View Full Version : American Redneck Society formed to advocate for rural Americans

16th December 2010, 06:36 PM
American Redneck Society formed to advocate for rural Americans


You might be a redneck if…you create a dues-paying society and a scholarship fund?

And that's what a Virginia man did last week, launching the “American Redneck Society.”

“I really felt that American Rednecks are an under-served, but large population that could benefit from a formal membership organization structure,” said American Redneck Society Executive Director Rob Clayton.

A $20 membership fee will get you access to retail discounts across the country, and a portion of the funds are set aside for an educational fund for “rural youth.”

"What does it mean to be a Redneck?" the group’s website asks.

Well, with apologies to comedian Jeff Foxworthy, apparently, you might be a redneck if…

You’re a fan of Nascar.

You’re a gun owner.

You like country music.

You can fix just about anything with duct tape.

You think “duct” tape should actually be “duck” tape.



16th December 2010, 06:56 PM
It should just be called the American Rural Society.

16th December 2010, 07:00 PM
Like every other society, it should be called the Rothschild controlled opposition society.

"Join us and we'll define, categorize and lead you"

16th December 2010, 10:20 PM
Man. Tyranny is depressing. And boring.

The change away from all this cannot come fast enough.

16th December 2010, 10:33 PM
Talk now freely in public because later on you wont be able to do it even in private.......

16th December 2010, 11:21 PM
I fucking hate rednecks! Fix anything with duct tape? how about being smart enough to fix just about anything the proper way?

17th December 2010, 04:40 AM
I f*cking hate rednecks! Fix anything with duct tape? how about being smart enough to fix just about anything the proper way?
How can you hate anything as loosely defined as "Redneck"? What is a redneck other than a rural, working class White male?
I see.....it's White people you hate.

17th December 2010, 05:21 AM
I f*cking hate rednecks!


What hill you from Billy?


17th December 2010, 11:52 AM
Rednecks are dumb uneducated people. They seem to be dumb and proud of it. They even let shitters like Jeff Foxworthy make fun of them and then think it's cool.

Good Ole Boys, Hillbillys, Southerners, Educated White People are all good in my book.

This is a trick by the Media Crowd to get all the white people to fall into some dumbing down "pigeon hole" so that they can further marginalize us as a race and culture until we are too retarded to do anything about it.

17th December 2010, 12:23 PM
Rednecks are dumb uneducated people. They seem to be dumb and proud of it. They even let sh*tters like Jeff Foxworthy make fun of them and then think it's cool.

Good Ole Boys, Hillbillys, Southerners, Educated White People are all good in my book.

This is a trick by the Media Crowd to get all the white people to fall into some dumbing down "pigeon hole" so that they can further marginalize us as a race and culture until we are too retarded to do anything about it.

Please, compare and contrast the terms "hillbilly" and "redneck".

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

Oh, by the way, how is the rest of the kibbutz?

gunny highway
17th December 2010, 03:00 PM
Rednecks are an "under-served population". is this guy kidding? between Clinton and W i'd say we had 16 years of rednecks in the white house and look where that got us. :-\

17th December 2010, 06:10 PM
Rednecks are an "under-served population". is this guy kidding? between Clinton and W i'd say we had 16 years of rednecks in the white house and look where that got us. :-\
Those "Rednecks" are related to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
At this point I have decided that "redneck" is a pretty meaningless word. No one can difinitively explain what it means.

willie pete
17th December 2010, 07:11 PM
redneck santa claus... :D


17th December 2010, 07:57 PM
I f*cking hate rednecks! Fix anything with duct tape? how about being smart enough to fix just about anything the proper way?

You have got to be the worst forum infiltrator of all time, whatever the SPLC/ADL/DHS pays you is FAR to much. Perhaps you just got promoted from groping children in TSA lines to getting to work with computers but seriously.

17th December 2010, 08:07 PM
You have got to be the worst forum infiltrator of all time, whatever the SPLC/ADL/DHS pays you is FAR to much.


He started off with his exaggerated "Hillbilly" twang from the gitgo to fool/disarm us bumpkin goyim. Read his earliest posts...lol.


18th December 2010, 02:33 AM
Rednecks give White Folks and Country Folks in general a bad name. I don't like them. Nothing good about a Redneck, never has never will be. If they were smart they would not want to be called rednecks.

18th December 2010, 02:58 AM
Ulster Scots in the Appalachians (http://www.irishemigrant.com/ie/go.asp?p=story&storyID=4926)

By Matthew Crow

The Appalachian Mountains have long been seen as a remote backwoods, filled with ignorant, impoverished “rednecks” and “hillbillies.”

The heritage of the Appalachian people comes primarily from three groups; the British, the Germans and the Ulster Scots, but they became indelibly linked to the Ulster Scots with the publication of British historian Arnold Toynbee’s "A Study in History" in 1947...

To him, these people illustrated the “melancholy spectacle of a people who have acquired civilization and then lost it.”...

The Scots came from a tradition of Presbyterianism which they held onto fiercely, as well as the highland clan mentality. The “Covenanters,” in 1639 and 1641, signed documents advocating Presbyterianism and refusing to accept the Church of England as the official Church of Scotland. Oftentimes the Covenanters signed in their own blood and wore red scarves around their necks, something for which they became known as “rednecks.” It is possible, though heavily disputed, that this is the origin of the term in its American context.

The Scots Irish were strong supporters of William of Orange. King William, a Protestant, had deposed the Catholic King James in 1688. The two sides met on the banks of the River Boyne in Ireland in 1690. King James’ green recruits were soundly defeated in the battle, which was the turning point in his ultimately unsuccessful attempt to regain the throne. The Battle of the Boyne became symbolic in the sectarian struggle between Protestants and Catholics and remains one of the most famous battles in Irish and English history. Because the Ulster Scots supported William of Orange, they were known as “Billy boys,” something which – depending on the source – could be the origin of the term “hillbillies,” in reference to the continued Presbyterianism of the Ulster-Scot immigrants to the Appalachian region...

The passage of the Test Act of 1703 by Queen Anne, which prohibited Presbyterians from holding positions of civil authority, lead to the first wave of emigration from Ulster, the Protestant population of which was mostly Scottish in origin. Between 1717 and 1775, an estimated 200,000 Ulster-Scots immigrated to the U.S.

10th March 2011, 12:54 PM
School bus driver fired over Confederate flag (http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_17576810?nclick_check=1)

By JEFF BARNARD Associated Press 03/09/2011

GRANTS PASS, Ore.—An Oregon school bus driver fired after he refused to remove a Confederate battle flag flying from his pickup truck has enlisted the help of a conservative civil liberties group in hopes of getting his job back.

The Rutherford Institute of Charlottesville, Va., sent a letter Wednesday to First Student Bus Transportation Services demanding that Ken Webber of Medford, Ore., be reinstated. The institute says flying the flag is covered by his First Amendment right to free speech.

Webber says he was fired Tuesday for gross insubordination after refusing to remove the flag, which is also emblazoned with the word Redneck. At issue is the time he parks the pickup at the bus yard, which is on school property.

The 3-by-5-foot Confederate flag, which has the word "Redneck" emblazoned across it, was a birthday gift from Webber's father in 2009.

... "My flag will fly," said Webber. "No one here is gonna tell me what I can and can't believe in."

mick silver
10th March 2011, 01:00 PM
a redneck may one day save your life ... i use the word ... may ...loosely

10th March 2011, 01:01 PM
Rednecks give White Folks and Country Folks in general a bad name. I don't like them. Nothing good about a Redneck, never has never will be. If they were smart they would not want to be called rednecks.

The term "redneck" comes from the tan a farmer would get on his neck, being exposed to the elements.

"Redneck" has its genesis in hard-working, rural white farmers.

Sure, some dumbasses today identify with the label "redneck", but your

Nothing good about a Redneck, never has never will be.

comment was cute. Someone could say the same about "hillbillies"!


7th trump
10th March 2011, 01:08 PM
Whats funny is years ago I read Chuck Yeagers book about being a fighter pilot in WWII.
Whats interesting is the fact small town rural farm white boys (aka rednecks) made the best fighter pilots. They knew how to lead a rabbit on the run to shoot it dead.
And Yeager, being a redneck, having his plane rigged with electronics to study his flying abilities was spot on with the computer on the perfect way to fly and hes came from a small rural town.

I've always said let any country invade this country and watch out for the redneck hillbillies lurking in rural area's. You think muslims are brutal? Wait til you see what the rednecks do.

10th March 2011, 01:15 PM
I fucking hate rednecks! Fix anything with duct tape? how about being smart enough to fix just about anything the proper way?

Yeah! Duct tape..my ass. Everyone knows you fix everything with electrical tape, damnit. Black electrical tape, done....and done the right way.

gunny highway
10th March 2011, 03:07 PM
Rednecks give White Folks and Country Folks in general a bad name. I don't like them. Nothing good about a Redneck, never has never will be. If they were smart they would not want to be called rednecks.

The term "redneck" comes from the tan a farmer would get on his neck, being exposed to the elements.

"Redneck" has its genesis in hard-working, rural white farmers.

Sure, some dumbasses today identify with the label "redneck", but your

Nothing good about a Redneck, never has never will be.

comment was cute. Someone could say the same about "hillbillies"!


good point. i'm from upstate NY originally and then after college moved to the Carolinas where i first experienced what others told me were "rednecks". and they were using the term in a derogatory manner. what i noticed was rednecks down here were the most down to earth, honest people i've met and they reminded me of the people in NY that i grew up with. Only up there we had a different term for them. they were known simply as Farmers! ;D

10th March 2011, 03:23 PM
Whats funny is years ago I read Chuck Yeagers book about being a fighter pilot in WWII.
Whats interesting is the fact small town rural farm white boys (aka rednecks) made the best fighter pilots. They knew how to lead a rabbit on the run to shoot it dead.
And Yeager, being a redneck, having his plane rigged with electronics to study his flying abilities was spot on with the computer on the perfect way to fly and hes came from a small rural town.

I've always said let any country invade this country and watch out for the redneck hillbillies lurking in rural area's. You think muslims are brutal? Wait til you see what the rednecks do.

Especially if it leaks out that they don't believe in JESUS and they(MOOZIES) had a hand in the death of Dale Ernhart. A quick game of REDNECKS and Moozies will not last long. CC

10th March 2011, 04:03 PM
Jewsmedia/Hollywood gives White Folks and Country Folks in general a bad name. Fixed it for you.
No charge!