View Full Version : Michelle Obama: Childhood Obesity National Security Threat

14th December 2010, 07:04 AM
Translation: we need your kids to pass military physicals to become cannon fodder in corporate wars....

<b>Michelle Obama has new warning on obesity</b>

First lady Michelle Obama plans to warn in remarks Monday that the nation is seeing “a groundswell of support” for curbing childhood obesity, and she is unveiling new ammunition from current and retired military leaders.

<b>“Military leaders … tell us that when more than one in four young people are unqualified for military service because of their weight,” the first lady says in the prepared remarks, “childhood obesity isn’t just a public health threat, it’s not just an economic threat, it’s a <i>national security threat as well.</i>"</b>

The first lady and President Barack Obama are making a rare joint speaking appearance on Monday, at Harriet Tubman Elementary School in Northwest D.C.’s Columbia Heights neighborhood, as he signs into law the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.

From the first lady’s prepared remarks:

“We can all agree that here in the wealthiest nation on earth, all children should have the basic nutrition they need to learn and grow and pursue their dreams. Because in the end, nothing is more important than the health and well-being of our children, ... and our hopes for their future should drive every decision we make. These are the basic values that we all share. They’re the values that this bill embodies. And that’s why we’ve seen such a groundswell of support for these efforts — not just from members of Congress here in Washington but from folks in every corner of the country.

“From educators working to provide healthier school meals, because they know the connection between proper nutrition and academic performance. From doctors and nurses who know that unhealthy kids grow into unhealthy adults — at risk for obesity-related diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. From business and labor leaders who know that we spend nearly $150 billion a year to treat these diseases and worry about the impact on our economy. From advocates and faith leaders who know that school meals are vital for combating child hunger, feeding more than 31 million children a day.

Rest of story: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1210/46303.html

General of Darkness
14th December 2010, 07:11 AM
Makes sense to me. >:(


14th December 2010, 07:23 AM
From advocates and faith leaders who know that school meals are vital for combating child hunger, feeding more than 31 million children a day.

There's about 37 million kids in school. 84% of them would go hungry without the gov-funded foodlike product? That seems to be a ridiculous claim.

And if 1/4 kids are obese then the math shows a minimum 2.5 million obese kids, eating the school meals.

14th December 2010, 07:24 AM
Glass house


14th December 2010, 07:31 AM
Glass house


what an amazing woman.

or was that amazon?

14th December 2010, 08:39 AM
She looks very natural and like one of us........you will never see the queen of England dressed this way.

14th December 2010, 08:42 AM
Just another way to transfer more loot from the productive to the unproductive families. Remember most of the dysfunctional families are blacks, they don't feed the kids right, ensure proper bedtimes, etc.

Sure there are good middle-class black families where things are going right - they too will be taxed heavily so Taneeshqua, Darlamaqua, and LaTreen can get fed HFCS-laden whole wheat bread with cellulose filler.

willie pete
14th December 2010, 09:07 AM
Glass house


:puke :puke :puke

she looks like she should be shopping in a walmart not stepping off Airforce1

mick silver
14th December 2010, 10:59 AM
when we go to the store we know whos on food stamps just by looking at the carts ....

14th December 2010, 11:04 AM
Yet another issue used by the statists to seek further control over other people.

In addition, since when was she so concerned about young folks joining the military? Wasn't she supposed to be anti-war? Oh, wait, that's no longer significant...

14th December 2010, 11:16 AM
Yet another issue used by the statists to seek further control over other people.

In addition, since when was she so concerned about young folks joining the military? Wasn't she supposed to be anti-war? Oh, wait, that's no longer significant...

Maybe that was what they meant by "change".

14th December 2010, 12:13 PM
Barry appoints a Monsanto executive as head of the FDA and she is talking to the public about food choices? This is her big 1st Lady project...looking the other way from the real culprits. Monsanto and the rest of the food corporations are responsible for corrupting the food supply. Poor people in particular are very trusting of big brother government...they think the government is making sure food is safe, not the other way around, which is how it really is.

14th December 2010, 12:50 PM
Life is so hard....when are they going to take all the guesswork out of eatting?


14th December 2010, 01:03 PM
Dude, where is your old avatar? I loved that avatar.

Best one ever.

(at mrnhtbr2232)

Hatha Sunahara
14th December 2010, 01:18 PM
We are an obese nation. We could cure ourselves by not drinking soda pop or eating at fast food restaurants, but these are part of our culture thanks to advertising propaganda. Imagine that! Propaganda makes you fat!

But do you think our First Lady is empowered to tell people not to drink Coke or Pepsi, or eat at McDonalds or Burger King? No way.

She can only pretend to grow a garden and be a good example--but no pointing fingers at the real culprits. The sheep have to wake up themselves, You're not allowed to help them.


23rd December 2010, 10:11 AM
Dude, where is your old avatar? I loved that avatar.

Best one ever.

(at mrnhtbr2232)

Awesome that you switched it back.

23rd December 2010, 10:43 AM

Weezie Jefferson can play her in the movie.
