View Full Version : Hugh Hefner Traditional Protective Father

18th December 2010, 09:08 AM

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTIyOTI4NTc5MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNTQ1NzU2._V1._ SX287_SY420_.jpg

Hugh Hefner protected his own daughter. Kept her away from the "sexual freedom" debauchery he sold to the goyim girls. Sent her to Harvard. She quickly became CEO of Playboy Corporation. Here is the funny part: This protective father stood in ceremony in a formal White Wedding and formally "GAVE AWAY" his own daughter to a jew groom named Bill Marovitz:

http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/50440086.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=E41C9FE5C4AA0A14191F1DC075CC2D2D12851D99F321B070 9AC7105D623FFB45B01E70F2B3269972

http://cache1.asset-cache.net/xc/50440091.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=E41C9FE5C4AA0A14191F1DC075CC2D2DE3CEA48F758B853E 63D58B709C0B69FFB01E70F2B3269972

Why did this protective father need to formally "GIVE AWAY" his own adult daughter in this formal marriage ceremony? Because she belonged to him. Because she was his paternal property even after she became an adult over the "age of consent".

It is that simple. Actions speak louder than words.


Hefner meanwhile teaching the goyim girls about "sexual freedom" and "Liberation" and "free will".

18th December 2010, 09:21 AM
Never let it be said that Hugh Hefner’s job, although full of buxom perks, is stress free or without it’s sex-related risks. The now 82 year-old softcore media mogul once faced death in a bizarre sex toy incident, presumably in 1977 when he was 52. His hot but quick-thinking partner saved the day and they probably went on to screw several more times out of sheer gratitude for being alive.

There’s a new Hefner biography coming out called “Mr Playboy: Hugh Hefner and the American Dream.” Hefner gave plenty of exclusive details to the author. The book describes the near-death choking incident with the sex toy along with the salacious details of his long and varied sex life, and The National Enquirer has the advance information:

“Hefner divulges he almost died doing what he loves best while he was dating ‘Playboy’ Playmate Sondra Theodore,” said a publishing source familiar with the book.

The incident happened when Hef and Sondra, the July 1977 Playmate, were in bed making love with a small sex toy. Somehow, the toy became lodged in Hef’s throat, said the source.

“He fell back on the bed, unable to breathe. But Sondra didn’t realize what had happened, said the source.

“Then Hef began choking and was about to pass out. Sondra quickly started pumping his chest until the toy was dislodged. What a way that would have been for him to go!”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, July 14, 2008]

Another story that author Steven Watts tells is of a foursome Hefner once had with his younger brother Keith, now 79, and both their wives at the time. Hugh all too willingly screwed Keith’s wife, but Hugh’s first wife balked at having sex with Keith.

Hugh Hefner also admits to a one-time homosexual experience in which he received oral sex from a man. He calls the book “the most authoritative book ever written about me” and says “it’s all essentially true.” He probably figures he’s getting on in age and may as well let it all be known.

This is a man who has three feuding live-in girlfriends, the youngest of whom is 48 years younger than he is. He almost died over 30 years ago. He probably doesn’t give a shit what’s printed about him now.

There’s also a movie coming about Heff’s life. The planned title is Playboy and it will be directed by Brett Ratner.

http://www.celebitchy.com/12770/hugh_hefner_almost_died_after_a_sex_toy_got_lodged _in_his_throat/

18th December 2010, 09:26 AM
Well, I see him there with ten more "daughters", I wonder if he could spared one of them for me?

willie pete
18th December 2010, 09:30 AM
I'd never heard to much about hef being a jew, but he sure has a jew-face, and seeing how the majority of porn today is jew controlled, I certainly would never doubt it

Joe King
18th December 2010, 11:53 AM
If Hugh raised is own daughter in such a way, perhaps if Hugh would have had a hand in raising the girls who grew up to be Playboy Bunnies, they probably wouldn't have wanted to become Bunnys to begin with.

Sounds like Hugh did it right, and all the "Goyim" fathers were out doing something else instead of properly raising their daughters.

18th December 2010, 12:44 PM
Sounds like Hugh did it right, and all the "Goyim" fathers were out doing something else instead of properly raising their daughters.

I think the best thing one of those goyim girls daddys could have done to see that those young girls wern't seen as something to be used and abused as sex toys for the pleasure of old Hugh was to have cut his nuts out and fed them to a dog.

18th December 2010, 12:49 PM
Sounds like Hugh did it right, and all the "Goyim" fathers were out doing something else instead of properly raising their daughters.

I think the best thing one of those goyim girls daddys could have done to see that those young girls wern't seen as something to be used and abused as sex toys for the pleasure of old Hugh was to have cut his nuts out and fed them to a dog.

Good examples of how money and authority figures can steer a young woman into the life of debauchery.

Joe King
18th December 2010, 01:02 PM
Sounds like Hugh did it right, and all the "Goyim" fathers were out doing something else instead of properly raising their daughters.

I think the best thing one of those goyim girls daddys could have done to see that those young girls wern't seen as something to be used and abused as sex toys for the pleasure of old Hugh was to have cut his nuts out and fed them to a dog.

Good examples of how money and authority figures can steer a young woman into the life of debauchery.
So you're saying that we're all powerless over our own lives?
That we're incapable of anything other than being led around by a leashed collar that we ourselves did not put on?

Darn jews, forcing me to make my own bad decisions. ::)

Joe King
18th December 2010, 01:11 PM
Sounds like Hugh did it right, and all the "Goyim" fathers were out doing something else instead of properly raising their daughters.

I think the best thing one of those goyim girls daddys could have done to see that those young girls wern't seen as something to be used and abused as sex toys for the pleasure of old Hugh was to have cut his nuts out and fed them to a dog.
I think the best thing would be to question what it was in their upbringing that led them to want to be a Playboy Bunny in the first place.
i.e. if morals, ethics and the principle of right and wrong are not established at a young age, the parents have not done what is their job #1

18th December 2010, 01:37 PM
Sounds like Hugh did it right, and all the "Goyim" fathers were out doing something else instead of properly raising their daughters.

I think the best thing one of those goyim girls daddys could have done to see that those young girls wern't seen as something to be used and abused as sex toys for the pleasure of old Hugh was to have cut his nuts out and fed them to a dog.
I think the best thing would be to question what it was in their upbringing that led them to want to be a Playboy Bunny in the first place.
i.e. if morals, ethics and the principle of right and wrong are not established at a young age, the parents have not done what is their job #1

You know what Joe? Maybe old Hughs parent didn't raise him right with the morals he should have had and in that case the best thing to do in my opinion would have been to cut his nuts out and the sooner the better. I didn't meen to hit the thankyou button but hit the quote button but thanks anyway.

Joe King
18th December 2010, 01:42 PM
Sounds like Hugh did it right, and all the "Goyim" fathers were out doing something else instead of properly raising their daughters.

I think the best thing one of those goyim girls daddys could have done to see that those young girls wern't seen as something to be used and abused as sex toys for the pleasure of old Hugh was to have cut his nuts out and fed them to a dog.
I think the best thing would be to question what it was in their upbringing that led them to want to be a Playboy Bunny in the first place.
i.e. if morals, ethics and the principle of right and wrong are not established at a young age, the parents have not done what is their job #1

You know what Joe? Maybe old Hughs parent didn't raise him right with the morals he should have had and in that case the best thing to do in my opinion would have been to cut his nuts out and the sooner the better. I didn't meen to hit the thankyou button but hit the quote button but thanks anyway.
You may be correct. Perhaps his upbringing wasn't as it should have been.
...but to become a Bunny requires an active choice by those girls. So Hugh perhaps not being raised right does not negate their role in whatever may happen to them.

I guess I just don't understand the idea of holding the girls who chose to be Bunnys as having been a victim who was taken advantage of.

18th December 2010, 02:10 PM
Joe Hughs mother was a jew and the Talmud teaches goyim are animals in human form. He may have been raised believing that. I don't believe he has any respect, compasion or empathy for those young goyim girls he seduces with thoughts of fame and fortune. His behavior shows no respect for them or the teachings of Jesus Christ. Being involved in the sex industry has ruined a lot of lives and old Hugh has led a lot of them into it. I don't believe there is any honor in standing idly by while some old perverted Jew like Hugh Heffner leads these young girls to hell.

18th December 2010, 03:37 PM
Good work, Book. I always thought Ol'Hugh did a good job of hiding his ethnicity. I didn't know his daughter married a Jew.

The Jewish modus operandi and modus agendi are fairly consistent. When you understand their game finding the dots to connect is possible.

18th December 2010, 04:37 PM
If anyone is over 18 is then no ones business what the hell they do and with whom..... live and let live, imposing your rules and moreality on other is the start of a dictartoship

18th December 2010, 06:34 PM
Joe: Hugh's mother was a jew and the Talmud teaches goyim are animals in human form. He may have been raised believing that. I don't believe he has any respect, compassion or empathy for those young goyim girls he seduces with thoughts of fame and fortune. His behavior shows no respect for them or the teachings of Jesus Christ. Being involved in the sex industry has ruined a lot of lives and old Hugh has led a lot of them into it. I don't believe there is any honor in standing idly by while some old perverted Jew like Hugh Hefner leads these young girls to hell.


Obviously Joe King knows and realizes all this. His campaign here to constantly defend the perverted Jew predator demonstrates how they defend each other. It's a well-known tribal thing. The ADL was literally founded after the perverted Jew predator Leo Frank (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Frank) was lynched:

Leo Max Frank (April 17, 1884 – August 17, 1915) was a Jewish-American businessman whose lynching in 1915 by a party of prominent citizens in Marietta, Georgia turned the spotlight on antisemitism in the United States and led to the founding of the Anti-Defamation League.[2]

The superintendent of the National Pencil Company in Atlanta, Frank was convicted on August 26, 1913 of the murder of one of the factory workers, 13-year-old Mary Phagan. She had been strangled on April 26, and was found dead in the factory cellar the next day. Frank had been one of the few people in the factory the day she died, and was the last person known to have seen her alive; there were also allegations that he had flirted with her in the past. His trial became the focus of powerful class and political interests. Raised in New York, he was cast as a representative of Yankee capitalism, a rich northern Jew lording it over vulnerable working women, as the historian Albert Lindemann put it. Former U.S. Representative Thomas E. Watson used his sensational coverage of the case in his own newpapers to push for a revival of the Ku Klux Klan, calling Frank a member of the Jewish aristocracy who had pursued "Our Little Girl" to a hideous death.

Joe King is simply doing his job by blaming it all on the 17 year-old goyim girl.


18th December 2010, 06:37 PM
Good work, Book...

Thanks buddy.

Twisted Titan
19th December 2010, 04:30 AM
But to become a Bunny requires an active choice by those girls. So Hugh perhaps not being raised right does not negate their role in whatever may happen to them.

I guess I just don't understand the idea of holding the girls who chose to be Bunnys as having been a victim who was taken advantage of.

I have seen story after story of Playboy Centerfolds ( I remeber the barbie twins doing a life recap on E news) about how they gott rippped off on the distribution and royalties on their work by this Hack.

Heff knows what he is doing

Heff enjoys doing it ( litterally )

Heff likes coming off like he is rather sweet guy.

But as you can see when the rubber met the road his own child was shielded from that crap and only brought in to better managed it and increase the profits.


Silver Shield
19th December 2010, 05:01 AM
Sex and sexuality is not bad.

Money and power are not bad.

Guns and ammunition are not bad.

Government and law are not bad.

In fact nothing is really bad until a psychopath corrupts and perverts it for his own power and profit and the subjegation of others.

Another thought is how many of these girls would be involved in the sex industry if they did not have debts?

How many fathers would still be at home if their marriages were not challenged by debt?

So if usury was outlawed there would there be a much more civil and stronger society?

So the next time you are at the strip club, thank the Benjamin Shalom Bernanke and his buddies at the Fed.

P.S. Attack ideas and individuals.

19th December 2010, 06:21 AM
So the next time you are at the strip club, thank Benjamin Shalom Bernanke and his Jewish buddies at the Fed.

Fixed it for you.


19th December 2010, 06:33 AM
Silver? money and power means sexual power and it has been so from the beginning.

Silver Shield
19th December 2010, 07:46 AM
So the next time you are at the strip club, thank Benjamin Shalom Bernanke and his Jewish buddies at the Fed.

Fixed it for you.

I prefer to attack ideas and individuals for their actions.

The conversation goes further than just painting the big brush of "it's the joos.."



19th December 2010, 07:51 AM
The conversation goes further than just painting the big brush of "it's the joos.."

Do you even mention ZOG or the jews in the DVDs you sell?


19th December 2010, 07:54 AM
Thats a good question, because if they arent, its all BS

Joe King
19th December 2010, 11:31 PM
Sex and sexuality is not bad.

Money and power are not bad.

Guns and ammunition are not bad.

Government and law are not bad.

In fact nothing is really bad until a psychopath corrupts and perverts it for his own power and profit and the subjegation of others.
Also, the World is and always has been full of temptations. Both good and bad ones.

It is the parents duty to raise their children so that upon reaching the age of majority they already have the ability to recognize those temptations for what they are.
i.e. they can't shirk their duty and then get mad later because of it.

Based on what Book is posting, apparently Hugh did that, and the parents of the "Bunnys" not so much.

Another thought is how many of these girls would be involved in the sex industry if they did not have debts?Probably not nearly as many. All that I've ever known all said it was only because they needed the "money" at the time.

How many fathers would still be at home if their marriages were not challenged by debt? Dad would be home more and mom would be able to stay home and actually manage the home and the kids. Just like in the "olden days".

So if usury was outlawed there would there be a much more civil and stronger society?[Yep. Darn tootin' it would be. Can you say, [i]no more rat race"?

So the next time you are at the strip club, thank the Benjamin Shalom Bernanke and his buddies at the Fed.Sorry, but I don't go to those. They do nothing but take advantage of the men who unwittingly stumble through their doors.

P.S. Attack ideas and individuals. The World is filled with those who gleefully do both.

Silver Shield
20th December 2010, 04:36 AM
The conversation goes further than just painting the big brush of "it's the joos.."

Do you even mention ZOG or the jews in the DVDs you sell?

I put a lot of thought in this when I went about creating the Academy.
Since my name and face were going to be on it and I was going to ask friends, family, and hopefully very soon some big names in our spaces to stand behind what I have created, I did not want to leave my self open to the ole' game of anti Semitism.

So I came up with a better way of skinning the cat and I attacked ideas that give the Elite power and the individuals who commit these crimes against humanity.

There is no way in hell they are going to label me an anti Semite and destroy my lifes work.

I do cover everything and I mean everything, USS liberty, how anti Semitism card is played, how Israel is like the SS to the Palestinians, the seal of Solomon and the Rothschilds, the Rothschilds rape of Russia with the Oligarchs, Stalin, Hitler, usury, 9/11, K street, porn, organ traficking, on and on...

This tactic is much more effective and ultimately more honest and is one that I encourage more in the liberty movement to use.

Fighting racism with racism merely plays into their game of divide and conquer.

Identify the psychopaths and the systems they set up instead of lumping Adam Sandberg or your dentist into a plot to destroy the world.

Silver Shield
20th December 2010, 04:42 AM
Silver? money and power means sexual power and it has been so from the beginning.
Money and power in the hands of the psychopath is a means for sexual power for those who could never get laid with their ugly looks or abrasive personalities.

I know plenty of rich and fairly powerful people that are in loving relationships ...

Those that pervert banking do not make all money bad.

Those that pervert war do not make all guns bad.

Those that pervert sex do not make all sex bad.

20th December 2010, 02:05 PM
The conversation goes further than just painting the big brush of "it's the joos.."

Do you even mention ZOG or the jews in the DVDs you sell?


...I do cover everything and I mean everything, USS liberty, how anti Semitism card is played, how Israel is like the SS to the Palestinians, the seal of Solomon and the Rothschilds, the Rothschilds rape of Russia with the Oligarchs, Stalin, Hitler, usury, 9/11, K street, porn, organ traficking, on and on...

Direct link to you exposing AIPAC please.


20th December 2010, 02:09 PM
Hey Silver? I just signed on........just went and took a look and later will be reading it.......good show, it looks good.

Silver Shield
20th December 2010, 03:35 PM
Hey Silver? I just signed on........just went and took a look and later will be reading it.......good show, it looks good.

Take a look and enjoy.

So far it has passed the sniff test of those that I respect with flying colors.

20th December 2010, 03:57 PM
Let's Return To The Topic Of This Thread Please (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/hugh-hefner-traditional-protective-father/msg155588/#msg155588)


Joe King
20th December 2010, 04:05 PM
Let's Return To The Topic Of This Thread Please (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/hugh-hefner-traditional-protective-father/msg155588/#msg155588)

What, that Hugh did his job and the Bunnys dads didn't?

20th December 2010, 04:13 PM
What, that Hugh did his job and the Bunnys dads didn't?

http://cache1.asset-cache.net/xc/50440091.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=E41C9FE5C4AA0A14191F1DC075CC2D2DE3CEA48F758B853E 63D58B709C0B69FFB01E70F2B3269972
Protecting his own precious kosher daughter from his "sexual freedom" and "liberation" and "free will".

Meanwhile exploiting the goyim girls.


Joe King
20th December 2010, 04:27 PM
They obviously want to be exploited, but I bet that's not what they consider it to be and as long as they're above the age of majority, they can call it whatever they want.

Besides, if Hugh didn't run Playboy, someone else would.
i.e. temptations abound.

Which is why it's so crucial to arm your children with the tools they'll need to navigate this temptation filled World in which we find ourselves.
Not shelter them from everything so that upon reaching the age of majority they promptly fall flat on their faces.
.....and then dad wants to get mad at others because he didn't give his daughter the tools she obviously needed. Sad.

20th December 2010, 04:50 PM
Deal is this, according to the biographical article on Hefner I read, he saved himself til marriage for his future wife. Then he found out that SHE cheated on him with somebody while he was away somewhere for a few months.

From then on, he went more and more perverted, first he cheated on her, then forced her to join him in swinging, etc.

Think about it - his entire life has been spent getting revenge on the first wife who hurt him. What a sad pathetic existence, what a sad pathetic excuse of a man - but the passionate desire for vengeance does seem particularly shall we say, Semitic ...

20th December 2010, 04:53 PM
Which is why it's so crucial to arm your children with the tools they'll need to navigate this temptation filled World in which we find ourselves.
Not shelter them from everything so that upon reaching the age of majority they promptly fall flat on their faces.Ah hah! There is your agenda.

So you are guessing the bunnies surrounding the old predator were sheltered? LOL How much do you want to bet that those girls were homeschooled or not? Do you think their parents forbidded them to have TVs in their houses growing up? Sheltered my ass.

Should little girls be taught to put a condom on a banana at 6 years old. Shown porno movies at 12?

I think what Book is saying is that Hef's daughter was sheltered from his sexual revolution that is forced on Americans.

20th December 2010, 04:55 PM
They obviously want to be exploited...

That's the most famous phrase from the Talmud.


20th December 2010, 04:56 PM
Anyone else notice Joe's rabid defense of Pedo sex and Porn?

Joe King
20th December 2010, 05:13 PM
Which is why it's so crucial to arm your children with the tools they'll need to navigate this temptation filled World in which we find ourselves.
Not shelter them from everything so that upon reaching the age of majority they promptly fall flat on their faces.Ah hah! There is your agenda.

So you are guessing the bunnies surrounding the old predator were sheltered? LOL How much do you want to bet that those girls were homeschooled or not? Do you think their parents forbidded them to have TVs in their houses growing up? Sheltered my ass.

Should little girls be taught to put a condom on a banana at 6 years old. Shown porno movies at 12?

I think what Book is saying is that Hef's daughter was sheltered from his sexual revolution that is forced on Americans.

The point I was getting at is that from the parents perspective they probably thought they were protecting their girls from bad stuff when they were growing up, but in actuality had not a clue as to what was really going on in their 17yo daughters life.

Joe King
20th December 2010, 05:14 PM
Anyone else notice Joe's rabid defense of Pedo sex and Porn?
I'm certain they've noticed your attempts at making insults.

20th December 2010, 05:50 PM
Anyone else notice Joe's rabid defense of Pedo sex and Porn?
I'm certain they've noticed your attempts at making insults.

OH BOO HOO, Your the one delivering the insults,Dont like it when people dont roll over, do you Rabbi?

Joe King
20th December 2010, 06:07 PM
Anyone else notice Joe's rabid defense of Pedo sex and Porn?
I'm certain they've noticed your attempts at making insults.

OH BOO HOO, Your the one delivering the insults,Dont like it when people dont roll over, do you Rabbi?
I'm not insulting anyone. Just wondering how Hugh was so successful, while the other fathers weren't.
i.e. how did Hugh "force" his daughter not to like stuff he didn't want her to?

20th December 2010, 06:11 PM
Anyone else notice Joe's rabid defense of Pedo sex and Porn?
I'm certain they've noticed your attempts at making insults.

OH BOO HOO, Your the one delivering the insults,Dont like it when people dont roll over, do you Rabbi?
I'm not insulting anyone. Just wondering how Hugh was so successful, while the other fathers weren't.
i.e. how did Hugh "force" his daughter not to like stuff he didn't want her to?

So your not denying you support pedosex and porn?

Joe King
20th December 2010, 06:23 PM
Anyone else notice Joe's rabid defense of Pedo sex and Porn?
I'm certain they've noticed your attempts at making insults.

OH BOO HOO, Your the one delivering the insults,Dont like it when people dont roll over, do you Rabbi?
I'm not insulting anyone. Just wondering how Hugh was so successful, while the other fathers weren't.
i.e. how did Hugh "force" his daughter not to like stuff he didn't want her to?

So your not denying you support pedosex and porn?
I don't support anyone doing anything to any other person that's illegal to do.

Why do you keep attempting to blur the line between lawful and unlawful?

Can't your point be made any other way? You know, like logically?

20th December 2010, 06:28 PM
Why do you keep attempting to blur the line between lawful and unlawful?

http://s3.amazonaws.com/files.posterous.com/joecoughlin/9lviPI9Z3m3LWWNo02L7CJQaQhcUogIkQaYvDLKV8Bxn97E82y 7aMFlT8CMA/judge_judy.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=1C9REJR1EMRZ83Q7QRG2&Expires=1292898805&Signature=zdefWBxOQ%2FUK9w8hLgnNHCiSZqU%3D

Why do you keep attempting to blur the line between lawful and moral?


Joe King
20th December 2010, 06:36 PM
Why do you keep attempting to blur the line between lawful and unlawful?

http://s3.amazonaws.com/files.posterous.com/joecoughlin/9lviPI9Z3m3LWWNo02L7CJQaQhcUogIkQaYvDLKV8Bxn97E82y 7aMFlT8CMA/judge_judy.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=1C9REJR1EMRZ83Q7QRG2&Expires=1292898805&Signature=zdefWBxOQ%2FUK9w8hLgnNHCiSZqU%3D

Why do you keep attempting to blur the line between lawful and moral?

But I'm not doing that, as it is immoral as well as illegal to force "help" upon those of legal age who do not want your help.

20th December 2010, 06:43 PM
Why do you keep attempting to blur the line between lawful and unlawful?

http://s3.amazonaws.com/files.posterous.com/joecoughlin/9lviPI9Z3m3LWWNo02L7CJQaQhcUogIkQaYvDLKV8Bxn97E82y 7aMFlT8CMA/judge_judy.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=1C9REJR1EMRZ83Q7QRG2&Expires=1292898805&Signature=zdefWBxOQ%2FUK9w8hLgnNHCiSZqU%3D

Why do you keep attempting to blur the line between lawful and moral?

But I'm not doing that, as it is immoral as well as illegal to force "help" upon those of legal age who do not want your help.

I imagine the 57 year-old predator told that to her father just before he "helped" remove his testicles.


Joe King
20th December 2010, 06:48 PM
Why do you keep attempting to blur the line between lawful and unlawful?

http://s3.amazonaws.com/files.posterous.com/joecoughlin/9lviPI9Z3m3LWWNo02L7CJQaQhcUogIkQaYvDLKV8Bxn97E82y 7aMFlT8CMA/judge_judy.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=1C9REJR1EMRZ83Q7QRG2&Expires=1292898805&Signature=zdefWBxOQ%2FUK9w8hLgnNHCiSZqU%3D

Why do you keep attempting to blur the line between lawful and moral?

But I'm not doing that, as it is immoral as well as illegal to force "help" upon those of legal age who do not want your help.

I imagine the 57 year-old predator told that to her father just before he "helped" remove his testicles.


And now dad is paying the price by being charged with attempted murder. If he'd killed the guy he'd be facing life. Lotta good that does for his family.
He gave it all up due to a jealous rage. Sad.

20th December 2010, 06:53 PM
Lotta good that does for his family.

I imagine that 57 year-old predator won't be getting involved with 17 year-old girls anymore. Mission accomplished.


Joe King
20th December 2010, 06:56 PM
Lotta good that does for his family.

I imagine that 57 year-old predator won't be getting involved with 17 year-old girls anymore. Mission accomplished.

If you think that's ok, then you obviously don't believe in the founding principles of this nation.
i.e. the rule of law.

20th December 2010, 07:11 PM
Lotta good that does for his family.

I imagine that 57 year-old predator won't be getting involved with 17 year-old girls anymore. Mission accomplished.


If you think that's ok, then you obviously don't believe in the founding principles of this nation. i.e. the rule of law.

Your Talmudic Law?


Joe King
20th December 2010, 07:15 PM
Lotta good that does for his family.

I imagine that 57 year-old predator won't be getting involved with 17 year-old girls anymore. Mission accomplished.


If you think that's ok, then you obviously don't believe in the founding principles of this nation. i.e. the rule of law.

Your Talmudic Law?

No. I don't have that.
...but I do have the rule of law that our nation is founded upon on my side and it feels pretty good. ;D

How's your tribalism doin'? lol

20th December 2010, 07:37 PM
How's your tribalism doin'? lol


Fine. Thanks for asking. How are your boys doing with their Kibbutz training?


Joe King
20th December 2010, 07:52 PM
How's your tribalism doin'? lol


Fine. Thanks for asking. How are your boys doing with their Kibbutz training?

Boys? I have no male offspring, but thanks for asking anyways.

However, I'm sure yours are doing just fine in theirs. lol