View Full Version : Mercola: How much is yoour doctor being paid and manipulated by drug companies.

17th December 2010, 03:54 AM
excerpt from Mercola's website: (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/12/17/how-much-is-your-doctor-being-paid-and-manipulated-by-the-drug-companies.aspx)

Time to Lift the Veil...
It's quite clear that both doctors and the public at large are being manipulated for the sake of corporate profits. The pharmaceutical industry is not really about promoting health, but making money off disease. And when one market begins to dwindle, they simply create a new one, by inventing yet another disease. Usually by "upgrading" a common symptom into disease status...

But you don't have to fall victim to these tactics. All that is needed is to see them for what they are: manipulative marketing strategies.

Folks, you CAN Take Control of Your Health. You don't have to put up with this kind of insanity any longer. By educating yourself on the tactics employed, you can learn to see right through the propaganda, and stop being deceived by drug company lies and deceptions.

Then, tell your family, friends and neighbors, and be a source of true education.

Collectively we can stop this unwise and foolish expenditure of resources on treatments that do not work, or worse, are completely unnecessary and cause further harm. It is a massive David vs. Goliath battle, but there is no doubt in my mind that the victory will eventually be ours.

How to Survive in a Disease-Promoting Paradigm

17th December 2010, 04:18 AM
Back in 2005 I discussed this with a Doctor. He said "The pharmaceutical companies buy everyone in my office lunch every day of the year, anywhere they want to eat."

17th December 2010, 04:25 AM
Back in 2005 I discussed this with a Doctor. He said "The pharmaceutical companies buy everyone in my office lunch every day of the year, anywhere they want to eat."

That is interesting Hoarder. Did he indicate that he felt it to be a conflict of interest or did he seem smug about it?

17th December 2010, 04:31 AM
Back in 2005 I discussed this with a Doctor. He said "The pharmaceutical companies buy everyone in my office lunch every day of the year, anywhere they want to eat."

That is interesting Hoarder. Did he indicate that he felt it to be a conflict of interest or did he seem smug about it?
He wasn't smug about it at all. He told me that when I (as tactfully as possible) suggested that the Medical Profession is corrupted by the pharmaceutical companies.

17th December 2010, 05:25 AM
Back in 2005 I discussed this with a Doctor. He said "The pharmaceutical companies buy everyone in my office lunch every day of the year, anywhere they want to eat."

That is interesting Hoarder. Did he indicate that he felt it to be a conflict of interest or did he seem smug about it?
He wasn't smug about it at all. He told me that when I (as tactfully as possible) suggested that the Medical Profession is corrupted by the pharmaceutical companies.

Absolutely corrupting! Most doctors don't even realize how indoctrinated they are by the "drugs first" paradigm and ignorant of natural alternative therapies. The financial goodies from big Pharma only reinforce and reward this wanton ignorance. If I visited my doctor with complaints of insomnia, there is no doubt he would prescribe 'sleep aids' without hesitation: that is criminal.

17th December 2010, 05:33 AM



Silver Rocket Bitches!
17th December 2010, 07:15 AM
I'll bet you can't find a doctor's office in your area that doesn't have all their pens, clipboards and sticky notes stamped with some sort of antidepressant's logo.

17th December 2010, 07:25 AM
Dr. Mercola shows a lot of backbone on many issues. He had a big part to play in getting the word out about the danger and hype involved in the pharma/government campaign with the H1N1 vaccine and the made up epidemic. He is the #3 most visited health website in the world...he has impact.

17th December 2010, 08:56 AM
And what makes you think that the ones behind all this is not the government?.....all that they have to do is to print one more billion a year and keep you in the dark as to how stupid you are.

17th December 2010, 09:30 AM
Dr. Mercola shows a lot of backbone on many issues. He had a big part to play in getting the word out about the danger and hype involved in the pharma/government campaign with the H1N1 vaccine and the made up epidemic. He is the #3 most visited health website in the world...he has impact.

Agreed re Dr. Mercola. Another goody of Mike Adams, "The Health Ranger" (http://www.naturalnews.com) LOL. see:

H1N1 vaccine linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriages (http://www.naturalnews.com/030657_vaccines_miscarriages.html)

(though that one is by a staff writer, Ethan A. Huff)

17th December 2010, 09:36 AM
And what makes you think that the ones behind all this is not the government?.....all that they have to do is to print one more billion a year and keep you in the dark as to how stupid you are.

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini

17th December 2010, 01:52 PM
Dr. Mercola shows a lot of backbone on many issues. He had a big part to play in getting the word out about the danger and hype involved in the pharma/government campaign with the H1N1 vaccine and the made up epidemic. He is the #3 most visited health website in the world...he has impact.

Agreed re Dr. Mercola. Another goody of Mike Adams, "The Health Ranger" (http://www.naturalnews.com) LOL. see:

H1N1 vaccine linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriages (http://www.naturalnews.com/030657_vaccines_miscarriages.html)

(though that one is by a staff writer, Ethan A. Huff)

Remember how keen they where to vaccinate the pregnant mothers first.

17th December 2010, 01:57 PM
(NaturalNews) A pair of nine-month old twin girls died within minutes of being given a measles vaccine at a private clinic in Ghaziabad, India.

The girls were taken by their uncle, Akhil Sharma, to receive a measles vaccine at the Divya Nursing Home.

"I took them for the vaccination around 6 p.m. on Wednesday," Sharma said. "They were given the vaccination around 7:15 pm. In 15 minutes, the children started breathing heavily."

When the first girl began to experience distress -- breathing heavily and vomiting -- her sister had not yet been vaccinated. Sharma asked the doctor to hold off on vaccinating the second girl, but he insisted on going ahead. The second girl went into distress, and both girls lost consciousness.

"Even as the condition of one of my daughters deteriorated, the doctor told us that we need not worry since it was a normal reaction to the vaccine," the girls' father, Sunil Sharma, said. "The deteriorating condition of the baby did not deter him from administering the vaccine to my other daughter."

The doctor then transferred the girls to another hospital and vanished. The girls went into critical condition and their family rushed them to a third hospital.

"We took the twins to Ganesh Hospital in Nehru Nagar where doctors again declared them dead," Sunil Sharma said. "Then we informed the police, and handed over the bodies and lodged the complaint at Kavi Nagar police station."

"I have given orders to seal the hospital and take samples of the vaccine," said SSP Raghubir Lal. "We have approached the Chief Medical Officer to probe the incident."

The cause of death has not yet been determined.

"We have sent the viscera of both the babies for forensic examination and a central government team is also examining the case," Chief Medical Officer A.K. Dhawan said.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030712_measles_vaccination.html#ixzz18POkn8AW

17th December 2010, 02:02 PM
I work very closely with a handful of orthopedic surgeons who won't prescibe anything stronger than vicodin for pain. They are "fired" by their patients often.

Twisted Titan
17th December 2010, 02:34 PM
The kickbacks that docs get from the Pharma would make politicians green with envy

18th December 2010, 01:09 AM
Dr. Mercola shows a lot of backbone on many issues. He had a big part to play in getting the word out about the danger and hype involved in the pharma/government campaign with the H1N1 vaccine and the made up epidemic. He is the #3 most visited health website in the world...he has impact.

Agreed re Dr. Mercola. Another goody of Mike Adams, "The Health Ranger" (http://www.naturalnews.com) LOL. see:

H1N1 vaccine linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriages (http://www.naturalnews.com/030657_vaccines_miscarriages.html)

(though that one is by a staff writer, Ethan A. Huff)

Remember how keen they where to vaccinate the pregnant mothers first.

Bio-weapon injections being recommended for pregnants, chronically ill, old, and even health care workers for good measure. Sounds like a formula for new-population-prevention (pregnants/miscarriages), old/sick murder (oops!), and if they successfully genocide a bunch of health care workers too, causing a healthcare worker shortage, that'll ripple into lots of population not surviving purely for lack of healthcare service when the get ill. Sounds like they're looking to get their depopulation plans going in earnest! :oo-->

Pregnant women urged to have flu jab as disease linked to 17 deaths (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8207128/Pregnant-women-urged-to-have-flu-jab-as-disease-linked-to-17-deaths.html)

People with chronic illnesses and pregnant women are being urged to have the flu jab as figures showed cases have doubled in the last week.

The flu jab is also recommended for pregnant women, those living in
long-stay residential care homes, health care workers and carers

By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor 7:30AM GMT 17 Dec 2010


Doctors are warning that the flu season is well under way and the H1N1 swine flu virus is one of three strains in circulating.

So far this winter 14 deaths have been linked to swine flu, mostly in the under 65s and people who have long-term illnesses.

A further three deaths have been linked to the B flu strain that is in circulation. However experts said other deaths will have been linked to flu but have not been identified.

Six of the deaths occurred in children under the age of 18.

Half of those who died were eligible for the flu jab because they had underlying illnesses such as heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, kidney disease and chronic liver disease, diabetes requiring insulin or drugs.

However vaccination rates remain low in this group, with just four in ten of those eligible, have so far had the jab.

Vaccination is also recommended for pregnant women, those living in long-stay residential care homes, health care workers and carers.

The jab is well matched to the three strains in Britain experts said and will offer the best protection.

Prof David Salisbury, head of vaccination at the Department of Health, said in a letter to the health service that GP surgeries could make extra efforts to contact those in risk groups to offer them the jab.

He wrote: "In view of the recent increase in the incidence of flu, and the proximity of Christmas – when people may be away and surgeries closed – it is suggested that GP Practices should actively invite (for example by telephone) those in the risk groups who are unimmunised to visit surgeries to be vaccinated."

The latest data released by the Health Protection Agency shows the number of people visiting their GP with flu-like-illness in the last week has more than doubled from 13 per 100,000 people to almost 35 per 100,000.

Some people have been admitted to intensive care and 22 people swine flu have been referred for super-intensive care called ECMO or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Of those 17 received the treatment, which pumps oxygen into the blood artificially in patients whose lungs are too damaged for conventional intensive care. Four of these were pregnant women.

There have been 57 outbreaks of respiratory diseases, largely thought to be flu, during the week ending December 12th, with 55 in schools, one in a care home and one in a hospital.

Professor John Watson, head of the respiratory diseases department at the HPA, said: “It’s not unusual to see this level of flu activity at this time of the year but, due to the fact that the H1N1 swine flu is one of the predominant strains circulating at the moment, we are seeing more severe illness in people under the age of 65 than we would usually see.

“Flu can be an extremely serious illness for pregnant women, the elderly and those with other underlying conditions such as heart problems, diabetes, lung, liver or renal diseases and those who have weakened immune systems.

"Flu vaccination offers the best protection for those at high risk from seasonal flu and we urge all those in these ‘at risk’ groups – including pregnant women and healthcare workers – to get themselves vaccinated as soon as possible. It’s not too late and it could save lives.

“For most people seasonal flu is not life threatening and usually lasts seven to ten days. The best advice is to rest, drink plenty of fluids and take pain relievers such as paracetamol. But anyone displaying severe symptoms, particularly those in vulnerable groups should seek medical advice. The Department of Health has recently confirmed guidance on the use of antiviral drugs for the management of ‘at risk’ flu patients and it is hoped that this will help reduce the number of severe cases we are seeing.”

Professor Dame Sally Davies, interim chief medical officer for England, told the BBC's The World At One that flu was not more prevalent than for the same period in previous years.

But she added: "We've had a rise in reports over the last week – 35 cases per 100,000 (people) consulting their GPs, from 13 the previous week.

"What we are looking at is three viruses, and we are seeing all of those three viruses.

"The issue I'm very concerned about is we're not getting everyone at risk – including pregnant women – vaccinated.

"Our vaccine uptake is about two per cent down on last year so we're doing better than many other countries but when young people come in, particularly with H1N1 (swine flu) to hospital, most of them don't seem to have been vaccinated.

"They could prevent serious illness and death and it's very important that they get vaccinated.

"What I'm asking people to do is if they are in risk groups or pregnant, to go and get vaccinated so they protect themselves and they don't pass it on to others."

Meanwhile Professor John Ashton, chairman of the UK Public Health Association, is writing to producers of Coronation Street, EastEnders, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks to persuade them to highlight the virus and its possible fatal consequences.

He has even offered up his own potential plotline of Heather from EastEnders deciding not to have a winter flu jab which would lead her to falling seriously ill.


18th December 2010, 01:56 AM
I work very closely with a handful of orthopedic surgeons who won't prescibe anything stronger than vicodin for pain. They are "fired" by their patients often.
I work with patients that have the same type of problems, as your orthopedic surgeons, I don't prescribe any drugs, usually I recommend against the surgery their orthopedic surgeon has suggested, and the taking of drugs to numb down the brain to their problems. Certainly sometimes someone happens to come in thinking that I am a total idiot not wanting them to take drugs, for their neuro-biomechanical problems, and to tell the truth I am happy to see them go, I realize though that if I had prescription rights I would get plenty of drug seakers, bugging me...

18th December 2010, 07:45 AM
Dr. Mercola shows a lot of backbone on many issues. He had a big part to play in getting the word out about the danger and hype involved in the pharma/government campaign with the H1N1 vaccine and the made up epidemic. He is the #3 most visited health website in the world...he has impact.

Who is #1 and 2?