View Full Version : Edgar Steele's trial has been postponed to March the 7th for no good reason

13th December 2010, 02:45 AM
Here is the Steele's fund raising website.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Frameup of Edgar Steele
The Frameup of Edgar Steele
Greetings from the Northwest Homeland, comrades. December the 2nd, 2010, I’m Harold Covington, and this is Radio Free Northwest.

Interesting Edgar Steele update this week. Some major holes are starting to appear in the prosecution’s case, such as it was. I’d like to thank Mr. James Buchanan for putting this out on the internet, and this comes from his report.

According to Larry Fairfax, Edgar Steele was going to have Fairfax murder Cyndi Steele and then Edgar was going to pay Fairfax with money from an insurance policy on Cyndi’s life. In a recent interview of Cyndi Steele by Jamie Kelso, Cyndi has revealed that the Steeles had canceled their insurance policies. This pretty much demolishes the government case against Edgar Steele. If anyone other than Edgar Steele were being accused, he would be released from prison by now.

A little over a year ago, Edgar Steele suffered a ruptured heart aorta. He was rushed to the hospital and escaped death by the narrowest of margins. After weeks in the hospital, Steele was able to return home in a greatly weakened condition. Cyndi Steele hired a handyman, Larry Fairfax to fix some pipes that been damaged by freezing water. The Steeles retained Fairfax to do work around their ranch while Edgar Steele was convalescing. Unknown to the Steeles, Larry Fairfax had previously worked as an informant for the FBI. Over the next six months, Larry Fairfax spied on the Steeles as a government informant.

Years earlier, Edgar Steele had defended the Aryan Nations from a civil lawsuit which ultimately took away the Aryan Nations compound from its owner, Richard Butler. Since that trial, Steele has defended a number of pro-White activists (often at no charge). Edgar Steele has also written a series of articles on his “conspiracypenpal.com” website exposing various government conspiracies and criticizing the state of Israel and its undue influence on our government.

Clearly Edgar Steele was not popular with Zionists or the many pro-Zionist Congressmen in our federal government. In an earlier case in Idaho, the federal government sent an informant to spy on Randy Weaver. After a year of spying, the federal informant eventually talked Randy Weaver into cutting off a shotgun barrel a quarter inch too short. After entrapping Mr. Weaver for a technical firearms violation, the Feds then tried to pressure him to become a government informant against the Aryan Nations. The federal government reportedly spent a million dollars and a year’s effort trying to turn Randy Weaver into a government informant. Weaver refused to go along with the government and the Feds responded by executing a raid and siege of Randy Weaver’s home in Ruby Ridge, Idaho in which federal agents murdered Randy Weaver’s son and wife.

If the federal government was willing to go to that kind of extreme measure against someone, whom they wanted to turn against the Aryan Nations, how would the federal government feel about a lawyer who actually defended the Aryans Nations? The federal government was willing to break the law and even murder people in the past over the Aryan Nations. This means that the federal government is capable of ANYTHING based on their past behavior.

The government informant, Larry Fairfax was employed as a handyman at Steele’s ranch for six months. Apparently Fairfax was unable to discover ANY illegal behavior by Edgar Steele during this time. In April of 2010, Larry Fairfax declared bankruptcy as his main business failed with $600,000 in debt. Fairfax was behind on his mortgage payments and in danger of having his home foreclosed. It was at this time that Fairfax is believed to have stolen $45,000 in silver from secret hiding places on the Steele estate, some of which Fairfax had built as a handyman.

To cover up the theft of $45,000, Larry Fairfax hatched a plan to murder Edgar and Cyndi Steele with a massive car bomb. When the bomb failed to go off, Fairfax fell back on a second plan to claim that Edgar Steele was plotting to murder his wife. Someone, presumably the apparently helped Fairfax fabricate fake tapes that used a simulation of Edgar Steele’s voice. Cyndi Steele listened to these alleged tapes of her husband (which were played to her by the Feds) and noted that whenever the conversation turned from what chores Fairfax was supposed to do to the alleged murder plot, the inflection in Edgar’s voice would disappear and the background noise would change, strongly suggesting that the tapes were fabricated.

In a series of interviews with Jamie Kelso of the WhiteNewsNow web site, Cyndi Steele revealed that the Feds tried to bully her into confessing that she was cheating on her husband. They claimed to have pictures of her with another man (which they didn’t). When Cyndi insisted that there was absolutely no truth to that, the Feds tried to claim that a Ukrainian client of Edgar Steele was an illicit girlfriend of his (even though Edgar was still recovering and required additional surgeries in spring of 2010). It was glaringly obvious that there was no reason for Edgar Steele to kill his wife and the Feds were trying to fish around to find a reason that would make a murder plot more believable.

Cyndi also revealed that they caught Larry Fairfax snooping around underneath their house one day, and after that they kept a very close eye on him. In May of 2010, Larry Fairfax borrowed the Steele’s pick up truck and swapped the relatively new tires off it for his truck.

Edgar Steele was arrested on June 11th for plotting to murder his wife. The bomb on Cyndi Steele’s car however was not found until June 15th when Cyndi took her vehicle to a Quick Lube for an oil change. Larry Fairfax was arrested June 15th for possession of an explosive device. Fairfax was questioned and admitted to putting that bomb on Cyndi’s car. A judge at Larry Fairfax’s preliminary hearing asked why he hadn’t filled up the pipe bomb with sand instead of gun powder. That of course assumes that Fairfax was acting as a police informant and not trying to murder Cyndi Steele to cover up his theft of a large quantity of silver.

According to the government, Steele was going to pay Fairfax for the murder of his wife with the money from an insurance policy. The policy reportedly covered accidental death, but no one has ever explained how an enormous pipe bomb exploding could possibly be considered an accidental death. An attorney such as Edgar Steele would know that a homicide does not count as an accidental death.

Even more important is the fact that the Steeles had canceled their insurance policies. Apparently Larry Fairfax was ignorant of this critically important piece of information. Clearly it’s time for the government to release Edgar Steele from prison and to charge Larry Fairfax with grand theft of $45,000 in silver and the attempted murder of both Edgar and Cyndi Steele.

Oh, while I’m thinking about it, you folks might want to go to the Edgar Steele website at www.conspiracypenpal.com and download as many of Edgar’s articles and podcasts as you can. There is no telling how long this site is going to remain up and we don’t want Ed’s internet work to be lost to the rest of us.


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Sunday, November 14, 2010
From RFN on Edgar Steele
From RFN on Edgar Steele

Greetings, comrades. There’s no Edgar Steele update this week; no news, really. The trial has been postponed to March the 7th, Cyndi Steele is doing a speaking tour to try and raise some money for legal expenses, and that’s about it. That’s one bad thing about these cases; the federal government has the capacity to simply sit and wait the rest of us out, postponing and postponing the trial until the short American attention span kicks in, everyone loses interest, and wanders away. We need to make sure that doesn’t happen with Ed Steele. They learned their lesson back in the days of Sacco and Vanzetti; courtrooms are for disposing of people the régime finds inconvenient, not for making martyrs out of dissidents.

It would help of course if Ed had an energetic, completely dedicated and privately hired attorney who would give him what the legal code of ethics from the bar association supposedly requires, i.e. he would defend his client fully and zealously—their words, not mine. But apparently the cost these days of a real defense in a court of law begins somewhere in the neighborhood of $250,000, and all the family’s assets deliberately seized and frozen by the federal government in order specifically to prevent the retention of a defense lawyer who might give the prosecution problems or ask embarrassing questions.

So much for equality under the law; just like our American healthcare system, our American judicial system is tied to a cash register. Justice in this country is for sale, and I mean that literally. It has a cash price tag attached.

Cyndi has only been able to raise about 10% of that so far, if my information is correct. I believe she is now concentrating on an attempt to raise enough money to try and pay an independent electronics and audio expert to review the so-called tapes recorded by Larry Fairfax wherein Edgar Steele allegedly tries to hire Larry Fairfax as a hit man. My understanding is that Cyndi has in fact been allowed to listen to a few of the tapes, most likely when the FBI was trying to convince her to be quiet and disappear and not embarrass them by coming out in public support of her husband, and one of the things that’s prompted her to stand up and speak out is the fact that those tapes sounded fuzzy and jerky and jumpy, as if certain key words and phrases had been added.

By the way, in case you folks are wondering and thinking that all this speculation about the FBI tampering with the tapes is just paranoid conspiracy theory, I can tell you just from doing this Radio Free Northwest broadcast every week that tampering with audio files is not just possible, it’s done all the time. I do it all the time. I use an audio editing program called WavePad, and to spare my voice, I usually record this show is segments, which I then string together in Wavepad to make more or less a full hour. I drop in the music last of all.

Now, sometimes on this show I will miss or slur a word or accidentally delete part of a sentence when I’m editing, and I have to go back and speak the word or phrase into the microphone again, record it in Wavepad, and then drop it into the podcast. Sometime you guys notice this, I’m sure, where there’s a little skip or jump in the cast, but I’ve gotten sufficiently good at it over the past year to where I can usually slip a word or a phrase in smooth as silk and you don’t notice it.

Twisted Titan
13th December 2010, 08:58 AM
Their case will crumble because it was bult on a mountain of lies I just hope that Edgar has enough strenght to make it to the point when The PigMen offer him a deal so they dont lose their precious pensions for wanton pursuit of a innocent man.

And for the FBI informant a special place in hell ( The 9th Circle to be exact) resides for those betray their own.


General of Darkness
13th December 2010, 09:01 AM
Here's a TON of interviews with Cyndi Steele on the Jamie Kelso show.


13th December 2010, 09:49 AM
Probably hoping if they delay long enough he might not live long enough, then the government has an excuse to drop their (the government's) criminal mess.

Hatha Sunahara
13th December 2010, 10:20 AM
Probably hoping if they delay long enough he might not live long enough, then the government has an excuse to drop their (the government's) criminal mess.

This is a realistic motive on the government's part. This case has some resemblance to the way the FBI dealt with the Portland Christmas Tree 'bomber'. They set him up. All the evidence is circumstantial, and the cops working on it are really stretching the definition of law enforcement.

The feds know that their target doesn't have to be guilty of anything. They just have to get him into the system, and 'process' becomes the major punishment. Their process involves concentrated and prolonged stress--which is worse punishment than imprisonment or torture. The stress alone will disable anyone. The process is described as the 'litigation vortex'. Some people who think they can get justice from the courts subject themselves voluntarily to it by suing someone hoping to 'right a wrong'. They are unaware how corrupt the courts are. I've read about this from Eustace Mullins, and more recently ran into this description of the corruption of the courts here:


Steele is in this litigation vortex. It's a monster. We should all be aware of what this is because all of us are vulnerable to this monster. It's like a modern day version of being thrown into a dungeon and left to rot.


13th December 2010, 12:30 PM
Edgar Steele already has a cardiovascular problem, the prolonged stress could very well create the perfect environment for another heart attack. It is amazing that he has held up until now. He is obviously completely innocent and the state is trying to murder him...

Twisted Titan
13th December 2010, 12:48 PM
They want to make a example of him so others wont stand in the gap .......... but stay in line and let the socipath continue to rape and maime unabated.


13th December 2010, 05:49 PM
If you incarcerate your enemies you are responsible for feeding them. This gives the opportunity to lessen their effectiveness as an enemy by giving them microdoses of all kinds of heavy metals and chemicals in small enough quantities that there would be no repercussions.