View Full Version : Terrifying scientific discovery: Strange emissions by sun are mutating matter.

16th December 2010, 06:02 AM
The angry sun

For months mounting fear has driven researchers to wring their hands over the approaching solar storms. Some have predicted devastating solar tsunamis that could wipe away our advanced technology, others voiced dire warnings that violent explosions on the surface of the sun could reach out to Earth, breach our magnetic field, and expose billions to high intensity X-rays and other deadly forms of cancer-causing radiation.

Now evidence has surfaced that something potentially more dangerous is happening deep within the hidden core of our life-giving star: never-before-seen particles—or some mysterious force—is being shot out from the sun and it’s hitting Earth.

Whatever it is, the evidence suggests it's affecting all matter.

Strange and unknown

Alarmed physicists first became aware of this threat over the past several years. Initially dismissed as an anomaly, now frantic scientists are shooting e-mails back and forth to colleagues across the world attempting to grasp exactly what is happening to the sun.

Something impossible has happened. Yet the “impossible” has been proven to be true. Laboratories around the globe have confirmed that the rate of radioactive decay—once thought to be a constant and a bedrock of science—is no longer a constant. Something being emitted from the sun is interacting with matter in strange and unknown ways with the startling potential to dramatically change the nature of the very Earth itself.

Exactly what has scientists so on edge is the fact that the natural rate of decay of atomic particles has always been predictable. Indeed, using the decay rate of Carbon-14 has been a method to date archeological artifacts. The process, known as carbon dating, measures the quantity of Carbon-14 within organic objects. According to the numbers, Carbon-14 has a specific half-life of 5,730 years. Physicists have proven through exhaustive observation and experimentation over the course of a century that it takes 5,730 years for Carbon-14 atoms to decay into a stable Nitrogen-14.

The values don't change—or at least they never have in the past. With certain evidence that radioactive decay can be significantly affected by an unknown effect from the sun, much of science is turned on its head.

Rate of decay speeding up

Worst of all, if the decay rates of matter are being mutated then all matter on Earth is being affected including the matter that makes up life.

The mutation may go so far as to change the underlying reality of the quantum universe—and by extrapolation-the nature of life, the principles of physics, perhaps even the uniform flow of time.

In fact, some evidence of time dilation has been gleaned from close observation of the decay rate. If particles interacting with the matter are not the cause—and matter is being affected by a new force of nature-then time itself may be speeding up and there’s no way to stop it.

Neutrinos the cause?

Researchers have correlated the anomalies in the decay rate to a 33-day period. That time frame matches the 33-day rotation of the solar core. Such a match strains credulity as being a mere coincidence.

Since the sun's core is known to blast out continuous streams of particles called neutrinos, some scientists are attempting to find evidence that neutrinos are the culprits behind the mutation of matter.

There's a problem with that hypothesis, however, as neutrinos are like ghost particles. They're extremely difficult to detect. Normally, neutrinos pass through the Earth without any interaction at all. To a neutrino, it's as if the Earth doesn't exist.

Other than discovering a previously unknown property of neutrinos, or finding a new particle altogether, the possibility exists that no particle is behind the changes recorded in the radioactive decay rates. What could be causing the phenomenon is a previously unknown force.

Unknown dangers

As the sun builds towards solar maximum and a period of dangerous intensity never experienced by any living person inexorably approaches, strange, uncontrollable forces could be building deep within its fiery nuclear furnace.

It's already been proven that the sun's mass warps time, bends light waves and accounts for mutation of species on Earth. Now this new force may be directly interacting with matter in a way that could not only change Mankind's understanding of physics, but change Mankind itself…and not necessarily in a beneficial way.

Yes, the e-mails will continue to fly and the hands will continue to wring. But in the end, we are all just observers.

Whether the phenomenon has no real impact on humanity, or the worst impact imaginable, nothing can be done to stop it. Once again, the titanic forces of nature rear up to overwhelm our technology—and we find ourselves like the playthings of gods.

Utterly helpless.


16th December 2010, 06:32 AM
Sensationalist speculative scaremongering bullsht. No data mentioned about the variability of radioactive decay. Just speculation that this new discovery has a possible devastating effect on us. Assumptions that this phenomenon suddenly will be dangerous. Sounds like it could come from the onion...

16th December 2010, 06:35 AM
Sensationalist speculative scaremongering bullsht. No data mentioned about the variability of radioactive decay. Just speculation that this new discovery has a possible devastating effect on us. Assumptions that this phenomenon suddenly will be dangerous. Sounds like it could come from the onion...

He sites his sources at the link.




General of Darkness
16th December 2010, 06:41 AM
Just fricken great.


16th December 2010, 06:52 AM
It's O.K. We're all gonna turn into bluemen.


16th December 2010, 07:05 AM
True, false, or in the middle, it serves as a reminder that while we are all busy with the artificial world of humanity, nature remains omnipotent behind the scenes. If more people kept that in mind, perhaps it would inject some humility into the picture.

16th December 2010, 07:21 AM
So is this heating up the earth's core? That's what happened in the 2012 movie.

16th December 2010, 07:28 AM
Kinda throws out the Darwinian Primordial Slime Derived Origin of the Species millions of years carbon dating BS.

It is becoming clear to the "scientists" that time is not constant. They just have a hard time taking the next step.

16th December 2010, 07:33 AM
So much for evolutionists and their rock solid claims!

Exactly what has scientists so on edge is the fact that the natural rate of decay of atomic particles has always been predictable. Indeed, using the decay rate of Carbon-14 has been a method to date archeological artifacts. The process, known as carbon dating, measures the quantity of Carbon-14 within organic objects. According to the numbers, Carbon-14 has a specific half-life of 5,730 years. Physicists have proven through exhaustive observation and experimentation over the course of a century that it takes 5,730 years for Carbon-14 atoms to decay into a stable Nitrogen-14.

The values don't change—or at least they never have in the past. With certain evidence that radioactive decay can be significantly affected by an unknown effect from the sun, much of science is turned on its head.

Rate of decay speeding up

"The values don't change—or at least they never have in the past."
How do they know? They don't, and now we can say that with greater certainty.

16th December 2010, 07:34 AM
Kinda throws out the Darwinian Primordial Slime Derived Origin of the Species millions of years carbon dating BS.

It is becoming clear to the "scientists" that time is not constant. They just have a hard time taking the next step.

They don't want to take the next step. It is their philosophical views that led them to the view. Once they created their view, they forced the evidence into it. This is a curve ball for them.

General of Darkness
16th December 2010, 07:41 AM
The Sun's message to the Earth, "You should be dancing".


16th December 2010, 07:53 AM
Kinda throws out the Darwinian Primordial Slime Derived Origin of the Species millions of years carbon dating BS.

It is becoming clear to the "scientists" that time is not constant. They just have a hard time taking the next step.

They don't want to take the next step. It is their philosophical views that led them to the view. Once they created their view, they forced the evidence into it. This is a curve ball for them.

Yes! This is what I am seeing in life. When we treasure a particular concept, we tend to ignore anything that might contradict that concept. We are all easily deceived. We are blinded by our idols.

Eze 14:4 Therefore speak unto them, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Every man of the house of Israel that setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to the prophet; I the LORD will answer him that cometh according to the multitude of his idols;
Eze 14:5 That I may take the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are all estranged from me through their idols.

2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

16th December 2010, 10:09 AM
Same as it ever was I expect. The only thing being challenged is the monkey's linear thinking that nuclear decay rates remain constant.

Length of day changes with sunspots and solar cycle. Gravity may be highest and days longest during winter. The only thing constant is the confusion of those gravity feeders who deny an electric or aetheric universe and the big-bang 'religious' creationist types.

Look how easily they want to go back to sleep again. The particle monkeys grasp it must be neutrino's then. Then when experiments show it is not neutrino's they headline well it must not really exist then: "Research Shows Radiometric Dating Still Reliable". ;D


Researchers from NIST and Purdue tested this by comparing radioactive gold-198 in two shapes, spheres and thin foils, with the same mass and activity. Gold-198 releases neutrinos as it decays. The team reasoned that if neutrinos are affecting the decay rate, the atoms in the spheres should decay more slowly than the atoms in the foil because the neutrinos emitted by the atoms in the spheres would have a greater chance of interacting with their neighboring atoms. The maximum neutrino flux in the sample in their experiments was several times greater than the flux of neutrinos from the sun. The researchers followed the gamma-ray emission rate of each source for several weeks and found no difference between the decay rate of the spheres and the corresponding foils.

According to NIST scientist emeritus Richard Lindstrom, the variations observed in other experiments may have been due to environmental conditions interfering with the instruments themselves.

16th December 2010, 11:44 AM
The article suggests that something new is happening, while the links do not.

It also suggests the rate of radioactive decay is suddenly changing, while the links suggest it's basically constant with minor variation due to sun exposure (so a night/day or seasonal variation.)

Some days are a little longer than others but we still consider them to be a constant 24 hours and we don't get scared when one is a millisecond shorter and the next is a millsecond longer.

16th December 2010, 11:56 AM
The article suggests that something new is happening, while the links do not.

It also suggests the rate of radioactive decay is suddenly changing, while the links suggest it's basically constant with minor variation due to sun exposure (so a night/day or seasonal variation.)

Some days are a little longer than others but we still consider them to be a constant 24 hours and we don't get scared when one is a millisecond shorter and the next is a millsecond longer.

One has to remember some make their living solely by keeping a following stirred up. Just take one part reality and 9/10's imagination + people that buy into it = $$$$ = laughing all the way to the coin store, or bank! ;D

Edit: Dam rereading this I see a lot of tv and radio hacks doing the same thing.. :lol

All members of this forum excluded a coarse..! |--0--|

16th December 2010, 12:38 PM
This is already covered in the safety manual.

When the alarm sounds, just hunker down under your desks until the principal gives the coast is clear sign over the intercom.

It'll be fun... and all over before you know it. ;D

16th December 2010, 01:01 PM
The article suggests that something new is happening, while the links do not.

It also suggests the rate of radioactive decay is suddenly changing, while the links suggest it's basically constant with minor variation due to sun exposure (so a night/day or seasonal variation.)

Some days are a little longer than others but we still consider them to be a constant 24 hours and we don't get scared when one is a millisecond shorter and the next is a millsecond longer.

Just what I was thinking, the variability in radioactive decay is very small. Of course it is a big thing that there is variability at all in radioactive decay, it challenges many concepts that scientists have had, including C14 dating, but I still do think that the idea of the universe being around 6.000 years old is quite unbelievable, I prefer to believe that the bible was written by fallible humans, that weren't quite aware at the time of giant lizards and such inhabiting earth millions of years ago. Just because C14 dating may not be an exact science as previously thought doesn't really disprove evolution. Neither does it prove that earth is 6000 years old.

16th December 2010, 02:00 PM
The article suggests that something new is happening, while the links do not.

It also suggests the rate of radioactive decay is suddenly changing, while the links suggest it's basically constant with minor variation due to sun exposure (so a night/day or seasonal variation.)

Some days are a little longer than others but we still consider them to be a constant 24 hours and we don't get scared when one is a millisecond shorter and the next is a millsecond longer.

Just what I was thinking, the variability in radioactive decay is very small. Of course it is a big thing that there is variability at all in radioactive decay, it challenges many concepts that scientists have had, including C14 dating, but I still do think that the idea of the universe being around 6.000 years old is quite unbelievable, I prefer to believe that the bible was written by fallible humans, that weren't quite aware at the time of giant lizards and such inhabiting earth millions of years ago. Just because C14 dating may not be an exact science as previously thought doesn't really disprove evolution. Neither does it prove that earth is 6000 years old.

This is true, but it does cast a lot of doubt. Scientists swore up and down for a century that radioactive decay is constant. If the sun has been realtively constant all last century while they convinced themselves of this, and now something is changing, we do not know what the magnitude of the change will be. Plus, the possibility that something happening in the sun could be changing something funadamental like radioactive decay rates which we thought were constant is a major, major curve ball. It does not prove creationism, but it sure casts questions on a lot of claims of evoltionists. Maybe God is talking to us?

Now scientists are finding that atomic masses are not constant! (http://iupac.org/publications/pac/asap/PAC-REP-10-09-14/) This is less significant because it could relate to mixtures of isotopes.

Atomic weights of the elements 2009 (IUPAC Technical Report)
Michael E. Wieser1* and Tyler B. Coplen2

1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
2 U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA

Abstract: The biennial review of atomic-weight determinations and other cognate data has resulted in changes for the standard atomic weights of 11 elements. Many atomic weights are not constants of nature, but depend upon the physical, chemical, and nuclear history of the material. The standard atomic weights of 10 elements having two or more stable isotopes have been changed to reflect this variability of atomic-weight values in natural terrestrial materials. To emphasize the fact that these standard atomic weights are not constants of nature, each atomic-weight value is expressed as an interval. The interval is used together with the symbol [a; b] to denote the set of atomic-weight values, Ar(E), of element E in normal materials for which a ≤ Ar(E) ≤ b. The symbols a and b denote the bounds of the interval [a; b]. The revised atomic weight of hydrogen, Ar(H), is [1.007 84; 1.008 11] from 1.007 94(7); lithium, Ar(Li), is [6.938; 6.997] from 6.941(2); boron, Ar(B), is [10.806; 10.821] from 10.811(7); carbon, Ar(C), is [12.0096; 12.0116] from 12.0107(8); nitrogen, Ar(N), is [14.006 43; 14.007 28] from 14.0067(2); oxygen, Ar(O), is [15.999 03; 15.999 77] from 15.9994(3); silicon, Ar(Si), is [28.084; 28.086] from 28.0855(3); sulfur, Ar(S), is [32.059; 32.076] from 32.065(2); chlorine, Ar(Cl), is [35.446; 35.457] from 35.453(2); and thallium, Ar(Tl), is [204.382; 204.385] from 204.3833(2). This fundamental change in the presentation of the atomic weights represents an important advance in our knowledge of the natural world and underscores the significance and contributions of chemistry to the well-being of humankind in the International Year of Chemistry 2011. The standard atomic weight of germanium, Ar(Ge), was also changed to 72.63(1) from 72.64(1).

16th December 2010, 02:14 PM
I call this (at least to myself) the yo yo effect. I am all for science and have followed the scientific principle all of my life when ever and with what ever!

Look at human technological history from 100 years ago , most were still using horse and buggy's to get around.
Shit I learned electronics using big clunky parts spider web wiring, (sort of ) using vacuum tubes. and that was not that long ago. The better the instruments the finer the measurement possible.

Just for a grin! This does relate, remember over the years the reversal of opinion on what we eat? First they say
do not eat it, ,,,,,it is bad for you! then a few years later or so , it comes out they were wrong!
Just like dna, at one time it was thought the vast majority of dna was junk, and it is only recently that they are
finding that junk , is what makes the difference.

So I am not surprised if standards change. The real hi-tech has only been in the last 100 years, and 100 years
ago, humans were just getting off the ground. (flight)

Just saying!

16th December 2010, 02:32 PM
it's hard for me to worry about matter that's hotter than 1 million degrees. ;D

7th trump
16th December 2010, 02:39 PM
The article suggests that something new is happening, while the links do not.

It also suggests the rate of radioactive decay is suddenly changing, while the links suggest it's basically constant with minor variation due to sun exposure (so a night/day or seasonal variation.)

Some days are a little longer than others but we still consider them to be a constant 24 hours and we don't get scared when one is a millisecond shorter and the next is a millsecond longer.

Just what I was thinking, the variability in radioactive decay is very small. Of course it is a big thing that there is variability at all in radioactive decay, it challenges many concepts that scientists have had, including C14 dating, but I still do think that the idea of the universe being around 6.000 years old is quite unbelievable, I prefer to believe that the bible was written by fallible humans, that weren't quite aware at the time of giant lizards and such inhabiting earth millions of years ago. Just because C14 dating may not be an exact science as previously thought doesn't really disprove evolution. Neither does it prove that earth is 6000 years old.

If read properly the Bible in more than one way says the earth is more than 6,000 years old. In fact, to some who disagree, the Bible speaks of behemoths with tails the size of cedar of lebanon that eat from the tops of tree's. Theres even ancient cave drawings that depict man with dinosaurs.

16th December 2010, 04:59 PM
If they uranium date rather than carbon date something to over a million years, and it's affected by 10% due to the sun's effect, would it matter all that much in the big picture? I find it interesting there's no sign of man's intelligence, or recognizable man for that matter, the further back time goes into the past.

i.e. http://science.jrank.org/pages/1956/Dating-Techniques-Uranium-series-dating.html

"Living mollusks and corals will only take up dissolved compounds such as isotopes of uranium, so they will contain no protactinium, which is insoluble. Protactinium-231 begins to accumulate via the decay of 235U after the organism dies. Scientists can determine the age of the sample by measuring how much 231Pa is present and calculating how long it would have taken that amount to form.

In the case of a daughter excess, a larger amount of the daughter is initially deposited than the parent. Non-uranium daughters such as protactinium and thorium are insoluble, and precipitate out on the bottoms of bodies of water, forming daughter excesses in these sediments. Over time, the excess daughter disappears as it is converted back into the parent, and by measuring the extent to which this has occurred, scientists can date the sample. If the radioactive daughter is an isotope of uranium, it will dissolve in water, but to a different extent than the parent; the two are said to have different solubilities. For example, 234U dissolves more readily in water than its parent, 238U, so lakes and oceans contain an excess of this daughter isotope. This excess is transferred to organisms such as mollusks or corals, and is the basis of 234U/238U dating."

16th December 2010, 06:12 PM
What happened to my blueman post?


16th December 2010, 06:13 PM
still there, reply #4 Horn

16th December 2010, 06:17 PM
What impact does this have on Gold and Silver. Is my stash going to get bigger or shrink because of this?

Abstract: The biennial review of atomic-weight determinations and other cognate data has resulted in changes for the standard atomic weights of 11 elements. Many atomic weights are not constants of nature, but depend upon the physical, chemical, and nuclear history of the material. The standard atomic weights of 10 elements having two or more stable isotopes have been changed to reflect this variability of atomic-weight values in natural terrestrial materials. To emphasize the fact that these standard atomic weights are not constants of nature, each atomic-weight value is expressed as an interval.

If it's going to get bigger with out me doing anything then that's ok but if it is going to shrink I think I might have to lodge a complaint.

16th December 2010, 06:18 PM
still there, reply #4 Horn

Must have transported from my eyes for a second...

I dig it when he tattoos himself with that circle on his forehead. ;)


16th December 2010, 06:34 PM
still there, reply #4 Horn

Must have transported from my eyes for a second...

Perhaps every 10,000 thread views or so a post decays.
Like the r in matter. ;D

16th December 2010, 07:00 PM
The only constant is serendipitous anomaly.

16th December 2010, 08:36 PM
The only constant is serendipitous anomaly.

Yes indeed. The problem with science is that it uses fixed instruments and parameters to measure an ever changing universe.

16th December 2010, 09:46 PM
Personally, the way I see it is that DNA is a receptive antenna for any ambient frequencies around it. Therefore it is natural for me to assume that periods of mutation occur upon biological matter from the background noise of the universe.

If these 'strange emissions' from the sun are happening now, then it has probably always happened as well. I don't tend to think that things like this are new.

Also if we [earth&solar system] are passing through the galactic plane in 2012, then yeah, I would be on the lookout for strange things happening in the universe. Especially something that claims to be mutating DNA. Maybe this is the celestial DNA powerup some have promised us? ;D

17th December 2010, 03:29 AM
The only constant is serendipitous anomaly.

Yes indeed. The problem with science is that it uses fixed instruments and parameters to measure an ever changing universe.
Yeah or imagine that the universe is static, and the only thing changing is the constants! ;D;D;D

17th December 2010, 02:13 PM
Seems like this would add some more credence to the electric universe theory.

If just for the fact that it throws many principals out into the dark matter...


17th December 2010, 08:14 PM
My jaw dropped when I read this....I mean, we're coming up to 2012, crossing the galactic plane, and I see an article here seeing how the sun is emitting an unknown emission which is bending time? Lets take a step back here and consider what the implications are.

17th December 2010, 08:21 PM
And lets not forget here that since as long as anyone can see back, everywhere in the world, humans have been either worshiping or otherwise respecting/being connected with the sun and stars. Drop your preconceived ideas for a second and think about that...no one really knows why they spent their existence tracking and building great structures based on these bodies.

18th December 2010, 06:52 AM
And lets not forget here that since as long as anyone can see back, everywhere in the world, humans have been either worshiping or otherwise respecting/being connected with the sun and stars. Drop your preconceived ideas for a second and think about that...no one really knows why they spent their existence tracking and building great structures based on these bodies.

Well, the suspense is killing me. I don't know what to think. What do you think?

Don't be a tease... tell us what you think the implications are. :)

18th December 2010, 08:29 AM
Well, the suspense is killing me. I don't know what to think. What do you think?

Don't be a tease... tell us what you think the implications are. :)

We will all be made to look like this, after we're stabbed in the dick. ;D


What are you going to do with yourself in July, Santa?

18th December 2010, 08:40 AM
Don't pick on Santa. I am waiting for him to bring me some fresh "venison" for my freezer.

Hey Santa- would you mind parking your sleigh in the back yard instead of the roof? It makes things much easier. Thanks. I will leave some feed hay back there.

BTW- you know what else I want?

18th December 2010, 08:51 AM
What are you going to do with yourself in July, Santa?

Shave my beard, put on a pair of RayBans and party down in Monaco with Bin Laden?

Or perhaps head up to the great Pine forests of Mother Russia and pick mushrooms?

But hey, I hope I didn't sound confrontational in my post to vacuum. It wasn't intended that way.

I'm just curious what the implications are? ???

18th December 2010, 08:57 AM
The only constant is serendipitous anomaly.

Yes indeed. The problem with science is that it uses fixed instruments and parameters to measure an ever changing universe.
Yeah or imagine that the universe is static, and the only thing changing is the constants! ;D;D;D

Nothing is as constant as change.

18th December 2010, 09:02 AM
Don't pick on Santa. I am waiting for him to bring me some fresh "venison" for my freezer.

Hey Santa- would you mind parking your sleigh in the back yard instead of the roof? It makes things much easier. Thanks. I will leave some feed hay back there.

BTW- you know what else I want?

Thanks Spectrism, my guess is you want an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle! :)

18th December 2010, 09:06 AM
Don't pick on Santa. I am waiting for him to bring me some fresh "venison" for my freezer.

Hey Santa- would you mind parking your sleigh in the back yard instead of the roof? It makes things much easier. Thanks. I will leave some feed hay back there.

BTW- you know what else I want?

Thanks Spectrism, my guess is you want an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle! :)

You're alright Santa! Add that to the list. But if you want to keep guessing, I think you will get warmer and these are some cold days so early in the Winter.

18th December 2010, 09:12 AM
Or perhaps head up to the great Pine forests of Mother Russia and pick mushrooms?

Aha, so you are Darkness under shroud of a white beard?

18th December 2010, 10:21 AM
As the information transmitted to Earth will need direction to be received and interpreted, in this case the obviousness of preserving life in its natural state will be crucial in this time of crisis. It will be further concluded that to tap into signaled preserving force with ones own DNA a regular practice of directing ones own sensors during certain time periods during the cycle will be required. As stated below, we can call it a Qibla receiver.

From whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; that is indeed the truth from the Lord.
A Mihrab at the 16th century Jama Masjid, Fatehpur Sikri, indicating Qibla
And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do.

So from whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; and wheresoever ye are, Turn your face thither: that there be no ground of dispute against you among the people, except those of them that are bent on wickedness; so fear them not, but fear Me; and that I may complete My favours on you, and ye May (consent to) be guided;


26th December 2010, 09:58 PM
You have to sing your prayers like Chris Cornell, for them to be answered.


22nd January 2011, 10:37 PM
Bumping for relevance.

23rd January 2011, 03:43 PM
Bump with a ;D