View Full Version : German man castrates teenage daughter's 57-year-old boyfriend

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13th December 2010, 05:44 PM
By Allan Hall, Berlin 10:11PM GMT 12 Dec 2010

An enraged father who disapproved of his daughter's older boyfriend
went to his home and castrated him with a bread knife.

Helmut Seifert, 47, an ethnic German originally from Russia,
was enraged when he heard his 17-year-old daughter
was having a relationship with Phillip Genscher, 57.

He went to police in the town of Bielefeld where he lives
but officers said they were powerless to intervene.

"The man then recruited two work colleagues at his factory
and then went to the house of the victim," said police.

"The man was forced to remove his trousers and, fully conscious, he was castrated.
The severed testicles were taken away by the perpetrator."

The man was close to bleeding to death but managed to call police.
His life was saved but he remains a eunuch for life.

Seifert pleaded guilty and will be on trial for attempted murder next year.
But he has remained silent on who his accomplices were.

He told police: "I received a phone call anonymously that my daughter was involved
with a guy 40 years older than her. You said you couldn't stop him – so I did.

"I saw it as my duty as a father."

13th December 2010, 05:59 PM
This I see as biblical..

The father did this to his daughter, so should the same be done to him.

He ruined her life and chance of enjoying life, so he should be removed from the same.

If in my time in my war in my and still my outlook, I would cut his nutts off and stuff
them down his throat and make him swallow them..

Even then it would not do the daughter any good , but it would be justest. (sp)

Let the sob know he ate his own nuts and turned him into a nothing...

Fucking ass lick butthole.

Edit : yes I would do it.

13th December 2010, 06:36 PM
Fucking ridiculous. The father should get his balls cut next.

willie pete
13th December 2010, 06:38 PM
the father literally took things into his own hands.. :D

13th December 2010, 06:40 PM
the father literally took things into his own hands.. :D

The balls are definitely in his court.

13th December 2010, 06:43 PM
The real question is what did he do with them there bawlz after he walked out. Did he pocket them? Play a gruesome game of marbles? Use them for catfish bait? Slingshot ammo? Inquiring minds wanna know.

And yah, IF I had a 17 year old daughter and found out she was getting boinked by a 57 year old fart I'd have done alot worse than cut his sack off.

13th December 2010, 06:45 PM
I hope he gets trial by a jury, I would acquit him.

13th December 2010, 06:52 PM
The age of consent in Germany is 14

13th December 2010, 06:53 PM
Better result than the guy who found his donkey getting violated.

13th December 2010, 06:54 PM
The age of consent in Germany is 14

I'd still acquit him

13th December 2010, 06:56 PM
They should have him try on the balls.

13th December 2010, 06:57 PM
I hope he gets trial by a jury, I would acquit him.

Me too.

13th December 2010, 06:58 PM
The age of consent in Germany is 14

Probably close to this German kid's age.


Joe King
13th December 2010, 07:04 PM
The age of consent in Germany is 14

I'd still acquit him

So what do you propose be done to the daughter?

After all, she's the one who ultimately allowed it to happen.
i.e. she liked it and will probably do it again :D

13th December 2010, 07:06 PM
The age of consent in Germany is 14

I think when that law was made up, they had 14 year olds dating 18-19 year olds in their minds; or something along those lines. Not someone who was old enough to be her Grandfather.

13th December 2010, 07:07 PM
Apparently she had some daddy issues, now she has more.

13th December 2010, 07:10 PM
That is a legal age in some states here in the U.S. That being said, I don't think the father raised the daughter like he should of.

13th December 2010, 07:12 PM
Apparently she had some daddy issues, now she has more.

Exactly what I was thinking. For her to choose someone with that much of an age difference, there is most likely something else going on at home or in the family.

13th December 2010, 07:26 PM
That Helmut Siefert guy has a lot of balls....four to be precise.

13th December 2010, 07:38 PM
me, i'm with the ball cutter.

13th December 2010, 07:42 PM
and what if she were 18? My, what difference a year will make!

13th December 2010, 07:43 PM
me, i'm with the ball cutter.

LOL , you guys can't go around cutting balls off and stabbing people in the d*ck !

13th December 2010, 07:50 PM
and what if she were 18? My, what difference a year will make!

Exactly. If she was 18 how would everyone react? But since she is 17 years and 364 days old it is grounds for castration.

13th December 2010, 07:55 PM
Funny thing, if he had just killed the guy there is a good chance he'd have gotten away with it. Though I don't think he deserved to die, you can easily see how things can escalate.

Joe King
13th December 2010, 08:03 PM
Well no, most teenagers are dumb so if she was 18 and he was old enough to know better
than maybe just a good beatin' and a warning that his balls were at risk might help him to
keep them.
So what about the daughter who was presumably a willing participant? Concrete? :D

13th December 2010, 08:04 PM
Well no, most teenagers are dumb so if she was 18 and he was old enough to know better
than maybe just a good beatin' and a warning that his balls were at risk might help him to
keep them.

Well at least you are consistent. I have a feeling that many here believe 17 year 364 day olds need to have their honor violently defended while simultaneously believing 18 year 0 day olds have the right to do any deranged sexual activity that could be dreamed of, providing there is no victim. It's just downright lunacy.

For the record, I'm sympathetic with the father, we need more men like him.

Uncle Salty
13th December 2010, 08:06 PM
I understand the father's anger, but now he will just go to jail and his daughter will start banging another old man and there will be nothing he can do about it.

He should have just kicked the guy's ass. No charges would have been filed and he would have felt better.

Or just accept the fact his daughter has a grand father complex.

At the end of the day, he screwed up.

Joe King
13th December 2010, 08:41 PM
Well no, most teenagers are dumb so if she was 18 and he was old enough to know better
than maybe just a good beatin' and a warning that his balls were at risk might help him to
keep them.
So what about the daughter who was presumably a willing participant? Concrete? :D

She's too young & dumb, I mean naive, to make the decision to be with a man 40 years her senior.
She needs the proper role models in her life to teach her this. Unfortunately, like stated above by others,
it looks like she didn't have good parenting that's why she may have ended up liking the 47 year old.
He's still taking advantage of her dumbness & she's missing out on her youth.
She needs a stern talking to & Mr Ball-less, needs to understand that she only turned to him probably because
of dysfunction with her father. It's really not that difficult.

So then whose fault is it, really?

By the time someones 17yo daughter is seeing 47yo men, it's well past the point of trying to close the proverbial barn door.
If you want to blame someone, I'd say start with whomever didn't do their job right when she was around 10

13th December 2010, 08:47 PM
At the end of the day, he screwed up.

I don't think he "screwed up". If he blew the guy away with a shotgun, that would be an understandable screw up.

Castrating another man via bread knife, isn't a screw up. It takes a certain type of person to be able to do something like that...a type of person, regardless of the reason, has some issues.

13th December 2010, 08:52 PM
There's a lot of different things at work here.

1. The legal age there is 14, most European countries are much more liberal sexually speaking than they are in the US and one would suppose that their society is much more tolerant of such.

2. No crime committed.

3. There wasn't a victim until the father attacked the other man.

4. Crime committed.

Why didn't the father take a small amount of time and energy to talk with his daughter or for that matter the man about this? Maybe the father is a mega jealous incestuous pedophile? There's more than a little gray area here before any conclusions can definetly be drawn..but as it stands I'd say there's agood chance the father will be sent to prison and the victim will sue and take from him every penny he has.

13th December 2010, 09:00 PM
By the time someones 17yo daughter is seeing 47yo 57yo men...

Fixed it for you.


Joe King
13th December 2010, 09:03 PM
By the time someones 17yo daughter is seeing 47yo 57yo men...

Fixed it for you.


I was going by what Old Herb Lady posted.

13th December 2010, 09:11 PM
Old school, traditional, you fuck with the kids you get put into the ground.

13th December 2010, 09:20 PM
There's a lot of different things at work here.

1. The legal age there is 14, most European countries are much more liberal sexually speaking than they are in the US and one would suppose that their society is much more tolerant of such.

2. No crime committed.

3. There wasn't a victim until the father attacked the other man.

4. Crime committed.

Why didn't the father take a small amount of time and energy to talk with his daughter or for that matter the man about this? Maybe the father is a mega jealous incestuous pedophile? There's more than a little gray area here before any conclusions can definetly be drawn..but as it stands I'd say there's agood chance the father will be sent to prison and the victim will sue and take from him every penny he has.

Who knows what their relationship really was, the assumptions is that the older guys was banging her like there was no tomorrow, but unless there was some kind of complaint made by the girl, it might have been a different kind of relationship...more friendship or mentor or whatever.

Too bad they are all unarmed over there, the older guy was within his rights to blow the brains out of the 3 guys coming for his balls ;]

13th December 2010, 09:27 PM
There's a lot of different things at work here.

1. The legal age there is 14, most European countries are much more liberal sexually speaking than they are in the US and one would suppose that their society is much more tolerant of such.

2. No crime committed.

3. There wasn't a victim until the father attacked the other man.

4. Crime committed.

Why didn't the father take a small amount of time and energy to talk with his daughter or for that matter the man about this? Maybe the father is a mega jealous incestuous pedophile? There's more than a little gray area here before any conclusions can definetly be drawn..but as it stands I'd say there's agood chance the father will be sent to prison and the victim will sue and take from him every penny he has.

Who knows what their relationship really was, the assumptions is that the older guys was banging her like there was no tomorrow, but unless there was some kind of complaint made by the girl, it might have been a different kind of relationship...more friendship or mentor or whatever.

Too bad they are all unarmed over there, the older guy was within his rights to blow the brains out of the 3 guys coming for his balls ;]

I'll bet ya a Krugerand he wishes he had had a gun!

13th December 2010, 09:29 PM
There's a lot of different things at work here.

1. The legal age there is 14, most European countries are much more liberal sexually speaking than they are in the US and one would suppose that their society is much more tolerant of such.

2. No crime committed.

3. There wasn't a victim until the father attacked the other man.

4. Crime committed.

Why didn't the father take a small amount of time and energy to talk with his daughter or for that matter the man about this? Maybe the father is a mega jealous incestuous pedophile? There's more than a little gray area here before any conclusions can definetly be drawn..but as it stands I'd say there's agood chance the father will be sent to prison and the victim will sue and take from him every penny he has.

Who knows what their relationship really was, the assumptions is that the older guys was banging her like there was no tomorrow, but unless there was some kind of complaint made by the girl, it might have been a different kind of relationship...more friendship or mentor or whatever.

Too bad they are all unarmed over there, the older guy was within his rights to blow the brains out of the 3 guys coming for his balls ;]

I'll bet ya a Krugerand he wishes he had had a gun!

I bet he wishes they would have killed him instead :]

13th December 2010, 09:31 PM
That would have been his second wish!

13th December 2010, 09:33 PM
it might have been a different kind of relationship...more friendship or mentor or whatever.


Yeah...most 17 year-old girls prefer hanging out with their 57 year-old geezer "mentor" rather than waste time with their girlfriends after school.


14th December 2010, 02:38 AM
My best guess here, since we are all guessing anyway, is that the father started banging the daughter (or wanted to) at a young age and felt intense jealousy when he found out about the relationship. You don't go around cutting a man's balls off with a butter knife because you are defending your daughter's honor. We may as well defend the Muslim practice of honor killing next.

This man deserves the same fate he meted out to the 57 year old. Can any man who still has an occasional erection claim he is not attracted to a well built 17 year old? I'm in my 50's and I can tell you that were I single and an unattached and willing young woman (lest we forget a 17 year old is a young woman) wanted to mate with me, I'd have at her with great vigor! Any sick effer coming to cut my balls off would go away dead.

Celtic Rogue
14th December 2010, 05:17 AM
I cant beleive how many of you would advocate violence towards a person for having relations with another person of legal age ( what is this determined by and who) This wasnt rape it was consenting... Its nobodys business. Who are any of us to say who can love who? Its up to the people involved at legal age. I am not saying that if it was my daughter I wouldnt be upset at her choice. But I would not attack anyone for having a personal relation. I ask myself the question... Is anyone being hurt? Was anyone held unwillingly? No... The again its NOBODYS business but their own. just my 5.2 cents

14th December 2010, 05:26 AM
What is really amazing is how many people who consider themselves anti-statist have so much respect for the state's authority to arbitrarily dictate at what age a little girl has free will of her own. Don't the parents know their daughters state of maturity/self determination better than the state?

14th December 2010, 06:07 AM
I don't know enough about this situation to make a judgement whether the father of this young woman was right or wrong. There are older men who are good looking, wealthy, very charming who are predators. They will charm and screw any woman they can get their hands on, throw them away like a worthless piece of trash then go on to the next one. If he were one of those he probably had it coming.

There are young men who do the same thing. My ex told me about a young fellow in his teens who had six young girls pregnant all at the same time. I think if I were a parent of one of those young girls I would want to put a stop to him getting anymore girls pregnant. Enough is enough!

I've castrated horses, bulls, sheep, pigs and cats. I think I could do the job on someone with out them bleeding to death so I wouldn't be charged with attempted murder. ;)

I have a friend who I've heard tried to castrate a guy who got his daughter pregnant. He only got one of his nuts before someone got him stopped . Might have been his daughter.

14th December 2010, 06:47 AM
I ask myself the question... Is anyone being hurt? No...


Father of the daughter has been hurt.

He has been victimized

He has been dishonored.

still afloat
14th December 2010, 06:49 AM
Boy am I out of time , I thought the father was suppose to nail the guys balls to a rail road tie and give him a dull rusty knife just before a train comes along .

14th December 2010, 06:54 AM
I'll bet the girl, the dad and the victim all have serious issues outside of this specific incident. Although I don't think it was right that the dad cut that guy's balls off, I understand. I'm more of a "beat the hell out of you and let you walk away mentally crippled" than a "cut off your balls and leave you physically crippled" kind of guy.

I would likely acquit the dad on attempted murder charges, but not on aggravated assault or something such as that. It's clear he could have killed the man but instead wanted to maim him.

There are several details missing from the story (poor reporting). Did the girl just celebrate her 17th bday? Was she about to turn 18? A lot can happen maturity wise over 1-2 years in that stage of a person's life. We also haven't heard anything about the victim. Many "what-ifs" here that could help explain how this all came about.

14th December 2010, 07:13 AM
Just 'cause someone says an old guy is banging your daughter doesn't mean he is.
Secondly, at 17, that's really on your daughter. I personally think young adults should be out of the house at 17, not coddled like little kids until they're 30. If she wants to get physical with some old guy that's her own business. You don't go with three guys to slice up another guy because you don't like the fact that your daughter is a whore.

And the obvious slippery-slope questions:
How would people be reacting if a 17 year old man got it on with a gmilf?
Also at what exact age difference does consensual sex become a crime?

14th December 2010, 07:25 AM

Families and tribes that allow 57 year-old geezers to impregnate their 17 year-old females become extinct. Nobody here seems to consider the procreation aspect of this. After the geezer dies the entire tribe becomes responsible for supporting his fatherless children.


willie pete
14th December 2010, 07:31 AM
I think the father went way overboard, IF the old guy raped her, I could understand him flipping out; but if the girl is with him willingly, I think I'd concentrate on trying to encourage my daughter not to see him, and there are some holes in the story, what's the old guy like? is he rich? normally I wouldn't think a 17 year old girl would be attracted to a 57 year old man, doesn't seem natural, stranger things have happened, it's written muhamed was about the same age when he Slept with a 9 year old girl.. :D

Celtic Rogue
14th December 2010, 07:32 AM
I ask myself the question... Is anyone being hurt? No...

BS Show me how? Victimized??? Sounds like a hebrew word to me? So if your child does anything you deem unworthy its alright to comit mahem? BS I say again. The victim is the man with no balls and a young lady having to live with what her barbarian father has done in the good of her name.


Father of the daughter has been hurt.

He has been victimized

He has been dishonored.

14th December 2010, 07:49 AM

Obama wrote a book about missing his father.



14th December 2010, 08:45 AM
So if your child does anything you deem unworthy its alright to comit mahem? BS I say again. The victim is the man with no balls and a young lady having to live with what her barbarian father has done in the good of her name.

natural pain of the father is "barbarian" for the brain-washed liberals

he goes to police and there is no law to remedy dad's injury

there is no place for fatherhood in the modern life. Liberal media go out of their wits to paint dads as deadbeat bafoons.

Fathers are just "barbarian ideas of old" in the jewish cabala worldview

old-fart-pervert f#ks man's blood, which is young and tender and the man has no saying in the matter???

I don't think so

guess what, fornication has its consequences

on that point I'd say the Russian mob got it right and liberal jewery got it wrong

14th December 2010, 08:53 AM
Communist ideal:
Decrease parents control and influence over their children and increase state's control over children.

Hmmm. Seems Libertarians are the same as commies.

14th December 2010, 10:24 AM
Families and tribes that allow 57 year-old geezers to impregnate their 17 year-old females become extinct. Nobody here seems to consider the procreation aspect of this. After the geezer dies the entire tribe becomes responsible for supporting his fatherless children.

57 year-olds are usually smart enough not to impregnate anyone.
Heffner up there has had 4 children and I'm sure they won't need taxpayer support.

natural pain of the father is "barbarian" for the brain-washed liberals
he goes to police and there is no law to remedy dad's injury

What do you want the police to do when his daughter is out sleeping with dudes? She's 17. I don't care what the legal age of anything is - a 17 year old is capable of deciding who she sleeps with unless she's a retard (and that wasn't mentioned in the article). You can't send the cops off to arrest strangers because you feel "injured" after concluding that your daughter is being a slut.

Communist ideal:
Decrease parents control and influence over their children and increase state's control over children.

Hmmm. Seems Libertarians are the same as commies.

Who said anything about increasing the state's control or decreasing the parent's control? The father has as much control over his daughter as ever. The issue is between him and her, not him and some stranger she allegedly chose to bang.

14th December 2010, 10:37 AM
None of you must have a 17 year old underage daughter, I'm guessing.

Under the age of what?

14th December 2010, 11:46 AM
Who said anything about increasing the state's control or decreasing the parent's control? The father has as much control over his daughter as ever. The issue is between him and her, not him and some stranger she allegedly chose to bang.
There were several Libertarianesque comments showing respect and recognition for whatever age the state decides (rather than parents) what age someone becomes an adult, rather than respect parental right to determine if their children are grown enough to make their own decisions regarding the advances of dirty old men.

14th December 2010, 12:01 PM
so, instead of Rocky Mountain Oysters - they'd be Teutonic Oysters ?

14th December 2010, 12:53 PM
I'm with Old Herb Lady on this.

Young women are typically very insecure (Even if outwardly they don't appear that way) and are almost always desperate for acceptance. They are easily manipulated and swept off their feet.

I know this, because I was a player at one time. Even the most beautiful of young women are suseptable to seduction, and that 57 year old is responsible for not ending it before it started.

I'm not condoning a Dick-stabbing or a Ball-Chopping. I'm just saying that I hold the 57 year old responsible. Same as a teacher who has yound students throwing themselves at him/her. It is their responsibility to do the right thing and end it before it starts.

Joe King
14th December 2010, 02:17 PM
Sheeeeesh. Let me explain something to those who do not have a teenage daughter. MMM K.

First of all, Just because a teenage girl (pick an age, any age) 14, 15, 16, 17
is so beautiful looking with her beautiful breasteses sticking up in the air & her cutesie little hot buttocks
and may make for sweet eye candy to the gentlemen does not mean that that girl has the mentality of making
the appropriate decision regarding choices with men. Soooo when a girl has a WEAK mentality and LOW SELF ESTEEM issues
going on in her immature brain and chooses to hook up with an older man, A MUCH OLDER MAN ,
It is the responsibility of the OLDER person here , who is this 57 year old man, to take responsibility and NOT LET HIMSELF GET INVOLVED
just because he wants a warm connection with a female.

There are enough 10 dollar whores around the corner closer to his age to hook up with .

Lots of teenage girls are dying for attention. So they get themselves into big trouble & ruin their lives
(Because why ?? They're not mentally able to handle relationships that the old guys want out of them.)

I've seen younger girls with older guys & then after a couple of years they always go & find someone closer to their own age and leave the old guy for for a gentlemen their own age. Huh, who' da thought ? They matured & figured it out.

IMHO, if the kid is raised right, the possibility of her having the problems you mentioned and wanting to sleep with 57yo men because of it, will be virtually nonexistant.

The problem I see is that people try to keep their kids sheltered from the harsh realities of the World they live in, and it deprives them of the knowledge they need to have to be able to navigate this sometimes treacherous World.

Instead we get sheltered kids who upon turning 18 {or whatever age where you live} get turned loose into the World just to end up falling on their face.

Another big part of that problem is parents who have a sense of ownership of their children and think they can dictate the who what where when and why of their childrens entire lives.
Children are simply other individuals who happen to come through you, and by having chose to let them come through you, you're charged with civilizing them and also teaching them the skills they'll need to be able to adequately survive in the World that they will eventually be thrust into.

14th December 2010, 04:04 PM
Just 'cause someone says an old guy is banging your daughter doesn't mean he is.
Secondly, at 17, that's really on your daughter. I personally think young adults should be out of the house at 17, not coddled like little kids until they're 30. If she wants to get physical with some old guy that's her own business. You don't go with three guys to slice up another guy because you don't like the fact that your daughter is a whore.

And the obvious slippery-slope questions:
How would people be reacting if a 17 year old man got it on with a gmilf?
Also at what exact age difference does consensual sex become a crime?

This is sick even defending the geezer.For one, at 17, they are still under the care of the parents as they are attending basic school generally.Are we are supposed to throw them out and fend for themselves in their junior/ senior years of high school? Secondly, I doubt very much Dad went up and cut his balls off because he heard a rumor. In Germany the age of consent covers the geezer's alleged actions,as it is low there,15 or 16 I believe,BUT because the Bundesrepublik decrees its legal, doesnt mean its right! Germany,unlike most Western nations did not raise its "Legal" limit because of the massive male losses in WWII,It needed to repopulate,Most Germans do not approve of April-November relationships anymore than the rest of us,To those here that approve of these types of relationships,I think you need some help.

14th December 2010, 04:07 PM
There's a lot of different things at work here.

1. The legal age there is 14, most European countries are much more liberal sexually speaking than they are in the US and one would suppose that their society is much more tolerant of such.

2. No crime committed.

3. There wasn't a victim until the father attacked the other man.

4. Crime committed.

Why didn't the father take a small amount of time and energy to talk with his daughter or for that matter the man about this? Maybe the father is a mega jealous incestuous pedophile? There's more than a little gray area here before any conclusions can definetly be drawn..but as it stands I'd say there's agood chance the father will be sent to prison and the victim will sue and take from him every penny he has.

Who knows what their relationship really was, the assumptions is that the older guys was banging her like there was no tomorrow, but unless there was some kind of complaint made by the girl, it might have been a different kind of relationship...more friendship or mentor or whatever.

Too bad they are all unarmed over there, the older guy was within his rights to blow the brains out of the 3 guys coming for his balls ;]

Actually he wasnt, the Bundesrepublik says its ok for the 57 yr old pervert to doink the 17 yr old, BUT It is not his right under the same legal system to shoot anyone.cant have it both ways.

Joe King
14th December 2010, 04:14 PM
To those here that approve of these types of relationships,I think you need some help.

I don't think anyone here is approving of it or even advocating such relationships.

However, I do find it ironic, that on a forum that's supposed to be full of people who are supposedly big on personal Rights and individual Liberties, that so many are quick to advocate the limiting of those Rights for others simply because they find the actual exercising of that Right by others to be personally dis-tasteful.

lol lol

As I said, raise your daughters right and they won't want to climb some old geezers bones. ::)

14th December 2010, 04:14 PM
Some 57 year olds would like to be protected from the harsh realities of this world too like the daddy of a seventeen year old girl with a dull butter knife. There're are always consequences for our actions and that 57 year old guy suffered the consequences. Damn good warning to anyone else who's got notions of doing the same.

[quote=Old Herb Lady ]
Sheeeeesh. Let me explain something to those who do not have a teenage daughter. MMM K.

The problem I see is that people try to keep their kids sheltered from the harsh realities of the World they live in, and it deprives them of the knowledge they need to have to be able to navigate this sometimes treacherous World.

14th December 2010, 04:17 PM
To those here that approve of these types of relationships,I think you need some help.

I don't think anyone here is approving of it or even advocating such relationships.

However, I do find it ironic, that on a forum that's supposed to be full of people who are supposedly big on personal Rights and individual Liberties, that so many are quick to advocate the limiting of those Rights for others simply because they find the actual exercising of that Right by others to be personally dis-tasteful.

lol lol

As I said, raise your daughters right and they won't want to climb some old geezers bones. ::)

You must realize thatmany of these geezers are predators. He possibly used money to gain favor with her or gifts,17 yr olds are very impressionable, perhaps her family is poor, do you know? As far as the "rights" argument,to me its amazing so many here that think that doinking High school Juniors is their "Right"?

Joe King
14th December 2010, 04:25 PM
To those here that approve of these types of relationships,I think you need some help.

I don't think anyone here is approving of it or even advocating such relationships.

However, I do find it ironic, that on a forum that's supposed to be full of people who are supposedly big on personal Rights and individual Liberties, that so many are quick to advocate the limiting of those Rights for others simply because they find the actual exercising of that Right by others to be personally dis-tasteful.

lol lol

As I said, raise your daughters right and they won't want to climb some old geezers bones. ::)

You must realize thatmany of these geezers are predators. He possibly used money to gain favor with her or gifts,17 yr olds are very impressionable, perhaps her family is poor, do you know? As far as the "rights" argument,to me its amazing so many here that think that doinking High school Juniors is their "Right"?

Personally, I was looking at it from the point of view that any person of a legally recognized age may "doink" whomever they might like to.

In this particular instance, that just so happens to include the 17yo

Now, that said, I also believe that the parents also have the "Right" to say "my roof, my rules" too.
i.e. if they don't approve of the choices their daughter makes, they should take it up with her.

Sort of how you said you'd disown any kid of yours who married outside their race.
i.e. it's between you and your kid. Not, "I don't like who my kid chooses, so I'm going to try to destroy that person".

14th December 2010, 04:43 PM
To those here that approve of these types of relationships,I think you need some help.

I don't think anyone here is approving of it or even advocating such relationships.

However, I do find it ironic, that on a forum that's supposed to be full of people who are supposedly big on personal Rights and individual Liberties, that so many are quick to advocate the limiting of those Rights for others simply because they find the actual exercising of that Right by others to be personally dis-tasteful.

lol lol

As I said, raise your daughters right and they won't want to climb some old geezers bones. ::)

You must realize thatmany of these geezers are predators. He possibly used money to gain favor with her or gifts,17 yr olds are very impressionable, perhaps her family is poor, do you know? As far as the "rights" argument,to me its amazing so many here that think that doinking High school Juniors is their "Right"?

Personally, I was looking at it from the point of view that any person of a legally recognized age may "doink" whomever they might like to.

In this particular instance, that just so happens to include the 17yo

Now, that said, I also believe that the parents also have the "Right" to say "my roof, my rules" too.
i.e. if they don't approve of the choices their daughter makes, they should take it up with her.

Sort of how you said you'd disown any kid of yours who married outside their race.
i.e. it's between you and your kid. Not, "I don't like who my kid chooses, so I'm going to try to destroy that person".

Big difference,Having had first hand experience of being a father of four,I can happily report,my own daughter married a man the same age group and all my children either married or have had relationships exclusively within their own race. That being said, I feel its a father's NATURAL right to defend his Daughter at an age where he is still caring for her well being,In other words, If it had been me, i wouldnt have stopped at the balls, he would be wearing a bag,as he would have nothing left to piss from.You can stop playing Devil's advocate now, pick a side, Are you for the 57 yr old banging the 17 year old or not?

14th December 2010, 05:01 PM
57 year-olds are usually smart enough not to impregnate anyone.
Heffner up there has had 4 children and I'm sure they won't need taxpayer support.


Yeah...if YOUR 17 year-old daughter is hangin wid Tyrone or Hef you be cool.


14th December 2010, 06:00 PM
Cowboys castrate a lot of animals and sometimes it doesn't all go as planned. Thought I'd post a painting by Boots Reynolds of castrating a horse called the "Strawberry Roan". Also there's a traditonal cowboy song about the castration of the strawerry roan that Glen Orhlinn sings. This thread makes me think of it. Probably most people haven't been around castrating something or someone like cowboys have been but sometimes it goes like this and I thought I'd share.



14th December 2010, 06:29 PM
Actions like this seem foreign to a group of people (us citizens) who are so far removed from reality. Today the strongest thing people advocate is "take them to court" or "call the cops" it's always let someone else deal with a problem that I am facing. Putting your faith in a "justice" system that more often than not doesn't serve justice.

Never is it let me grab this perverted son of a bitch who is taking advantage of my daughter and cut his damn balls off because clearly in 57 years he hasn't gotten the message.

We don't know the details so all of this is speculation but I find it extremely likely that the 57 year old was warned before the dad just came home out of the blue and cut his sack.

Some things are sacred in this world, and some actions are necessary consequences be damned.

Like I've said before if people worried less about what is "legal" or "illegal" and instead focused on what is moral and immoral (defined by Scripture) the world would be a better place.

14th December 2010, 06:32 PM
Big difference,Having had first hand experience of being a father of four,I can happily report,my own daughter married a man the same age group and all my children either married or have had relationships exclusively within their own race. That being said, I feel its a father's NATURAL right to defend his Daughter at an age where he is still caring for her well being,In other words, If it had been me, i wouldnt have stopped at the balls, he would be wearing a bag,as he would have nothing left to piss from.You can stop playing Devil's advocate now, pick a side, Are you for the 57 yr old banging the 17 year old or not?

Ok, can you tell me at what age it would be ok? What if she was 18?

What if he was 17? Can you cut off another 17 year old's balls because he's banging your daughter? Maybe 21? 27? 37? Tell me exactly when it becomes ok.

The arguments against this seem to assume he's a predator who lured her in with mind games or money. Is that the only way a 17 year old would want to have sex with an older man? Do any of you remember you own youth? There were some older women I'd have gone for in a second when I was 17, just because I was attracted to them and wanted to have sex with them. I didn't want a long term relationship, and nothing in that article suggested that these two did either. I had moved out at 17, but even at 16 I'd consider the claim that me having sex with an older woman was victimizing my parents or myself to be ridiculous. "Oh no they're taking advantage of my teenage hormones and poor underage judgment!" B.S. You bang, it's fun, and it doesn't have to be a situation where someone is a victim. The girls back then did it too; screwed some older dude they thought was handsome, told their friends about it, and moved on. That's reality.

Of course I wouldn't want my daughter sleeping around. Of course I think it's dumb when a 20 year old girl is actually married to a guy that looks like her grandfather. But those are issues of disapproval, not of getting some guys together and and cutting off a stranger's balls.

I see the other side too... at 17 a girl can look 13 or she can look 27. I've been buying booze since I was 16 with no ID and my looks have changed very little since then (hairline's moved back though)... I dated a 35 year old lady once who was always getting ID'd. My point is you don't know, people mature differently. She says she's 23... maybe she is 23 and maybe she's 17 and maybe she's 30. Are you going to ask for photo ID?

Also, what do you think is going to hurt the 17 year old more: screwing some old guy, or her dad going to prison for cutting off some dude's balls because she slept with him? She's going to have that on her for the rest of her life. Something tells me her dad didn't exactly have her well-being as his top concern.

14th December 2010, 06:36 PM
What is really amazing is how many people who consider themselves anti-statist have so much respect for the state's authority to arbitrarily dictate at what age a little girl has free will of her own. Don't the parents know their daughters state of maturity/self determination better than the state?

You bring up a phenomenal point and its very telling of many on the boards.

What does age of consent matter? Hell if you listen to the jew talmud it's under 3 years and one day does that make it right? Hell no.


R. Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. (Sanh. 55b)
A girl who is three years of age and one day may be betrothed by cohabitation. . . .(Yeb. 57b)
A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabited with her she becomes his. (Sanh. 69a, 69b, also discussed in Yeb. 60b)
It was taught: R. Simeon b. Yohai stated: A proselyte who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest, for it is said, But all the women children that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves, and Phineas (who was priest, the footnote says) surely was with them. (Yeb. 60b)
[The Talmud says such three year and a day old girls are] . . . fit for cohabitation. . . But all women children, that have not known man by lying with him, it must be concluded that Scripture speaks of one who is fit for cohabitation. (Footnote to Yeb. 60b)

14th December 2010, 08:56 PM
What is really amazing is how many people who consider themselves anti-statist have so much respect for the state's authority to arbitrarily dictate at what age a little girl has free will of her own. Don't the parents know their daughters state of maturity/self determination better than the state?

You bring up a phenomenal point and its very telling of many on the boards.

What does age of consent matter? One I hoped the Libertarians around here would answer. Sometimes they disappear when I point out their religion of freedom is not as "congruent" as they like to believe.

In answer to their question "When is it OK?"
It's OK when the jury aquits.

14th December 2010, 09:06 PM
If you want to blame someone, I'd say start with whomever didn't do their job right when she was around 10

Yeah the Father probably made some mistakes...And maybe he didn't :dunno

I don't wanna blame anyone..... Chit happens

14th December 2010, 09:23 PM
I don't care what the legal age of anything is - a 17 year old is capable of deciding who she sleeps with...


You read that in your Talmud?


Joe King
14th December 2010, 11:11 PM
You can stop playing Devil's advocate now, pick a side, Are you for the 57 yr old banging the 17 year old or not?

I'm on the side of free people being able to exercise their Right to choose their own path in life.

It's called "free will", and I don't think it appropiate to impose my choices upon others, as it negates their Right to free will.

So 41, at what age is it ok for people to decide with whom to have relations with?
...and what if it were a 17yo boy and a 57yo woman? Get the quickcrete?

Joe King
14th December 2010, 11:19 PM
If you want to blame someone, I'd say start with whomever didn't do their job right when she was around 10

Yeah the Father probably made some mistakes...And maybe he didn't :dunno

I don't wanna blame anyone..... Chit happens
I'm just sayin' that if a child grows up to want a relationship with someone 40 years their senior, multiple things probably didn't get covered too well in the formative years.

15th December 2010, 12:31 AM
How many ball-cutters would castrate their own adult-aged (allegedly "properly" raised) son's balls if they found out junior was boinkin' the sweet 17 year-old next door. Seriously, would you castrate your own flesh and blood without knowing the truth?

15th December 2010, 01:08 AM
If I was 57, and hanging out with school aged kids, I'd expect consequences.

I have a 17 year old daughter and I don't care what age they are, mental or physical abuse will earn you discomfort. Just sayin'.

15th December 2010, 01:40 AM
I'm on the side of free people being able to exercise their Right to choose their own path in life. It's called "free will", and I don't think it appropriate to impose my choices upon others, as it negates their Right to free will.


Sell young goyim girls on their Right to "free will" then sell 'em drugs and then into prostitution.

This must be out of the Talmud Training Guide. No wonder they are called "nation wreckers".


15th December 2010, 01:44 AM
Fact: In modern western societies, females are afforded equal rights. It is understood by many but not all that men and women are not equal, but that is not germain to this discussion. If one believes that women should be free and afforded the same rights as men then it is also understood they must bear the same responsibilities. this is a simple fact. Now, for all of you that feel this act of jealous savagery was either acceptable or in any way even understandable, I personally feel you are deeply troubled and sick individuals.

Ask yourself then: If the tables were turned and a 17 year old man had sex with a 57 year old woman, by your reasoning, would it not then be appropriate for an enraged parent to take a butter knife and cut out the 57 year old womans vagina? can't have it both ways people. wether you feel the man was a "pervert" or not does not mitigate the fact that the real pervert here is the man who would do such a horrible thing to another human for such a reason.

this was an act of jealous savagery, nothing more. the horse was out of the barn and in another man's pasture. It was an act of a jealous control freak.

15th December 2010, 02:06 AM

Any guy here who insists in this thread that they think it is acceptable for a geezer to boink THEIR own daughter...post her phone number in the GSUS Gentleman's Forum section...lol.


15th December 2010, 02:11 AM
Big difference,Having had first hand experience of being a father of four,I can happily report,my own daughter married a man the same age group and all my children either married or have had relationships exclusively within their own race. That being said, I feel its a father's NATURAL right to defend his Daughter at an age where he is still caring for her well being,In other words, If it had been me, i wouldnt have stopped at the balls, he would be wearing a bag,as he would have nothing left to piss from.You can stop playing Devil's advocate now, pick a side, Are you for the 57 yr old banging the 17 year old or not?

Ok, can you tell me at what age it would be ok? What if she was 18?

What if he was 17? Can you cut off another 17 year old's balls because he's banging your daughter? Maybe 21? 27? 37? Tell me exactly when it becomes ok.

The arguments against this seem to assume he's a predator who lured her in with mind games or money. Is that the only way a 17 year old would want to have sex with an older man? Do any of you remember you own youth? There were some older women I'd have gone for in a second when I was 17, just because I was attracted to them and wanted to have sex with them. I didn't want a long term relationship, and nothing in that article suggested that these two did either. I had moved out at 17, but even at 16 I'd consider the claim that me having sex with an older woman was victimizing my parents or myself to be ridiculous. "Oh no they're taking advantage of my teenage hormones and poor underage judgment!" B.S. You bang, it's fun, and it doesn't have to be a situation where someone is a victim. The girls back then did it too; screwed some older dude they thought was handsome, told their friends about it, and moved on. That's reality.

Of course I wouldn't want my daughter sleeping around. Of course I think it's dumb when a 20 year old girl is actually married to a guy that looks like her grandfather. But those are issues of disapproval, not of getting some guys together and and cutting off a stranger's balls.

I see the other side too... at 17 a girl can look 13 or she can look 27. I've been buying booze since I was 16 with no ID and my looks have changed very little since then (hairline's moved back though)... I dated a 35 year old lady once who was always getting ID'd. My point is you don't know, people mature differently. She says she's 23... maybe she is 23 and maybe she's 17 and maybe she's 30. Are you going to ask for photo ID?

Also, what do you think is going to hurt the 17 year old more: screwing some old guy, or her dad going to prison for cutting off some dude's balls because she slept with him? She's going to have that on her for the rest of her life. Something tells me her dad didn't exactly have her well-being as his top concern.

How about this for size, WHEN SHE IS NO LONGER A RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. This is where age does come in. The old bastard should have enough respect to NOT bang the High Schooler and offend her family.Youve been a pretty strong supporter of the nutless geezer, I suspect you have a similar story?

15th December 2010, 02:15 AM
You can stop playing Devil's advocate now, pick a side, Are you for the 57 yr old banging the 17 year old or not?

I'm on the side of free people being able to exercise their Right to choose their own path in life.

It's called "free will", and I don't think it appropiate to impose my choices upon others, as it negates their Right to free will.

So 41, at what age is it ok for people to decide with whom to have relations with?
...and what if it were a 17yo boy and a 57yo woman? Get the quickcrete?

When they are finished being a dependant and out of High school is a good gauge dont you think? Free will my ass,dont hide behind your Pedophilic stand and then bitch about welfare queens when this is one of the issues causing it.

15th December 2010, 02:16 AM
You can stop playing Devil's advocate now, pick a side, Are you for the 57 yr old banging the 17 year old or not?

I'm on the side of free people being able to exercise their Right to choose their own path in life.

It's called "free will", and I don't think it appropiate to impose my choices upon others, as it negates their Right to free will.

So 41, at what age is it ok for people to decide with whom to have relations with?
...and what if it were a 17yo boy and a 57yo woman? Get the quickcrete?

When they are finished being a dependant and out of High school is a good gauge dont you think? Free will my ass,dont hide behind your Pedophilic stand and then bitch about welfare queens when this is one of the issues causing it.

15th December 2010, 04:18 AM
I knew I shouldn't have sex with 17 year olds when I was 19.
I stopped.
When I was 25, I decided that it didn't feel right (morally and ethically) to have sex with any girl who wasn't in their twenties at least.

The law of the land would allow me to bang a 14 year year old with parental consent, or a 16 year old without it. Does that seems right to you?

I think that this is the main problem, causing the division in this thread:
Some of us have morals, and some do not.

If you philo-pedos want to argue semantics about freedoms and liberties, picks a topic that is not a moral question. It is obvious to almost all people on this board (and likely in the "civilized" world) that a 57 year old should not be having relations with a 17 year old.

I find your unrelenting defence of this pedophile to be beyond pathetic, you sick idiots. Give your fucking heads a shake, and quit trying to defend "freedom" out of spite. By pretending to be defenders of liberty and equality on this issue of pedophilia, you're showing your true colors, which are obviously heavily influenced by White and Blue.


If I was 57, and hanging out with school aged kids, I'd expect consequences.

See? It really is that simple.

15th December 2010, 04:26 AM
I think what it comes down to, is whether or not you feel a 17 year old girl is a mature adult. I don't think so, personally. 17 year old girls still need to be protected from the evils of the world. They will have plenty of time to learn about them once the they leave the nest.

It's funny, that's one of the reasons a lot of us would actually want daughters. Young men, there's more of a tolerance to making mistakes, brush it off, stand back up and learn from it. But daughters, bring out the "you touch my daughter, you'll pay for it" protectionism instinct in men.

I understand that completely. My only issue with this case is the father, imo, went over the top. I think cutting off another man's balls is far to sadistic and evil, than a good ass whopping. It no longer becomes a "crime of passion", so to speak, but becomes more of the devil's work, revengeful act.

Bottom line, 17 year old girls are not mature adults. Our world will take advantage of them. As men, we need to protect them, and teach them. The 57 year old man did need a lesson, but he received a tough one.

15th December 2010, 06:50 AM
And now the argument degenerates to calling people pedophiles and jews...

"If you don't think some guy should be allowed to cut off someone else's balls because his 17 year old daughter is sleeping around, then obviously it means you are an old man who is screwing 17 year olds and also a pedophile jew."

Since that's the level of intelligence being brought to the table, I guess the appropriate comeback is as follows:


And of course any inane statement needs a picture to go with it:

Looks like I just won this debate.

15th December 2010, 06:57 AM
Since that's the level of intelligence being brought to the table,

Is there a degree of selectivity in which opposing arguments you ignore? I'm still wondering why you think the state rather than parents should decide whether their little girl is mature enough to be considered an adult at 17? Are you a statist? :D

15th December 2010, 06:57 AM
I knew I shouldn't have sex with 17 year olds when I was 19.
I stopped.
When I was 25, I decided that it didn't feel right (morally and ethically) to have sex with any girl who wasn't in their twenties at least.

The law of the land would allow me to bang a 14 year year old with parental consent, or a 16 year old without it. Does that seems right to you?

I think that this is the main problem, causing the division in this thread:
Some of us have morals, and some do not.

If you philo-pedos want to argue semantics about freedoms and liberties, picks a topic that is not a moral question. It is obvious to almost all people on this board (and likely in the "civilized" world) that a 57 year old should not be having relations with a 17 year old.

I find your unrelenting defence of this pedophile to be beyond pathetic, you sick idiots. Give your f*cking heads a shake, and quit trying to defend "freedom" out of spite. By pretending to be defenders of liberty and equality on this issue of pedophilia, you're showing your true colors, which are obviously heavily influenced by White and Blue.


If I was 57, and hanging out with school aged kids, I'd expect consequences.

See? It really is that simple.

Invoking the Jew smear to support your position? You are the biggest pretender on this forum.

15th December 2010, 07:16 AM
Well, it seems you guys need to brush up on your reading comprehension.

Interpolated, what I said is that our world is influenced by the jews, who push all forms of deviancy, and it would seem that you guys are falling for it by defending this act of pedophilia.

Sorry if you can't keep up.

15th December 2010, 07:33 AM
Well, it seems you guys need to brush up on your reading comprehension.

Interpolated, what I said is that our world is influenced by the jews, who push all forms of deviancy, and it would seem that you guys are falling for it by defending this act of pedophilia.

lets face it awoke, most here think that there is nothing wrong with the jewish liberalism as it is, exept a few tweaks like going unto gold standard and/or abolishing the FED

they wish to keep the modern and enlightened ::) NWO system in place

there is no going back to pre-jew "barbarian America" as they call it (and/or Europe )

the idea of America is dead

15th December 2010, 07:36 AM
You can stop playing Devil's advocate now, pick a side, Are you for the 57 yr old banging the 17 year old or not?

I'm on the side of free people being able to exercise their Right to choose their own path in life.

It's called "free will", and I don't think it appropiate to impose my choices upon others, as it negates their Right to free will.

So 41, at what age is it ok for people to decide with whom to have relations with?
...and what if it were a 17yo boy and a 57yo woman? Get the quickcrete?

When they are finished being a dependant and out of High school is a good gauge dont you think? Free will my ass,dont hide behind your Pedophilic stand and then bitch about welfare queens when this is one of the issues causing it.

You apparently know nothing about the German education system...at 17 almost everybody but the high academic achieving University bound students are long gone from High School and are working.

Hauptschule (for lower achieving students) ends at 9th grade.
Realschule (for average achieving students) ends at 10th grade.
Gymnasium (for high achieving students) ends at grade 13.

This girl had more than likely been out of school for 2 or 3 years, was living independently, and working. Under this likely scenario, she is a grown women. She made an independent decision to see whoever she wanted...that goes with being on your own. It is not pedophilia at her age and position. 12, 13, 14,15 years old...yes, pedophilia and criminal for a grown man to be involved with sexually.

15th December 2010, 07:50 AM
You apparently know nothing about the German education system...

You apparently know nothing about Russian traditions

Girls papa came from Russia.

You seem to think that your views are somehow better than views and traditions of people of other cultures and that gives you the right to dictate your views to other

Little more tolerance for Russian cultural heritage and traditions. Little more appreciation. Your barbarian sence of superiority is unacceptable.

We all must coexist. Why don't you just accept other people's traditions?

15th December 2010, 07:54 AM
You apparently know nothing about the German education system...

You apparently know nothing about Russian traditions

Girls papa came from Russia.

You seem to think that your views are somehow better than views and traditions of people of other cultures and that gives you the right to dictate your views to other

Little more tolerance for Russian cultural heritage and traditions. Little more appreciation. Your barbarian sence of superiority is unacceptable.

We all must coexist. Why don't you just accept other people's traditions?

Good god, we have so little information to go on with this story. You are acting like you personally know them, lol.

edit: if we are going by Russian stereotypes, the father is probably a drunk. Real traditional :]

still afloat
15th December 2010, 08:31 AM
I hate to break it to y'all but no matter how well we raise our daughters there will always be that 57 + or - year old guy that can manipulate her in one way or another given the opportunity .The 40 year difference was spent honing the ability to do just that .

15th December 2010, 08:53 AM
I hate to break it to y'all but no matter how well we raise our daughters there will always be that 57 + or - year old guy that can manipulate her in one way or another given the opportunity .The 40 year difference was spent honing the ability to do just that .

At what age is that manipulation acceptable though, or is it? Can you even call that manipulation to begin with?

It's no big shocker that men love sex, that's the way we're hardwired. I knew some guys, in my younger years, who would go to bars every weekend and take home a different women each night. They were masters at seduction, all adults. It's hard not to admire those guys, because their methods seemed to really work. So, that seems to be OK as long as the women were adults, making their own decisions, collectively at a societal level.

It's obvious that a 57 year old man and a 17 year old girl, the girl is being taken advantage of...I'm just pointing out some gray area. Society tends to reward and idolize men who can manipulate their way to success, so the irony there, is that at a certain 'age' it all become acceptable, for some reason. I don't know.

15th December 2010, 09:03 AM
Is there a degree of selectivity in which opposing arguments you ignore? I'm still wondering why you think the state rather than parents should decide whether their little girl is mature enough to be considered an adult at 17? Are you a statist?

Ok if the parents decide then they should be able to say their 7 year old is mature enough and pimp her out. Or their 37 year old is still too young. "911... My 40 year old daughter just hooked up with a 55 year old man... please go arrest him."

Maybe you can fax a picture of your 27 year old son to all the local bars too, because you feel he is too young to be drinking, and if anyone serves him they should be fined or arrested.

You don't get to use the cops to keep your family following your rules. What is between the man and his daughter is between the man and his daughter unless there is harm being done to her. Some old-young relationships aren't harmful or abusive and some young-young relationships are.

You can disapprove of the 57 year old and the 17 year old being in a consensual relationship, but that doesn't mean you get to cut someone's balls off. It's clear that doesn't work. Society isn't going to be pretty rough if every father gets to decide when his daughter is old enough to have a male partner and can randomly cut the balls off of anyone he doesn't approve of. If you can cut the 57 year old's balls off then you can cut a 47 year old's balls off too. Where does it end? 37? 27? 18? Do the rules change if he's in good shape for his age and not as geezerish, like Harrison Ford or Mel Gibson?

What if the 17 year old girl is sleeping with a gross fatass 17 year old guy because he has money? Do you get to cut his balls off too? What if it's a 17 year old guy and a 50+ lady that looks like Meg Ryan? How many of us would want to slice her vag up and how many would give the guy a high-five?

If you can show that harm is being done and convince a jury of it, then fine, call the cops. If you're just upset that your daughter is sleeping around then take it up with her.

15th December 2010, 09:47 AM
If you philo-pedos want to argue semantics about freedoms and liberties, picks a topic that is not a moral question. It is obvious to almost all people on this board (and likely in the "civilized" world) that a 57 year old should not be having relations with a 17 year old.

I find your unrelenting defense of this pedophile to be beyond pathetic, you sick idiots. Give your f*cking heads a shake, and quit trying to defend "freedom" out of spite. By pretending to be defenders of liberty and equality on this issue of pedophilia, you're showing your true colors, which are obviously heavily influenced by White and Blue.



Hefnersteinburg started his little Playboy Magazine writing about Personal Freedom and Morality and Free Love and the jew ACLU and jew judges helped him re-write our laws. Look at his stable of goyim girls today:



15th December 2010, 10:17 AM
Hefnersteinburg started his little Playboy Magazine writing about Personal Freedom and Morality and Free Love and the jew ACLU and jew judges helped him re-write our laws. Look at his stable of goyim girls today:



This is exactly right. Take a look at that picture. You have one man, Hugh, surrounded by dozens of beautiful women. What man would NOT want to be Hugh?

This is the driving force behind our whole society. Are you to blame Hugh, or all those beautiful women? That's up to you.

15th December 2010, 10:41 AM
Hefnersteinburg started his little Playboy Magazine writing about Personal Freedom and Morality and Free Love and the jew ACLU and jew judges helped him re-write our laws. Look at his stable of goyim girls today:



This is exactly right. Take a look at that picture. You have one man, Hugh, surrounded by dozens of beautiful women. What man would NOT want to be Hugh?

This is the driving force behind our whole society. Are you to blame Hugh, or all those beautiful women? That's up to you.

And who has corrupted society into this deviant sense of entitlement?

You think Hugh to be a role model?

What about this?

[27] You have heard that it was said to them of old: Thou shalt not commit adultery. [28] But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Joe King
15th December 2010, 10:45 AM
I'm on the side of free people being able to exercise their Right to choose their own path in life. It's called "free will", and I don't think it appropriate to impose my choices upon others, as it negates their Right to free will.


Sell young goyim girls on their Right to "free will" then sell 'em drugs and then into prostitution.

This must be out of the Talmud Training Guide. No wonder they are called "nation wreckers".

You're making irrelevant arguments.....again. ::)

You really like apples and oranges, don'tcha book? lol

15th December 2010, 10:46 AM
And who has corrupted society into this deviant sense of entitlement?

You think Hugh to be a role model?

What about this?

[27] You have heard that it was said to them of old: Thou shalt not commit adultery. [28] But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.

I don't know who corrupted society, the media? My point, is collectively, Hugh is a role model. Think biologically for a second. That picture speaks volumes. There's hugh, maybe 30 fertile women. How many men are sitting on the sidelines without a mate, while hugh has them all?

That's our society. Men fighting and clawing to be "hughs", money, fame, success....while the 90% remaining are left on the sidelines.

I'm all about humility, but it does have it's sacrifices. That's God's "test" on men, I think. I like to think I'm somewhat passing it. ;)

still afloat
15th December 2010, 10:46 AM
If you can show that harm is being done and convince a jury of it, then fine, call the cops.

In that mind frame it's like walking up on your daughter being raped , I guess in that case you wait till the rapist is done then call the police and hope that some little slip up does not set him free . Even if the jury does find him guilty , the damage is done there is no undoing the harm caused.

With manipulation the logical thought process is not functioning correctly.

Maybe this is like teaching your daughter to ice skate on her own , you've given her lessons and hope she follows your advice but you know she will probably slip a time or two and fall on her butt , as a father you watch and pick her up when she does and help her on her way again. But when someone is throwing rock salt on the ice in front of her its the fathers job to remove the salt and the person throwing the salt not wait till she falls and tell the guy that wasn't very nice.

15th December 2010, 10:49 AM
That's God's "test" on men, I think. I like to think I'm somewhat passing it. ;)

I hope you are too. For that matter, I hope I am.
None of us are perfect, that's for sure, and fleshy women like that are the biggest temptation for me, without a doubt.

I remain true to my marriage vows physically, but I admit that I have been "caught looking".

15th December 2010, 11:13 AM
I don't know who corrupted society, the media? My point, is collectively, Hugh is a role model. Think biologically for a second. That picture speaks volumes. There's hugh, maybe 30 fertile women. How many men are sitting on the sidelines without a mate, while hugh has them all?

Exactly. The OP is about some 57 year-old geezer now sitting on the sidelines without his testicles after trying to be Hugh Hefner. The girl's father stopped that nonsense...lol.


15th December 2010, 11:35 AM
http://www.adam-eason.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/MV5BMTI4NzkzNjE5OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjE2MzM2._V1._ SX323_SY400_.jpg






Joe King
15th December 2010, 11:38 AM
I don't know who corrupted society, the media? My point, is collectively, Hugh is a role model. Think biologically for a second. That picture speaks volumes. There's hugh, maybe 30 fertile women. How many men are sitting on the sidelines without a mate, while hugh has them all?

Exactly. The OP is about some 57 year-old geezer now sitting on the sidelines without his testicles after trying to be Hugh Hefner. The girl's father stopped that nonsense...lol.

So what about the next 57yo that comes along?

Daddy's already in jail for attempted murder, so the next one won't have near the trouble the last one did.
....as Spock would say, shields are down, Captain. lol

This whole deal falls under the teach a man to fish, scenario. Because if you actually provide children with the tools they need for life, you won't even have to worry about your 17yo daughters wanting to hook up with 57yo men.

15th December 2010, 12:04 PM
So what about the next 57yo that comes along?

Daddy's already in jail for attempted murder, so the next one won't have near the trouble the last one did.

the next 17yo comes along wouldn't matter. daddy made sure of that

the doggy ate grandpapa's crime tools

Joe King
15th December 2010, 12:06 PM
So what about the next 57yo that comes along?

Daddy's already in jail for attempted murder, so the next one won't have near the trouble the last one did.

the next 17yo comes along wouldn't matter. daddy made sure of that

the doggy ate grandpapa's crime tools
Like he was the only 57yo out there that'd be ok with "dating" the 17yo daughter of the guy in jail. ::) lol

Edited to add,
Daddy might have won a battle, but he'd already lost the war before he was even aware there was a battle to fight. Sad.

15th December 2010, 12:08 PM
the next 17yo comes along wouldn't matter. daddy made sure of that

the doggy ate grandpapa's crime tools

Sure, "one" problem is fixed. The big picture though, is that morality and ethics are not valued. It's a dog eat dog world, and women reward men who use the world as a urinal to piss in.

15th December 2010, 12:12 PM
Like he was the only 57yo out there that be ok with "dating" the 17yo daughter of the guy in jail. ::) lol

if she has a brother I doubt there would be many takers

15th December 2010, 12:15 PM
one more reason not to sign for organ donor

Joe King
15th December 2010, 12:18 PM
Like he was the only 57yo out there that be ok with "dating" the 17yo daughter of the guy in jail. ::) lol

if she has a brother I doubt there would be many takers
Bro is probably taking up with the ex-wife of the 57yo, and doesn't have time to deal with it.


15th December 2010, 12:27 PM
Bro is probably taking up with the ex-wife of the 57yo, and doesn't have time to deal with it.


It's probably one big Jerry Springer show.

It still doesn't change the fact that you can have some rich old asshole that attracts all the women. It sucks to find out you are second place to a guy who has no morals.

15th December 2010, 04:12 PM
You can stop playing Devil's advocate now, pick a side, Are you for the 57 yr old banging the 17 year old or not?

I'm on the side of free people being able to exercise their Right to choose their own path in life.

It's called "free will", and I don't think it appropiate to impose my choices upon others, as it negates their Right to free will.

So 41, at what age is it ok for people to decide with whom to have relations with?
...and what if it were a 17yo boy and a 57yo woman? Get the quickcrete?

When they are finished being a dependant and out of High school is a good gauge dont you think? Free will my ass,dont hide behind your Pedophilic stand and then bitch about welfare queens when this is one of the issues causing it.

You apparently know nothing about the German education system...at 17 almost everybody but the high academic achieving University bound students are long gone from High School and are working.

Hauptschule (for lower achieving students) ends at 9th grade.
Realschule (for average achieving students) ends at 10th grade.
Gymnasium (for high achieving students) ends at grade 13.

This girl had more than likely been out of school for 2 or 3 years, was living independently, and working. Under this likely scenario, she is a grown women. She made an independent decision to see whoever she wanted...that goes with being on your own. It is not pedophilia at her age and position. 12, 13, 14,15 years old...yes, pedophilia and criminal for a grown man to be involved with sexually.

And Ill ask you , are you for the 17 yr old getting banged by the 57 yr old? or are you trying to play DA as well? Ive also lived in Germany, and legal or not,Most German families severely frown on this type of conduct by an older man.

15th December 2010, 05:38 PM
And now the argument degenerates to calling people pedophiles and jews...

"If you don't think some guy should be allowed to cut off someone else's balls because his 17 year old daughter is sleeping around, then obviously it means you are an old man who is screwing 17 year olds and also a pedophile jew."

Since that's the level of intelligence being brought to the table, I guess the appropriate comeback is as follows:


And of course any inane statement needs a picture to go with it:

Looks like I just won this debate.

If thats the way you feel....thats too bad!,no one called you a Jew or a Pedophile. I said you appear to have Pedo tendencies by your responses, and your stand is that of the Zionist way of life. Those photos, you have something for the wee ones??

Joe King
15th December 2010, 06:46 PM
And Ill ask you , are you for the 17 yr old getting banged by the 57 yr old? or are you trying to play DA as well? Ive also lived in Germany, and legal or not,Most German families severely frown on this type of conduct by an older man.

What I'm "for" is the Right to self determination by either one of them, as well as by all other humans that are alive, have lived, or will be alive in the future.

Now, if you want to know whether or not I personally believe that such a relationship is a good idea, I don't.
I also believe that I don't have the authority to impose my personal beliefs on other people and how they choose to live. Because as soon as I can do that to them, what stops them from doing it to me?
If you want freedom for your life, to must afford it equally to others.
Not, you're free to decide for yourself until I don't like how you've decided, and then I'll decide for you.

The only requirements are that they not harm the Rights of another.
...and no, Daddys "Rights" cannot be damaged by whomever his of legal age daughter chooses to give it up to.

If she hadn't been taught in such a way to make better decisions by now, it's too late.
Sorry 41, but that ship sailed long ago, if at 17 she's "dating" a 57yo lol
I mean, who was givin' it up to at 15? A 37yo?
Gotta work your way up, right? ;) lol

15th December 2010, 06:56 PM
If she hadn't been taught in such a way to make better decisions by now, it's too late.


Right out of the Talmud.


15th December 2010, 06:56 PM
And Ill ask you , are you for the 17 yr old getting banged by the 57 yr old? or are you trying to play DA as well? Ive also lived in Germany, and legal or not,Most German families severely frown on this type of conduct by an older man.

What I'm "for" is the Right to self determination by either one of them, as well as by all other humans that are alive, have lived, or will be alive in the future.

Now, if you want to know whether or not I personally believe that such a relationship is a good idea, I don't.
I also believe that I don't have the authority to impose my personal beliefs on other people and how they choose to live. Because as soon as I can do that to them, what stops them from doing it to me?
If you want freedom for your life, to must afford it equally to others.
Not, you're free to decide for yourself until I don't like how you've decided, and then I'll decide for you.

The only requirements are that they not harm the Rights of another.
...and no, Daddys "Rights" cannot be damaged by whomever his of legal age daughter chooses to give it up to.

If she hadn't been taught in such a way to make better decisions by now, it's too late.
Sorry 41, but that ship sailed long ago, if at 17 she's "dating" a 57yo lol
I mean, who was givin' it up to at 15? A 37yo?
Gotta work your way up, right? ;) lol

Im sorry you stick up for such a degenerate type of person.How do you know that "Ship had sailed"? did the article mention her prior sexual encounters,or are you privy to that information?

Joe King
15th December 2010, 07:10 PM
And Ill ask you , are you for the 17 yr old getting banged by the 57 yr old? or are you trying to play DA as well? Ive also lived in Germany, and legal or not,Most German families severely frown on this type of conduct by an older man.

What I'm "for" is the Right to self determination by either one of them, as well as by all other humans that are alive, have lived, or will be alive in the future.

Now, if you want to know whether or not I personally believe that such a relationship is a good idea, I don't.
I also believe that I don't have the authority to impose my personal beliefs on other people and how they choose to live. Because as soon as I can do that to them, what stops them from doing it to me?
If you want freedom for your life, to must afford it equally to others.
Not, you're free to decide for yourself until I don't like how you've decided, and then I'll decide for you.

The only requirements are that they not harm the Rights of another.
...and no, Daddys "Rights" cannot be damaged by whomever his of legal age daughter chooses to give it up to.

If she hadn't been taught in such a way to make better decisions by now, it's too late.
Sorry 41, but that ship sailed long ago, if at 17 she's "dating" a 57yo lol
I mean, who was givin' it up to at 15? A 37yo?
Gotta work your way up, right? ;) lol

Im sorry you stick up for such a degenerate type of person.How do you know that "Ship had sailed"? did the article mention her prior sexual encounters,or are you privy to that information?

I'm not sticking up for anyone. Just others Right to choose for themselves. Even if sometimes that "choosing" is a bad one.
To be free is to be able to make bad decisions as well as good ones in your own life.

As far as my "ship sailing" comment, I'd like to think that she at least didn't choose to lose her virginity to the first 57yo guy that came long.
i.e. I was assuming she's likely had a bit of experience in that department.

Edited to fix the stupid quote box. lol

mick silver
15th December 2010, 07:13 PM
i bet he will think twice before doing anything after being dick stab .... oh oh what a feeling i hope i never have

Joe King
15th December 2010, 07:20 PM
And Ill ask you , are you for the 17 yr old getting banged by the 57 yr old? or are you trying to play DA as well? Ive also lived in Germany, and legal or not,Most German families severely frown on this type of conduct by an older man.

What I'm "for" is the Right to self determination by either one of them, as well as by all other humans that are alive, have lived, or will be alive in the future.

Now, if you want to know whether or not I personally believe that such a relationship is a good idea, I don't.
I also believe that I don't have the authority to impose my personal beliefs on other people and how they choose to live. Because as soon as I can do that to them, what stops them from doing it to me?
If you want freedom for your life, to must afford it equally to others.
Not, you're free to decide for yourself until I don't like how you've decided, and then I'll decide for you.

The only requirements are that they not harm the Rights of another.
...and no, Daddys "Rights" cannot be damaged by whomever his of legal age daughter chooses to give it up to.

If she hadn't been taught in such a way to make better decisions by now, it's too late.
Sorry 41, but that ship sailed long ago, if at 17 she's "dating" a 57yo lol
I mean, who was givin' it up to at 15? A 37yo?
Gotta work your way up, right? ;) lol

Joe, it's good that you don't believe that those kinds of relationships are good.
But if she was raised wrong & just decides that she wants to be with whoever she wants to be with & her age is perfectly legal to do it
still doesn't make it right, it makes it worse.

If she stripped nekkid & sat on his head......he is still the mature person who knows that it isn't appropriate.
The flesh & hormones overpower logical thinking. A man has to work on his strengths to become a better man to know to say,
"young lady, go put your clothes back on right now, you should know better than that !!! "
So what do you do about it that isn't a violation of someones Rights?

How do you force your will upon another of legal age, without violating the law?

I know a teenage boy that has even stated on his facebook page to another teenage boy about advice on a girl:

He said to his buddy, "Stay away from her, man, she's too young." (and she is 16 & he is 19 )
Sheesh even the dumb teenagers are gettin' the point & they have the RAGING hormones .

Again with the apples and oranges comparisions.
Why are you using a non-legal situation to defend your personal opinion about a completely legal situation?
i.e. should I call you Book jr? :D


Joe King
15th December 2010, 07:33 PM
You know, it takes a very special kind of man to be able to tell her to go put your clothes back on girl
after she has stripped nekkid. (as in my lost post scenario )

That kind of a man has does some work on himself.
Wheather it be body, mind, spirit work or just getting his heart in the right place or
just deciding that he does not have to have sex with a beautiful female just because she's willing.

A very special, wise & self disciplined man.

Until a man gets to that place in his heart and spirit and mind he's gonna have the sex with her.

So i can now understand why some would condone the relationship.

I never said I condone it. What I said was, there's nothing you can do about it that isn't considered to be a crime.
Well, she could be disowned I suppose, and that's not really a crime. But what else is there? Do you propose we get Islam on the case? They'll teach her how to be good for sure. ;)

And Old Herb Lady, what if was a 17yo boy doin' the deed with the reasonably attractive 57yo widow that lives next door?

What then?

15th December 2010, 08:00 PM
When people get to a certain age, you really can't control them. You can influence them, guide them, educate them...but you can't control them. If what they do upsets you to the point of disgust, you can disown them, reject them, get mad...whatever, but you still can't control them.

I have a teenage daughter and I know how difficult it is...at a certain point, they will break away. I also have a son that is now a grown man, I don't even try to control him (pretty tough to control a 6'6" 250lb former D-1 football player). If he has a relationship with an old lady am I going to cut his balls off, no. When my daughter is independent and self supporting and if she has relationship with an older man am I going to cut his balls off, no. I may reject her, disown her, etc, but I'm not cutting anyone's balls off if what they are doing is of their own freewill (freewill meaning over the age of consent, full understanding of what they are doing, and them living with the consequences).

Cutting someones balls off for having a relationship with your sexually mature independent daughter that wants to be with someone is very bazaar. Now, on the other hand, anybody that does anything against my children against their will or under the age of maturity, I will do them in.

15th December 2010, 08:01 PM
Alot of speculation here. Maybe she's a stripper and he's her best customer.

15th December 2010, 08:05 PM
Also, I do not condone what that father did either, he could have started out with a nice unforgettable chit chat.

nice a cozy feminine man chit-chats with the teen who does not give a shaft ;D

how he could look in the eyes of his mob-friends?

I could imagine the situation when life in prison could be better than dishonored existence on the block

we have no information about the circumstances of the tragedy to have an oppinion

15th December 2010, 08:18 PM
Umm, no a chit chat with the 57 year old to remind him of whose daughter he needs to stay away from.

he might have done that

some animals just have to be fixed

we had a pet bunny just like that

15th December 2010, 09:26 PM
I'm not sticking up for anyone. Just others Right to choose for themselves. Even if sometimes that "choosing" is a bad one. To be free is to be able to make bad decisions as well as good ones in your own life.

http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/50731165.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=E41C9FE5C4AA0A14A73D253E7135FE2E523C636C2D9612A3 F881D3A3A5063E07B01E70F2B3269972

Joe King is like Hugh Hefner. Hugh Hefner's own kosher daughter is now the CEO of Playboy Corporation. She never slutted with daddy and his goyim girls at the Playboy Mansion. No, Hugh sent his own kosher daughter to Harvard then mentored her into becoming the CEO of the family business.


No kosher Hefner Daughter at any of the pool parties. Just goyim chicks being taught "Freedom" and "Free Will" by Hugh Hefner. Like Joe King did in this thread...lol.


15th December 2010, 09:45 PM
There is no point in arguing about morals with deviant blindmen who have no morals.

You may as well try to tell Eazy-E that swearing doesn't make him cool

Joe King
15th December 2010, 11:10 PM
You know, it takes a very special kind of man to be able to tell her to go put your clothes back on girl
after she has stripped nekkid. (as in my lost post scenario )

That kind of a man has does some work on himself.
Wheather it be body, mind, spirit work or just getting his heart in the right place or
just deciding that he does not have to have sex with a beautiful female just because she's willing.

A very special, wise & self disciplined man.

Until a man gets to that place in his heart and spirit and mind he's gonna have the sex with her.

So i can now understand why some would condone the relationship.

I never said I condone it. What I said was, there's nothing you can do about it that isn't considered to be a crime.
Well, she could be disowned I suppose, and that's not really a crime. But what else is there? Do you propose we get Islam on the case? They'll teach her how to be good for sure. ;)

And Old Herb Lady, what if was a 17yo boy doin' the deed with the reasonably attractive 57yo widow that lives next door?

What then?

Oh Joe Joe Joe.

I know you're not condoning it but since she was of legal age you are saying that it is her right to make that decision.
So the "laws" are good all of a sudden ?? They're good if they suit the situation, apparently.

The 17 year old boy is completely wrong, too, however that 17 year old boy will boink that woman,
move on & forget her & not have any emotional suffering like the female will because the female's mind is wired emotionally and the male's mind is wired "give me more sex" .
Laws don't comprehend that.

Also, I do not condone what that father did either, he could have started out with a nice unforgettable chit chat.

Your post reeks of sexism. Thanks for seeming to paint all of us as the equilivant of animals.
Do you honestly believe that it's all the guys fault?

Look, we both agree that the relationship they had wasn't in either of their best interests.
However, you haven't said what to do about it that doesn't cause the one doing the so-called "protecting" of the 17yo to commit a crime against another person.

What I'm saying to "do" about it should have started long before she was 17.
After the fact is way too late.
i.e. no putting that genie back in the bottle. lol

Joe King
15th December 2010, 11:18 PM
I'm not sticking up for anyone. Just others Right to choose for themselves. Even if sometimes that "choosing" is a bad one. To be free is to be able to make bad decisions as well as good ones in your own life.

http://cache4.as set-cache.net/xc/50731165.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=E41C9FE5C4AA0A14A73D253E7135FE2E523C636C2D9612A3 F881D3A3A5063E07B01E70F2B3269972

Joe King is like Hugh Hefner. Hugh Hefner's own kosher daughter is now the CEO of Playboy Corporation. She never slutted with daddy and his goyim girls at the Playboy Mansion. No, Hugh sent his own kosher daughter to Harvard then mentored her into becoming the CEO of the family business.

http://www.thefablife. com/files//2010/08/hugh-hefner-pool-party-4.jpg

No kosher Hefner Daughter at any of the pool parties. Just goyim chicks being taught "Freedom" and "Free Will" by Hugh Hefner. Like Joe King did in this thread...lol.

So what do you propose to do about it, Book?

Make Hugh Hefner illegal? lol lol

15th December 2010, 11:57 PM
Stay thirsty my friends.

16th December 2010, 12:09 AM
Interesting discussion. I think the circumstances surrounding the case, would change at least my opinions regarding it. I think some 17 year olds women certainly would be mature enough for an adult relationship. But what if the girl is slightly retarded, very naive, and wouldn't be able to take care of a baby. After trying to talk to the "grand-dad" character, and the police with no positive change in behavior. I would probably, if faced with this scenario, take the law in my own hands, and make sure the relationship ends.

16th December 2010, 02:26 AM
There is no point in arguing about morals with deviant blindmen who have no morals.

You may as well try to tell Eazy-E that swearing doesn't make him cool

Im going to agree strongly with this post, Some on here are trying to blindly hide with "Freedom" and "Rights" Bullshit so they can justify their own twisted morals.Its not about Legal rights its about a fathers natural right to protect a daughter under his care.

16th December 2010, 05:20 AM

why are there 6 billion of us ?

because older men often find younger women attractive - it's normal and natural.

why did the German guy cut off his daughter's boyfriend's nuts - the father was feeling protective, which is also normal and natural.

16th December 2010, 06:23 AM
I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate that the 17 year old daughter of a guy crazy enough to cut someone's balls of for boinking her was not exactly a mature product of a nurturing home.

And I agree with Old Herb Lady that boys and girls are different. This is life. Trying to make men and women equal over all stages of life is part of the reason society is going down the toilet.

16th December 2010, 08:00 AM
I think the fundamental reason for so much disagreement here is that the age is 17. Some are seeing that as a child and some as an adult. Because of my childhood and experiences, I have a very hard time seeing 17 as a child. Maybe we grew up faster there and then than people grow up here and now. So I read the story with her being 17 with the same interpretation of other people would read the story with her being 25 or 30.

I've also seen this in action when I worked at the university. Young girls and older professors. It wasn't uncommon or harmful and it certainly not the result of the sly older man manipulating the naive young girl... more like the other way around. I could understand it, as I was 17 when I was in first year university and there was a female professor who was at least 50 that we all had the hots for.

That was a different generation. I did see that the new students were considerably less mature during the final two years of my job at the school. They were much less competitive, much more dependent, and with a huge entitlement mentality. They flunked out a rate we'd never seen before until the material was dumbed down (part of the reason I left). Parents would actually come in when their "kid" had flunked a course! I suppose I would have not called many of them "adults".

But if 17 and 18 year olds can't be considered adults anymore, then I don't know what the answer is. It's going to be harmful to them to say "now you're on your own" but also harmful to keep treating them as children. They could spend 1/3 of their life just getting the point where they can go out on their own and have a life. All the best years will be wasted.

16th December 2010, 08:13 AM
I've also seen this in action when I worked at the university. Young girls and older professors. It wasn't uncommon or harmful and it certainly not the result of the sly older man manipulating the naive young girl... more like the other way around.


A geezer college "professor" with his Ph.D and the University Handbook of Professional Conduct on his desk just doesn't know it is wrong.

Oy Vey! The goyim girl seduced poor me but I graded her paper an "A" anyway.


16th December 2010, 09:39 AM
Oy Vey! The goyim girl seduced poor me but I graded her paper an "A" anyway.


This is getting a little irritating, Book. You take Ash's well written post, take one sentence, and bash Jews with it.

That has nothing to do with this thread. I think we would all agree the 57 year old guy is a turd, and should be dealt with on some level. But the real issue, is at what point is a woman mature enough to leave the nest and makes her own mistakes in life? I think we all have a different age, or maturity level.

You can be a great parent, and still have a daughter that makes mistakes and learns the hard way.

16th December 2010, 09:46 AM
A geezer college "professor" with his Ph.D and the University Handbook of Professional Conduct on his desk just doesn't know it is wrong.

Oy Vey! The goyim girl seduced poor me but I graded her paper an "A" anyway.


Wow this is way easier than actually having a point!

16th December 2010, 05:12 PM
This is getting a little irritating, Book. You take Ash's well written post, take one sentence, and bash Jews with it.


A Columbia University professor accused of a three-year sexual relationship with his daughter was charged with incest yesterday. Political science professor David Epstein, 46, allegedly bedded his 24-year-old daughter between 2006 and 2009. Epstein, who specialises in American politics and voting rights, is said to have also exchanged twisted text messages with the girl during the consensual relationship.

University spokesman Robert Hornsby said that Epstein 'is now on administrative leave and will not be teaching students'. The well-liked professor, who has taught at Harvard and Stanford, was married to another lecturer at the Ivy League institution, Sharyn O'Halloran, but the pair recently divorced.

Oy Vey! (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1337416/David-Epstein-Ivy-League-professor-charged-incest-relationship-daughter.html?ito=feeds-newsxml) Two consulting adults simply exercising their "free will" according to Ash's absurd post.


16th December 2010, 05:26 PM
This is getting a little irritating, Book. You take Ash's well written post, take one sentence, and bash Jews with it.


A Columbia University professor accused of a three-year sexual relationship with his daughter was charged with incest yesterday. Political science professor David Epstein, 46, allegedly bedded his 24-year-old daughter between 2006 and 2009. Epstein, who specialises in American politics and voting rights, is said to have also exchanged twisted text messages with the girl during the consensual relationship.

University spokesman Robert Hornsby said that Epstein 'is now on administrative leave and will not be teaching students'. The well-liked professor, who has taught at Harvard and Stanford, was married to another lecturer at the Ivy League institution, Sharyn O'Halloran, but the pair recently divorced.
Oy Vey! (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1337416/David-Epstein-Ivy-League-professor-charged-incest-relationship-daughter.html?ito=feeds-newsxml) Two consulting adults simply exercising their "free will" according to Ash's absurd post.

This story doesn't have anything to do with Ash's post. And it wouldn't really have mattered if the woman had been 40 and the father 65. Incest is a different subject. Ash was discussing the age, you are discussing the perversions of Jews, though it could happen among any ethnic group couldn't it?

16th December 2010, 05:28 PM
I've also seen this in action when I worked at the university. Young girls and older professors. It wasn't uncommon or harmful and it certainly not the result of the sly older man manipulating the naive young girl... more like the other way around.


16th December 2010, 05:39 PM
Tis still a vast difference between the professor who had an incestuous relationship with his adult daughter...

16th December 2010, 05:44 PM
Problem is, Ash's post has EVERYTHING to do with Jews.Most professors are Jews or have been taught by Jews.Book isnt off base whatsoever.

16th December 2010, 05:53 PM
Tis still a vast difference between the professor who had an incestuous relationship with his adult daughter...


You don't believe that "consenting adults" can do anything they want like Joe King preaches? You don't believe in "free will" and are against inter-family love? It's all about FREEDOMS pal...lol.


16th December 2010, 06:07 PM
Tis still a vast difference between the professor who had an incestuous relationship with his adult daughter...


You don't believe that "consenting adults" can do anything they want like Joe King preaches? You don't believe in "free will" and are against inter-family love? It's all about FREEDOMS pal...lol

I think incest is an abomination, but on the other hand I would prefer a limited state that doesn't interfere to much in peoples lives, so I would prefer that god judges what happens between consenting adults, compared to having surveillance cameras and informers everywhere...

16th December 2010, 06:17 PM
Personally I think incest is an abomination, but on the other hand...



16th December 2010, 06:26 PM
Personally I think incest is an abomination, but on the other hand...


Yes it becomes more fun when taking it out of context, and applying a different meaning to it... :D

16th December 2010, 06:50 PM
Wow, what a thread. Some of you aren't allowed in my house while my daughters are here. :P

The sentence below takes the cake... In my profession, I'm prohibitted by law (as are those "professors") from having sex with ANY of my clients no matter their age. And I agree! It's unprofessional, damaging, unethical/abuse of power, and plain creepy!

Maybe kids did marry older men in the old days, BUT in the old days the men asked the father for permission and then MARRIED them.

And then I hear you guys bitch about how you can't find a decent woman to date. LOL. By the time a woman is in her 20s and 30s and been through a stream of creeps like your college professors, they have a big distrust of men and it's a big reason why sex sucks after marraige in many marraiges.

It wasn't uncommon or harmful and it certainly not the result of the sly older man manipulating the naive young girl... more like the other way around.

16th December 2010, 08:04 PM
And then I hear you guys bitch about how you can't find a decent woman to date. LOL. By the time a woman is in her 20s and 30s and been through a stream of creeps like your college professors, they have a big distrust of men and it's a big reason why sex sucks after marraige in many marraiges.

That's not our fault though, RJB. Sure, we might bitch and moan about the lack of quality women, but to blame all men for these women who distrust them. The women have to take some responsibility here. You don't shack up with some asshole and expect a diamond. If a woman is attracted to a creep, it's not my fault.

I've never impressed a gal with my ethics and morals, I'll tell ya that. Women like "shiney" things, and men like that as well.

If the sex sucks after marriage, why even bother to get married in the first place? I don't want to end up with a gal who makes me pay for all the sins of lover's in the past.

Life is OK being single, I think for a lot of us..we've had it. Best stay single and live a peaceful life, if that's what it takes.

16th December 2010, 08:17 PM
Life is OK being single, I think for a lot of us..we've had it. Best stay single and live a peaceful life, if that's what it takes.I've been happily single and I am currently happily married for over 10 years. I vastly prefer the happily married life.

Our culture that made us great has been thrown away in preference for consumerism, debt and instant gratification. We are told that the western culture is a decadent culture. It is being ingrained that this is who we are. That's BS. Our moral culture is what made us great. There was a reason for traditions and etiquette. For all of you guys who mock the inner cities, well, we're not too far behind.

I'm not writing this in an attempt to be holier than thou. I bought into the whole 60s free everything BS. I came to my conclusion based on what I've seen happen to other I know and myself.

16th December 2010, 08:19 PM
That's not our fault though, RJB. Sure, we might bitch and moan about the lack of quality women, but to blame all men for these women who distrust them. The women have to take some responsibility here. You don't shack up with some asshole and expect a diamond. If a woman is attracted to a creep, it's not my fault. BTW, I'm not blaming men or women, I'm blaming the fall of the western culture.

16th December 2010, 08:25 PM
Our culture that made us great has been thrown away in preference for consumerism, debt and instant gratification. We are told that the western culture is a decadent culture. It is being ingrained that this is who we are. That's BS. Our moral culture is what made us great. There was a reason for traditions and etiquette. For all of you guys who mock the inner cities, well, we're not too far behind.

RJB, our moral culture holds us back in life. I'd love to be able to toss my personal ethics and morality, and live the consumerist lifestyle. Heck, I'd go finance some sportscar and pick up women each night.

Our society rewards those who toss ethics aside, much like the 57 year-old asshole going for a 17 year old gal. We'd all like to skin that guy, but at the end of the day, he's rewarded by taking in life, instead of giving.

This is the strength we must muster. It's one big ass test. For you married folk, you've passed it I suppose. I feel tested, every single fucking day...

It's all around us, in one shape or another. To give in to temptation and the instant gratification that follows, or to hold to our values even though, those values will hold us back in life.

Damn catch 20-20, if you ask me.

16th December 2010, 08:35 PM
This is the strength we must muster. It's one big ass test. For you married folk, you've passed it I suppose. I feel tested, every single f*cking day...LOL. I didn't mean to come across as the married life is perfect-- I came across a lot more preachy than I meant to and I hear what you're saying...

It's all around us, in one shape or another. To give in to temptation and the instant gratification that follows, or to hold to our values even though, those values will hold us back in life.

Damn catch 20-20, if you ask me. What I meant to write above is that our institutions (I guess the college professor comment is what got to me) are teaching the death of all beliefs and traditions. Such as simple things as quaint as a man asking the father for the girl's hand in marraige. It's not saying that the girl is property-- It's the understanding of the bonds of family and how the man and woman will combine the two.

Anyway, I'm done posting for the night.

Joe King
16th December 2010, 09:30 PM
This is getting a little irritating, Book. You take Ash's well written post, take one sentence, and bash Jews with it.


A Columbia University professor accused of a three-year sexual relationship with his daughter was charged with incest yesterday. Political science professor David Epstein, 46, allegedly bedded his 24-year-old daughter between 2006 and 2009. Epstein, who specialises in American politics and voting rights, is said to have also exchanged twisted text messages with the girl during the consensual relationship.

University spokesman Robert Hornsby said that Epstein 'is now on administrative leave and will not be teaching students'. The well-liked professor, who has taught at Harvard and Stanford, was married to another lecturer at the Ivy League institution, Sharyn O'Halloran, but the pair recently divorced.

Oy Vey! (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1337416/David-Epstein-Ivy-League-professor-charged-incest-relationship-daughter.html?ito=feeds-newsxml) Two consulting adults simply exercising their "free will" according to Ash's absurd post.

Why do people keep insisting on using the results of illegal actions to justify their position on actions that are completely legal? ::) ::) ::) ::)
i.e. incest is illegal, sex between consenting adults is not.

C'mon Book. You surely know the difference betweeen the two. What's with the constant apples and oranges comparisions? ???

16th December 2010, 09:38 PM
...using the results of illegal actions to justify their position on actions that are completely legal...

Gee...TAXES are "legal" but you insist they are immoral in almost every thread...lol.


Joe King
16th December 2010, 09:39 PM
There is no point in arguing about morals with deviant blindmen who have no morals.

You may as well try to tell Eazy-E that swearing doesn't make him cool

Im going to agree strongly with this post, Some on here are trying to blindly hide with "Freedom" and "Rights" Bullsh*t so they can justify their own twisted morals.Its not about Legal rights its about a fathers natural right to protect a daughter under his care.
All I'd like to know is what do you propose as a solution that isn't committing a crime against another person, or another persons property?

That's all I've asked any of you that appear to be argueing for the Right to commit attempted murder due to the personal beliefs of a third party having been violated.

Joe King
16th December 2010, 09:40 PM
...using the results of illegal actions to justify their position on actions that are completely legal...

Gee...TAXES are "legal" but you insist they are immoral in almost every thread...lol.


When did I say that "in almost every" thread?


16th December 2010, 09:53 PM
When did I say that "in almost every" thread?


Every time a thread mentions the jews you drag your "taxes are the problem not the jews" red herring (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring) all over it...lol.


Joe King
16th December 2010, 10:03 PM
When did I say that "in almost every" thread?


Every time a thread mentions the jews you drag your "taxes are the problem not the jews" red herring (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring) all over it...lol.


You must need reading glasses, right Book?

What I've said is that it's the monetary system itself that bases wealth on debt, that is the "problem".
Taxes are but a tool within that system to redistribute income, control inflation, and provide a source for the interest payments that service the public debt.

16th December 2010, 10:44 PM
Dang, what a thread. Anyway, my 2 cents.

Freedom,legalities, blah,blah,blah. This dad obviously had his own moral code. Hell he hasn't even ratted out his accomplices.
He told the cops and they couldn't help, so...I would hazard a guess that he probably warned the older gentleman too. Just a guess of course. It all boiled down to this dad being determined to have a say so about the situation and...right, wrong or whatever if this fella knew for certain his nuts were gonna get cut out if he didn't zip up and walk away my guess is he would have taken back his friendship ring and kept his sack.

As far as the next guy having his way 'cause daddy is in jail? He's got at least two good friends that are experienced in the ole ballz removal game and they aren't in jail. Some folks mean it when they say it.

That mean old rattle snake bit me when I picked it up. Is that legal? It's a rattle snake dumbass and I'm sure it rattled first.
Some daddys can be as mean as an old rattle snake. It might be best to give 'em a wide berth when they're rattling because of their daughters.

17th December 2010, 04:51 AM
This is getting a little irritating, Book. You take Ash's well written post, take one sentence, and bash Jews with it.


A Columbia University professor accused of a three-year sexual relationship with his daughter was charged with incest yesterday. Political science professor David Epstein, 46, allegedly bedded his 24-year-old daughter between 2006 and 2009. Epstein, who specialises in American politics and voting rights, is said to have also exchanged twisted text messages with the girl during the consensual relationship.

University spokesman Robert Hornsby said that Epstein 'is now on administrative leave and will not be teaching students'. The well-liked professor, who has taught at Harvard and Stanford, was married to another lecturer at the Ivy League institution, Sharyn O'Halloran, but the pair recently divorced.

Oy Vey! (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1337416/David-Epstein-Ivy-League-professor-charged-incest-relationship-daughter.html?ito=feeds-newsxml) Two consulting adults simply exercising their "free will" according to Ash's absurd post.

Why do people keep insisting on using the results of illegal actions to justify their position on actions that are completely legal? ::) ::) ::) ::)
i.e. incest is illegal, sex between consenting adults is not.

C'mon Book. You surely know the difference betweeen the two. What's with the constant apples and oranges comparisions? ???

My God, you just cant seem to grasp the concept that fathers instinctively try and protect their daughters can you? Fuck your concept of law, Its Zionist twisted law meant to destroy the bonds and honor of family,If you love the "Law" so much why the fuck are you even posting?

17th December 2010, 05:40 AM
However, I do find it ironic, that on a forum that's supposed to be full of people who are supposedly big on personal Rights and individual Liberties, that so many are quick to advocate the limiting of those Rights for others simply because they find the actual exercising of that Right by others to be personally dis-tasteful.

Yeah...you instead want to call the police (use state force) against this father exercising his Rights and individual Liberty to protect his daughter.


17th December 2010, 06:22 AM
41, this thread reminds me of the kangaroo court trials you held against the GSUS members that drifted over to your website thinking it was going to be an open venue for discussion. With little information, or bogus information, and you filled with a delusional sense of power, you proceeded to cut people's balls off (metaphorically speaking) for violations only a moron could come up with. It showed your true nature, even though in your less than bright mind you thought you were holding up honor and virtue within your mighty and powerful domain :] Your website reflects you very well.

17th December 2010, 07:24 AM
41, this thread reminds me of the kangaroo court trials you held against the GSUS members that drifted over to your website thinking it was going to be an open venue for discussion. With little information, or bogus information, and you filled with a delusional sense of power, you proceeded to cut people's balls off (metaphorically speaking) for violations only a moron could come up with. It showed your true nature, even though in your less than bright mind you thought you were holding up honor and virtue within your mighty and powerful domain :] Your website reflects you very well.

Your post nothing to do with this subject,but of course, you will get a free pass on personal attacks. You may continue your insults, Thats what your best at.You really cant argue the subject,You just want to make snide remarks hoping to make yourself and your Zionist clique friends feel superior .I refer you to the last posts you have made, nothing on topic.

17th December 2010, 07:47 AM
41, this thread reminds me of the kangaroo court trials you held against the GSUS members that drifted over to your website thinking it was going to be an open venue for discussion. With little information, or bogus information, and you filled with a delusional sense of power, you proceeded to cut people's balls off (metaphorically speaking) for violations only a moron could come up with. It showed your true nature, even though in your less than bright mind you thought you were holding up honor and virtue within your mighty and powerful domain :] Your website reflects you very well.

Your post nothing to do with this subject,but of course, you will get a free pass on personal attacks. You may continue your insults, Thats what your best at.You really cant argue the subject,You just want to make snide remarks hoping to make yourself and your Zionist clique friends feel superior .I refer you to the last posts you have made, nothing on topic.

We are making judgments and comments on a story with very little detail, and you, in your typical style, are making bazaar conclusions and accusations against other GSUS members with no basis in fact. The parallel with your trials against GSUS members on your website are very similar to the how you are conducting yourself within this thread. Very much on topic.

You so very much want to have importance, but you don't the skill set, temperament, or character to pull it off. Your website had a perfect opportunity to be successful...the timing couldn't have been better - just when things were looking shaky here, and you with no computer skills, had a website up and running on a moments notice ;] But even with everything lined up for you, you blew it with your authoritarian desires and primitive style...just like how you are in this thread.

Joe King
17th December 2010, 11:21 AM
Why do people keep insisting on using the results of illegal actions to justify their position on actions that are completely legal? ::) ::) ::) ::)
i.e. incest is illegal, sex between consenting adults is not.

C'mon Book. You surely know the difference betweeen the two. What's with the constant apples and oranges comparisions? ???

My God, you just cant seem to grasp the concept that fathers instinctively try and protect their daughters can you? f*ck your concept of law, Its Zionist twisted law meant to destroy the bonds and honor of family,If you love the "Law" so much why the f*ck are you even posting?

However, I do find it ironic, that on a forum that's supposed to be full of people who are supposedly big on personal Rights and individual Liberties, that so many are quick to advocate the limiting of those Rights for others simply because they find the actual exercising of that Right by others to be personally dis-tasteful.

Yeah...you instead want to call the police (use state force) against this father exercising his Rights and individual Liberty to protect his daughter.


You guys do realize that what you are espousing amounts to Sharia Law, right?

Because yours is the same attitude that gets young Muslim women tortured and killed for perceived violations against the wishes of their parents and extended families that have been complained about on this very forum.

Well, except that you want to turn your rage onto her "bf" in a vain attempt to protect a girls "honor" that has long since flown the coop.
The time to protect that is long before she'd ever even think about having a 57yo "bf". lol

Can't have your cake and eat it too. lol

It's like this. Either one believes that all people have the Right to decide for themselves, or one doesn't.
...and I'm not talking about just sex here either, but anything that has to do with a person or a persons body that is of legal age in the community, State or Nation in which they may live.

After all, it's not as though we're talking about a case of rape here, but rather what appears to be a case of consensual sex between two people of legal age.
Besides, anyone who's dealt with 17yo girls should know that the surest way to drive them into someones arms is to forbid or otherwise express strong disapproval in their choice. In most cases doing so will simply guarentee they'll have a relationship of some sort with someone you really don't like, even if they have to sneak around in order to do so and the sneaking around makes it all the more exciting for them.
At that point, you're along for the ride, with no one to blame but yourself.
...but a nut-choppin' we will go. lol ::)

What if the daughter was older? Would it be "ok" then? At what age is it ok?
Example: she's 20 has a job and can support herself, he's 57 and isn't a deadbeat.
i.e. the only "support" she needs from her family is of the familial love variety.

Is it ok then?
Example of "ok": having Thanksgiving dinner with them wouldn't become a disaster or otherwise involve the State. lol


17th December 2010, 11:41 AM
You guys do realize that what you are espousing amounts to Sharia Law, right?

Because yours is the same attitude that gets young Muslim women tortured and killed for perceived violations against the wishes of their parents and extended families that have been complained about on this very forum.
I'd say quite the opposite. In many cases of Sharia law it is the girl who is condemned even if she was forcibly raped. Here there is a desire to protect the innocent rather than kill it.

BTW, I do think the castration was extreme. I don't know the full story, but if I were on a jury, there's a good chance I'd aquit the father if he shot the guy in the passion of the moment. The castration however is cruel and shows forethought.

Joe King
17th December 2010, 12:09 PM
You guys do realize that what you are espousing amounts to Sharia Law, right?

Because yours is the same attitude that gets young Muslim women tortured and killed for perceived violations against the wishes of their parents and extended families that have been complained about on this very forum.
I'd say quite the opposite. In many cases of Sharia law it is the girl who is condemned even if she was forcibly raped.
Both involve misplaced rage due to what amounts to a third partys hurt feelings.

Here there is a desire to protect the innocent rather than kill it.
If she has a 57yo "bf" there is no "innocence" left to protect.
The time that needed "protecting" was obviously years earlier. Too late now. Can never go back. lol

BTW, I do think the castration was extreme. I don't know the full story, but if I were on a jury, there's a good chance I'd aquit the father if he shot the guy in the passion of the moment. The castration however is cruel and shows forethought.
There's no basis in law for aquittal. If a husband catches his wifes lover in the act and kills him, it might be a reasonable defense to claim "passion of the moment" and get aquitted. But that's only because he's an actual party to the damaged relationship.

In the case of the Dad in the OP, he's a third party who has no legal standing to do anything other than express his displeasure in non-violent ways.
i.e. he could disown her instead of supporting her. That is assuming he was supporting her, of course.

It seems most of those who've discussed this topic have refused to do so based only upon the facts we are aware of.
Instead, we get people argueing from the standpoint of it being an illegal act and that the 57yo must have lured her with candy from the school yard or something. lol

17th December 2010, 12:34 PM
Both involve misplaced rage due to what amounts to a third partys hurt feelings.To a point I agree. I've stated already I thought castration was over the top.

The time that needed "protecting" was obviously years earlier. Too late now. Can never go back. lol If getting boinked by a older pervert is what you think makes one world wise... ::)

There's no basis in law for aquittal. If a husband catches his wifes lover in the act and kills him, it might be a reasonable defense to claim "passion of the moment" and get aquitted. But that's only because he's an actual party to the damaged relationship. It's called nullification. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jury_nullification And, as I said, I might have aquitted if he just shot the perv. I also said I didn't know the whole story. In that case I TEND to side with the 17 year old. It's interesting that you side more with a 57 year old doing a 17 year old without knowing the whole story.

In the case of the Dad in the OP, he's a third party who has no legal standing to do anything other than express his displeasure in non-violent ways.
i.e. he could disown her instead of supporting her. That is assuming he was supporting her, of course. Now that's more Sharia like. Why would you disown a 17 year old daughter? I take it you are not a parent?

17th December 2010, 01:13 PM
...What if the daughter was older? Would it be "ok" then? At what age is it ok? ...

What anyone thinks about age requirements or the law didn't appear to make much of a difference. The law, the boyfriend or the young girl didn't have much to say about it either. Dad is in jail and codger has no ballz :o. Ya'll can call it awful, sharia law or anything else you want but remember, there are men who don't give a rat's ass what ANYONE has to say when it concerns their daughters. Boink at your own risk gentleman 8).

17th December 2010, 01:21 PM
What anyone thinks about age requirements or the law didn't appear to make much of a difference. The law, the boyfriend or the young girl didn't have much to say about it either. Dad is in jail and codger has no ballz :o. Ya'll can call it awful, sharia law or anything else you want but remember, there are men who don't give a rat's ass what ANYONE has to say when it concerns their daughters. Boink at your own risk gentleman 8).
I skimmed over a lot of posts on this thread but yours sums it up the best.

Joe King
17th December 2010, 01:23 PM
Both involve misplaced rage due to what amounts to a third partys hurt feelings.To a point I agree. I've stated already I thought castration was over the top.

The time that needed "protecting" was obviously years earlier. Too late now. Can never go back. lol If getting boinked by a older pervert is what you think makes one world wise... ::)

There's no basis in law for aquittal. If a husband catches his wifes lover in the act and kills him, it might be a reasonable defense to claim "passion of the moment" and get aquitted. But that's only because he's an actual party to the damaged relationship. It's called nullification. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jury_nullification And, as I said, I might have aquitted if he just shot the perv. I also said I didn't know the whole story. In that case I TEND to side with the 17 year old. It's interesting that you side more with a 57 year old doing a 17 year old without knowing the whole story.

In the case of the Dad in the OP, he's a third party who has no legal standing to do anything other than express his displeasure in non-violent ways.
i.e. he could disown her instead of supporting her. That is assuming he was supporting her, of course. Now that's more Sharia like. Why would you disown a 17 year old daughter? I take it you are not a parent?
No, I don't think 17yo's get wise by being "boinked" by 57yo's.

What I think is that a free people get wise by being able to make their own life decisions, even bad ones, so that they may learn.
Why is that concept seemingly so difficult, for so many to grasp?

IMHO, you've got two choices in life.
You can either learn from the mistakes of others, or learn from your own.
But make no mistake about, because either way mistakes are surely going to happen as surely as you that are reading this is a human being.
So pick yer poison, but IMO the former goes down a lot easier than the latter.
In the case of the 17yo, she chose the latter and will realize that someday.

As far as who I "side" with, I side with the 17yo too.
To make her own decisions as the laws of her land permit.

Other than dis-own, what are you going to do without actually commiting a crime in order to deal with a non-crime?
Take her cell phone away? Lock her in her room? No TV for a month? Forbid her from seeing him? What?

I'd like to hear a solution to the problem that doesn't involve being arrested and charged with serious crimes against others.

17th December 2010, 01:34 PM
No, I don't think 17yo's get wise by being "boinked" by 57yo's.
I agree, that accusation by me was a bit below the belt (pardon the pun) in the heat of the argument.

Other than that, I think I'm done with this thread. I'll just finish with what I've learned:

In sex, there are laws, traditions and pissed off dads. You decide which you will respect more ;D

Joe King
17th December 2010, 01:51 PM
No, I don't think 17yo's get wise by being "boinked" by 57yo's.
That accusation by me was a bit below the belt (pardon the pun) in the heat of the argument.
Not to worry. I took no offense by anything you posted.
In fact now that I think about it, there is wisdom to be gained in that, but unfortunately it'll only come after the fact. lol

Other than that, I think I'm done with this thread. I'll just finish with what I've learned:

In sex, there are laws, traditions and pissed off dads. You decide which you will respect more ;D

Yep. dad decided to potentially rob himself of the ability to have his daughter in his life at all. Way to go dad! Good job! ::)

This thread is a fine example of people having a really hard time setting asde their own personal preferances in order to deal with basic principles such as equal Rights and freedom for all people and peoples.

17th December 2010, 02:38 PM
Your website reflects you very well.


Your avatar reflects you very well.


17th December 2010, 02:41 PM
...you blew it with your authoritarian desires and primitive style...


Hand-rubbed with an oil finish?


17th December 2010, 02:44 PM
You guys do realize that what you are espousing amounts to Sharia Law, right?

You do realize that what you are espousing amounts to Talmudic Law, right?


Joe King
17th December 2010, 02:49 PM
You guys do realize that what you are espousing amounts to Sharia Law, right?

You do realize that what you are espousing amounts to Talmudic Law, right?


Are you saying that this,

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ...is in the Talmud?


17th December 2010, 02:50 PM
What I think is that a free people get wise by being able to make their own life decisions, even bad ones, so that they may learn. Why is that concept seemingly so difficult, for so many to grasp?

I agree. The 57 year-old perv made a bad life decision and learned an important lesson.


17th December 2010, 02:54 PM
This thread is a fine example of people having a really hard time setting aside their own personal preferences in order to deal with basic principles such as equal Rights and freedom for all people and peoples.



17th December 2010, 02:58 PM
You guys do realize that what you are espousing amounts to Sharia Law, right?

You do realize that what you are espousing amounts to Talmudic Law, right?


Are you saying that this,

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all geezers and pervs are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of thy neighbor's young daughter. ...is in the Constitution?


Fixed it for you.


Joe King
17th December 2010, 03:06 PM
What I think is that a free people get wise by being able to make their own life decisions, even bad ones, so that they may learn. Why is that concept seemingly so difficult, for so many to grasp?

I agree. The 57 year-old perv made a bad life decision and learned an important lesson.

I'd say all three of them did.

You guys do realize that what you are espousing amounts to Sharia Law, right?

You do realize that what you are espousing amounts to Talmudic Law, right?


Are you saying that this,

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all geezers and pervs are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of thy neighbor's young daughter. ...is in the Constitution?


Fixed it for you.

No, it's in the Declaration of Independance silly, and it's also the underlying principle that the Constitution was intended to preserve.

You implied that the Talmud was based upon that same principle.

Edited to add: I see you never get tired of making dumb comparisons that don't fit the subject being discussed.

Perhaps I should start posting a pic of Dumbo the elephant to represent what you say?

17th December 2010, 03:14 PM
You implied that the Talmud was based upon that same principle.

Only after you brought up the unrelated off-topic Sharia Law.

Two can play.


17th December 2010, 03:17 PM
Perhaps I should start posting a pic of Dumbo the elephant to represent what you say?


I'll do the same...lol.


Joe King
17th December 2010, 03:41 PM
You implied that the Talmud was based upon that same principle.

Only after you brought up the unrelated off-topic Sharia Law.

Two can play.


My comment was very much so related, as the attitude is the same for both.
i.e. I feel you have wronged my beliefs, so I can attack and/or kill you because of it.

Also, sharia law is what supports a family "head" in making decisions for those in the family even if they are considered adults under the local law and are against the wishes of the one having those decisions made for them.
i.e. a total violation of Rights

17th December 2010, 05:44 PM
Your website reflects you very well.

Your avatar reflects you very well.


Your avatar reflects you very well, book-keeper.

17th December 2010, 05:58 PM
Also, sharia law is what supports a family "head" in making decisions for those in the family even if they are considered adults under the local law and are against the wishes of the one having those decisions made for them. i.e. a total violation of Rights

Talmudic Law is jews infiltrating every society...filling the young goyim girls heads with stuff about their daddy being an oppressive meanie...promoting sexual "freedom"...then exploiting these goyim girls. Exhibit "A":

Hefner teaching the goyim girls about their sexual "free will". Exhibit "B":

http://cache1.asset-cache.net/xc/50440091.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=E41C9FE5C4AA0A14191F1DC075CC2D2DE3CEA48F758B853E 63D58B709C0B69FFB01E70F2B3269972
Hefner dancing with his own precious protected kosher daughter at her White Wedding.


17th December 2010, 05:59 PM
Your avatar reflects you very well, book-keeper.

Wow! Book is the President of the USA!?!?!?

17th December 2010, 06:32 PM
I don't know the full story, but if I were on a jury, there's a good chance I'd aquit the father if he shot the guy in the passion of the moment. The castration however is cruel and shows forethought.

...are you saying that loading a gun, conspiring with others to go to the guys house, and killing him could be considered "passion of the moment" and doesn't show forethought??

IMO, he went outside the law and now they all have their own price to pay for it...that having been said, i can understand why he did what he did...

i'm sure if i was in the father's shoes, i would have been thinking the same thing he did, but i probly would have settled for beating him to a pulp...an assault charge is a little easier to beat than attempted murder...

17th December 2010, 06:45 PM
I don't know the full story, but if I were on a jury, there's a good chance I'd aquit the father if he (singular) shot the guy in the passion of the moment. The castration however is cruel and shows forethought.

...are you saying that loading a gun, conspiring with others to go to the guys house, and killing him could be considered "passion of the moment" and doesn't show forethought??
Re-read my post ::)

17th December 2010, 07:01 PM
post re-read...

...outside of an accident, killing someone requires forethought. for that matter so does a beating...i think the passion of the moment thing would only apply if father caught them in coitus...he didn't.

i can roll my eyes too...lol

17th December 2010, 07:07 PM
OK, In my MADE UP scenario I said if it was a crime of passion.... If he conspired with others as you stated in your MADE UP scenario, then it wouldn't be a crime of passion. I also stated that what he did was not a crime of passion.

post re-read...

...killing someone requires forethought. for that matter so does a beating...i think the passion of the moment thing would only apply if father caught them in coitus...he didn't.

i can roll my eyes too...lol
ETA because I was being a jackass. 2nd ETA was "NOT" a crime of passion.

17th December 2010, 07:27 PM
whatever...made up scenario or not...acting alone or not, your post seemed to imply that what he actually did required forethought that your made up scenario did not...

and my deepest apologies, i didn't realize that you obviously superior intellect was completely above reproach, how dare i ask for clarification of your point...how very stupid of me...lol

17th December 2010, 07:31 PM
Apology accepted.

18th December 2010, 12:42 AM
Apology accepted.
Great every one is in agreement....

....Apart from Book.

18th December 2010, 04:35 AM
41, this thread reminds me of the kangaroo court trials you held against the GSUS members that drifted over to your website thinking it was going to be an open venue for discussion. With little information, or bogus information, and you filled with a delusional sense of power, you proceeded to cut people's balls off (metaphorically speaking) for violations only a moron could come up with. It showed your true nature, even though in your less than bright mind you thought you were holding up honor and virtue within your mighty and powerful domain :] Your website reflects you very well.

Your post nothing to do with this subject,but of course, you will get a free pass on personal attacks. You may continue your insults, Thats what your best at.You really cant argue the subject,You just want to make snide remarks hoping to make yourself and your Zionist clique friends feel superior .I refer you to the last posts you have made, nothing on topic.

We are making judgments and comments on a story with very little detail, and you, in your typical style, are making bazaar conclusions and accusations against other GSUS members with no basis in fact. The parallel with your trials against GSUS members on your website are very similar to the how you are conducting yourself within this thread. Very much on topic.

You so very much want to have importance, but you don't the skill set, temperament, or character to pull it off. Your website had a perfect opportunity to be successful...the timing couldn't have been better - just when things were looking shaky here, and you with no computer skills, had a website up and running on a moments notice ;] But even with everything lined up for you, you blew it with your authoritarian desires and primitive style...just like how you are in this thread.

Again, You are trying to make this thread about me rather than the subject, as for my "Skill set" did you learn that phrase from CNBC? It seems to be the new catchword ,It doesnt really matter what your opinion.BTW, the word is "Bizarre"(Strange,odd) not"Bazaar"(A Middle Eastern market like a flea market)although I can probably guess why you use that version.Lastly, If you would have bothered to LOOK at the program,which is free and available for anyone to use,for the other Forum,You would see that it requires very little skills to set up.I challenge you NOT to be able to set it up quickly.I see you are trying to play the "Enforcer" here.Your not very good at it,so continue to criticize all you want.

18th December 2010, 05:04 AM
God help us.

Now we have jokers quoting the Constitution to defend the 57 year olds right to have sex with a minor.

And Joe King is asserting that a man defending/protecting his 17 year old daughter from a sexual predator is tantamount to sharia law.

And on top of that, we have 'Defenders of liberty and freedom" claiming that "we don't have enough detail" to even be discussing this subject.

Pfft .....I think we have enough detail.

1) Young daughter has relations with Old man.
2) Father approaches the NWO "Authorities" in a bid for "legal" help to end the pedophilia
3) NWO pigs refuse to lift a finger to protect the child
4) Father ends the situation

This thread is a pathetic example for any lurker to see. It's a bad example of "Constitutionalist and Libertarians" purporting that Man-made law trumps Morality.
You (who know who you are) should seriously take a step back from your egotistical knee-jerk crusade and look at what you're defending with a fresh set of eyes. When you look at the bullshit your posting a year from now, you'll very likely be ashamed and embarrassed to read it.

For the record, again, I never said that I am in agreement with the ball-chopping. However, there needed to be a lasting deterrent. Regardless of the "vigilantism" carried out by the father, you are unrelentingly trying to justify the acts of the predator.
And yes, I can call the 57 a predator whether it was consentual or not, because like it or lump it, it is wrong for him to be banging her.

I am disgusted, and I don't give a shit if I am coming off "holier than thou" or not.

That's not our fault though, RJB. Sure, we might bitch and moan about the lack of quality women, but to blame all men for these women who distrust them. The women have to take some responsibility here. You don't shack up with some asshole and expect a diamond. If a woman is attracted to a creep, it's not my fault. BTW, I'm not blaming men or women, I'm blaming the fall of the western culture.

And Book is using is unique approach to show who is responsible for the fall of the western culture.
Thank you Book.

This is getting a little irritating, Book. You take Ash's well written post, take one sentence, and bash Jews with it.

A Columbia University professor accused of a three-year sexual relationship with his daughter was charged with incest yesterday. Political science professor David Epstein, 46, allegedly bedded his 24-year-old daughter between 2006 and 2009. Epstein, who specialises in American politics and voting rights, is said to have also exchanged twisted text messages with the girl during the consensual relationship.

University spokesman Robert Hornsby said that Epstein 'is now on administrative leave and will not be teaching students'. The well-liked professor, who has taught at Harvard and Stanford, was married to another lecturer at the Ivy League institution, Sharyn O'Halloran, but the pair recently divorced.

Oy Vey! (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1337416/David-Epstein-Ivy-League-professor-charged-incest-relationship-daughter.html?ito=feeds-newsxml) Two consulting adults simply exercising their "free will" according to Ash's absurd post.

Why do people keep insisting on using the results of illegal actions to justify their position on actions that are completely legal? ::) ::) ::) ::)
i.e. incest is illegal, sex between consenting adults is not.

C'mon Book. You surely know the difference betweeen the two. What's with the constant apples and oranges comparisions? ???

My God, you just cant seem to grasp the concept that fathers instinctively try and protect their daughters can you? f*ck your concept of law, Its Zionist twisted law meant to destroy the bonds and honor of family,If you love the "Law" so much why the f*ck are you even posting?

It's not that he can't, it's that he wont.

18th December 2010, 06:26 AM
God help us.

Now we have jokers quoting the Constitution to defend the 57 year olds right to have sex with a minor.

And Joe King is asserting that a man defending/protecting his 17 year old daughter from a sexual predator is tantamount to sharia law.

And on top of that, we have 'Defenders of liberty and freedom" claiming that "we don't have enough detail" to even be discussing this subject.

Pfft .....I think we have enough detail.

1) Young daughter has relations with Old man.
2) Father approaches the NWO "Authorities" in a bid for "legal" help to end the pedophilia
3) NWO pigs refuse to lift a finger to protect the child
4) Father ends the situation

This thread is a pathetic example for any lurker to see. It's a bad example of "Constitutionalist and Libertarians" purporting that Man-made law trumps Morality.
You (who know who you are) should seriously take a step back from your egotistical knee-jerk crusade and look at what you're defending with a fresh set of eyes. When you look at the bullsh*t your posting a year from now, you'll very likely be ashamed and embarrassed to read it.

For the record, again, I never said that I am in agreement with the ball-chopping. However, there needed to be a lasting deterrent. Regardless of the "vigilantism" carried out by the father, you are unrelentingly trying to justify the acts of the predator.
And yes, I can call the 57 a predator whether it was consentual or not, because like it or lump it, it is wrong for him to be banging her.

I am disgusted, and I don't give a sh*t if I am coming off "holier than thou" or not.

That's not our fault though, RJB. Sure, we might bitch and moan about the lack of quality women, but to blame all men for these women who distrust them. The women have to take some responsibility here. You don't shack up with some asshole and expect a diamond. If a woman is attracted to a creep, it's not my fault. BTW, I'm not blaming men or women, I'm blaming the fall of the western culture.

And Book is using is unique approach to show who is responsible for the fall of the western culture.
Thank you Book.

This is getting a little irritating, Book. You take Ash's well written post, take one sentence, and bash Jews with it.

A Columbia University professor accused of a three-year sexual relationship with his daughter was charged with incest yesterday. Political science professor David Epstein, 46, allegedly bedded his 24-year-old daughter between 2006 and 2009. Epstein, who specialises in American politics and voting rights, is said to have also exchanged twisted text messages with the girl during the consensual relationship.

University spokesman Robert Hornsby said that Epstein 'is now on administrative leave and will not be teaching students'. The well-liked professor, who has taught at Harvard and Stanford, was married to another lecturer at the Ivy League institution, Sharyn O'Halloran, but the pair recently divorced.

Oy Vey! (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1337416/David-Epstein-Ivy-League-professor-charged-incest-relationship-daughter.html?ito=feeds-newsxml) Two consulting adults simply exercising their "free will" according to Ash's absurd post.

Why do people keep insisting on using the results of illegal actions to justify their position on actions that are completely legal? ::) ::) ::) ::)
i.e. incest is illegal, sex between consenting adults is not.

C'mon Book. You surely know the difference betweeen the two. What's with the constant apples and oranges comparisions? ???

My God, you just cant seem to grasp the concept that fathers instinctively try and protect their daughters can you? f*ck your concept of law, Its Zionist twisted law meant to destroy the bonds and honor of family,If you love the "Law" so much why the f*ck are you even posting?

It's not that he can't, it's that he wont.

Many are similar to Cigarlover's train of thought,Its ok to go after the young, underprivileged, and deprived,to get what you want.

po boy
18th December 2010, 06:35 AM
www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJDB9dt9Iwo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJDB9dt9Iwo)

18th December 2010, 06:49 AM
Why do people keep insisting on using the results of illegal actions to justify their position on actions that are completely legal? ::) ::) ::) ::)
i.e. incest is illegal, sex between consenting adults is not.

C'mon Book. You surely know the difference betweeen the two. What's with the constant apples and oranges comparisions? ???

My God, you just cant seem to grasp the concept that fathers instinctively try and protect their daughters can you? f*ck your concept of law, Its Zionist twisted law meant to destroy the bonds and honor of family,If you love the "Law" so much why the f*ck are you even posting?

However, I do find it ironic, that on a forum that's supposed to be full of people who are supposedly big on personal Rights and individual Liberties, that so many are quick to advocate the limiting of those Rights for others simply because they find the actual exercising of that Right by others to be personally dis-tasteful.

Yeah...you instead want to call the police (use state force) against this father exercising his Rights and individual Liberty to protect his daughter.


You guys do realize that what you are espousing amounts to Sharia Law, right?

Because yours is the same attitude that gets young Muslim women tortured and killed for perceived violations against the wishes of their parents and extended families that have been complained about on this very forum.

Well, except that you want to turn your rage onto her "bf" in a vain attempt to protect a girls "honor" that has long since flown the coop.
The time to protect that is long before she'd ever even think about having a 57yo "bf". lol

Can't have your cake and eat it too. lol

It's like this. Either one believes that all people have the Right to decide for themselves, or one doesn't.
...and I'm not talking about just sex here either, but anything that has to do with a person or a persons body that is of legal age in the community, State or Nation in which they may live.

After all, it's not as though we're talking about a case of rape here, but rather what appears to be a case of consensual sex between two people of legal age.
Besides, anyone who's dealt with 17yo girls should know that the surest way to drive them into someones arms is to forbid or otherwise express strong disapproval in their choice. In most cases doing so will simply guarentee they'll have a relationship of some sort with someone you really don't like, even if they have to sneak around in order to do so and the sneaking around makes it all the more exciting for them.
At that point, you're along for the ride, with no one to blame but yourself.
...but a nut-choppin' we will go. lol ::)

What if the daughter was older? Would it be "ok" then? At what age is it ok?
Example: she's 20 has a job and can support herself, he's 57 and isn't a deadbeat.
i.e. the only "support" she needs from her family is of the familial love variety.

Is it ok then?
Example of "ok": having Thanksgiving dinner with them wouldn't become a disaster or otherwise involve the State. lol


No, It doesnt amount to Sharia law.If the father killed the guy for killing his daughter would that be Sharia as well?Ill answer the question though, It would be ok IMHO if the girl in question was no longer living under her parents care.My logic is this,Would you say it is ok,lets say for a 57 yr old to have sex with an 18 year old High school student in Nebraska,or one that recently graduated and was still living at home and not working or attending college yet?This is the defining argument.

18th December 2010, 06:59 AM
Pfft .....I think we have enough detail.

1) Young daughter has relations with Old man.
2) Father approaches the NWO "Authorities" in a bid for "legal" help to end the pedophilia
3) NWO pigs refuse to lift a finger to protect the child
4) Father ends the situation

Good post, Awoke. I think a lot of posts are being twisted, and bent around in this thread.

Bottom line, is that I think most if not all of us would agree, the father needed to end the situation. If we step back, and put ourselves in the father's shoes, we'd all see things clearly.

I think the father was in the wrong though, how he handled it. It takes a certain type of crazy to inflict that kind of damage on a person.

Yet, the situation does need to end. Personally, I think the father should have confronted the 57 year-old pervert, since the cops wouldn't, and if the confrontation lead to a passion induced beat down on the man, it could understandable. No weapons, nothing premeditated. I think any court in the world would understand a father's love for his daughter, his need to protect that daughter, in certain cases could escalate to the point where punishment on anyone who has ill-intentions, should be felt.

18th December 2010, 07:02 AM
A mental experiment: Assume that the 17 year old girls father and mother had approved of the relationship... Would it then be OK? How about comparing an immature 20 year old girl vs a mature 17 year old. Where do you draw the line?

18th December 2010, 07:06 AM
I think a lot of posts are being twisted, and bent around in this thread.

Such is the way of the jew.

18th December 2010, 07:18 AM
I am disgusted, and I don't give a sh*t if I am coming off "holier than thou" or not. I just wanted to say that when I wrote "holier than thou," I was refering to the part about marraige where I got off topic. I wasn't waffling on the 57 year old being a creep-- In that case I don't give a shit either if I'm coming off holier than thou either.

Just saying...

18th December 2010, 07:22 AM
I am disgusted, and I don't give a sh*t if I am coming off "holier than thou" or not. I just wanted to say that when I wrote "holier than thou," I was refering to the part about marraige where I got off topic. I wasn't waffling on the 57 year old being a creep-- In that case I don't give a sh*t either if I'm coming off holier than thou either.

Just saying...

No issues. You and I agree on almost everything. I didn't take any of your posts out of context.
It wasn't directed at you, brother. It was directed at them.

18th December 2010, 07:42 AM
side note to RJB....if someone asks you for clarification on a post...you might try considering that the post needed some clarification...at least to that person questioning it...attempting to belittle someone for failing to understand your post, speaks volumes on your character...

and not in a good way either...not that you care.

18th December 2010, 07:47 AM
great post awoke

this thread unearthed a gap between morality that is within and the laws of the legal system

how and when that gap was formed?

was it started when the law of the land got changed to "we the people"?

18th December 2010, 07:52 AM
side note to RJB....if someone asks you for clarification on a post...you might try considering that the post needed some clarification...at least to that person questioning it...attempting to belittle someone for failing to understand your post, speaks volumes on your character...

and not in a good way either...not that you care.

It was one of those days. I editted to add in that post that I was being a jackass soon after I posted last night. I was wrong. http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/german-man-castrates-teenage-daughter's-57-year-old-boyfriend/msg155377/#msg155377 What more do you want?

The "apology accepted" to your calling me on it, was my (poor) attempt at humor.

18th December 2010, 07:58 AM
...no problem, clarification received, and thankyou.

if there was an emoticon for beer, i would offer you one in the spirit of brotherhood, and understanding...

18th December 2010, 08:00 AM
great post awoke

this thread unearthed a gap between morality that is within and the laws of the legal system

how and when that gap was formed?

was it started when the law of the land got changed to "we the people"?
I think it started with the legal system...

18th December 2010, 08:21 AM
Pfft .....I think we have enough detail.

1) Young daughter has relations with Old man.
2) Father approaches the NWO "Authorities" in a bid for "legal" help to end the pedophilia
3) NWO pigs refuse to lift a finger to protect the child
4) Father ends the situation

Good post, Awoke.

Great summary of the issue Awoke.


Joe King
18th December 2010, 11:23 AM
God help us.

Now we have jokers quoting the Constitution to defend the 57 year olds right to have sex with a minor. The girl in question wasn't a minor. Quit comparing apples and oranges, Book.
Err, sorry, I meant Awoke.

And Joe King is asserting that a man defending/protecting his 17 year old daughter from a sexual predator is tantamount to sharia law.
Imposing bodily harm on another due to rage and hurt feelings is the same thing they do under sharia law. i.e. "you dishonored me so now I kill you!"
Besides, to defend her she would have had to want help.
Even if he had walked in on them mid-doink, it wasn't like she screamed "daddy help!", but rather "daddy get out!"
....but he imposed his will due to having hurt feelings due his daughter not having been raised in such a way that she woudn't want to doink a 57yo guy.

And on top of that, we have 'Defenders of liberty and freedom" claiming that "we don't have enough detail" to even be discussing this subject.No, I asked why people can't set asaide their own personal biases and look at the facts of the case that we know while applying the comcept of freedom and liberty to all people that are above the age of majority.

Pfft .....I think we have enough detail.

1) Young daughter has relations with Old man.
2) Father approaches the NWO "Authorities" in a bid for "legal" help to end the pedophilia
3) NWO pigs refuse to lift a finger to protect the child
4) Father ends the situation
...and is now in jail for a long long time while his daughter has simply picked a different 57yo to doink.

Wow. Daddy really seems to have helped alot. ::)

This thread is a pathetic example for any lurker to see. It's a bad example of "Constitutionalist and Libertarians" purporting that Man-made law trumps Morality.
You (who know who you are) should seriously take a step back from your egotistical knee-jerk crusade and look at what you're defending with a fresh set of eyes. When you look at the bullsh*t your posting a year from now, you'll very likely be ashamed and embarrassed to read it.
I don't know about others, but all I'm "defending" is a persons Right to self determination, and mostly that of the daughter.

The dad was attempting to decide that for her, all because he didn't raise her to know better.

For the record, again, I never said that I am in agreement with the ball-chopping. However, there needed to be a lasting deterrent. Regardless of the "vigilantism" carried out by the father, you are unrelentingly trying to justify the acts of the predator.
And yes, I can call the 57 a predator whether it was consentual or not, because like it or lump it, it is wrong for him to be banging her.
What if were her that was banging him?
i.e. that she was the aggressive one in the relationship and had pursued him?

Also, if you don't support nut-chopping, what would you propose be done in such a situation that doesn't constitute commiting a serious crime? <--- this is question that needs to be answered, but no one wants to because everyone knows there isn't anything you could do about it other than to have raised her differently....but it's too late for that.
So what do we get? People who think it ok to damage another due their own daughters bad decision making. lol

I am disgusted, and I don't give a sh*t if I am coming off "holier than thou" or not.
I'm glad you don't care how you come off. :D

That's not our fault though, RJB. Sure, we might bitch and moan about the lack of quality women, but to blame all men for these women who distrust them. The women have to take some responsibility here. You don't shack up with some asshole and expect a diamond. If a woman is attracted to a creep, it's not my fault. BTW, I'm not blaming men or women, I'm blaming the fall of the western culture.

And Book is using is unique approach to show who is responsible for the fall of the western culture.
Thank you Book.

The only ones responsible for it are those making the choices to participate in its downfall.

It's kinda like bitchin' about the banks and how they're using usary to ruin the Nation...and then taking out a loan for a new car. ::)
Personally, I'd think anyone smart enough to realize that, would quit using the "services" that they recognize as harmful.
....but they don't.

In other words, if we're facing a downfall, it's only because we've participated in it.

Joe King
18th December 2010, 11:35 AM
great post awoke

this thread unearthed a gap between morality that is within and the laws of the legal system

how and when that gap was formed?

was it started when the law of the land got changed to "we the people"?
I think it started with the legal system...
That gap has always been there in some form or another.

It's because some people can't grasp the concept of self determination and feel compelled to impose their own beliefs upon those around them.

It's the same principle that gets all these nanny-State laws enacted.
i.e. someone doesn't like what others are doing and makes a big enough stink about it to draw supporters who then lobby to get new laws enacted that criminalize the behavior of others.

And then we come here and bitch about it.
Well, at least if it's something against our personally held beliefs. ::)

Joe King
18th December 2010, 11:48 AM
Sharia law

No, It doesnt amount to Sharia law.If the father killed the guy for killing his daughter would that be Sharia as well?Ill answer the question though, It would be ok IMHO if the girl in question was no longer living under her parents care. My logic is this,Would you say it is ok,lets say for a 57 yr old to have sex with an 18 year old High school student in Nebraska,or one that recently graduated and was still living at home and not working or attending college yet?
This is the defining argument.
Ok. I can answer that.

What I would do in such a situation would be to have already taken a "my roof, my rules" approach.

I'd say if you want to make those kinds of decisions, you can do it somewhere other than in my home.
...but I wouldn't blame the guy 100% for what was obviously my own daughters bad decision making. It takes two to Tango, y'know.

Unless of course we're talking about rape or something, but we're not. So any type of violence is off the table and not a valid option.

18th December 2010, 12:01 PM
I'd say if you want to make those kinds of decisions, you can do it somewhere other than in my home.
...but I wouldn't blame the guy 100% for what was obviously my own daughters bad decision making. It takes two to Tango, y'know.

It does take two to Tango, but the difference is life experience. 17 years old, young gals do not have much of it. They can be taken advantage of, and will be, unless they have people looking out for them.

Joe, can you honestly think of one situation where it's acceptable for a 17 year old girl to date a 57 year old man? I can't think of anything that would make that acceptable.

You are right, she should be held accountable for her own actions. That's how people learn, and get that life experience to take care of themselves. However, the 57 year old guy, man, he's either batsh!t crazy or has no morals whatsoever.

Any 57 year old man who thinks it's acceptable to date a woman that young, is not of a healthy mindset.

Joe King
18th December 2010, 12:25 PM
I'd say if you want to make those kinds of decisions, you can do it somewhere other than in my home.
...but I wouldn't blame the guy 100% for what was obviously my own daughters bad decision making. It takes two to Tango, y'know.

It does take two to Tango, but the difference is life experience. 17 years old, young gals do not have much of it. They can be taken advantage of, and will be, unless they have people looking out for them.Right. But if they don't want to be looked out for, it becomes criminal to force "help" upon those who, for whatever reason, don't want that "help".

Joe, can you honestly think of one situation where it's acceptable for a 17 year old girl to date a 57 year old man? I can't think of anything that would make that acceptable.
I'm not trying to justify the relationship, but rather the Right for a legal age person to make their own decisions as recognized by the accepted laws of their land.

You are right, she should be held accountable for her own actions.Exactly! Thank you.

That's how people learn, and get that life experience to take care of themselves. However, the 57 year old guy, man, he's either batsh!t crazy or has no morals whatsoever.But if she picked him, what are you going to do about it?
Now, if he lured her from the school yard with candy and foreced himself on her, then yea, by all means chop his nutz off.
...but at that point the law will do it for you.

Any 57 year old man who thinks it's acceptable to date a woman that young, is not of a healthy mindset.
I can personally agree with that, but is the problem with it only because of the sex aspect?
i.e. what if it were actually a non-sexual relationship and they were just really close for whatever reason? Is ok for a guy to have that kind of relationship with a girl half his age who's not a relative?

18th December 2010, 12:40 PM
God help us.

Now we have jokers quoting the Constitution to defend the 57 year olds right to have sex with a minor. The girl in question wasn't a minor. Quit comparing apples and oranges, Book.
Err, sorry, I meant Awoke.

Really? Insinuating that I'm Book? He's a mid-60 year old dude, and I'm in my 30's. I thought your ADL/SPLC database would have at least that much information compiled by now.

And Joe King is asserting that a man defending/protecting his 17 year old daughter from a sexual predator is tantamount to sharia law.
Imposing bodily harm on another due to rage and hurt feelings is the same thing they do under sharia law. i.e. "you dishonored me so now I kill you!"
Besides, to defend her she would have had to want help.

"You dishonored me so now I kill you" has been around a lot longer than sharia law has. Nice attempt at injecting the "Scary moozlims Booga booga" theme though. You should get a raise for that piece of propaganda. (Or at least a bonus on your cheque)

Even if he had walked in on them mid-doink, it wasn't like she screamed "daddy help!", but rather "daddy get out!"....but he imposed his will due to having hurt feelings due his daughter not having been raised in such a way that she woudn't want to doink a 57yo guy.

And you know this how?

And on top of that, we have 'Defenders of liberty and freedom" claiming that "we don't have enough detail" to even be discussing this subject.No, I asked why people can't set asaide their own personal biases and look at the facts of the case that we know while applying the comcept of freedom and liberty to all people that are above the age of majority.

It was directed at CedarChopper.

Pfft .....I think we have enough detail.

1) Young daughter has relations with Old man.
2) Father approaches the NWO "Authorities" in a bid for "legal" help to end the pedophilia
3) NWO pigs refuse to lift a finger to protect the child
4) Father ends the situation
...and is now in jail for a long long time while his daughter has simply picked a different 57yo to doink.

Wow. Daddy really seems to have helped alot. ::)

This has been addressed countless times already, so no need to parrot the response to your parroting.

This thread is a pathetic example for any lurker to see. It's a bad example of "Constitutionalist and Libertarians" purporting that Man-made law trumps Morality.
You (who know who you are) should seriously take a step back from your egotistical knee-jerk crusade and look at what you're defending with a fresh set of eyes. When you look at the bullsh*t your posting a year from now, you'll very likely be ashamed and embarrassed to read it.
I don't know about others, but all I'm "defending" is a persons Right to self determination, and mostly that of the daughter.

Self Determination, or the new-age/satanic doctrine of "Do as thou wilt"?

The dad was attempting to decide that for her, all because he didn't raise her to know better.

Man, are you psychic? You should open up a psychic hotline. You just seem to know stuff that no-one else knows.

For the record, again, I never said that I am in agreement with the ball-chopping. However, there needed to be a lasting deterrent. Regardless of the "vigilantism" carried out by the father, you are unrelentingly trying to justify the acts of the predator.
And yes, I can call the 57 a predator whether it was consentual or not, because like it or lump it, it is wrong for him to be banging her.
What if were her that was banging him?
i.e. that she was the aggressive one in the relationship and had pursued him?

If she was the agressive one, or if she was not is inconsequential. She is too young to make important decisions at the tender age of 17. The 57 year is fully accountable for letting it happen, period.

Also, if you don't support nut-chopping, what would you propose be done in such a situation that doesn't constitute commiting a serious crime? <--- this is question that needs to be answered, but no one wants to because everyone knows there isn't anything you could do about it other than to have raised her differently....but it's too late for that.
So what do we get? People who think it ok to damage another due their own daughters bad decision making. lol

I personally would have just beat the shit out of him badly enough to hospitalize him and make him walk with a limp for the rest of his life, but whatever.

I am disgusted, and I don't give a sh*t if I am coming off "holier than thou" or not.
I'm glad you don't care how you come off. :D


That's not our fault though, RJB. Sure, we might bitch and moan about the lack of quality women, but to blame all men for these women who distrust them. The women have to take some responsibility here. You don't shack up with some asshole and expect a diamond. If a woman is attracted to a creep, it's not my fault. BTW, I'm not blaming men or women, I'm blaming the fall of the western culture.

And Book is using is unique approach to show who is responsible for the fall of the western culture.
Thank you Book.

The only ones responsible for it are those making the choices to participate in its downfall.
It's kinda like bitchin' about the banks and how they're using usary to ruin the Nation...and then taking out a loan for a new car. ::)
Personally, I'd think anyone smart enough to realize that, would quit using the "services" that they recognize as harmful.
....but they don't.

In other words, if we're facing a downfall, it's only because we've participated in it.

You truly are an ADL cheerleader, aren't you?
All you are doing is spewing the same rhetoric over and over, when I have already addressed all the points that you are pathetically trying to make stick.

Your insistance that the father should be held at fault is as lame (and annoying) as SLV^GLD's attempt to have us all blame ourselves (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/ok-now-what/msg148406/#msg148406) for the current state of global affairs which has been carried out by the satanic elite.

Had tea with Ralph Epperson lately?

18th December 2010, 12:47 PM
Yes he is a cheerleader,as is Cedarchopper, the cop sympathizer. Their entire purpose in this thread has been to attack members without mercy,and push the Zionist agenda.If this thread has done one thing ,It brought the pedos and Zionists out of the woodwork.

18th December 2010, 12:50 PM
this thread has so many posts it could create some decent advertising revenue - if G-S.us had ads.

Joe King
18th December 2010, 01:27 PM
Yes he is a cheerleader,as is Cedarchopper, the cop sympathizer. Their entire purpose in this thread has been to attack members without mercy,and push the Zionist agenda.If this thread has done one thing ,It brought the pedos and Zionists out of the woodwork.

Sorry, but I'm none of those things.

All I'm trying to do is to get you to see that once someone has attained the age of majority, that person is no longer subject to any other persons will.

It seems to me that you guys are espousing the idea of protecting someone long after the time has passed to do that "protecting".
Because if the girl chose a 57yo guy, what exactly is it that you are going to try to teach her now? That with enough violence you can get your way?

Please remember that the Right to self determination is the bedrock that all the Rights we have are based upon and are the same Rights that in other threads you guys complain to no end about being violated.
i.e. when something goes against your personally held beliefs, out the window goes any concept of equal Rights for all.

Keep in mind, women are people too and have a Right to make their own decisions. Same as you.
...and ultimately that is what this is all about. A daddy who's mad that he can't control his daughter, so he takes it out on the guy she picked to doink.....or whatever it was they were doing.

18th December 2010, 01:35 PM
Pfft .....I think we have enough detail.

1) Young daughter has relations with Old man.
2) Father approaches the NWO "Authorities" in a bid for "legal" help to end the pedophilia
3) NWO pigs refuse to lift a finger to protect the child
4) Father ends the situation

Good post, Awoke.

Great summary of the issue Awoke.


Yes, quite succinct.

For the folk believing in self determination and personal freedoms, I'm with you. If you're an old codger who wants to boink some young thang, go for it man. Seriously. Then when young thangs daddy comes and cuts your nuts out and feeds them to Fido you can rest assured (minus the gnads) that justice will be served and the enraged daddy will serve time...unless there are other daddys like myself on the jury of course ;).

Sometimes ya just gotta stand up for what you think is right. Old denutted pervs unite!

18th December 2010, 05:28 PM
Yes he is a cheerleader,as is Cedarchopper, the cop sympathizer. Their entire purpose in this thread has been to attack members without mercy,and push the Zionist agenda.If this thread has done one thing ,It brought the pedos and Zionists out of the woodwork.

Sorry, but I'm none of those things.

All I'm trying to do is to get you to see that once someone has attained the age of majority, that person is no longer subject to any other persons will.

It seems to me that you guys are espousing the idea of protecting someone long after the time has passed to do that "protecting".
Because if the girl chose a 57yo guy, what exactly is it that you are going to try to teach her now? That with enough violence you can get your way?

Please remember that the Right to self determination is the bedrock that all the Rights we have are based upon and are the same Rights that in other threads you guys complain to no end about being violated.
i.e. when something goes against your personally held beliefs, out the window goes any concept of equal Rights for all.

Keep in mind, women are people too and have a Right to make their own decisions. Same as you.
...and ultimately that is what this is all about. A daddy who's mad that he can't control his daughter, so he takes it out on the guy she picked to doink.....or whatever it was they were doing.

Ok Your here to cause trouble and purge anyone who disagrees with your Zionist agenda and twist the entire conversation as people post. EDITED FOR REASON OF REQUEST

18th December 2010, 06:02 PM
Pfft .....I think we have enough detail.

1) Young daughter has relations with Old man.
2) Father approaches the NWO "Authorities" in a bid for "legal" help to end the pedophilia
3) NWO pigs refuse to lift a finger to protect the child
4) Father ends the situation

Good post, Awoke.

Great summary of the issue Awoke.


Yes, quite succinct.

For the folk believing in self determination and personal freedoms, I'm with you. If you're an old codger who wants to boink some young thang, go for it man. Seriously. Then when young thangs daddy comes and cuts your nuts out and feeds them to Fido you can rest assured (minus the gnads) that justice will be served and the enraged daddy will serve time...unless there are other daddys like myself on the jury of course ;).

Sometimes ya just gotta stand up for what you think is right. Old denutted pervs unite!


Anybody else notice that Joe King is demanding that the Police (state force) get involved with what is a personal issue between a father and his daughter's predator? So much for his spiel about Freedoms and Self-Determination and keeping the State out of our private lives...lol.


19th December 2010, 04:13 AM
Pfft .....I think we have enough detail.

1) Young daughter has relations with Old man.
2) Father approaches the NWO "Authorities" in a bid for "legal" help to end the pedophilia
3) NWO pigs refuse to lift a finger to protect the child
4) Father ends the situation

Good post, Awoke.

Great summary of the issue Awoke.


Yes, quite succinct.

For the folk believing in self determination and personal freedoms, I'm with you. If you're an old codger who wants to boink some young thang, go for it man. Seriously. Then when young thangs daddy comes and cuts your nuts out and feeds them to Fido you can rest assured (minus the gnads) that justice will be served and the enraged daddy will serve time...unless there are other daddys like myself on the jury of course ;).

Sometimes ya just gotta stand up for what you think is right. Old denutted pervs unite!


Anybody else notice that Joe King is demanding that the Police (state force) get involved with what is a personal issue between a father and his daughter's predator? So much for his spiel about Freedoms and Self-Determination and keeping the State out of our private lives...lol.


Jew king and his minions always do.

19th December 2010, 07:23 AM
Jew king and his minions always do.

This is just another shaming tactic...anyone who disagrees must be of a certain ethnic group, or an ADL agent, right?

Joe has a right to his opinions, a right to post about them, and if you want to gang up on a poster and take that right away...you are just doing what our government is doing to us. Using fear tactics, blame, finger pointing, and trying to steer the sheep in one direction that fits a certain agenda.

The world would be a boring place if we all agreed on everything, and to have a good discussion on those disagreements, makes this forum what it is.

19th December 2010, 07:30 AM
Jew king and his minions always do.

This is just another shaming tactic...anyone who disagrees must be of a certain ethnic group, or an ADL agent, right?

Joe has a right to his opinions, a right to post about them, and if you want to gang up on a poster and take that right away...you are just doing what our government is doing to us. Using fear tactics, blame, finger pointing, and trying to steer the sheep in one direction that fits a certain agenda.

The world would be a boring place if we all agreed on everything, and to have a good discussion on those disagreements, makes this forum what it is.

Blah blah blah, Jew king and his cohort cedar can go right off topic and insult others but you rise to the occasion to defend him? And let me guess, no one should challenge his/their opinion? Did you three figure that one out yesterday at temple?

19th December 2010, 07:39 AM
Joe has a right to his opinions, a right to post about them

Nobody is stopping Joe from posting.


19th December 2010, 07:41 AM
Blah blah blah, Jew king and his cohort cedar can go right off topic and insult others but you rise to the occasion to defend him? Did you three figure that one out yesterday at temple?

Both Joe King and Cedarchopper contribute a lot to his forum. I am saying, they have a right to post their opinions, even if folks disagree. That concept is not too hard to understand, isn't it? Maybe you should take off your white hood, set aside your swastikas, and quit trying to bully others into your groupthink mentality.

19th December 2010, 07:44 AM
Blah blah blah, Jew king and his cohort cedar can go right off topic and insult others but you rise to the occasion to defend him? Did you three figure that one out yesterday at temple?

Both Joe King and Cedarchopper contribute a lot to his forum. I am saying, they have a right to post their opinions, even if folks disagree. That concept is not too hard to understand, isn't it? Maybe you should take off your white hood, set aside your swastikas, and quit trying to bully others into your groupthink mentality.

We dont have a "groupthink" mentality,do they have one because they agree? BTW, no white hood for me, Im Orthodox Christian, Im like a Catholic to them one step below a Jew and one step above a Negro.

19th December 2010, 07:49 AM
We dont have a "groupthink" mentality,do they have one because they agree? BTW, no white hood for me, Im Orthodox Christian, Im like a Catholic to them one step below a Jew and one step above a Negro.

OK Forty, I see my comment was uncalled for. I still think lumping Joe and Cedar as ADL agents, or having some conspiracy, is the same tactic our government uses to try and control us. I had to point that out.

19th December 2010, 07:53 AM
We dont have a "groupthink" mentality,do they have one because they agree? BTW, no white hood for me, Im Orthodox Christian, Im like a Catholic to them one step below a Jew and one step above a Negro.

OK Forty, I see my comment was uncalled for. I still think lumping Joe and Cedar as ADL agents, or having some conspiracy, is the same tactic our government uses to try and control us. I had to point that out.

And they try and make our comments disregarded because of other items like my forum, or Awokes position,or Book's rolling eyes,that have nothing to do with the subject, so if im harrassed, I will respond.go back and look at my first few posts on this thread and then Joe and cedar's to mine and you decide who is the disruptor.

19th December 2010, 07:53 AM
I am saying, they have a right to post their opinions, even if folks disagree.

Nobody is stopping them from posting here.


19th December 2010, 07:59 AM
Nobody is stopping them from posting here.

I don't know. I find your Obama with the helicopter hat intimidates me from wanting to post.

19th December 2010, 12:25 PM
41, go back and edit your post so you don't get banned. You are a valuable member here, and after losing such truth warriors already, I would hate to see you go.

Joe King has pushed you to the snap point with his continuous insistence that 17 is age of majority, which she is not, and his unrelenting philo-pedo stance.

Don't let him push you into getting yourself banned. You are far too intelligent to be manipulated like that.

Joe King, even if 17 was age of majority, which it is not, since when does man-made law trump moral code?
Don't answer.
You can't debate moral questions if you have no morals.

19th December 2010, 12:39 PM
41, go back and edit your post so you don't get banned. You are a valuable member here, and after losing such truth warriors already, I would hate to see you go.

Joe King has pushed you to the snap point with his continuous insistence that 17 is age of majority, which she is not, and his unrelenting philo-pedo stance.

Don't let him push you into getting yourself banned. You are far too intelligent to be manipulated like that.

Joe King, even if 17 was age of majority, which it is not, since when does man-made law trump moral code?
Don't answer.
You can't debate moral questions if you have no morals.

Good point,You cant fix Zionism

19th December 2010, 01:30 PM
....even if 17 was age of majority, which it is not, since when does man-made law trump moral code?
Don't answer.
You can't debate moral questions if you have no morals.

Right on Awoke. Great question...I'd like to see anyone try and answer that question, without trying to dodge around it with an "everyone's morality is different" argument. It's damn immoral of a 57 year old to bed a 17 year old, in the eyes of God and any moral man.

Joe King
19th December 2010, 11:12 PM
Wow. I take a break from here for one day to go to a party {it was a lotta fun, btw} and just look at all the new comments. I thought this thread would've died already. lol

I'm going to lump a bunch into one post, just to make it easier.

Ok Your here to cause trouble and purge anyone who disagrees with your Zionist agenda and twist the entire conversation as people post.
No, I'm not here to cause anyone trouble. If people are having any of that, then they're obviously causing it for themselves. Sometimes people are their own worst enemies, y'know.

EDITED FOR REASON OF REQUESTSee? Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? :D

Anybody else notice that Joe King is demanding that the Police (state force) get involved with what is a personal issue between a father and his daughter's predator? So much for his spiel about Freedoms and Self-Determination and keeping the State out of our private lives...lol.

No, I'm saying they should get involved once a crime against another person has occured.
i.e. when the nutz got chopped is when that happened.

Jew king and his minions always do.

This is just another shaming tactic...anyone who disagrees must be of a certain ethnic group, or an ADL agent, right?
Apparently that's all they can do when faced with the losers side of a debate. Sad.

Joe has a right to his opinions, a right to post about them, and if you want to gang up on a poster and take that right away...you are just doing what our government is doing to us. Using fear tactics, blame, finger pointing, and trying to steer the sheep in one direction that fits a certain agenda.Thanks for the support Solid.

The world would be a boring place if we all agreed on everything, and to have a good discussion on those disagreements, makes this forum what it is.Yep.

Jew king and his minions always do.

This is just another shaming tactic...anyone who disagrees must be of a certain ethnic group, or an ADL agent, right?

Joe has a right to his opinions, a right to post about them, and if you want to gang up on a poster and take that right away...you are just doing what our government is doing to us. Using fear tactics, blame, finger pointing, and trying to steer the sheep in one direction that fits a certain agenda.

The world would be a boring place if we all agreed on everything, and to have a good discussion on those disagreements, makes this forum what it is.

Blah blah blah, Jew king and his cohort cedar can go right off topic and insult others but you rise to the occasion to defend him? And let me guess, no one should challenge his/their opinion? Did you three figure that one out yesterday at temple?
Why is that you and a few others here always resort to baseless accusations when faced the realization that you can no longer rationally support your position on the subject at hand?

Blah blah blah, Jew king and his cohort cedar can go right off topic and insult others but you rise to the occasion to defend him? Did you three figure that one out yesterday at temple?

Both Joe King and Cedarchopper contribute a lot to his forum. I am saying, they have a right to post their opinions, even if folks disagree. That concept is not too hard to understand, isn't it? Maybe you should take off your white hood, set aside your swastikas, and quit trying to bully others into your groupthink mentality.
It's hard to understand that concept if all one understands is tribalism.

41, go back and edit your post so you don't get banned. You are a valuable member here, and after losing such truth warriors already, I would hate to see you go.He's smarterer than that I think. :D

Joe King has pushed you to the snap point with his continuous insistence that 17 is age of majority, which she is not, and his unrelenting philo-pedo stance.I haven't push anyone. If you guys can't understand that once the age of consent has been reached, that you're job in that department is over. If after that point you try to impose your will on another, it's considered by the community standards to be a serious crime.
...and how is your "pedo" accusations not an insult when all I'm espousing is an adherance to what the laws say? But I don't expect anything better from people who find themselves incapable of debating this issue based upon the facts and the law of the land where this issue took place, but still insist on trying to debate. ::)

Don't let him push you into getting yourself banned. You are far too intelligent to be manipulated like that.Yea, he is smarterer than that.[/quote]

Joe King, even if 17 was age of majority, which it is not, since when does man-made law trump moral code?
Don't answer.Ok. But I fixed your mistake for you. Seventeen in land where this took place is well beyond the age of consent.

You can't debate moral questions if you have no morals.Yet another feeble attempt at insulting me. ::)

....even if 17 was age of majority, which it is not, since when does man-made law trump moral code?
Don't answer.
You can't debate moral questions if you have no morals.

Right on Awoke. Great question...I'd like to see anyone try and answer that question, without trying to dodge around it with an "everyone's morality is different" argument. It's damn immoral of a 57 year old to bed a 17 year old, in the eyes of God and any moral man.
Just to be clear, I never stated I agree with the relationship, or think it's a good one.
Rather, I'm simply asking what can you do about it that doesn't involve committing a crime against them for having done so?

Problem is, too many people think their children are their possessions.
I can sorta understand that sentiment when they're young, but certainly not once they're over the age of majority.

20th December 2010, 02:39 AM
Baseless? I think not,one only has to go back and read you and your pal's posts to see the way you twist things. Its not up to me to prove it Mayhem, people can read!Your entire response in this thread has been of the Globalist/Zionist agenda, anyone can see that.

20th December 2010, 03:39 AM
Your subtle shift from "Age of Majority" and "She's not a minor", into "Age of Consent" is reminiscent of the suble shift from "Global Warming" into "Climate Change".

Nice try.

20th December 2010, 03:59 AM
41, go back and edit your post so you don't get banned. You are a valuable member here, and after losing such truth warriors already, I would hate to see you go.He's smarterer than that I think. :D


Don't let him push you into getting yourself banned. You are far too intelligent to be manipulated like that.
Yea, he is smarterer than that.


EDITED FOR REASON OF REQUESTSee? Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? :D


Both Joe King and Cedarchopper contribute a lot to his forum.

I have yet to see this.

Joe King... ...and his unrelenting philo-pedo stance.

...and how is your "pedo" accusations not an insult

It's not an insult, it's an observation. You're defending pedophilia, so what else should I call it other than pedophile-friendly?

You can't debate moral questions if you have no morals.Yet another feeble attempt at insulting me. ::)

It's not an insult, it's a statement based on your posts in this thread.

....even if 17 was age of majority, which it is not, since when does man-made law trump moral code?

Right on Awoke. Great question...I'd like to see anyone try and answer that question

Just to be clear, I never stated I agree with the relationship, or think it's a good one.
Rather, I'm simply asking what can you do about it that doesn't involve committing a crime against them for having done so?

Problem is, too many people think their children are their possessions.
I can sorta understand that sentiment when they're young, but certainly not once they're over the age of majority.

Which still doesn't answer the question.

If the "Government" created "laws" that deemed the age of six years old to be "age of Majority", would it then be OK for this 57 year old to have sex with a 6 year old?
According to what I've read from you so far, it would.

...you know. As long as no "Laws" were "broken" and no-one got "hurt".

20th December 2010, 06:52 AM
I don't know about you guys, but having the hots for a sexually mature 17 year old is not pedophilia. According to some man made laws it may very well be, and certainly I don't think it is a good idea for an old middle aged man to have a sexual relationship with such a young woman, but worser things have happened...

20th December 2010, 07:17 AM
People make personal choices and usually its non of any one elses business.................

they sure where tasty though..............

20th December 2010, 12:03 PM
No, I'm saying they should get involved once a crime against another person has occurred. i.e. when the nutz got chopped is when that happened.



http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/83851288.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF8789215ABF3343C02EA5488B8C577FDE8EC7DC 82DFC452A3025BDC1161D544DE85ACFBE30A760B0D811297

Ever notice how jews always demand that LAW ENFORCEMENT and the POLICE get involved with what should be a personal matter between a father and his 17 year-old daughter's predator? So much for Joe King's spiel here about "freedom" and "personal responsibility" and the big bad government...lol.


20th December 2010, 12:33 PM
having the hots for a sexually mature 17 year old is not pedophilia.

I concur. it is not

"pedophilia" is sex with a child by definition

while here we are talking about sex with a grand-child

it is more like grand-pedo-philia ;D

20th December 2010, 12:35 PM
still better than sex with corpses

Joe King
20th December 2010, 01:18 PM
Baseless? I think not,one only has to go back and read you and your pal's posts to see the way you twist things. Its not up to me to prove it Mayhem, people can read!Your entire response in this thread has been of the Globalist/Zionist agenda, anyone can see that.

Yes, baseless. I stand for freedom and Liberty for all people to have free will and self determination over their own lives.
You know, that pesky little principle that our entire Nation was founded upon?

It's pretty obvious that you don't believe in that prinviple.

Your subtle shift from "Age of Majority" and "She's not a minor", into "Age of Consent" is reminiscent of the suble shift from "Global Warming" into "Climate Change".

Nice try.
Within the context of the article in the OP, they all mean the same thing. It is you who are twisting terms and mis-applying them to change the circumstances of the issue in a vain attempt to support your desires to impose your will upon that of another legal age human being. Namely the daughter in the OP.

20th December 2010, 01:22 PM
still better than sex with corpses

I'll take your word for this.


20th December 2010, 01:25 PM
I stand for freedom and Liberty for all people to have free will and self determination over their own lives. You know, that pesky little principle that our entire Nation was founded upon?

So you DO believe this private matter between a father and his 17 year-old daughter's predator is no business of Government.


Joe King
20th December 2010, 01:39 PM
I don't know about you guys, but having the hots for a sexually mature 17 year old is not pedophilia. According to some man made laws it may very well be, and certainly I don't think it is a good idea for an old middle aged man to have a sexual relationship with such a young woman, but worser things have happened...

The problem is that some people are only capable of seeing this issue from the standpoint of it being their daughter within the legal circumstances that they themselves live.

It's also because they want to protect their children from the temptations of the World in which they live. While comendable, they're doing so under the illusion that they're aware of everything going on in their lives.
The reality is that nothing could be further from the truth.

Which actually ends up doing a dis-service to the children once they do attain the age of consent in that they tend to find themselves woefully unprepared to face those temptations in such a way that it doesn't consume them.

Case in point, 17yo girl who wants to have a 57yo BF

As I already posted, something certainly didn't get covered during her upbringing, and it's too late to start now.
At this point you'd need to let her learn her own mistake{s} and be there to help pick up the pieces, should that become necessary.
I mean, don't you people have unconditional love for your offspring?

Remember, to err is to be human.