View Full Version : CME Hikes Margins Across The Board: Copper, Palladium, Silver, And, ...

17th December 2010, 08:43 AM
CME Hikes Margins Across The Board: Copper, Palladium, Silver, And, Oddly, IR Swaps, Treasurys And Fed Funds (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/cme-hikes-margins-across-board-copper-palladium-silver-and-oddly-ir-swaps-treasurys-and-fed-)

As Zero Hedge had been claiming for about two weeks now, with volatility in stocks virtually gone due to the fact that nobody trades a market that is nothing more than a policy tool, those chasing vol have had to shift elsewhere, namely FX (the vertigo-inducing EURUSD is one example) and, surprisingly, treasuries. As we speculated, the fact that the world's most "liquid" market can experience 6 sigma shifts in the 2s5s10s butterfly in the span of days (more on that later), is indicative of something very bad developing under the surface. We have a feeling that should stocks continue to be shunned as they have been, and as the MOVE index continues to creep higher, the likelihood of some major wipe out is imminent. It seems that the CME has finally agreed with our line of thinking. Late last night, the CME hiked its margin requirements across pretty much all asset classes. The different options and futures involved in this drastic action were everything from natty, to copper (cough Blythe cough), to palladium, to silver. But most notably the CME both new initial and new maintenance margins on 5,7, 10 and 30 Year IR Swaps, 5,7, 10 and 30 Year Bond Futs, and, of all thing, the 30 Day Fed Fund Futures. If it has gotten so bad that the exchange has to regulate the vol in Fed Funds (the indicator of future inflation), then certainly one or more wheels are about to fall off. As to whether this action will have its typical impact of warding of shorting is unclear. We believe it will merely make fails to delivery increase substantially.

From the full release by the CME (http://www.cmegroup.com/tools-information/lookups/advisories/clearing/files/Chadv10-507.pdf):

The silver margin icrease.

Current Current New New
Initial Maintenance Maintenance Initial

SI Spec Tier 1 Increase USD 9,788 7,250 10,463 7,750
SI Hedge/Member Tier 1 Increase USD 7,250 7,250 7,750 7,750
SI Spec Tier 2 Increase USD 9,788 7,250 10,463 7,750
SI Hedge/Member Tier 2 Increase USD 7,250 7,250 7,750 7,750
SI Spec Tier 3 Increase USD 9,788 7,250 10,463 7,750
SI Hedge/Member Tier 3 Increase USD 7,250 7,250 7,750 7,750
SIT Spec Tier 1 Increase USD 9,788 7,250 10,463 7,750
SIT Hedge/Member Tier 1 Increase USD 7,250 7,250 7,750 7,750
SIT Spec Tier 2 Increase USD 9,788 7,250 10,463 7,750
SIT Hedge/Member Tier 2 Increase USD 7,250 7,250 7,750 7,750
SIT Spec Tier 3 Increase USD 9,788 7,250 10,463 7,750
SIT Hedge/Member Tier 3 Increase USD 7,250 7,250 7,750 7,750

I am surprised @ the resilience in silver this morning with this news. Would this cause of yesterday's lagging? I really never caught anything to explain yesterday's weakness in the metals.

17th December 2010, 09:01 AM
They cannot fight the tide forever. They are losing their suppression battle against silver (and gold) day by day. Everytime they tighten a margin or rule to buy time, they have moved another inch towards their slow creep to the cliff edge. The FED is backed into a corner and cannot escape. It will have to produce QE3 QE4 and more before the dollar blows up. They will have to buy $trillions in MUNIs to prevent the collapse of the public pensions and riots in American cities. They will print and print and buy anything that moves to keep the dollar debt house of cards from collapsing. In 18 months, it will be over - that is the irresistable power of exponential growth.

17th December 2010, 09:12 AM
This post caused me to dig my hand deep into a partial bag of 90% that I keep beside my chair and do some very serious fondling. :-[

17th December 2010, 09:29 AM
This kind of information makes me smile, TPTB are very afraid of metal.

17th December 2010, 09:46 AM
If you hold the physical (as many of us do ;D) then what is going on on the outside is fun to watch.