View Full Version : Woman and men or men and women

13th December 2010, 05:22 PM
Ageless question..

Two parts..and the question has never truly been answered!

one is for men and the other is for woman..or one is for women and the other is for men.

I. what makes a good man to live with and keep.!

2. What makes a good woman to live with and keep!

Note! questions one and two are interchangeable in rank.

And try to keep ceren skills out of it.. :lol

13th December 2010, 05:59 PM
Well, I for one like younger women........at least 35 years younger than myself, I have done a lot in life but inside always been a kid and I would hate to have to go out with my mother or worse my grandmother.

Right now I would like a woman at about 27-35 years old who like to paint, sew, read, cook amd walk in the forest with me......who knows or wants to learn how to shoot.........I for one cannot longer have sex but I am sure that we can work something out, as long as she doesn't bring some tiny little friends back with her, a woman who will watch my back as I will hers and that when the shooting starts she will dive under the bed......to look for her gun.

She won't have to work and when I die she will be very well taken care of........and she will never run out of tp hahahahahahahahahah.........and if she kills me for what I have I would not mind, as long as I don't suffer.

Joe King
13th December 2010, 06:46 PM
I. what makes a good man to live with and keep.!

2. What makes a good woman to live with and keep!

IMHO, the answer is the same for both.

If you want a relationship/marriage to work, all you have to do is follow my one step process that will leave but one small detail for you to figure out.

Step 1.
Find someone right for you that you care enough about to want to put forth the effort, over time, that's required to place their feelings, their needs, and their desires on an equal footing with that of your own.

If more couples could do that with each other, or at least make an honest effort, the divorce rate would be a fraction of what it currently is.

BTW, the small detail is for you, and that other person, to both figure out the answer to the first five words of step 1 at the same time. :D

Edited for Grammar

13th December 2010, 06:51 PM
Ageless question..

2. What makes a good woman to live with and keep!

Note! questions one and two are interchangeable in rank.

4' tall with a flat head? :dunno

13th December 2010, 06:57 PM
That is a good question and I think it depends on where you are in your life, you need to find someone who is on the same page as you.

I already did that , I had SUPER DUPER EXTRA GOOD ONE ! so no more for me.
Unless I can find another SUPER DUPER EXTRA GOOD ONE ! But that would be very hard to do. :'(

Maybe I'll just find somebody to play with. ( No living and keeping for me) :o

13th December 2010, 07:04 PM

I'm not completely sure, but I have a pretty good idea :D

13th December 2010, 07:08 PM
That is a good question and I think it depends on where you are in your life, you need to find someone who is on the same page as you.

I already did that , I had SUPER DUPER EXTRA GOOD ONE ! so no more for me.
Unless I can find another SUPER DUPER EXTRA GOOD ONE ! But that would be very hard to do. :'(

Maybe I'll just find somebody to play with. ( No living and keeping for me) :o


Some hit it , depends in life and who matches who? .. at the time! some will grow out of and some will grow together.

The ones that grow together are the ones that make 80 years married together..

my question is in the now.. and reveliant..(sp)

Granted as sexes we love each other and again hate each other!

you can not deny that...

13th December 2010, 07:18 PM
Well, I for one like younger women........at least 35 years younger than myself, I have done a lot in life but inside always been a kid and I would hate to have to go out with my mother or worse my grandmother.

Right now I would like a woman at about 27-35 years old who like to paint, sew, read, cook amd walk in the forest with me......who knows or wants to learn how to shoot.........I for one cannot longer have sex but I am sure that we can work something out, as long as she doesn't bring some tiny little friends back with her, a woman who will watch my back as I will hers and that when the shooting starts she will dive under the bed......to look for her gun.

She won't have to work and when I die she will be very well taken care of........and she will never run out of tp hahahahahahahahahah.........and if she kills me for what I have I would not mind, as long as I don't suffer.


I think if she was half good looking but she could make from scratch and slap a tortilla together, and worship you .. Dude let some more kats in to your life but at least dos uno no.. dos si......grin.

13th December 2010, 07:52 PM
Tortilla? you are now thinking Mexican and not Cuban, in Cuba is rice and blk beans.....hummmmm maybe I should say Afrian-American beans instead of using the B word.

By the way, the main thing that I would like in a woman is intelligence, one that's able to talk about just about anything........I was lucky in that my X was that way......oh well......her IQ was of 128 compared to my poor 123.

13th December 2010, 08:08 PM
Answer to both: Common goals and the tenacity to follow through until those goals are reached.
Mutual respect and admiration don't hurt either...

13th December 2010, 08:11 PM
Answer to both: Common goals and the tenacity to follow through until those goals are reached.
Mutual respect and admiration don't hurt either...

Close like hand gernades.

The question will never be answered to complete satisfaction.. ;D of ALL. ;D

13th December 2010, 08:21 PM
Find someone right for you that you care enough about to want to put forth the effort, over time, that's required to place their feelings, their needs, and their desires on an equal footing with that of your own.

You can do that Joe, and still get burned though. There's a fine line there, of giving, and being taken advantage of, that can leave a person wondering if they may be doing something that sets them up for failure, or something to be exploited, or trust.

My views are a bit different.

All my immediate family, including my parents, have wonderful relationships. That's all I've ever seen, but I've experienced personally women who take advantage of that fact, or who stay until they find someone better, etc. My personal experiences, are vastly different than, my upbringing.

My take is to enjoy people, while they are a part of your life. People come and go, women, friends, never put yourself in a position where your happiness is linked to another.

It's time spent, whether 1 week, or 20 years. Easy come, easy go, and be self-sufficient. You can put forth effort into another person...but you need to be able to let them go, as well.

My two bits.

Joe King
13th December 2010, 09:01 PM
Find someone right for you that you care enough about to want to put forth the effort, over time, that's required to place their feelings, their needs, and their desires on an equal footing with that of your own.

You can do that Joe, and still get burned though.

If only one half of the couple in question is doing so, well then yea, of course there's going to be burnage.
...but if both halves of a couple honestly strive to do what I've suggested, it'll have a much better chance of working.

While some will require more than others, the point you have to remember is that all relationships take at least some effort in order to maintain them and to keep things "fresh".

It's also a given that in all relationships there comes a time that you'll know whether that effort is worth it or not.
For some it comes sooner. Others later.

Obviously when things, for whatever reason kinda fall apart, it's generally due to one or the other not wanting to put forth the effort required to make that particular relationship work.
i.e. is what you have to put into it, worth what you're getting out of it?

Also, it's always easier to do what needs to be done early on in the relationship, if for no other reason than the "new" factor.
It's after the newness starts to wear off that the tests begin.

Road Runner
13th December 2010, 09:08 PM
Here is what we think:
Belief in God
Committed to our marriage
Loving our ranchlife
having goals and desires that are similar
Not letting emotions rule us
Believing in the vows we took
Never giving up
Being Friends
Not needing to be entertained
Unconditional love
Relationships can be hard, but rewarding. I believe God blesses us when we hang in there.
On a funny but true note:
Still loving the wife when she hops the fence instead of stopping a wild cow, for the 3rd time!
Still loving the husband when he sends 20 head of cattle at you and hollers "sort the 3 yr. olds off" and they all look 3yrs old!!

13th December 2010, 09:19 PM
And lets not forget great sexual compatibility!!