View Full Version : Now THIS is how you deal with COPS when you open carry

General of Darkness
14th December 2010, 01:19 PM
BRAVO. This video is on facebook, so I have no idea how to post it since it's not linked to youtube.


14th December 2010, 01:35 PM
I liked the cop's comment when he checked the first gun:

"I just wish I could afford a gun like this!" ;D

His comment about visiting areas of Arizona where there was almost zero crime, and he "knew the reason" was interesting too... he was clearly referring to lack of gun laws. Seems like the cop was more pro-gun than anti, maybe he was railroaded into the whole thing by his partner or a "concerned citizen" complaint?

14th December 2010, 01:40 PM
I liked the cop's comment when he checked the first gun:

"I just wish I could afford a gun like this!" ;D

His comment about visiting areas of Arizona where there was almost zero crime, and he "knew the reason" was interesting too... he was clearly referring to lack of gun laws. Seems like the cop was more pro-gun than anti, maybe he was railroaded into the whole thing by his partner or a "concerned citizen" complaint?

I think he said the Galleria nearby placed the call - probably local mall shoppers saw the open carry folks and freaked out. Once the call is made the cop most likely has to go through the routine.

14th December 2010, 01:56 PM
What good is open carry without being loaded? Here in MI we all carry loaded, only at the range we are limited to 6 shots per magazine.

General of Darkness
14th December 2010, 01:59 PM
What good is open carry without being loaded? Here in MI we all carry loaded, only at the range we are limited to 6 shots per magazine.

I can load a mag and rack it in probably 3 seconds. That right there should deter most people.

14th December 2010, 02:07 PM
What good is open carry without being loaded? Here in MI we all carry loaded, only at the range we are limited to 6 shots per magazine.

I can load a mag and rack it in probably 3 seconds. That right there should deter most people.

i agree. the sound of CA-CHACK shuts most people down.

14th December 2010, 02:34 PM
A Mexican with a knife can do a lot in 3 seconds. Figure reaction time.

14th December 2010, 03:32 PM
A Mexican with a knife can do a lot in 3 seconds. Figure reaction time.

What good is open carry without being loaded? Here in MI we all carry loaded, only at the range we are limited to 6 shots per magazine.

I can load a mag and rack it in probably 3 seconds. That right there should deter most people.

if you can load like this guy, it dont matter if your open carry isn't loaded!!
you better be one quick mexican!! lol


14th December 2010, 03:50 PM
This makes me think that if you really know the laws, you can use them to your advantage.

Well, I should say . . . in public, with witnesses, on a busy street, in broad daylight, while you are recording the cops, and while the cops are decent. ;)

14th December 2010, 04:06 PM
The 2nd Amendment:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

How many State regulated corporate 'Statutes' do you think there are that in 1 way or another - INFRINGE - upon your right to bear armaments? WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!

This guy was reciting codes, and the Revenue Enforcing Agent was playing along. And it it painfully obvious that NEITHER of them understand the difference between a RIGHT and a privilege.

14th December 2010, 05:43 PM
The main cop was a sergeant.

I'm going to go against the grain here, and say this is how cops should deal with folks who open carry. I was impressed with the way that sergeant handled that situation. He remained calm, cool, and collected..even when the open carry folks tried to make him out to be ignorant on the open carry laws.

Open carry laws aren't discussed in standard police training, at least in academy. It should be though. Also, props on the Sgt for admitting on camera that he supports gun rights. That took balls.

We need more cops like that one, imo.

14th December 2010, 05:47 PM
and while the cops are decent. ;)

That is it 100%

If the cops aren't then it's "whoa sir what is this a few grams of coke?" or "he went for my gun your honor, I had to unload a full mag to his spine"

willie pete
14th December 2010, 06:05 PM
and while the cops are decent. ;)

That is it 100%

If the cops aren't then it's "whoa sir what is this a few grams of coke?" or "he went for my gun your honor, I had to unload a full mag to his spine"

OR you'll be going for a ride anyway, that way you're put into the system, prints and photo...and even IF it gets thrown out in court, it'll take another court order to get your record erased, not to mention the expense

14th December 2010, 06:12 PM
In general, I think older cops are better. They remember when this was America. They have seen the changes for the worse over the years, and although they may have benefitted by them, they watched in disdain as rookies gobbles up the new powers entrusted in them.

Uncle Salty
14th December 2010, 09:59 PM
The cop seemed to be totally pro IIA.

At the end, he says he's in the same camp and then seems to want to say more but asks if he is being recorded and when the guy says yes, he cuts himself off before he says anything more. He didn't want his boss to see he was on the side of the open carry guys.

A lot of cops have no problem with law abiding citizens having guns. But when they get complaints about the guns, they must investigate them as these cops did.

Cool to see. Educate the cops on the laws. It is our civic responsibility. Eternal vigilance.