View Full Version : Tim Turner going to jail?

midnight rambler
18th December 2010, 01:59 PM
And everyone associated with him?

Looking that way.

Conversation starts at 27:20


18th December 2010, 02:03 PM
Who is Tim Turner?


midnight rambler
18th December 2010, 02:08 PM
Who is Tim Turner?


Personally don't know a lot about him, some other posters on here may follow him. He's one of these 'legal remedy' guys who puts on seminars about how the money/debt situation works, however while a handful of other folks are on target regarding the topic, Tim Turner is apparently FOS.

CC, check your email.

18th December 2010, 10:37 PM
I followed the RAP pretty hard for awhile but hope against hope I determined it to be all BS at the very least and more than likely a 1st rate psyop and data collection scheme.

Tim Turner was the "leader" of The Restore America Plan, who eventually took on the title of President Turner for the Republic of the united States.

This latest blurb I hadn't heard about but it sounds like Timmy might be in a world of cacca for money laundering and potentially being ready for a showdown with the Feds.

18th December 2010, 11:31 PM
yes the rumors are true... that they are rumors LOL. No one really knows whats going on but I am sure it is all behind the scenes for a good reason. I have followed this almost from the beginning and still check my links daily.

There are many facets of RAP or whatever they call it, (RA Restored America). Much needs to be ignored, there is disinfo, psyops, hopes and pipe dreams yet what is really happening we will not know until something of obvious proportion comes to fruitation.

Personally I think that there is heat behind the scenes by just watching the seams beginning to stretch. The foreclosures, wikileaks, high military positions being courtmartialled and retiring, the switch and bait in the latest bills being passed, the enormous amount of information whirling around on the net etc.

I think that TPTB are in serious damage control mode right now and not everything happening is planned by them but SHTF against them. Look around, JPM and HSBC out in the open about metals manipulation, foreclosure fraud, class action law suits against banksters, MERS, the failure to control the internet so far, passing more weeks of unemployment to calm riots, etc.

It's happening and just about as fast as it can without total anarchy. When we go into Martial Law I just hope they turn out to be our friends controlling the wallmart rush folks and leaving us alone to polish out silver and hoard our preps. Personally I am not willing to venture out into the middle of the streets when wallmart sheep are breaking glass and stealing tee-vee sets, the folks on duty would have no clue who I was, especially when they see I am packing just trying to go about my business ;-] If I was that stupid and live to tell would I blame it on the martial law folks? Hell no! Common sense has to prevail when the SHTF.

Just my opinion.


18th December 2010, 11:42 PM
Tim Turner going to jail?

And everyone associated with him?

Looking that way.

MR, when I follow and research this there is only one song that constantly runs through my mind that I can't shut down. Don't watch you might lose concentration.


19th December 2010, 08:51 PM
I've tried that link a few times in the last day. I can get connected to it now but there is no audio on the recording. Any more info on what was said?

edit: Ok so I got some audio.

19th December 2010, 09:32 PM
Seems like the whole thing devolved into a fight amongst the main protagonators. I remember when Sam Kennedy and Tim had a split over the direction they were going to take. I didn't quite get a handle on the cause of the dispute but it was something to do with how things would operate under the constitution and which constitution that was, the main one everyone talks about or another one which I think was created prior to that when there were 13 states. It could be one and the same, I'm not that fluent in the constitution but I think there was an earlier one.... Articles of Confederation?

So not sure. The guy Richard on this audio is pretty bitchy about the whole thing.

Got to the end. At the end it sounds like the guy who provided the building that TT and his group met in to thrash out some kind of new or alternative consitution is a pretty wealthy guy and that the Richard guy who does all the hanging on Tim is setting him against Tim. The building guy asks Richard what he does and Richard say's, oh I'm a commodities broker..... and then says something like "I'm a world renowned scuptor but really I broker gold commodites and so on. I use that term lightly. I broker deals for people. They call me for what they want and I find it for them."

Then the building guy says he was talking to someone the both know about dealing bonds to make money and how he was talking about this bond and that bond. And building guy want's to know if they are legit.

Richard's kind of giggling and say oh yeah,................... oh yeah they're legit and then says he's got some of the biggest bonds out there and he's finishing them up. He's taken an hour out of his time to talk to this guy when he's got lawyers and stuff calling him to close these bond deals. Kind of big noting himself.

I thought I got a wiff of something at the end there. Sounds like Richard was lining this guy up and crapping all over the competition IMO.

23rd October 2011, 05:05 PM
Turner's not in jail, never has been, and suspect he never will be. For starters, he's Native American, and a smart one at that.

Sam Davis is going there...what a flim-flam man. One of Idaho's finest I'm given to understand. Monty, you see this?

Sam (DAVIS) sentencing is scheduled for Thursday, October 27th at 11AM.

did the other guy Sam was arrested/caught with down in Nevada...has that other guy been sentenced yet? In jail yet?


23rd October 2011, 05:27 PM
Last I heard of RAP they were looking into some internal Ponzi scheme to derive funding for their political society.

Does not appear to be a good foundation for a great society.

23rd October 2011, 07:55 PM
Last I heard of RAP they were looking into some internal Ponzi scheme to derive funding for their political society.

Does not appear to be a good foundation for a great society.

But after they were infiltrated by ZOG how do we know anything is true besides nouns verbs and adjectives?

23rd October 2011, 08:45 PM
Turner's not in jail, never has been, and suspect he never will be. For starters, he's Native American, and a smart one at that.

Sam Davis is going there...what a flim-flam man. One of Idaho's finest I'm given to understand. Monty, you see this?

Sam (DAVIS) sentencing is scheduled for Thursday, October 27th at 11AM.

did the other guy Sam was arrested/caught with down in Nevada...has that other guy been sentenced yet? In jail yet?



I think that is Harold Call in Las Vegas. I have not kept up to date on his trial. I think I read somewhere he tried to defend himself with the aid of another of Sam Davis' buddies, and finally was convicted and sentenced to 18 months. I will have to do some research. But my feelings on this whole scheme mirror Liberty Tree.


23rd October 2011, 09:14 PM
Turner's not in jail, never has been, and suspect he never will be. For starters, he's Native American, and a smart one at that.

Sam Davis is going there...what a flim-flam man. One of Idaho's finest I'm given to understand. Monty, you see this?

Sam (DAVIS) sentencing is scheduled for Thursday, October 27th at 11AM.

did the other guy Sam was arrested/caught with down in Nevada...has that other guy been sentenced yet? In jail yet?



Yes, he was sentenced and probably is still in jail . . . . .


25th October 2011, 05:24 PM
Tim Turner was on NonConformity Live radio today.....Very interesting. He went through the entire 14th Amendment status, Law v Legal and then his Declaration as President of the Republic.

He went on to say he is Internationally recognized through petitioning the UN, World Court/Hague. He also said he has submitted a plan to the Military.

He sounds like a smart nice guy, but people have tried this before when Bush was Gov of Texas. Still a good listen, im just always very skeptical. Everything on the citizenship stuff seems spot on, but when it comes to asking the UN to recognize you, thats a whole different thing, IMO.

Alot more, Mp3 here:


po boy
25th October 2011, 06:12 PM
Word to the wise stay the away from RAP and Tim Turner.

25th October 2011, 08:14 PM
Word to the wise stay the away from RAP and Tim Turner.

On the basis of what po boy?

po boy
26th October 2011, 04:22 AM
Snake oil, Tim Turner I had heard was infiltrating patriot groups working for a FL DA this was a year or so ago I heard this on talkshoe. Take it as you will but see if he ever goes down or if just the people around him do.

Many of these patriot gurus(sp) are snake oil salesmen. I have poured many hour listening to various patriot groups and it seems there always "this close to a remedy" .

You would get more out of listening to George Gordon's common law and Admiralty series than all the bs TT spews.

26th October 2011, 08:07 AM
I enjoyed listening to those 2 hours last night, thanks Sui Juris.

And I enjoyed near the end where the talkshow host put it to him on the "lack of transparency" I also enjoyed the fact that President Turner did not cave under pressure and public outrage but clearly said he didn't know, when he didn't know. As far as I'm concerned, it beats the I know everything and my dung don't smell spin coming out of the Washington DC collective on any given soundbyte.

It was a refreshing exchange, and I appreciated the review of history. I learned a few things about the constitution I didn't know, as well.

Good time investment from someone who has been in office 10 months and never been to jail over his OVERT beliefs and positions.

I would like to believe the republic is truly re-inhabited, PLUS to see more action to back up the "talk,"
.... however...
........wonder if.....
Nah, I've got chores to do, 2 hrs was enough focus on this for one 24 hr period. LOL

1st November 2011, 04:48 PM
Finally learned Sam Davis' 57mo. prison term sentencing. Here're the details acc'd to Vegas press.

Federal judge sentences man convicted in money-laundering scheme

Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011 | 7:46 p.m.

CARSON CITY – U.S. District Judge James Mahan has sentenced Samuel Davis, 56, to 57 months in prison on his guilty plea in a money-laundering scheme in Las Vegas in which he was caught by undercover FBI agents.

The judge also ordered Davis to pay $95,782 in restitution and serve three years of supervised release for his guilty plea to one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering and 30 counts of money laundering.

U.S. Attorney Daniel Bogden said Davis’ partner Shawn Rice, 48, is still at large.

Court records say Davis, of Council, Idaho, and Rice, of Seligman, Ariz., laundered about $1.3 million for FBI undercover agents who said they got the money from theft and forgery of stolen official bank checks.

The government maintains Davis laundered the money through a nominee trust account and Rice put it through a reported religious organization. Davis got $74,000 and Rice took $22,000 for their work.

Davis and Rice are reportedly members of an anti-government group called “Sovereign Movement,” which tries to disrupt and overthrow governments and other forms of authority by using “paper terrorism” tactics, intimidation, harassment and violence.

Sovereign Movement maintains members do not have to pay taxes and it believes Americans are deceived by the federal government into obtaining Social Security cards, drivers' licenses, car registrations and wedding licenses.

Davis is a national leader and Rice is a lawyer and rabbi, according to the government.

http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2011/oct/27/federal-judge-sentences-man-money-laundering-charg/ (http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2011/oct/27/federal-judge-sentences-man-money-laundering-charg/)

So he pleads guilty and gets a slap on the wrist, or is it an ankle bracelet. Details are sketchy.

Bet Tim Turner is sorry he ever crossed paths with Davis....