View Full Version : Chinese increasingly unhappy with life

17th December 2010, 08:53 PM
Chinese increasingly unhappy with life (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/8206709/Chinese-increasingly-unhappy-with-life.html)

Chinese people are increasingly dissatisfied with their lives, despite having never been richer, according to a new survey.

Sky-rocketing food prices, rural land grabs, a growing rich-poor divide and the outlandish corruption of government officials were the chief complaints, according the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Although China's economy grew at 10 per cent this year, pushing average earnings above £2,500 per head for the first time, the poll of 4,100 people across seven major cities and seven smaller town found levels of dissatisfaction at an almost five-year high.

The top concern among ordinary Chinese was rising food prices, which have leapt by 15-20 per cent this year, forcing the government to introduce food subsidies amid a growing amount of grumbling in the nation's market-places.

Although China's government has continued to deliver rising living standards, the poll showed that confidence in the government's ability to manage the social upheaval caused by China's economic development was falling.

For the rural poor land disputes - when farmers are shoved off their village land by local governments in return for unfairly low compensation – remain the biggest source of complaints and social unrest in modern China.

Suicides, self-immolations and violent demonstrations in which police are injured and property destroyed are an increasingly common feature of everyday life, as a growing number of farmers are forced into high-rise accommodation that doesn't suit them, the study found.

"When farmers live in multi-story buildings, they have to pay for everything from water to electricity," said Kong Xiangzhi, vice-dean of the School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development in Beijing, "They can no longer raise livestock or dig wells, and live as they had on farms in houses with courtyards." Official corruption and a growing sense of that ordinary people are not getting a fair slice of the vast riches now on offer in the new China, is also fuelling resentment.

China's Gini Coefficient an indicator of income inequality increased this year to 0.5, exceeding the widely recognised "warning" level of 0.4. A country's social stability is generally believed to be in danger if the index reaches 0.6.

According to one calculation, over the last 20 years China's farmers have been cheated out of nearly £200bn as result of being paid below market-rate for their land by unscrupulous developers and local governments, who often work hand in hand.

Corruption remains a deep source of anger, despite repeated pledges by China's ruling Communist Party to purge its ranks and hand down exemplary sentences, as this week when an official whose sexual diaries were leaked online, received 13 years in jail for his excesses.

However public discontent is never far from the surface, as last October when the son of a senior security official from Hebei province ran over and killed a young woman and was heard to shout: "Go ahead, sue me if you dare, my dad is Li Gang".

The phrase "my dad is Li Gang" became a by-word for the arrogance and impunity of Chinese officials, spreading like wildfire across China's internet which continues to seethe with anger over the incident.

For middle class Chinese, the complaints are not food prices but house prices which grew at 15 per cent last year - despite government efforts to dampen the market – making a first home less and less affordable for young couples hoping looking to marry.

China's graduates are also complaining since China's economy, while growing rapidly, has yet to create enough white-collar jobs to absorb the six million graduates turned out by Chinese universities every year, almost of a third of whom didn't find jobs on graduation in 2009.

After spending years of hard work and parental cash on their education, many end up disillusioned, earning low salaries, working long hours and living in poor quality, shared accommodation in what has been dubbed "ant-tribe" by Chinese commentators.


17th December 2010, 09:05 PM
Good! Those chinese people need to suffer for sending amurka cheap crap and making fun of our way of life! oh yeah, and for sending us fake coins just because we sent them tungsten filled gold! how dare they! God bless America...and no one else!

17th December 2010, 09:12 PM
Sky-rocketing food prices, rural land grabs, a growing rich-poor divide and the outlandish corruption of government officials were the chief complaints, according the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Sounds like they are already living the American Dream.


18th December 2010, 01:06 AM
Welcome Chinese comrades to the New World Order!

18th December 2010, 05:43 AM
A new market for anti-depressants! ;D

General of Darkness
18th December 2010, 05:49 AM


18th December 2010, 06:11 AM
China is a Godless Communist society that kills their young and treats their people as slaves.
What's not to be happy about?

po boy
18th December 2010, 06:22 AM
China is a Godless Communist society that kills their young and treats their people as slaves.
What's not to be happy about?

Again sounds a lot like America.

Kills their young=abortion

People as slaves=FRN's

Godless=getting over on your fellow man to get ahead

18th December 2010, 07:33 AM
China is a Godless Communist society that kills their young and treats their people as slaves.
What's not to be happy about?

Again sounds a lot like America.

Kills their young=abortion

People as slaves=FRN's

Godless=getting over on your fellow man to get ahead

Amerika is getting there

Chinese kill at birth - US kills pre-birth and waits until they are 18 + to send them to their death in bullsh*t wars

Chinese have oppressed communist controlled slaves - US has welfare slaves

Communist Chinese are anti-God - US Christians are being destroyed from within by liberal satanic Jews. They are doing a good job!

Yes, we are getting there. Soon we will have the same unhappiness.

18th December 2010, 09:19 AM
I am almost with you on that Book, the problem is that they are unhappy because they don't have the American dreams......I am not talking the the life that we now have but rather what they see on tv and movies as to what kind of life we had.

This is a very good example.........this guy had a gold fish in a five gallon tank, he always feed his little fish an keep the fish tank very clean and the fish was very happy there.......one day the guy gut lucky and won the Powerball and the first thing that he did was to buy a fifty gallon tank for his little friend, the little fish was in heaven swimming all over the place...........one day the fifty gallon tank somehow got a little crack from where the water was coming out and they guy went to the garage and got hold of the five gallon that and place the little fish there and with the intention of fixing the fifty gallon tank and the placing the gold fish back in there.............well.........he never did and the little fish then became the most unhappy fish it the world that could only dream about his big tank.

Be thankfull for what you have because others have less than you do.