grandmas and she would do the daily things not so pleasant to do for this aunt.
That grandmas husband died when I was 4yrs so don't remember him but the story goes that he left home when he was 9yrs old. His dad was a minister and his wife had died so my grandpa being the oldest was left to care for his siblings and he did not like it. He got bitter that his "minister" dad would leave him to help others and he thought he should have cared for the kids instead. So he left home and wondered and got jobs for other farmers until he was 15. He ended up with quite a large farm/ranch at one time. Can you even imagine in this day and age what would happen if a 9yr. old left home and God forbid that he wanted to work!!
I remember all my grandparents had gardens and canned all of the food they served. They milked a cow, raised chickens and turkeys & beef and butchered them all themselves. They bartered at a local grocery store. My grandmas never wore makeup and always had a dress on no matter what they did. Shopping for no reason did not happen! I never remember a foul word out of their mouths. My first Bible came from Grandma.
My grandpa on the other side of family was a world II vet and saved silver. When he got old and senile he would accuse my mom of stealing his silver, it was always where he had put it for safe keeping . He also started carrying his rifle and patrolling his block where he lived. The sheriff had a family friend go get all his bullets and then asked my grandpa what he was doing. He told them he thought the Germans were coming so he had to keep watch. Thank God for small towns back then cause they just let Grandpa carry on guarding his block with no bullets. Imagine that now!!!
Gosh the more I go down memory lane the more I think this thing we call "progress" isn't the best thing. But that could be a whole other topic!!

12th December 2010, 09:28 AM
Those are nice memories.

I'll share a quick one, from my grandfather, mother's side. His favorite drink was an old-fashioned, for a family toast at holidays. It was a big thing in the family. Growing up, as kids we weren't allowed alcohol of course, except when grandfather made us an old-fashioned at family gatherings, for the big toast. No adult questioned anything about a 15 year old drinking an old fashioned, lol.

It was almost a right of passage in our family. It was a great day when grandfather made you an old-fashioned for the first time.

12th December 2010, 09:33 AM
I never really knew my Americans grandparents, saw them only twice in my life time and only for one day each time.........my Cuban grandparents? hummmmmmm, I guess that they were ok.....I have never been closed to anyone in my life but for my X and my kitty cats.......

Twisted Titan
12th December 2010, 11:15 AM
Dont remeber much about my Grand parents other than most of them slipping into the "long Goodbye"

Its hard to wacth some you love become the shadow of their fomer selves.

My Aunt is The Matriarch of my clan now she still have most of her marbles but forgets she told you a story the last time you saw her But since she is so sweet you really dont mind because you realize they will come a time when you wish you had someone to do that for you.

I still cherish her and the rest of The Elders .

12th December 2010, 11:32 AM
I have said it before here...but I'll say it again :)

My Grandparents on my moms side were Prepper's and Stacker's
I guess because they lived though the great depression, they wanted to be ready for the next one.

I loved my Grandparents and spent a lot of time at their house.

At my Grandpa's funeral, One of my cousins mentioned that Papa Joe never showed any kind of anger....Ever. towards anyone. And we all agreed that was true...and quite amazing really

12th December 2010, 11:33 AM

Here is my grandpa ( my dad's side) deceased in 2000, I remember sitting on the ground in front of that guitar laying down watching him play music for me and my sis.

Thats my grandmom by him and she is still living pretty healthy at 82

Road Runner
13th December 2010, 09:24 AM
Ponce & Twisted Titan that really made me sad to think you never knew your grandparents. I always felt bad and cheated that mine died when I was so young but realize now I was blessed to at least know them. Gosh I hope one day you guys can be grandparents cause that brings a lot of joy. Blessings to you.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
13th December 2010, 09:39 AM
Lost my Grandfather a few months ago. He was 94 years old and refused to stop learning and using his brain. Daily crosswords, learning Windows 7, playing on Facebook, etc. Truly inspirational.

13th December 2010, 10:58 AM
I never really knew my Americans grandparents, saw them only twice in my life time and only for one day each time...


Twice was enough for them Ponce.


13th December 2010, 11:17 AM
I never really knew my Americans grandparents, saw them only twice in my life time and only for one day each time...


Twice was enough for them Ponce.


That wasn't very nice ???

13th December 2010, 11:18 AM
But it sure as hell was funny!!

13th December 2010, 11:20 AM
But it sure as hell was funny!!

Must be an inside joke ???

13th December 2010, 12:14 PM
As said in other posts, most of us growing up really miss out from not asking questions to the Grandparents and the older family members, most time they will try by telling story's, but when young who really pays attention?. Both of my Grandparents were born in 1903 and lived lives that most reading now, can not even
imagine. In my hall way there is a hall light that was one of the first electric lights in Cambridge ks. And on a desk I Am looking at one of the first phones.

Pretty much raised by the grandfather, have not a good thing to say about my s/f and the real one, so I will not. My grandfather , and g/mother were very wise people, living through the dust bowl and g/depression.

I miss them!

It is funny that as kids we all think we know everything and what is going on and the old people are just that.

And we charge on determined to do it our own way, ignoring what the old foke's advised against. And most of the time , after getting into trouble or failing at this or that , if you are truthful to yourself you have to say dam! they were right! They (old ones) have traveled that path and knew what the outcome would be.

All my family that counted are gone now. They that read this and still have the older ones still in their life's, do not waste any time, ask the questions now ! you may get an answer, because believe me once they are gone , the answer will be gone also.

There is love and wisdom that the old have all you have to do is show a little interest and attention. Love them or at least respect them in life, you may be surprised that they may be able to still teach you some thing about life.


Edit: spelling and to add never met my fathers side of family/ until abt 5-6 years ago, and they are strangers to me.

13th December 2010, 12:27 PM
It is funny that as kids we all think we know everything and what is going on and the old people are just that. And we charge on determined to do it our own way, ignoring what the old folk's advised against. And most of the time , after getting into trouble or failing at this or that , if you are truthful to yourself you have to say dam! they were right! They (old ones) have traveled that path and knew what the outcome would be.

I agree. The older I got the smarter my dad became. He was a teen during the Great Depression. I never knew my grandparents.

13th December 2010, 12:34 PM
It is funny that as kids we all think we know everything and what is going on and the old people are just that. And we charge on determined to do it our own way, ignoring what the old folk's advised against. And most of the time , after getting into trouble or failing at this or that , if you are truthful to yourself you have to say dam! they were right! They (old ones) have traveled that path and knew what the outcome would be.

I agree. The older I got the smarter my dad became. He was a teen during the Great Depression. I never knew my grandparents.

My friend!

I do believe that is a mistake repeated every generation! The old have wisdom, all we have to do is really pay attention and act on it. Or not and then later say to oneself , dam they were right! , which happens every generation!

13th December 2010, 12:44 PM





Children now learn on teevee that their father and grandfather are a buffoon and not to be respected.

13th December 2010, 01:01 PM
Runner? happy to say that I am not a father........much less a grand parent......lucky I guess.

Titan? my dad published a book in Cuba at 84 and worked from 65-84 years of age for free......everyday he sat at his desk (after 84) and worked on his inventions and ideas..........dead at 98....may The Force be with him.

Book? if that empty roll is in your bathroom I then know now as to why you have a dirty mouth.....you clean yourself like a dog.

13th December 2010, 02:27 PM
Book? if that empty roll is in your bathroom I then know now as to why you have a dirty mouth.....you clean yourself like a dog.

I think it only fitting in this thread remembering Wise Grandfathers that our own 70 year-old Ponce also be honored for these famous "quotes" of timeless morality, wisdom, love, and compassion:

Me? a lonely old bored man who has every thing and yet nothing without his cat... I really missed her.

I hate to say this but this is the reason as to why I hold so much cash.....in the future I will be able to buy anything for pennies on the dollar, things that later on I'll be able to trade for something else that I might need.

...well, if after using my 1,750 rolls of toilet paper the world is not back to normal it will then be not be WTSHTF but rather TEOTWAWKI. Going tomorrow to get a few more cases...

I am in the states and already collected four time what I put into my Social Security, with many more to come, get your lazy ass to work, you have to pay for it..........friking gringol.

...my 550 lbs of sugar has gone up 55% in price.

Just came back from my store and after standing there for ten minutes I notice that those buying the most food are those with a food stamp card.......those with cash buying only about 30% as those on food stamps.

At my favorite store they sell used shoes and many of them are like new........price? 0.25 cents a pair...I am trying to make space for them.......one four car garage= full.......two storage sheds= full.......one chicken coop= full......one log cabin=almost full...

Is time to bunker down and count your (money) blessings...

First thing that I did when I moved here is to let the few neighbors in this area know that I wanted no visitors ...........it works wonder.

At my favorite buying place, The Senior Thrift Store, the prices have gone up.......the $2.00 mixer is now $5.00, and the same for everything else......lucky for me I already have all that I might need either for personal use of for trading.........mixers = 7 in stock. My next target will be shoe wear, not for myself but for others, in the form of trading.


13th December 2010, 02:39 PM

Never mind all that. Ponce hung you out to dry in this thread. Laugh it off, and move on.

Sometimes we set ourselves up, and others point it out, such is life.

13th December 2010, 03:30 PM
I saw nothing but a gentle and good natured jibe in the original post by Book. It is well known and constantly joked about Ponce's fiat (tp) stash. It evoked a surlish response, no doubt. Undeservedly so, I reckon.

can't we all just get along?

13th December 2010, 04:10 PM
Ponce <-------------- Books hero.

Book wants to be a Ponce but all that he (Book) can do is to wish he had Ponce's stach of tp......maybe that way he will stop licking himself clean? hehehehehehehehheh.

13th December 2010, 04:12 PM
Ponce , Book you two boys play nice NOW ! ;)

13th December 2010, 04:18 PM
Ponce , Book you two boys play nice NOW ! ;)

Same All I saw was good natured ribbing..

Ponce and book

You all do not want to both be zappped...

Play nice.. :whip


13th December 2010, 04:27 PM
Dogman?...........sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I didn't mean to insult your dogs :boohoo........bad bad Ponce.

13th December 2010, 04:36 PM
Dogman?...........sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I didn't mean to insult your dogs :boohoo........bad bad Ponce.



Dam Cuban! ;D

Maybe your time in angola and a bug bit you! :lol

You know in that country every thing wanted to bit you.. ;D
and none of then good!

What is your favorite all time national dish to eat you will almost kill for if
done right?

And get a couple of kittens, no MAN needs to be alone.

vios con dios

My friend!

13th December 2010, 04:48 PM
I didn't go to Angola, only to the Congo in 62 and Rhodesia in 76.......the Congo was hell and Rhodesia a walk in the park.

Favorite food? Cuban food of course.......last time I had any was in 1998 back in Miami when I came back from Cuba.

13th December 2010, 04:51 PM
My French-Canadian grandmother (We called her "Grandmere") toilet trained all of us kids. My mother was a good Catholic and breast fed for six months before stopping and then getting pregnant again; hence each of us are 1.5 years apart. When I was 1.5 and my brother was born, I went up to "Grandmere's" and she toilet trained me in a week. The same thing happened to my brother, then my sister... There is some supressed shit there for sure.

Grandmere never allowed the dentist to use novacaine, she would just sit there and take the drilling...a hard bird for sure, RIP.

She was raised speaking only French, but only allowed English in the house.

13th December 2010, 04:57 PM
I didn't go to Angola, only to the Congo in 62 and Rhodesia in 76.......the Congo was hell and Rhodesia a walk in the park.

Favorite food? Cuban food of course.......last time I had any was in 1998 back in Miami when I came back from Cuba.

Crap I know you then were part of on of the two groups...

the two factions at the time of the three in that country ...

Still cuban as a answer is a cop out...pounce

What is your favorite Cuban eats???

of all time ,, rest assured your secret is safe with me.. :lol

13th December 2010, 05:01 PM
I try not to think of Grandma looking up and watching over me from the fires below...

13th December 2010, 05:08 PM
I try not to think of Grandma looking up and watching over me from the fires below...

Then stay away from the general, and look at trying to reform solid...or a nice guy like him.
stay away from the dark and dangerous types.

You know The dark one stabs dicks, Shit on a shingle how good he is at smaller targets.

Be safe ximmy, go for the safe one!

13th December 2010, 05:42 PM
Road? I am glad that you get it because I don't........oh well.

Dog?, here it goes.........Carne Con Papas,... Arroz Con Pollo,... Bistec Con Arroz,... Platanitos Maduros Fritos,... Arroz Con Picadillo.........not guys, I am not cursing and those are the names of Cuban food.....darn, I am hungry all over again.

And for dessert..........Arroz Con Leche.........and of course water to drink, you don't want to spoil the flavor the the meal with milk, beer, Coke and so on.

Road Runner
13th December 2010, 05:52 PM
Road? I am glad that you get it because I don't........oh well.

Dog?, here it goes.........Carne Con Papas,... Arroz Con Pollo,... Bistec Con Arroz,... Platanitos Maduros Fritos,... Arroz Con Picadillo.........not guys, I am not cursing and those are the names of Cuban food.....darn, I am hungry all over again.

And for dessert..........Arroz Con Leche.........and of course water to drink, you don't want to spoil the flavor the the meal with milk, beer, Coke and so on.

I didn't get it Ponce, that was my husbands take. I wanted to tell you that is not what I think of you. I am new here and haven't totally figured out when someone is just being mean or joking with each other. Anyways things got sorta off track. I personally don't like to be mean to people and hurt their feelings. Just not my style. Hope no hard feelings on my part.

Road Runner
13th December 2010, 05:55 PM
I try not to think of Grandma looking up and watching over me from the fires below...

Gosh, sorry ximmy. If I am reading your reply right there are some not so good memories for you. That is too bad. Hopefully there is someone else in your life who you have fond memories of. Blessings to you.

13th December 2010, 06:05 PM
Well Road, I have seen Book insult many here but he always manage to make it sound like hes jocking, once you get to know him you simply play his game, many times he leave himself open.

Because this here are only words on a monitor you get insulted only if you want to be insulted and in la la land Ponce is only having fun.

13th December 2010, 06:11 PM
Ponce <-------------- Books hero.


I keep your photo on my mantle Ponce.


13th December 2010, 06:15 PM
Book? come on now, I look nothing like your monther.........ufffffffffffffffffff.

13th December 2010, 06:17 PM
happy to say that I am not a father........much less a grand parent......lucky I guess.

I just wanted to say that Being a Grandfather is one of the Greatest things I have ever experienced in my 50 years of living

This thread has inspired me :)
I think Im doing a pretty good job of it so far....I hope and pray I do a great job of it.

13th December 2010, 06:26 PM
And all girls?.........you will have some busy time ahead of you........as the old saying goes "Differnt strokes for different folks"......my stroke are not kids.......at least I am honest about it.

Don't take me wrong, kids are ok and I do like them......but only for ten minutes a day.

Dogman? I am what I am and glad to be what I am.......the trick to this is to be honest and to really care about yourself........only thing is that is going to be a long life without my "Gata".......that was her name, Spanish for Cat...............and the male cat was "Kat"...like little blondie from "Marry With Children" just to spell it.

13th December 2010, 06:35 PM
I am what I am and glad to be what I am.......the trick to this is to be honest and to really care about yourself...


Hey Ponce! Many people recently donated a bunch of warm coats for the homeless children at your neighborhood Salvation Army. Maybe you can rush over there to buy a few more boxes full of these warm winter coats for your existing wtshtf barter stockpile before Christmas!


13th December 2010, 07:08 PM
Already have about 50 of them, ran out of space so that now I don't know what I will do.....already bought two extra sheds that are already full plus the four car garage plus the chicken house plus one bedroom plus the big room upstairs......and if something doesn't happen soon you will see one freaking pissed off Cuban.

13th December 2010, 07:20 PM
Already have about 50 of them, ran out of space so that now I don't know what I will do.....already bought two extra sheds that are already full plus the four car garage plus the chicken house plus one bedroom plus the big room upstairs......and if something doesn't happen soon you will see one freaking pissed off Cuban.


God forbid some poor kid in Oregon get a warm winter coat this Christmas that your neighbor DONATED to that Thrift Shop.


13th December 2010, 07:44 PM
Well book the people donate clothing to the Thrift Store to be sold.......they love to see me when ever I go there, as a matter of fact I was there today and bought more books and a escale for five bucks.

And please stop with your indirect insults trying to make the people hate me.....they and I know what you are doing and it only makes you look like a A hole.

Dogman? my idea of hell is a room of newborn babies where I was the only one there changing diapers night and day non stop and without giving me a chance to use my tp hahahahahahah.

13th December 2010, 08:04 PM
Already have about 50 of them, ran out of space so that now I don't know what I will do.....already bought two extra sheds that are already full plus the four car garage plus the chicken house plus one bedroom plus the big room upstairs...








13th December 2010, 08:32 PM
Ahaaaaaaaaaaaa, so you are a cop.........I knew that there was something weird about you >:(

13th December 2010, 08:34 PM
Well at least the 2 of you.......

Ponce and Book can play nice together and aren't bored . :taunt:

13th December 2010, 08:35 PM
Already have about 50 of them, ran out of space so that now I don't know what I will do.....already bought two extra sheds that are already full plus the four car garage plus the chicken house plus one bedroom plus the big room upstairs......and if something doesn't happen soon you will see one freaking pissed off Cuban.


God forbid some poor kid in Oregon get a warm winter coat this Christmas that your neighbor DONATED to that Thrift Shop.


You are evidently clueless about the abundance of unwanted clothing that exist in thrift stores across the nation. Thrifts sell it by the ton to wholesalers and they bale it up.

Ponce is buying for a premium compared to what they unload it for wholesale. Any kid that wants old clothes or coats can get all they want from charities for free.

13th December 2010, 08:40 PM
Oh yeah, Book-keeper, I see you are keeping a dossier on Ponce, as well as everyone else, I suspect. Are you in the Stasi information sharing business? :]

13th December 2010, 08:51 PM
Are you in the Stasi...?




13th December 2010, 08:55 PM
Cedar? for a second there those look like my rolls of tp in my garage hahahahahah, I was wondering how the hell you were able to take that picture..........lol.

13th December 2010, 08:56 PM
Any kid that wants old clothes or coats can get all they want from charities for free.

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs111.snc3/15851_210233396665_168584991665_3550020_5900102_n. jpg

Yeah...the neighbors who DONATED those coats to charity understand that they end up in Ponce's for-profit barter stockpile.

The Coats For Kids notices posted above must be fictional.


13th December 2010, 09:03 PM
Any kid that wants old clothes or coats can get all they want from charities for free.

Yeah...the neighbors who DONATED those coats to charity understand that they end up in Ponce's for-profit barter stockpile.

The Coats For Kids notices posted above must be fictional.


Those were new coats, Book-keeper :]

13th December 2010, 09:06 PM
Are you in the Stasi...?




Ironwood batons have nothing to do with "Stasi information sharing" Book-keeper :]

13th December 2010, 09:08 PM
Those were new coats...

The Coats For Kids posters all say "Dry Cleaned". Nice try.


13th December 2010, 09:12 PM
Those were new coats...

The Coats For Kids posters all say "Dry Cleaned". Nice try.


Look at the tag.

13th December 2010, 09:15 PM
Ironwood batons...


Oh...is that what they (http://animatedtv.about.com/library/graphics/sp708_South_Park_Is_Gay_2.jpg) are calling them now?


13th December 2010, 09:17 PM

Says Swanson's Dry Cleaning


13th December 2010, 09:24 PM
Ironwood batons...


Oh...is that what they (http://animatedtv.about.com/library/graphics/sp708_South_Park_Is_Gay_2.jpg) are calling them now?


That's you Book...but you are probably too old for your former lifestyle, so now, you just sit on forums gathering info for chump change :]

13th December 2010, 09:28 PM
Ironwood batons


Looks like you polish them a lot.


13th December 2010, 09:31 PM
Ironwood batons


Looks like you polish them a lot.


I'll bet you were the knob polishing queen back in your day :]

13th December 2010, 09:36 PM
I'll bet you were...


I'm not the one here with three shiny dildos as my avatar. You are.


13th December 2010, 09:39 PM
I'll bet you were...


I'm not the one here with three shiny dildos as my avatar. You are.


Batons, Book...they're only dildos in your mind. Your knob polishing past has warped your mind :]

13th December 2010, 09:49 PM


Uh huh. Sure appear well loved and regularly polished...lol.
