View Full Version : Father Harassed By CPS For Feeding Kids Organic Food

13th December 2010, 01:25 PM
“See Something, Say Something”: Neighbors report on man for refusing to make daughters drink tap water or take vaccines

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, December 13, 2010

A father of two was harassed and investigated by Child Protective Services and police for feeding his daughters organic food, refusing to make them drink fluoride-poisoned tap water and not having them injected with mercury-laden vaccines, all of which constitutes “suspicious activity” in the new Sovietized America, a foretaste of what’s to come once Big Sis’ Wal-Mart spy campaign gets up and running.

Relating his story to the Sherrie Questioning All blog, the man states that a child abuse investigation was launched after one of his neighbors reported him to the authorities, prompting a CPS worker to visit his home accompanied by a police officer, during which she bombarded him with questions and conducted a warrantless search of his house, even down to the contents of his refrigerator.

The case worker turned up at the man’s door with a police cruiser in close attendance. The woman nervously began to question him and was obviously under the impression that he could pose a physical threat.

“She said that there were allegations that I wouldn’t give my children tap water,” writes the father, before noting how he explained to the woman that municipal tap water in most parts of the United States is poisoned with sodium fluoride, a form of toxic waste that contributes to innumerable health problems, including disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ.

The woman’s line of questioning took an even more bizarre turn after she told him that one of the accusations against him which led to allegations of child abuse was that he fed his daughters organic food. That’s right – Americans actually think that if you don’t feed your children genetically-modified, gluten-stuffed, high fructose corn syrup-crammed, aspartame-laden garbage like KFC or McDonalds then you’re probably a child abuser. Eating natural, clean and healthy food not sprayed with sickening pesticides is now a suspicious activity.

“I was still quite frightened by this woman in my house, I mean really think about it,” writes the father. “This woman has the authority to take the only things worth living for away from me. My girls. So the allegations continued.”

The CPS worker then demanded to know why the man refused to have his daughters vaccinated, again implying that this was a form of child abuse. “I said yes that’s true, I refuse to allow my children to be poked with syringes filled with squalene, thimerasol, mercury,etc. I promptly produced my states exemption form. That was the end of that allegation,” he writes.

The interrogation concluded with the CPS worker asking the man’s daughters if he smacked them.

“They said ‘oh yeah my daddy will whoop my backside if I say a nasty word,’ he writes. “The woman asked me if this was true, I said yes, and it is completely legal to spank your child in this state, in fact there are school districts here in my state that allow ii in public schools.”

The woman, who had not obtained a legal warrant to search the house, inspected the girls’ rooms and even the father’s fridge before leaving.

Despite the fact that the man’s behavior in not making his kids drink toxic waste and eat GMO garbage, while protecting them from mercury-filled vaccines, actually proves that he is an outstanding parent who cares deeply for his children, he was subject to a one month investigation before the case was closed.

The man was able to confirm that he was informed on by someone he knew after the case worker asked him about his “bug bag,” a 72 hour emergency preparedness kit. Apparently, even though Homeland Security itself encourages Americans to prepare for emergencies, actually doing so is a sign of “child abuse”.

Presumably, this is the kind of community spirit Big Sis is seeking to encourage as part of Homeland Security’s “See Something, Say Something” program, where Wal-Mart shoppers are encouraged to report suspicious activity to the authorities after watching a video message at the checkout featuring Janet Napolitano.

Since the DHS program makes no reference to what constitutes “suspicious activity,” expect to read many more stories about Americans being investigated and harassed for their personal lifestyle choices as a result of being turned in by ignorant Americans who think that being knowledgable about health issues is a form of child abuse.


13th December 2010, 02:13 PM
I can see now that the dictatorship in the US is going to be worse than the dictartoship in Cuba........you can be free only if you want to be free.

13th December 2010, 02:56 PM
...makes me glad i live in canada.....for now...

mick silver
13th December 2010, 03:34 PM
this man needs to be in jail . why would he do that to his kids :o ... making his kids eat some thing that may help them live longer .

13th December 2010, 03:36 PM
this man needs to be in jail . why would he do that to his kids :o

because he loves them and wants to keep them safe.

13th December 2010, 03:41 PM
A reader of the blog sent me this account of his experience with CPS!

Let's hear the other side of the story.


13th December 2010, 03:45 PM
I can see now that the dictatorship in the US is going to be worse than the dictartoship in Cuba........you can be free only if you want to be free.

Amego you are over stepping just a tad!

The regime there as you know is at least 10 to the 100000 power worse that
we have here, and yes it may get bad, Methinks some kind of shit will hit the fan

You my friend need to go down to a shelter and pick up 2 kitty kats and when of the
age have them fixed. Then enjoy the outrage and havoc they will produce in your life
until they grow up and settle down, owning you. ;D

There will be war, civil or some kind of change for the sheep of this country to have the
kind of system that Cuba still enjoys.

Just saying

13th December 2010, 03:57 PM
I would like to know what state this was in before getting worked up about it.
I am troubled this info was not given.

we reside in a city with over 1600 known gangs

Sounds way over the top.

13th December 2010, 04:07 PM
from what ive read on this particular blog, i'm thinking it is a little over the top as well...

13th December 2010, 06:09 PM
I do excatly as this for my 2 girl's. I was also my cousin, that is on WIC or some goverment program that gives you food for your baby. He says you are not allowed to buy organic vegatables or organic formula. I guess the food is red flagged at the register. I'm the kinda a person who doesn't believe in this program anyway, but it is kind of bizarre.

13th December 2010, 06:33 PM
Oh My Goodness. I guess anybody that buys organic food is gonna pretty much be labeled as an extremist now.
I still don't understand how the gov't can denounce nature sooooo bad.
I mean just common sense- natural from the earth- organic- kinda people are looked at as soooo crazy & possibly abusive ??

It is THEIR (the gov't) food that is nutritional child abuse . Or should I say anti-nutritional.

Wow . Thanks for the article.

It is sad but true,

Anyone that does not conform to the common mold of what society expects will be labeled as strange. What you have concerns about what is pushed on the people, shit you are different and that makes you suspect because you do not go along. as sheep should..

Nuff said.

13th December 2010, 07:50 PM
A reader of the blog sent me this account of his experience with CPS!

Let's here the other side of the story.


Agreed. This needs a back story with all the pertinent details or it's not credible. Last time I checked Child Protective Services cannot just come into your home without a warrant. While I would not put it past some government hacks to assume they can waltz in with the police in tow, the police would be handing the parent a gift-wrapped lawsuit if the guy asked to see one and they went in anyway without it. This story is written to incite anyone who doesn't step back and recognize the contradictions. Doesn't pass the smell test.

13th December 2010, 09:08 PM
CPS needs to feed those kids some Happy Meals, and pronto!

13th December 2010, 09:49 PM
Seems like the guy has his head on right.

14th December 2010, 06:38 AM
I changed the headline.....

" Father allows CPS into home without warrant, allows children to be questioned without his consent, and then promptly complains about it "

This guy deserves what he gets. When are people going to STAND UP for their Families? WTF!!!!!!!!

14th December 2010, 10:03 AM
I changed the headline.....

" Father allows CPS into home without warrant, allows children to be questioned without his consent, and then promptly complains about it "

This guy deserves what he gets. When are people going to STAND UP for their Families? WTF!!!!!!!!

What I got from the article is he was scared that if he had demanded a warrant, then they would have easily gotten one, come back with a swat team and taken his two little daughters away from him for who knows how long simply because by their fucked up statist reasoning, he must be doing something illegal to those sweet little paychecks (I mean girls) since he didn't allow them to enter his home in the first place.

Then, once he had entered the system of Child Protection "Enforcement" he would have had to prove he was "worthy" of raising his children to a series of fat assed brain dead bureaucrats who are really only concerned about keeping their fucked up jobs. And this legalistic rigmarole might last for years, while his girls are raised in the most horrible way possible, by paid agents of the State.

So, perhaps he played his hand correctly. It's not easy for parents of small children to martyr themselves and their own families for a cause, even a cause as righteous as personal liberty.

14th December 2010, 10:39 AM
I agree with Sui J on this. The guy is probably (definitely?) a prepper and cares about his kids. If he told them to get a warrant he would probably be in the paper for hoarding food and weapons and the headline would read "Man arrested with giant arsenal of weapons and ammo, including assault rifles and over 1,000 round of ammo"

Which is just a small portion of what most of us are probably sitting on. If they searched the average GSUS household it would be pretty easy to make headlines.

14th December 2010, 11:38 AM
What I got from the article is he was scared that if he had demanded a warrant, then they would have easily gotten one, come back with a swat team and taken his two little daughters away from him for who knows how long simply because by their f*cked up statist reasoning, he must be doing something illegal to those sweet little paychecks (I mean girls) since he didn't allow them to enter his home in the first place.

Then, once he had entered the system of Child Protection "Enforcement" he would have had to prove he was "worthy" of raising his children to a series of fat assed brain dead bureaucrats who are really only concerned about keeping their f*cked up jobs. And this legalistic rigmarole might last for years, while his girls are raised in the most horrible way possible, by paid agents of the State.

So, perhaps he played his hand correctly. It's not easy for parents of small children to martyr themselves and their own families for a cause, even a cause as righteous as personal liberty.

I'm a father with children, and I wouldn't let them in my house without a warrant. sh*t, I would answer the door with a shotgun in my hand. Letting these people in the door, or even talking to them on your front porch, is just giving them ammo to bring against you if they do decide to come after you.

You don't talk to the Cops/CPS under any conditions.

14th December 2010, 12:34 PM
What I got from the article is he was scared that if he had demanded a warrant, then they would have easily gotten one, come back with a swat team and taken his two little daughters away from him for who knows how long simply because by their f*cked up statist reasoning, he must be doing something illegal to those sweet little paychecks (I mean girls) since he didn't allow them to enter his home in the first place.

Then, once he had entered the system of Child Protection "Enforcement" he would have had to prove he was "worthy" of raising his children to a series of fat assed brain dead bureaucrats who are really only concerned about keeping their f*cked up jobs. And this legalistic rigmarole might last for years, while his girls are raised in the most horrible way possible, by paid agents of the State.

So, perhaps he played his hand correctly. It's not easy for parents of small children to martyr themselves and their own families for a cause, even a cause as righteous as personal liberty.

I'm a father with children, and I wouldn't let them in my house without a warrant. sh*t, I would answer the door with a shotgun in my hand. Letting these people in the door, or even talking to them on your front porch, is just giving them ammo to bring against you if they do decide to come after you.

You don't talk to the Cops/CPS under any conditions.

That's good. Talk the talk and Walk the walk. I honor those who do. We should all be so brave, but at the same time I can see why that guy did what he did.

As long as you realize that if you did meet them at the door with a shotgun and require them to get a warrant, they damn sure would. And then they'd take your kids. That was my basic point.

So, what would be your next move?

14th December 2010, 12:41 PM
That's good. Talk the talk and Walk the walk. I honor those who do. We should all be so brave, but at the same time I can see why that guy did what he did.

As long as you realize that if you did meet them at the door with a shotgun and require them to get a warrant, they damn sure would. And then they'd take your kids. That was my basic point.

So, what would be your next move?

As soon as they left to get their warrant, I would have the wife take the kids somewhere to wait for me to contact her that is was clear to return.

Should they actually return with a warrant, I would actually be happy, because now I get to sue for big $$$. Even saying that I did everything that that father was accused of, none of it is illegal. So what would the probable cause be to get the warrant? Couldn't be anything against the law.

But should they actually return with a warrant, I wouldn't fight it then. I still wouldn't answer any of their questions.

EDIT: Added Youtube video


14th December 2010, 02:41 PM
Excellent video. I've watched it many times as everyone should.

However, considering that the social worker was already packing a cop for back-up, I think it'd be safe to say that they'd definitely be back with a warrant. Especially after rightfully or not intimidating them with a shotgun, they'd be back in a hurry with a SWAT team. Oh yeah. All glowy faced too, happy for the excuse to punch in a door with a cool new electromagnetronic ramrod or something HLS just bought them.

They'd be pouring out of brand new bullet proof SWAT team Vans, stopping only to straighten starchy riot gear and adjust the chin straps for a team buddy. "Brothers in Blue." :D

Then, after tasering and kneecapping you, they'd haul you in on several completely trumped up charges, such as resisting arrest and/or attacking an officer and while you're getting your naked ass stomped by a jail guard wearing rubber gloves, an all points bulletin would go out to arrest your wife and kids. :'(

Alright, hahaha, maybe I'm being a wee bit dramatic... ;D, and I do realize that these giant bloated police State bureaucracies are going to need to be confronted. Somehow. Although I really doubt it will happen.

What I'm trying to do here is empathize with the father in an online strategery exercise... and I think the father won a battle to keep what is rightfully his by surreptitiously surrendering right up front. It was simply the best or most winning tactic that he had available.

Child Protection Services are so insidious. Part of the Stasi. They more often than not hire slow witted, completely indoctrinated young females to spearhead these child abusive investigations. Government bureaucrats are fast becoming the only middle class remaining.

Don't you think It'd be tough to stick a shotgun in the face of a pudgy nervous young female armed with a clipboard who was utterly convinced that she was doing the morally correct and lawful thing by taking your kids away? My heart just sinks thinking about it.

On another note, why are you guys pissed at the father anyway? The father did what he had to do.

What about the RAT FINK who reported him? That's the little fucker that aught to be routed. Quietly. IMO

14th December 2010, 06:29 PM
Not to be a killjoy, but has anyone been able to find the vitals on this story to prove its authenticity? It's a great tale to rile up that old us vs. the state thing, but what if you're all being suckered in? I've looked around and can't find any credible citation. It's been picked up by all the usual suspects like it's the gospel. Anyone? Hello? Echo. echo. echo. Now pitching....Manny Mota...Mota....Mota....