View Full Version : Former Greek minister attacked by mob as riots break out in Greece

16th December 2010, 03:20 PM
I don't know anything about the man but I have to say it is a satisfying sight seeing a member of government
getting a physical demonstration of peoples feelings about them.
I hope he was one who deserved it...


By Nick Squires 3:35PM GMT 15 Dec 2010

A former government minister was stoned by a mob in Athens s riots broke out in the Greek capital in protest at the government's austerity measures.

Kostis Hatzidakis, who is now an opposition MP, was left with blood pouring from his head after being chased and beaten by dozens of protesters.

He was set upon by up to 100 youths, who shouted "Thieves" and "Shame on you" when he emerged from the Greek parliament building on Constitution Square, in central Athens.

(Tried to embed the video, didn't work.)

Protesters hurled lumps of concrete and paving stones at riot police, set fire to cars and smashed shop fronts.

16th December 2010, 03:49 PM
Are there some upset people in Greece? They must be getting hungry.

I still gots my chickin mignuggetz. Amerika is happy.

16th December 2010, 10:10 PM
good stuff. At least some one is doing something and it's spreading.